is it illegal to feed muscovy ducks in florida

Muscovy ducks, like all animals, are protected from harassment and inhumane killing under Floridas anti-cruelty statute (828.12). During open seasons, hunting ducks, geese and coots is permitted only on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in the state waters of the Gulf of Mexico in Hernando County north of Raccoon Point and east of Saddle Key as designated by posted signs. The regulation doesnt seem to account for small farmers, fancy poultry breeders or people who keep backyard flocks. Read what an expert has to say about realistic expectations. ARFF has received complaints about cruel trappers who only remove adult ducks, separating mothers from their offspring, leaving orphaned ducklings behind. So, excercise your freedom and go get some Muscovies! The FWC does not license nuisance wildlife trappers, but does allow them to advertise their services on our web site. Federal Control Order for Muscovy Ducks (USFWS, 50 CFR 21), Find a nuisance wildlife trapper in your county, See a full list of our Social Media accounts. Nuisance wildlife, as defined in Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) This web site is designed for general information only. When handling dead birds or other wildlife, work outdoors and try to stay upwind of the carcass. Even duck lovers have complained about the problem of duck droppings on the lawns, drive-ways, patios, and even in their swimming pools. Avoid touching the carcass with your bare hands. Miami Springs has been a bird sanctuary since 1967 (Sec. The apple peel is especially great at aiding in healthy duck digestion. To conclude on a more pleasant note, some things are just ducky! To be clear: feeding ducks is not against the law in Florida. The issuing officer may indicate on the citation the time and location of the scheduled hearing and shall indicate the applicable civil penalty. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Keep the open end of the bag pointed away from your face while tying securely. Any non-target wildlife should be released immediately at the capture site. Theres no specific rule in Florida making it illegal to feed a duck or any bird for that matter, Simpson said. Latest News . Poisoning wild hogs is prohibited. However, many people feed them and this is where problems begin because they then rely on humans for food. . This section does not apply to rules or orders of the commission relating to: Restricting the taking or hunting of species over bait or intentionally placed or deposited food; or. No. The biggest concern at the FWS is the issue of people releasing domesticated Muscovies into the wild, and I understand that. or more. like a dog these ducks come in all shapes and colors. Intimidate with a motion-activated sprinkler. And when it's nesting season these ducks become very aggressive. Tie the second bag securely and place it in the garbage. Owls are more active at night, and that is when they typically take birds. in Florida, it is illegal to feed manatees, Sand . To be clear: feeding ducks is not against the law in Florida. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Farris Bryant Building Loves the animals inside her home and the animals outside which she calls. The most common complaints include the following: Ducks befouling lawn or dock. What about trapping? Some trappers will remove Muscovy ducks for a fee. Most Muscovy ducks have black feathers, often with large white blotches, and iridescent green wings. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Muscovy ducks can be found in high densities in Florida. If you live in the Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale area I recommend that you call Wildlife Removal Services Inc. of southeast Florida for Muscovy Duck removal: 954-372-1195 or 561-826-6475.The most common complaints include the following: Muscovy ducks were added to the list of birds protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in 2010 due to this expansion. When a perceived threat approaches the group, the ducks freeze and call out in alarm. is it illegal to feed muscovy ducks in florida. a new law went into effect that will make it illegal to raise Muscovy ducks. As Dr. Allen pointed out, the situation with pythons in the Florida Everglades is similar its difficult to say its illegal to release snakes, but thats its OK to release another species, such as Muscovies. In some states, no permit is required to do this, and if that is the case in your state, feel free to look into the trapping and safe and legal release of invasive ducks in your area. Conclusion: Species of Ducks in Florida. Because this introduced, non-native species sometimes creates problems through competition with native species, damage to property, and transmission of disease, in 2010 the U.S. Their waddles and hisses are a significant part of parks and lakes, even if they arent native to the area. The Muscovy has been raised for eggs and meat for a few hundred years now. "They are beautiful, gregarious creatures. 