leonhard seppala wife

Kaasen, who was in charge of Balto, suffered frostbite to his fingers after strong winds blew his sled over. International Dog Derby in Quebec City, setting a new trail record for the Categories: Notables | Nome City Cemetery, Nome, Nome Census Area, Alaska, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. After 3 days and 170 miles (270km), he came in sight of another relay musher, Henry Ivanoff, but did not realise it. Overwhelmed by choices? Balto became famous, but the unsung hero was Leonhard Seppala's Siberian Husky, Togo. Father of Private. His contribution to Alaskas sled dog racing history, and his pioneering work developing the Siberian Husky bloodline are also well known. The following year, on the strength of publicity consequent to the Nome Serum Run, Togo was the true champion of the Serum Run. A Dog-Puncher on the Yukon. Everyone knew Sepp's abilities. Ivanoff had to run after Seppala as he raced past, shouting, "The serum! The same year the AAS was first run, 1908, People born under this sign are persistent and straightforward. This also meant he worked as long as 12 hours a day. [1]:7275[12] He went on to win the race the following two years, as well, at which point the All Alaska Sweepstakes was suspended until 1983. [10] He became a naturalized citizen in 1906. Seppala would cross the sound each way in the race to deliver the serum. have gone anywhere without the Poland Spring dogs and the sleddogs of The Seppala House was a gift to Urtha Lenharr by Krier Enterprise of Nome, Alaska. from Alaska flush with gold dollars and encouraged Sepp to take ship Alaska at the invitation of American journalist Lowell Thomas, enjoying of Harry R. Wheeler, the owner of Grey Rocks Inn. Unfortunately, there was no gold to be found and instead took up training sled dogs. The prestigious Alaska Airlines Leonhard Seppala Humanitarian Award is given annually to the Iditarod musher who illustrates outstanding dog care throughout the race. In real life, things played out a bit differently. He expressed pleasure in the rhythmic patter of the dogs' feet and the feeling of the sled gliding along the snow. The polar night also meant that there were limited hours of daylight to fly. The enthusiasm for sled dog racing in New England together with the Serum Run publicity and the victory over Walden made it possible for Seppala and partner Elizabeth Ricker to establish a Siberian kennel at Poland Spring. stricken city. He and his wife lived in Seattle until his death at the age of 89. Seppala was not yet ready to participate in this, the longest of races. Despite a series of time-consuming mishaps on the trail, Seppala won the race against the bigger, slower dogs driven by Walden and his followers. Beyond the possibility of getting caught in a storm or a dog injuring its paw on a shard of ice, it was also likely that the ice of the Norton Sound could break up and carry the team out to sea. Character information Feeling that he has had enough, Seppala refuses to train Togo further. If not for Togo finding the way and leading the team to the roadhouse at Isaac's Point on the shore, a distance of 84 miles since picking up the serum, they would have faced certain death. Nome was, as it is today, completely closed to the outside world. Lake Placid, NY, in 1932, which was Seppala's last race in the East. He won the New England race, the Lake Placid Race, and the Welch and Maynard were present at the equivalent meeting, but Seppala was not present nor very much involved in the decision. While most drivers considered 30 miles (48km) a long run, Seppala travelled between 50 miles (80km) and 100 miles (160km) most days. The team would pour on the steam to catch the lure only to be teased by the bird flying away at the last moment. His tour ended in January 1927 with the dogsled race at Poland Spring, Maine, where he accepted the challenge to race against Arthur Walden, founder of the New England Sled Dog Club and owner of the famous lead dog, "Chinook". They asked him to begin traveling toward Nenana. After he reached his adult weight of only about 48 pounds, the real Togo had a brown, black, and gray coat that made him look constantly dirty. Nome, Alaska organized its Kennel Club in 1908 and the 31-year-old Seppala was ready for his first race. Sign-up for any of the following email series to help plan your Alaska trip. He was disruptive to harnessed sled dogs, just as hes shown to be in the film. The only planes they had were water-cooled aircraft from World War I, which didn't perform well in cold weather. Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, The 9 Best Northern Lights Viewing Spots Near Anchorage, How to Travel to Alaska in January and February, The Best Large Family & Group Vacations in Alaska, How to Get from Anchorage to Your Cruise Port in Whittier or Seward (or the reverse! The debate was taken to the floor of the United States Senate in Washington D.C. Should we give the modern age a chance and risk losing the only serum in the area, or do we send it the slower, but, most reliable way with the dog punchers?. A musher would head out from there to meet Seppala somewhere in the middle. In the movie, Seppala sets out for Nenana in the midst of a blizzard. Leonhard Seppala Is A Member Of . [7] His father's family name is of Finnish origin. alongside his sprinting team, keeping pace effortlessly. The expedition was ultimately cancelled and Seppala got to keep the dogs. Ivanoff had just left Shaktoolik with the serum. Constance Seppala (wife) Shortly after arriving in Alaska, Seppalas boss gave him the opportunity to take a dog team out prospecting. In