gender based violence cover letter

Gender-based violence (GBV) does not involve every harmful act a man or a woman may be experiencing. Progress reports uploaded to the award file in SAMS Domestic must include a narrative as described below as well as Program Indicators (or other mutually agreed upon format approved by the Grants Officer), including standard (F) framework indicators and DRL framework indicators. The Federal Financial Report (FFR or SF-425) is the required form for financial reports and must be submitted in PMS, and a copy of the report submitted in PMS then uploaded to the award file in SAMS Domestic. Go to a counsellor and dont be ashamed of it. Where guidance in these attachments differs from the website, prevails and the applicant is encouraged to seek and document responses provided by the help desk. Partner violence during pregnancy is widespread and has significant consequences for maternal health. [4] Ensure sufficient resources 4. If you prefer your poster on domestic violence to look more creative, add some graphic elements such as icons, illustrations, or stickers. Late applications are neither reviewed nor considered. Organizations based outside of the United States and that DO NOT plan to do business with the DoD should follow the below instructions: Step 1: Proceed to to obtain a UEI and complete the registration process. In some cases, additional panelists may participate, including from other Department of State bureaus or offices; U.S. government departments, agencies, or boards; representatives from partner governments; or representatives from entities that are in a public-private partnership with DRL. Validation of an electronic submission via can take up to two business days. Among these, pursuant to section 620M of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (FAA), no assistance provided through this funding opportunity may be furnished to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country when there is credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. DRL anticipates awarding either a grant or cooperative agreement depending on the needs and risk factors of the program. Sample cover letter for Full Time position at unhcr POSITION: protection officer X P.O BOX 200, WJR. DRL will not consider applications that reflect any type of support for any member, affiliate, or representative of a designated terrorist organization. This must be reiterated to the you because blaming yourself is often followed by self-harm. I loved moderating it! The U.S. government may: (a) reject any or all applications, (b) accept other than the lowest cost application, (c) accept more than one application, and (d) waive irregularities in applications received. The court system continues to be biased against survivors and gender-based violence remains a global issue. if you have not received a response within 48 hours of contacting the help desk), you may contact the DRL point of contact listed in the NOFO in Section G. The point of contact may assist in contacting the appropriate help desk. DRL encourages organizations to submit applications during normal business hours (Monday Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)). 4. In the Australian media, you're more likely to hear the issue referred to as "violence against women" rather than gender-based violence, but they mean the same thing. Gender based violence knows no social or economic boundaries. Applications submitted by for-profit entities may be subject to additional review following the panel selection process. Dont be afraid of the perpetrator; of your family, friends, peers; of the society; authority. All documents are in English and all costs are in U.S. Federal awards generally will not allow reimbursement of pre-award costs; however, the Grants Officer may approve pre-award costs on a case-by-case basis. Gender-based violence - Causes and consequences. Type of Solicitation: Open Competition Applicants may form consortia in order to bring together organizations with varied expertise to propose a comprehensive program in one proposal. For an application checklist and sample templates please see the Resources page on DRLs website: Integrate initiatives to broader strategy 3. The Department of State determines on a case-by-case basis what constitutes assistance to a government; the general principles listed below apply. DRLseeks applications that demonstratethat the recipient does not discriminate against any beneficiaries in implementation of a potential award, such as, but not limited to, by withholding, adversely impacting, or denying equitable access to the benefits provided through this awardon the basis ofany factor not expressly stated in the award. WHO and UN Women, along with other partners, co-lead the Action Coalition on Gender-based Violence, an innovative partnership of governments, civil society, youth leaders, private sector and philanthropies to develop a bold agenda of catalytic actions and leverage funding to eradicate violence against women. Anticipated Number of Awards: 1-2 This fear dangling at the back of the minds of women is potentially harmful. 