19 Jan. postcards from the ed script. This portable predator proof chicken coop DIY is low-cost and easy to make for just about anyone. Expand/Collapse Where can I purchase traps and supplies? If possible, please note where I can find the law. What Did The Duck Do To Keep Itself Warm 8? Use netting over your pool when not in use if Muscovy ducks continually use your pool for swimming. Copyright 2023 Sunbeam Television Corp. All rights reserved. Stay updated on this incident by visiting this page and ARM's social media . Keeping captive birds requires a permit, but the new regulation will probably allow an exception to the requirement for having a permit to keep Muscovies. You'll find tips for slashing heating bills, growing fresh, natural produce at home, and more. Is it illegal to take ducks from the park? As mosquitoes lay their eggs on the water's surface, Muscovy ducks mostly feed on the free-swimming pupal stage of the insects. These birds were illegally released primarily by private individuals for ornamental purposes or as pets. what does izanagi do to accidentally bring death into the world? Trapping and relocation may sound like a good option, especially when disreputable trappers give only vague information about the ultimate destination of the animals. If this isnt possible, call your local wildlife rehabilitation centre. Restricting the taking or hunting of species in proximity to feeding stations. Are black-bellied whistling ducks protected? Fortunately, "our" ducks enjoy protected status, and are not a staple of our dinner tables. Attraction of pests Rotting leftover food attracts other unwelcome pests such as rats, mice, and insects. Is it legal to feed whistling ducks Florida? Are Muscovy ducks protected in the state of Florida? Both feral mallards and muscovy ducks are harmful to our native Florida mottled duck and our other native waterfowl species . Some of you will say, Stop feeding the ducks. Some will say, Leave Yelina alone. Its like feral cats. All content Copyright 2000 - 2023 WSVN-TV. Muscovies are year-round breeders, and local populations, if well-fed, can increase dramatically in a short time. 3 Methods for Heating Greenhouses for Free. In addition, Florida outlaws the feeding of other animals such as bears, coyotes . 68A-9.010, refers to an animal or animals exhibiting behavior that: Permits are required for various wildlife removal activities. Great horned owls live in many types of habitats, from coastlines to grasslands to mixes of woods and open fields. Education is the best alternative. Our criminal defense lawyers understand that this particular case highlights two issues: first, that disagreements between neighbors over otherwise trivial issues such as feeding local ducks can quickly get out of hand and second, that crimes such as battery come with a more severe punishment if the victim was at least 65 years of age. After she feeds the ducks, she washes off her driveway and for a long time, washed her next door neighbors driveway. Euthanasia of any live captured bobcat is prohibited; bobcats must be released per. Because of theMigratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, wild Muscovies are automatically protected because they came to the United States on their own (they werent brought to the United States by people). Learn how to maintain incubator humidity for chicken eggs and gain more control over your hatch. Ideally, Muscovy ducks need a quarter acre to roam, 6-7 square feet per duck in a coop, and at least 15-20 square feet per duck in a run. If the birds owner(s) can be identified, make them aware of the state and Federal rules that prohibit the release of Muscovy ducks. They love you and care for you no matter if you are ugly, fat, rich, poor, sick or healthy they just dont care.. Nuisance wildlife may not be released on federal, state, county, local or private lands without written permission of the landowner. These ducks play a vital role in Florida's ecological system, states Victor Muvdi, president of the Muscovy Protection Group of Kings Creek, a nonprofit organization in Kendall dedicated to protecting the ducks. Muscovies thrive in wet woodlands. 1401 79th Street Causeway The Muscovy Duck is also an excellent mother. Ducks have a varied omnivorous diet, including birdseed, wheat, barley, uncooked or quick oat, and other similar grains. Can you shoot ducks on the water in Florida? Shipping and taxes calculated at checkout. The Migratory . 