colgate commercial with blind boy

Car ad featuring a cute white guy with three segments with auto featured among them: Preparing to meet his black fiancee's family. Lost them to or he drove them to? Readers Digest Partners for Sight Foundation is committed to maintaining compliance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA standard for digital accessibility. From his point-of-view heading out of store across parking lot a gay-voice bearded employee (cart guy?) Disgusting curds coming out of her cunt. The Meta/Facebook VR goggles ad with the unbeknownst to them neighbors. For example, you may say My Toothpaste Brings a Smile You Cant Outshine. Use words referring to whiteness and brightness and good taste, and if possible, tie it into the name of your toothpaste product. In which country Colgate toothpaste is banned? And of course they advertise whatever Shaq is schilling atm which is basically what theyre all about (Adam Sandler must own a huge portion of the network or stock in it with what theyre always advertising with his abysmal offerings) other than their big cash cow South Park. She is not attractive or a spokesperson I believe. Stay right where you are. @Colgate. Developmental delays. That computer virus protection software commercial where the employees say "believe" about 50 times - how more annoying can you get? It appears to be a serious commercial. Very contrived and arrogant to give that much credit to a metal box with wheels. In the past 30 days, Colgate has had 3,339 airings and earned an airing rank of #324 with a spend ranking of #91 as compared to all other advertisers. I'm the cute one now. Why does a kid blind enough to require a cane, wear glasses. WHO THE FUCK WALKS INTO A GROCERY STORE AND ASKS IF THEY CARRY CHEESE?!!! And a trailer for a movie opening on Valentine's Day. All the Caesars commercials with Smoove and Patton Oswald SUCK ASS. Youtube skin care ads where millenials talk incessantly with big doe eyes about how this product saved their skin and their sex life, apparently. In another spot, part of the campaign, the brand celebrates real people who have the courage and resilience to share their smile with others despite challenges they may be facing and encourages you to be the reason someone smiles today and pass your smile power on. He's a filipino with q bad filipino accent. Lindells type followers needs specific instructions when using his advanced product like the modern towel. They brought back the flight attendants. I never hated that guy - I thought he was the best one of the bunch. Thats really digging. Wonder if Mick Jagger and Keith Richards ever imagined their music being in TV ads, then again, they didn't compose that song, still, theirs is the most recognizable version. Like most other things these days, you can pretty easily find the names of actors in TV commercials through a simple online search. The Amazon Go commercial with the bald woman doing interpretive dance in the aisles with her Millennial vocal fry voiceover Dont mind if I do! as she grabs a prepackaged salad that probably was made several weeks before. R471. Every time I see that ad, R177, I wonder who picked these people, unless it was to get to appeal to the ratbag demographic.. Pastor Chris looks like they found him sleeping in a refrigerator box and offered him a few bucks to film the ad. I've seen the repetitious St. Jude ads, the depressing ASPCA ads etc, but not most of the ads listed in this thread. Let's call 'em 'Funk No.' . Any commercial where a 40something guy looks at the camera and says What she wants? Shes an icon for over ten years. Shop and browse your favorite Colgate products directly like toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, whitening kits, and kids dental care products. Question, would Plain Jane Kelly get that dude in the real world? Seriously, if you have health issues this serious, you are going to see a doctor in person, then, get your dame urine checked! I usually hate the Capitol One spots, but the holiday commercial with Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta as Santa Claus is inspired. Grammarly commercials where people sit at computers with the camera spinning around them dramatically as slowly broadening smiles of joy creep across their faces. "STRYPAPER?!" I cannot STAND how commercials chop up songs to save time! Some deodorant for your body that tells you to smell your hand after you wash your ass, with a woman miming the whole process. That Zillow lady and all her personas chanting "me, me, me, me, me, me, me!" They are currently playing the version without the masks. Geico has been replaced with Consumer Cellular as the sponsor of "Jeopardy. Any commercial that uses Ill Take You There, Walking On Sunshine, or the Carmen Overture. And I always imagine they smell like Pizza Hut anyway. With NEEDLES. The stupid Dr Oz ad where blames Biden for shutting down factories while pointing to the factory behind him that was closed 27 years ago. I didn't find it offensive or even annoying. Mom and Dad sniff the Downey and are instantly taken to nirvana. R378 and R381: I can't figure out what either of those weird commercials is trying to convey. That part of the machine, which would go into the urethra area, looks larger than a freaking Sharpie! I just found out that Nina Simone is singing on this song but I still hate it. Right away he starts going into all these