555-555-5555. The U.S. government reserves the right (though it is under no obligation to do so), however, to enter into discussions with one or more applicants in order to obtain clarifications, additional detail, or to suggest refinements in the project description, budget, or other aspects of an application. requires all entities to renew their registration once a year in order to maintain an active registration status in Relevant contextual information (limited); Explanation and evaluation of significant activities of the reporting period and how the activities reflect progress toward achieving objectives, including meeting benchmarks/targets as set in the approved M&E Plan. Explanatory information provided by DRL that contradicts this language will not be binding. Rendered quality-counseling services to survivor's sexual assault and domestic violence and their families Developed rapport and relationships of trust Facilitated clear communication Provided emotional support to survivors Coordinated service networks for psychological, medical, and legal assistance We hear numerous times that the Police are not exactly co-operative. This includes, for example, race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity,gender expression, sex characteristics,sexual orientation, and pregnancy),national origin, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, parental status, political affiliation, or veterans status. Gender-based violence is clearly linked to gender . DRL requires all recipients of foreign assistance funding to comply with all applicable Department and Federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to the following: The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards set forth in 2 CFR Chapter 200 (Sub-Chapters A through F) shall apply to all non-Federal entities, except for assistance awards to Individuals and Foreign Public Entities. Base salary from 70,000 AUD to 125,000 AUD plus various allowances. Most importantly, never be silent. Captions and footnotes may be 10-point Times New Roman font. Sample cover letter for Full Time position at UNHCR POSITION: protection officer I am writing to apply for the position of Protection Officer based in your reputable organization. The Contact Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except federal holidays. Analyze trends of GBV and propose adjustment strategies to meet needs. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, This is the announcement of funding opportunity number SFOP0009396, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 19.345 registration must be renewed annually. The statistics regarding women and children facing physical/sexual/mental abuse are appalling and thinking that this topic is taboo or a minor issue is hardly correct. If an applicant does not have accessibility to a smartphone during the time of creating an account, please contact the helpdesk and request instructions on MFA for Windows PC. Programs should be demand-driven and locally led to the extent possible. Banyan Global Petapa, Guatemala, Guatemala. D.2 Content and Form of Application Submission. Profit is defined as any amount in excess of allowable direct and indirect costs. Opportunities for beneficiaries to apply their new knowledge and skills in practical efforts; Solicitation of feedback and suggestions from beneficiaries when developing activities in order to strengthen the sustainability of programs and participant ownership of project outcomes; Input from participants on sustainability plans and systematic review of the plans throughout the life of the project, with adjustments made as necessary; Joint identification and definition of key concepts with relevant stakeholders and stakeholder input into project activities; Systematic follow up with beneficiaries at specific intervals after the completion of activities to track how beneficiaries are retaining new knowledge as well as applying their new skills. Customer support is available 24/7. Global Diplomacy Lab Mumbai Incubation Lab, 2020 Urban Thinkers Campus COVID-19 UTC Series, 2019 Urban Thinkers Campus Safe Public Spaces, 2018 Urban Thinkers Campus Creating a Resilient and Inclusive City, Day 1- Creating a Resilient and Inclusive Mumbai, 2018, Day 2- Youth Innovation Challenge Kick-Off, 2018, Laws against Sexual Violence in Different Countries, Sexual Violence Laws under the Indian Penal Code, Sexual Violence Laws in the Domestic Space, Filing of a First Information Report (FIR), Prevention of Sexual Harrassment at the Workplace Policy. Additionally, to ensure that all applications receive a balanced evaluation, the DRL review panel will review from the first page of each section up to the page limit and no further. Period of Performance: 24-36 months Applicants should have existing, or the capacity to develop, active partnerships with thematic or in-country partners, entities, and relevant stakeholders, including private sector partners and NGOs, and have demonstrable experience in administering successful and preferably similar projects. In addition, attach the M&E Plan, comparing the target and actual numbers for the indicators; Any qualitative impact or success stories from the project, when possible; Copy of baseline, mid-term, and/or final evaluation report(s) conducted by an external evaluator; if applicable; Relevant supporting documentation or products related to the project activities (such as articles, meeting lists and agendas, participant surveys, photos, manuals, etc.) Where appropriate, competitive proposals may include: Activities that are not typically allowed include, but are not limited to: This notice is subject to availability of funding. Every time a woman steps out of her comfort zone, this very feeling of safety is absent. Please update your browser using one of modern browsers (Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, IE 10). Both systems require registration by the applying organization. For NCAGE help from within the United States, call +1 (888) 227-2423. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that it has an active registration in SAMS Domestic or Please note, guidance on and the guidance on GSAs website about requirement for registering in is subject to change and is currently being updated. Background Information on DRL and General DRL Funding. This must be a coordinated community approach to prevent and respond to GBV in Northern Central America. I am an excellent communicator and listener with a knack for making people feel at ease. What is the feeling of safety? All applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Excluded Parties List System in to ensure that no ineligible entity or person is included in their application. SECRETARY GENRAL, KENYA RED CROSS SOCIETY, P.O BOX 40712-00100 NAIROBI. Applicants can find application forms, kits, or other materials needed to apply on and SAMS Domestic ( under the announcement title DRL Inclusive Approaches to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Northern Central America, funding opportunity number SFOP0009396. Please contact the DRL point of contact listed in Section G if requesting reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities or for security reasons. Gender-based violence (GBV) is the most pervasive yet least visible human rights violation in the world. Outcomes can include but are not limited to: All programs should aim to have impact that leads to reforms and have the potential for sustainability beyond DRL resources. Its something that makes one feel secure, calm and eliminates any sense of fear. The letter was co-signed not only by 74 MEPs but also by almost 60,000 people from all over Poland, who all believe that the problem is . Applicants using SAMS Domestic for the first time should complete their New Organization Registration. To register with SAMS Domestic, click Login to and follow the create an account link. This NOFO supports the leadership of the White House Gender Policy Council; the National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality; the direction of the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally; and the Root Causes Strategy (Pillar V: Combatting sexual, gender-based, and domestic violence). Additionally, applicants must save a screen shot of the checklist showing all documents submitted in case any document fails to upload successfully. RT @paraliau: We're online! Dont let this discourage you. Step-by-step guide to Gender Equality Training Preparation phase 1. It will help in spreading awareness in the society. Write good terms of reference 5. increases the risk of social isolation; community and family ostracism can place victims . Yes, its a long, arduous process, it will be stressful. The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for projects that support the policy objective to advance the U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) by promoting gender equality and addressing gender-based, including sexual and domestic violence in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. registration must be renewed annually. Fight. Dollars. Gender-based violence is enacted under many different manifestations, from its most widespread form, intimate partner violence, to acts of violence carried out in online spaces. Do not give up. Your rehabilitation into the society is equally important, now. Where relevant, progress reports should include the following sections: Foreign Assistance Data Review: As required by Congress, the Department of State must make progress in its efforts to improve tracking and reporting of foreign assistance data through the Foreign Assistance Data Review (FADR). Examples of substantial involvement can include, but are not limited to: The authority for this funding opportunity is found in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (FAA). Please put "Gender-based Violence/Criminal Justice Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit their applications and CV along with a cover letter expressing interest and indicating Salary history and Gender-based violence (GBV) is a major public health, equality and human A subsequent letter from the Chief Executive in January 2012 Support in the monitoring of indicators according to the log frame and to the spending figures and propose relevant adjustments. The total duration of any award, including potential non-competitive continuation amendments, shall not exceed 54 months, or four and a half years. : no Application Submissions Guideline: In order to apply for this vacancy you need to complete the template on the following link: Applicants who do not submit applications via SAMS Domestic may submit via D.2.3 Additional Information Requested For Those Receiving Notification of Intent. The program should take an intersectional approach by accounting for the ways in which Indigenous women, women from socially excluded communities, LBTQI+ women, women with disabilities, low-income women, women in public-facing positions, women from racial and ethnic minority communities, and other intersections are further impacted the dynamic of gender-based violence. Use Canva Print for high-quality output that brings your designs to life with the best color quality on premium, sustainable paper. Total Funding Ceiling: $2,000,000 Forms of violence. Providing cost sharing, matching, or cost participation is not an eligibility factor or requirement for this NOFO and providing cost share will not result in a more favorable competitive ranking. Please note that the registration process can take ten (10) business days or longer, even if all registration steps are completed in a timely manner. I always strive to be a better Gryffindor- where dwell the brave at heart. This cover letter example is a great representation of what a hiring manager is looking for in a Gender Specialist cover letter resume. DRLs preference is to work with non-profit entities; however, there may be some occasions when a for-profit entity is best