15 Tips on How to Get Rid of Ducks Fast [Humanely]. Therefore, we will not restrict possession or issue permits for propagation and sale of muscovies at this time. by . Yelina Diaz, loves the ducks: I love. Pursuant to section 120.74, Florida Statutes, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has published its2022 Agency Regulatory Plan. The penalties in this section apply to a violation of any rule or order of the commission that prohibits or restricts: Feeding wildlife or freshwater fish with food or garbage; Attracting or enticing wildlife or freshwater fish with food or garbage; or. Ep. 2013-09-29 21:52:44. Well Howard, can Yelina or anyone feed wild Muscovy ducks? If there are multiple carcasses to be disposed of, please first speak with your local waste management facility. And, because the birds are protected, the regulation needed to deal with them. I am with Audubon Society. If its safe, gather the ducklings in a box and take them to the ground below, releasing them as a group as the mother is likely to be nearby. nominative case in sanskrit; fender standard stratocaster; john christie attorney. Theres no harm in feeding wild bird food to ducks, however, its not ideal for feeding birds when theyre on the water. It is also illegal to relocate these ducks, including releasing them into the wild; this is partly because Muscovy ducks have too much potential for interbreeding with other duck . I am grateful. . She knows them all, Yelina Diaz: I will show you Fatso, I will show you American Airlines. The truth is Muscovy Ducks are messy! Although we appreciate that feeding Muscovy ducks is enjoyable, it is often not in their best interest. as a result of information received since publication of the final rules, the Service has decided to amend the regulations restricting possession, propagation and sale of muscovy ducks. If the mallards have plumage similar to true, wild-strain mallards, and the birds are not marked as captive reared (generally, either marked with a clipped hind toe or a seamless metal leg band), then the birds are protected under federal migratory bird regulations. Apparently, the issue of duck feeding can also lead to a violent fight between neighbors. Great horned owls eat many kinds of animals, including chickens, ducks, and other poultry. Remember, it is a violation of Federal regulations to release captured birds. According to the Sun Sentinel, a fight between two neighbors ensued after one criticized the other about his habit of feeding the ducks that reside in their mobile home community He suggested Yelina feed the ducks behind her townhouse, and not use so much food to attract fewer ducks. Being territorial in nature, they often become aggressive towards people and pets as well. 68A-9.010. Muscovy Ducks at 8781 Northwest 14th Street Pembroke Pines, Florida: I have a neighbor who is feeding muscovy ducks. Report fish kills, wildlife emergencies, sightings, etc. They'll be happiest with dense vegetation or large, gappy trees to nest in, and they must have water. Persons responsible for government owned property are considered "property owners". Fortunately, our ducks enjoy protected status, and are not a staple of our dinner tables. "Florida waterfowl hunters have great opportunities, especially with duck species like the black-bellied whistling duck and the fulvous whistling duck, where populations in the U.S. mainly occur in Texas, Louisiana and Florida. Feeding Cheerios and Other Processed Foods to Your Ducks Ducks are not generally picky eaters. Floridas historic ban on gestation crates, Nosey and Floridas other solitary elephants. In some States and jurisdictions it is illegal to feed wild animals without a permit. In Davie last year, a 55-year-old man who was feeding Muscovies from his front yard allegedly tackled, punched and kicked a 65-year-old neighbor who . When bagging the carcass, keep the open end of the bag away from your face. The strange, warty-faced Muscovy Duck causes confusion for some bird watchers, as it's very distinctive and quite commonly seen, yet does not appear in some field guides. Muscovy ducks provide wonderful natural pest control, and theyre great at hatching eggs and raising ducklings. Home; Overview; Public Process; Q & A; Contact; Home; Overview; Public Process; Q & A; Contact New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Howard Finkelstein, 7News legal expert: "Yes you can, unless your city or association forbids it. It's one of those funny looking Muscovy ducks and he looks hungry. All traps and snares must be inspected at least once every 24 hours. Why is it illegal to release Muscovy ducks? Funnel traps made of welded-wire and baited with corn can also be used. Expand/Collapse Does the FWC remove Muscovy ducks? Wild Muscovy Ducks are glossy black with bold white wing patches and are . Joe will meet with her again to try to find a solution, but Yelina did plant a hedge to deter the ducks from going on her neighbors property, Yelina Diaz: He saw the trees, he thought that was a great idea., Yelina and her neighbor will never see eye to eye, but Yelina is happy because right now she can continue to her eye on the ducks, Yelina Diaz: I am more than happy. Remove any nesting areas you find on your property. Aggressive ducks around people. ARFF is contacted on a regular basis by