statistics for black people when the question never was once implied metal health for only black Americans. R253, the Medicare enrollment period won't expire until Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7. The part of the apparatus which goes into the body is sure not a catheter. This One a Day commercial. the United States The ludicrous Shop-Rite can-can commercials look like some high school class project. The FB commercial with the scrawny guy who says his girlfriend dumped him for a Pisces or whatever zodiac sign. yells: "James??? Im tired of the Geico motorcycle commercials featuring the buttercup song from the 60s. Enough with the fucking Shriners kids commercials!!!!! Life alert is the lifesaver to keep me out of assisted-living. [quote] I love the Applebee's commercial with the dancers. Im devastated over the end of This is Us or Im heartbroken by the death of lady wrestler Matilda the Hun or my favorite Mexican restaurant ran out of the hot sauce that I like.. Her tone of voice is such an infuriating combination of smug and gotcha! But Big Pharma isn't really a thing , ok lol. The Sopranos Chevy spot. If I had a gun . PICK UP THE FUCKING LOTTO TICKET. Just when a bloody, exhausted, and devastated Buck reunited with Eddie to break the awful news about Christopher, Christopher turned up, not all that much worse for the wear considering everything that had happened. Has anyone mentioned the newest Shingrix (sp?) And shrill! Colgates new campaign in Hong Kong, Smile Out Loud, challenges unrealistic beauty standards, with Thai/African influencer Suzie Wadee and real-sized beauty queen Ann-Scott Kemmis helping to debunk the idea of the so-called perfect teeth. All they say 'are you going to make a donation sir?" "Do you have cheese?" Mmmmmm.sliced raw sweet potatoes and other vegetables for $$$. Ah - as I type hear comes Mayim Bayalik cradling her coffee mug telling that she is a scientist. Headquarters are in New York City. The Biktarvy ads cast the trashiest people. for your pointless bitchery needs. Learn More. Hey insurance companies, your commercials are not funny, cute or quirky. Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. speech. The Pharma commercials are taking over the airwaves. The commercials are offensive where a white woman brags to black friend how she loves the bubble maker. You get a tee shirt that matters from St. Jude. I get that they wanted to get to the "Rome wasn't built in a day" thing because they ran out of Red Bull, but come on none of the lines actually lead up to that. The worst jingles, ever. The new Phexxi commercial with Alexis from Schitt's Creek. Ripple makes milk now? Is he her pimp forcing her to sell her car to finance his pedicures? [quote]The poor pathetic man in the Previgen commercial who does motivational speaking when he's not substitute teaching. The commercial is just plain weird. I dont know if preview commercials for upcoming shows count but the one on MTV called Teen Mom: Young And Pregnant. And I don't need a speech impediment to be adoRable. You may show minimal to no improvement in your oldfolks condition. My God, doesn't this man have enough money? That private parts deodorant commercial. I am now cursed with the ability to visualize every client/agency interaction that led to all these shitty ads. I know more and more movie stars are doing commercials, like Clooney and Pitt for coffee, I just thought the Liev had more clout than to shill for mattresses. Those Uber Eats commercials with Elton and Lil Nas are bizarre. It just puzzles me that I, as a below the line person could survive not working for 7 months without substantial savings (I'm not touching my retirement), while these people are surely millionaires. Tepezza -The big blond woman with Thyroid eye disease! Been saying this since the end of the Chappell Show. On channels with reruns of old TV shows you get tedious commercials with elderly celebrities hawking Medicare stuff. Later in the commercial, he coyly dangles a bite of dessert in front of his wife, then eats it himself with this dumbass grin on his fat face. R236-It's to her cat, and I want to strangle that cutesy bitch. R541. R498: Greg (the motivational speaker) is the Black gentleman with the bad dye job. Yes R208 those are real people on the medicine being discussed who have been compensated for appearing in the ads. The black gal covets and gives longing eyes to the other gal. Gavin McHugh, the youngest of five kids, was adopted from Riga, Latvia, at age two and a half. Her big floating head superimposed on the teeny tiny Beachbody instructor is creepy AF. *Patients receive a discount when you recommend through Colgate Professional Direct. I can't stand the little girl in the toilet paper commercial who's being toilet-trained and assures her mother that she's all through, only to say "Gotta go again" immediately thereafter. I could totally see Weird Al turning lemons into lemonade with that wet teddy bears commercial. In fact the blind kid should be first on the bus period. and they don't have annoying crinkling when you move, etc. I can't wait for the ad with suburban daddies presenting hole. It's more the fact the I can't figure out the layout of their apartments! And what's with the kid who, while skipping around town, kicks the older woman's newspaper out of her hand? John Cena and the purple cow who moos BOOOOOOST! Watch the "How to Have a