suited. Primary organizations can submit 1 application in response to the NOFO. Gender-based violence is the human rights violation and a public health problem affecting many out of every three women. Note: is not the same as SAMS Domestic. Reporting the crime as soon as possible is a must. Individual Letters of Support and/or Memorandum of Understanding. Approval for a exemption must come from the warranted Grants Officer before the application can be deemed eligible for review. This information should indicate what objective(s) and/or activities could be accomplished with additional time and/or funds beyond the proposed period of performance. For an applicant, if the federal awarding agency makes a determination that there are exigent circumstances that prohibit the applicant from receiving a UEI and completing registration prior to receiving a federal award. LEAF argued before the Supreme Court that women who should be entitled to raise the . Strong applications will also contain the following: Please refer to the Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI), updated December 2022, on DRLs website for detailed guidance on the documents above: The Leahy Law prohibits Department foreign assistance funds from supporting foreign security force units if the Secretary of State has credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. This must be challenged as a matter of urgency, and the blame, shame and stigma faced by victims must be . To give justice sector actors the tools they need to respond to reports of gender-based violence in El Salvador, OPDAT works to incorporate a gender perspective in the decision-making process for judges, prosecutors, police, psychologists, and social workers. Dear Human Resources Manager, When I learned about the position of Gender-Based Violence Counselor at WCWRC, I knew that this is the opportunity I have been waiting for. Gender-Based violence refers to harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender. Tess of the Road (Tess of the Road, #1) by. You WILL win. To ensure effective use of DRL funds, conditions or recommendations may include requests to increase, decrease, clarify, and/or justify costs and project activities. Importantly, the impact of domestic violence on the world of work is also included. Select a trainer Implementation phase 6. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. F and DRL framework indicators will be reviewed and negotiated during the final stages of issuing an award on a project-by-project basis. DRL requires all programs to be non-discriminatory and expects implementers to include strategies for nondiscrimination of individuals/organizations/beneficiaries based on race, color, religion, sex,gender identity,gender expression, sex characteristics,sexual orientation,pregnancy, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, parental status, political affiliation, or veterans status. Competitive proposals may also include a summary budget and budget narrative for 12 additional months following the proposed period of performance, indicated above. @EktaVVerma @SayItForwardNow @prapthi_m @maitreemuz @RuchiAngrish For technical submission questions related to this NOFO, please contact . The final determination on award mechanism will be made by the Grants Officer. Domestic Violence Advocate Cover Letter Example, Drug Safety Associate Cover Letter Example, Family Support Worker Cover Letter Example, Resignation Letter Due To Personal Reasons, Appreciation Letter To Team For Good Work. An exemption from these requirements may be permitted on a case-by-case basis if: Organizations requesting exemption from UEI or requirements must email the point of contact listed in the NOFO at least two weeks prior to thedeadline in the NOFOproviding a justification of their request. Gender-based violence are acts of violence committed against women, transgender and gender diverse people because of their gender, gender identity, gender expression, or perceived gender. This will further encourage other victims to raise their voices. A final narrative and financial report must also be submitted within 120 days after the expiration of the award. DRL bears no responsibility for disqualification that result from applicants not being registered before the due date, for system errors in either SAMS Domestic or, or other errors in the application process. DRL reserves the right to request additional documents not included in this NOFO. Please note: Delays in reporting may result in delays of payment approvals and failure to provide required reports may jeopardize the recipients ability to receive future U.S. government funds. Dear Sir, RE:GBV PROJECT OFFICER Following your recent vacancy advertisement above, I hereby kindly show interest in the same. I have excellent decision-making and problem-solving skills with the ability to find solutions to help these patients deal with their problems. Women and gender diverse people are disproportionate targets of gender-based violence, including intimate-partner violence. Lastly, dont be afraid. I also stay current on all technologies and any new information associated with gender dysphoria. Due diligence vetting will include a review of open-source materials. The numbers are staggering: 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence. Its good to be invited to the discussion in your interest areas as #genderequity #SDG4 #. DRL reserves the right to request any additional programmatic and/or financial project information during the award period. # 1 ) by this fear dangling at the back of the applicant to ensure that it has an registration! 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gender based violence cover letter