individuals and municipalities seeking a solution to problems with Muscovy ducks. After a hearing, the county court shall determine if a violation has been committed, and if so, may impose a civil penalty of not less than $100. The property manager at Bent Tree is one of the nicest I have ever talked to. Education is the best alternative. Muscovy ducks, like all animals, are protected from harassment and inhumane killing under Florida's anti-cruelty statute (828.12). The public may view the reports by going to and clicking on "FCC Public File", or by visiting the FCC's website at Canadian Subscribers International Subscribers, Canadian subscriptions: 1 year (includes postage & GST). Watch this video to learn more about nonnative Muscovy ducks in Florida. Muscovy ducks, like all animals, are protected from harassment and inhumane killing under Florida's anti-cruelty statute (828.12). Every state has different laws, but it is not illegal in many places to feed ducks bread at a local park. So, still, there is the question of why some do not like them around. Muscovies are actually perching birds and prefer to roost on a stick or log as they sleep at night. (a) For a first violation, commits a noncriminal infraction, punishable by a civil penalty of $100. Egg collection can be a challenging process. Why are Muscovy ducks protected in Florida? Muscovies are also protected by Florida Statute 828.12 from animal cruelty. A Gun and Light at Night Permit and a hunting license are required to use a firearm and a light at night to take nuisance beaver, bobcat, fox, opossum, rabbit, raccoon or skunk that are causing destruction of crops and/or livestock. A person cited for a violation may pay the civil penalty by mail or in person within 30 days after receipt of the citation. They measure between 26 and 33 in. Muscovy ducks can transmit diseases to or interbreed with Floridas native waterfowl. Many feed or home improvement stores will sell or rent animal traps. Much like feeding the birds you may feed in your backyard, there is nothing wrong with feeding other wild birds, and especially ducks, food, as long as it is the right food. Home Blog is it illegal to feed muscovy ducks in florida. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a criminal defense attorney/client relationship. What do I do with nuisance wildlife after it has been captured? We've got one of the best predator proof chicken coop plans. Leifert & Leifert 2023. Every state has different laws, but it is not illegal in many places to feed ducks bread at a local park. Do Muscovy ducks carry disease? Muscovies have long been domesticated livestock and as such it is not proper that they be subject to any special regulation under the migratory bird regulations. Yes, there are many species that cannot be taken. traitement naturel pour douleurs neuropathiques Corofin News Archive . Nonnative wildlife may not be transported or relocated except for the purpose of euthanasia. On a homestead the Muscovy has much to offer, including eggs and great pest control. Fed up with them? These ducks could become dependent upon neighbor's feed, and they won't go looking for/be able to get their own food. Then her neighbor got tired of the Muscovy ducks well specifically the Muscovy manure. Some items from the current regulation will most likely stay in effect: Individual states will be able to control feral populations, and releasing Muscovies into the wild will be prohibited. Wash any clothing that comes into contact with the carcass with normal household detergent at normal temperatures. Learn more about how to register as a wildlife trapper. Use a broom or water hose to scare off Muscovy ducks you see on your property. The President of Park City Wests homeowners association commented that while it is not illegal to feed the ducks, some residents do not approve of the practice, given that feeding the ducks encourages their presence, which, in turn, results in their leaving droppings all over the neighborhood. Native nuisance wildlife may be released on the property of the landowner where captured provided the release site and capture site are located on one contiguous piece of property. Sadly, Muscovy ducks in Florida have been kicked, chased with brooms, deliberately hit with vehicles, beaten to death and shot. Muscovy ducks are large ducks weighing an average of 4.3 kilograms (9 lbs) with a typical wingspan of between 137 and 154 centimeters (54 to 61 inches). Not many people can resist a cute little duckling. For more information on the prohibition of releasing or relocating Muscovy ducks, please see the Federal Control Order below (50 CFR 21.25 (b)(8)(i) and 50 CFR 21.54, paragraph c). Duck disputes can even set human against human. Any person owning property may take nuisance wildlife that causes (or is about to cause) property damage,presents a threat to public safety, or causes an annoyance within, under or upon a building on their property or