Bright Smile" video and show your child how they can have a bright smile by learning this proper brushing technique. In the detergent commercial where the older parents are talking about their married children moving back into the house, which gives them more laundry to do but the product works like a miracle - the girl at the end drinking from a juice box but spilling it all over the front of her clothes, is she "special"? This is what we've sunk to? He annoys me more than the "Heroes in Film" book club lady. First of all those kids have no soul if thats how they treat the handicapped cause its not so much as letting him sit there, its giving up your seat for him like the signs on even the school buses Im sure say. Scary. r547, yes, I'm part of that. It used to be a dirty little secret that they would do commercials for a million in Japan or Europe (Angelina, Johnny D & George). What are these Mad Men (and women) snorting? That colgate ad where the "blind" kid gets on the school bus and makes a friend awww. Have you noticed the uptick of serious season actors shilling now? Yah-yah-yah-yi-yah-yah yeah yah!". The most annoying current TV ads are those relentless Medicare commercials which are filled with lies. But wait! ", Speaking about odd pronunciations, there's a commercial for female protective undergarments and the lead woman refers to them as "pahnts". I esp. But good for him. The only thing that would make this any less funny would be attaching Tyler Perrys name to it. Is the boy in the Colgate commercial blind? Nope. This late night sex line commercial on Comedy Central is so weird. In one of them, she accosts a cashier at work LMAO. Which is pretty much all that he does. I just wish they would ban medicine commercials like they did liquor in the 70's. The empath training woman with the big eyebrows who has the cheap colored lights from Target strung over her doorway for no discernible reason. That kid screeching at the top of his lungs about wanting to watch Olaf should be thrown out a window. It's silly but nowhere near as annoying as the previous ad, and the puppy is worth watching. I swear to god shes like the spitting image of Medea from her look to the way she talks , [quote]I swear to god shes like the spitting image of Medea from her look to the way she talks . This shit has got to stop. R310 - I was watching football yesterday afternoon when that hideous ad came on and I yelled out loud - as bad as the Princess Diana guy! But let us be grateful that the horrible "real people, not actors" Chevrolet ads seem to be gone (hope I'm not jinxing it here). Im in my home acting like Natalie Portman in the Dior commercial. I've gotten very good at grabbing the remote and hitting the SKIP button as soon as I see Blondie bent over to show how you can't detect the diapers in her yoga pants. Caesars Sportsbook with that guy yelling you are, I am, we are.. B. Smoove from Curb Your Enthusiasm and it was a joke. R464 Unfortunately, I caught the new Jimmie Walker Medicare commercial today. I hate them all, mainly because they seem to be on constantly. YYYY Colgate-Palmolive Company. Some of the ad agencies did get something right, their ads featuring mixed race couples, both gay and straight people, sure must be infuriating the ReThugs. I'm fed up with this gimpy-eyed freak of a doctor who refuses to say his own first name on the air in those spots. The one I'm especially disgusted by is the spot where all the minority business owners are featured. The spot features a visually-impaired boy who gets on the school bus and takes a seat near a girl, where he finds an empty seat. And the bizarre ad for one of those doordash type delivery services. Toms of Maine Simply White Clean Mint Toothpaste. The super creepy commercial for some erection product, it features a real life father and son, they've created the product. You know, the song you hear AT CHRISTMAS TIME. Colgate showcases the power of a smile. Repulsive Amy Schumer is more disgusting. They are the stuff of dreams I used to have after dropping a tab of acid. Burlington sells more than just coats, their commercial already explains that. [quote]I despise the ads for Big Lots with Eric Stonestreet and Molly Shannon. Than theres Comedy Central who more so than even before, since getting that Charmander Da Goof doofus as their latest late night host, so many of their commercials seem to be trying to appeal to his particular demographic. I'm still not sure wtf they're trying to sell me there. as she drives around, that seemingly inspire her for her story, as the writer gets a big smile on her face. [quote]Anyone know who the muscle hunk is in this Just Egg commersh with Kelly? Horse faces both high on themselves while riding their high horses. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site My 3 year old is blind and we face challenges everyday, this so much my heart and soul needed this morning. i still hate Tena pads "pussy skin" commercial. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. The answer to my question about Amazon at R95 is at the link. The stupid announcer and all those actors repeating what he just said. Yowza! [quote]I think the bigger question is what channels are you watching that show these terrible ad spots. I believe its the Asian woman shaking her titties is the attraction to fucked up straight guy fetish. I watch a lot of NFL on Sundays (that's football for those of you who don't know) and I am so fucking sick of the State Farm commercials with Ms Aaron and/or Patrick Mahones and the Katee McKinnon Verizon commercials! Everything about that commercial was beyond cringe but that the blind boy found the one person on that entire bus that acts like a civilized human being is plenty of reason to smile . They lift up the garage doors for the whole neighborhood to see and start doing their podcast. Get long-lasting relief with toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Ive noticed Expedia had pulled out their Rashida Jones commercials. Bupkis. Is he somebody? R236-I can only imagine how cringe-worthy the auditions were for that spot. They only flash her face for about 5 seconds of the whole ad. What is the rating for the movie Old School? Colgate is out to foster some badly needed post-pandemic optimism with its new "Be the Reason" brand equity campaign, a richly produced departure from what's long been a product- and. I don't know what the actor's union did with their plans. R467: Yeah, what's up with his pronunciation? My God I thought I was watching a infomercial. [quote] YOU HAVE AN ATTACHED GARAGE BEHIND YOU. A commercial advertisement on television (usually abbreviated to TV commercial, ad, ad-film, and known in UK as advert, or TV advert) is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization, which conveys a message, typically to market a product or service. First of all that comment was posted..well its literally the 24th comment and youre so offended by the Byron Allen comparison you had to post all these threads later? Smell my drawers!". I hate kids. The spot features a Beauty 13 Feb Colgate Optic White Renewal Jeggings Throwback Commercial by Vincent R480, I'll add the Peyronie's Disease ad to your post. Cringe-worthy stupidity. She looks a little crazy now . . The Geico Motorcycle "Build Me Up Buttercup" ads. When we were kids we had a different kind of bubble maker in the tub. Like he knows what lasagna is. I think the bigger question is what channels are you watching that show these terrible ad spots. The Shaquille O'Neal ad for whatever the hell he's hawking this week, where he walks into an establishment "disguised" in a bad grey Beatles wig and mustache. Today I saw a new Shriners Hospital commercial with Alec and I think we should all be ready for him to be phased out as their spokesperson in 2022. I LOATHE that commercial with the woman driving the convertible with the band in the backseat playing "Grazing in the Grass" - what the fucking FUCK?! I watch TV, I watch both cable and broadcast channels, I haven't seen most of these ads. The ad is way too short to be annoying. It's not a hymn, you're just selling insurance! Other products worth mentioning are 3M Oral Care Clinpro Tooth Crme Anti Cavity Toothpaste and Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste. Use supermodels or very attractive women instead! haunts my dreams. Who cares about his weak eye? No shame at all. It follows me around Youtube and it will not stop. Select Editions Large Type features up to two expertly edited best-selling books in every volume. #316 - I agree with you about Khloe K - she looks like she must have intense self esteem issues to put her face and body through that much surgery. It's like he's talking to the hearing impaired. "The Colgate commercial where the little blind boy gets in the school bus warms my heart." Do they even show that commercial any more? It's just such a stupid concept. GET IN THE CAR INSIDE THE GARAGE INSIDE THE HOUSE. Theres a difference. The current one features a Latino guy who'd always wanted to be a nurse and, after he nursed his mother and brother through their final illnesses, Amazon helped him go to school to become a Med Ass't and now he's studying to become a RN. The Hungry Root food delivery commercial where one of the women does that annoying sing-song thing: "Hungry Root caaame throooough!". I mute it immediately. Nothin on my skin. Thank God for Target! YOU HAVE AN ATTACHED GARAGE BEHIND YOU. . So over that! While seeking a seat, he introduces himself and beams his bright smile to a young girl, who cheerfully offers her name and they begin a conversation. The sad, pathetic single mother saying, "Omicron is a real game changer!" WTF? Hes doin more than a dollop of Daisy, Ill tell ya that much. R97, I haven't seen that one. Kia has an ad showing a writer with writers block get in her car and drive around. r91, It's like the Voltarin commercial where the wife with the gay husband is so glad that he has his moves back, and you can tell that the bartender, who pops his cork for everyone he sees and throws a boner, is also glad. So I work work work every day. Build a Bright Future With Us. Odd commercial. Death. I wish he would choke on that bite of dessert, the smug asshole. I dont understand that new Rakutan commercial. Is colgate commercial with blind boy channels are you watching that show these terrible ad spots guy who his! With reruns of old TV shows you get tedious commercials with Elton and Nas! Who have been compensated for appearing in the Dior colgate commercial with blind boy serious season actors shilling now does motivational when... The bigger question is what channels are you watching that show these terrible ad spots the one on MTV Teen! 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colgate commercial with blind boy