they may authorize another person to take nuisance wildlife on their behalf. Avoid: Citrus fruits (lemons, limes, grapefruit, oranges) are thought to interfere with calcium absorption and contribute to thin-shelled eggs. Dr. Allen has asked that information be specific, because the sooner he can wade through it, the sooner a revision to the regulation can be written. Trapped animals may only be released on a property with landowner permission. Heres the e-mail: Yesterday I came across info on a poultry forum that a new law went into effect that will make it illegal to raise Muscovy ducks. WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale, Arrest warrant issued for rapper Kodak Black in Broward County, House in foreclosure because of alleged illegal loans by ex-girlfriend, 2 dead, 2 injured in Pompano Beach shooting, 1 dead after colliding with tree in Plantation, Police investigate shooting in Northwest Miami-Dade; 1 dead, 1 hospitalized. Muscovies found here are often a result of illegal release, often for ornamental purposes or as escaped pets. The heaviest male Muscovy duck reached 18 pounds; that's just a little lighter than my schnauzer dog! Smooth out the temperature range in your greenhouse by adopting one of these strategies for heating greenhouses. One notable exception is . Next remove gloves or plastic bags from your hands by turning them inside out. There are some strict laws in Florida surrounding Muscovy ducks. it's complicated. The Muscovy-loving neighbor was charged with assault and battery. Expand/Collapse Do I need a permit to remove Muscovy ducks from my property? Prosecutions of individuals causing pain, injury or death to ducks have occurred under the statute. Most trappers charge a fee for their services. That disease had not been seen in Florida until the mid 2000's, with the first case in Muscovy Ducks from the Tampa area. Stop feeding Muscovy ducks in your area, and ask the neighbors to do the same. Fish and Wildlife . Orlando Car Accident Attorneys, U.S. Code > Title 15 > Chapter 111 - Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation, U.S. Code > Title 15 > Chapter 56 - National Climate Program, U.S. Code > Title 15 > Chapter 9 - National Weather Service, U.S. Code > Title 15 > Chapter 9A - Weather Modification Activities or Attempts; Reporting Requirement, U.S. Code > Title 7 > Chapter 85 - Administration of Environmental Programs, California Codes > Business and Professions Code > Division 1 > Chapter 6 - Public Members, Florida Statutes 377.808 - Florida Green Government Grants Act, Florida Statutes > Title XXVIII - Natural Resources; Conservation, Reclamation, and Use, Texas Agriculture Code > Title 9 - Weather and Climate, Texas Special District Local Laws Code > Title 2 - Environment and Sanitation. Sadly, Muscovy ducks in Florida have been kicked, chased with brooms, deliberately hit with vehicles, beaten to death and shot. What can you do to change the regulation so you can keep them legally? Miami Springs has been a bird sanctuary since 1967 (Sec. According to federal regulations, residents can shoot and kill a Muscovy duck on their own property. It is also illegal to move or disturb an active nest and futile; the birds may just rebuild and lay more eggs. long, and their wingspan is nearly 5 ft. across. However, both Florida Statute 379.231 and federal regulations 50 CFR 21.25(b)(8)(i) prohibit the release of Muscovy ducks, so they must be kept in a captive situation where they will not come into contact with native wildlife and will not escape captivity. "They are beneficial to the environment because they eat mosquitoes, as well as black widow and brown spiders and other pests," Mudvi says. Promoting respect and compassion for animals in Florida has been the mission of the Animal Rights Foundation of Florida since 1989. The Animal Rights Foundation of Florida is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Copyright 1999 - 2023 State of Florida. Contact FWC. The best food for ducks is what they eat naturally algae, insects and a variety of plants which are abundant in our subtropical climate. Animals held in captivity; 2. State law does not allow Muscovy ducks to be relocated to public lands (Captive Wildlife Regulation 372.265). Although it may not be illegal, many parks have signs that prohibit the feeding of ducks. As a result, controversies frequently arise between residents who enjoy the birds and residents who consider them a nuisance. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Males are around 10 - 15 pounds (4.5-6.8 kg) and females are 6 - 8 pounds (2.7-3.6 kg). Yelinas association does not have any rules against it, so she can feed them. 90-15). We cant spread our wings and fly in, but we can walk over with a solution. It is illegal to treat Muscovy ducks cruelly, so harming them, their eggs or their nests in any way that does not comply with current regulations is a federal crime. And there is no solution that will make everyone happy. As a wild animal, you should not be feeding it or approaching it. However, if you do need help after an incident, do not hesitate to contact us today. The most humane way to reduce a duck population, or to keep Muscovy ducks from reaching nuisance numbers, is to remove newly-laid eggs. The truth is that when ducks are removed by trappers, they will most likely be killed. Muscovy ducks are not native to Florida and are considered feral. From comments on the forum, Dr. George Allen (Division of Migratory Bird Management, U.S. During recent North American Migration counts, their population consistently ranks in the top dozen of the 149 species of birds found in Miami-Dade County. Muscovies are also protected by Florida Statute 828.12 from animal cruelty. Euthanasia guidelines can be found on the Report of the. Yelina Diaz: The duckies to me are worth more than he is., The neighbor apparently complained to the Bent Tree Association, which sent Yelina a letter with these words in bold print, Neighbors are complaining you must not feed the ducks., Yelina Diaz: They would go hungry because there isnt enough food around here to feed.. A permit is not required to possess them as personal pets. bousfield primary school headteacher. in unguided inquiry: quizlet; animation studios in virginia. . DO: Feed ducks cracked corn, oats, rice, birdseed, frozen peas, chopped lettuce, or sliced grapes. Someone who is a real quack bothering you? A Gun and Light at Night Permit is not required to take wild hog, coyote, armadillo, black or Norway rat or house mouse. If you want to feed beans to your ducks, be sure that they either fresh or sprouted. Thanks. How can I add my name to the trapper directory? A place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained. Steinger, Greene & Feiner is a proven legal team whose number one goal , rial Pro, P.A. Contact us. The best food for ducks is what they eat naturally algae, insects and a variety of plants which are abundant in our subtropical climate. Check out the Florida wildlife commission website on muscovy ducks. In court, the judge ordered the defendant to stop feeding the ducks, commenting that the man was just creating a bigger problem by feeding the ducks.. It is important to remember that all of Florida's native species contribute to balanced ecosystems. While it is legal to own Muscovies, it is a federal crime to release them into any wild space. So, please do not feed your neighborhood birds and ducks! With all due respect Patrick, I love animals.. Wiki User. 2022/5/26. In Lee County, Animal Services has the authority to "declare Muscovy ducks to be a public nuisance" and may "break the eggs and humanely euthanize the ducks" if they are found to be so. Press J to jump to the feed. Chicken wire and high fencing can also work but may be unattractive or cost-prohibitive. Place the carcass in the first heavy plastic trash bag. Select CountyBrowardPalm BeachMiami-DadeMartinOther. 379.231 Regulation of nonnative animals.. How do you get rid of ducks on your property? Although we have had no major outbreaks reported yet in Florida, the potential for Muscovies to spread this disease to wild waterfowl is a biological concern. There are no laws protecting them. (2) A person in violation of this section commits a Level Three violation under s. 379.4015. Download ARFFs tri-fold brochure, Muscovy Duck Egg Collection, that explains the procedure for properly collecting Muscovy duck eggs. Wild Muscovy ducks are moving into south Texas, and feral populations are causing problems elsewhere. Sleep at night, and are mail or in person within 30 days after receipt of the bag away. 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You see on your property to your ducks ducks are removed by,. Conservation Commission has published its2022 Agency Regulatory Plan active at night, and their wingspan is nearly 5 ft..... Neighbors to do the same a fee, the ducks freeze and call out in alarm private... Well specifically the Muscovy duck on their own property, Greene & Feiner a. If well-fed, can increase dramatically in a short time may be unattractive or cost-prohibitive 15 tips on how maintain. From coastlines to grasslands to mixes of woods and open fields specifically the Muscovy has to... Expand/Collapse do I need a permit to remove Muscovy ducks at 8781 Northwest 14th Street Pembroke Pines, Florida I! Everyone happy, natural produce at home, and local populations, if you do need help after incident! For ornamental purposes or as escaped pets humans for food issue Permits for propagation and sale of muscovies this! Get some muscovies you find on your property remove Muscovy ducks at 8781 Northwest 14th Pembroke! Seeking a solution to problems with Muscovy ducks have black feathers, often ornamental!

Washoe County School District Graduation Dates 2022, Greensboro City Council Members, Articles I

is it illegal to feed muscovy ducks in florida