the winter of 1925, a deadly outbreak of diphtheria in the remote port of Nome, Alaska, threatened the . Bering Sea coastline. Kaasen, whose team is being lead by Seppala's other dog Balto, makes the last couple of miles back and ends up gaining the credit for saving Nome. The true story behind Togo confirms that as a result of his relatively small size, illness, and bad behavior as a young puppy, Leonhard Seppala decided that Togo was not sled dog material and gave him away to be a house pet when he was six months old. The Disney+ movie Togo is about the heroic run of the titular Siberian husky, who led a team of sled dogs across hundreds of miles to deliver diphtheria antitoxin to the town of Nome, Alaska, during an outbreak of the disease in 1925. Like many famous people and celebrities, Leonhard Seppala kept his personal life private. Meanwhile, the number of diphtheria cases in Nome continued to climb. Have you taken a DNA test? After 1932 he remained in Alaska. were determined to do the foreigners out of their claims and take them Leonhard Seppala Was born 14 Sep 1877 in Skibotn, Troms, Norway. Seppala didnt start out working with dogs, though. A relay of 20 sled dog teams then traveled a distance of 674 miles from Nenana to Nome. Born in 1877 #36. Previously unexposed children as well as adults were at risk of dying from the infection. Thank you! Those who raced Insider tips to pick the best Alaska cruise. as a winter recreation; in 1908 the first All-Alaska Sweepstakes race was run. Diphtheria is a bacterial infection caused by exposure to the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae, often by way of direct contact or through droplets in the air (sneezing or coughing). No passable winter roads. His wife Constance The following year a team of ten sleddogs was brought to Nome from eastern Whos the richest Dog Musher in the world. In 1914, he competed in the All Alaska Sweepstakes, a sled dog race. As shown in the movie, more teams were added to the relay mid-run, and so Seppala ended up traveling a total of 261 miles (170 miles to pick up the serum and 91 miles with the serum)still an enormous distance. Thank you! In 1900 Sepp succumbed to the lure of gold; on the 14th June he arrived I wanted to argue my prowess as a dog trainer but one thing I could not argue; I am not Leonhard Seppala. until he completed his "masterpiece" in December 1898, the project supply of antiserum via an otherwise impassable route between Nenana and the In 1961, Seppala revisited Fairbanks and other places in Alaska at the invitation of American journalist Lowell Thomas, enjoying a warm reception from the Alaskan people. And while, in the movie, Constance Seppala initially objects to her husbands participation, saying that the town should pick someone with more stake in [the diphtheria outbreak], in reality the Seppalas did have more of a stake than is indicated by the film script: They had an 8-year-old daughter named Sigrid. The People of Nome had another idea. Dog musher who was one of the men tapped to deliver a vital shipment of diptheria serum over ice-bound roads. And when I come to the end of the rail, I feel that along with my many friends, Togo will be waiting and I know that everything will be all right.. consistently with his Siberian sleddogs until the race was discontinued Leonhard Seppala is the protagonist in the 2019 film Togo. Leonhard Seppala/Living or Deceased Is Togo Balto's father? They have a strong faith and can be seen as stubborn in their old ways. While he raced to the roadhouse at Isaac's Point on the opposite shore, gale-force winds drove the windchill to an estimated 85F (65C) from a real temperature of only 30F (34C). Seppala became interested in dog sledding during his first winter in Alaska when he became a sled dog driver for Lindeberg's company. The ice on Norton Sound was in constant motion due to currents from the sea and the incessant wind. His father was both a blacksmith and a fisherman. Husband of Constance M Seppala. The little husky had a throat infection as a puppy and required one-on-one . at lead, again setting a new trail record for this three-day 75-mile event. Leonhard Seppala lived there and ran his dogs, year-round, for the Pioneer Mining Company out of this coastal town. Everyone knew Sepps abilities. In 1916 the Nome Kennel Seppala grumbles that Constance is too softhearted and. When he was a young man his friend Jafet Lindeberg convinced him to come to America due to the gold rush that was going on. Seppala manages to get his team back to the outpost of Joe Dexter and passes the serum over to his friend Gunnar Kaasen. Arctic Circle -- the 14th September in the year 1877. As a puppy, he is a runt with little more than a fighting spirit and the endorsement of Seppalas wife, Constance (Julianne Nicholson). Trips available from Whittier, Homer, Seward, Juneau, and Sitka. racing teams were fielded, dominated the 1910 third All-Alaska Sweepstakes, A street in Nome named Seppala Drive connects the town to its airport. He was famous for being a Dog Musher. Yukon River had a reputation of being extremely tireless and possessing Seppala traveled a total of 261 miles to save the children of Nome. The only practical way to deliver more serum to Nome in the middle of the coldest winter in 20 years was by dog sled. In advanced cases, diphtheria can also cause the neck to swell, in part due to swollen lymph nodes, resulting in a condition nicknamed "bull neck" (visible below). Yes. In the movie, Togo gets his first break by busting loose and harassing Seppalas harnessed team until Seppala finally gives him a chance run with the big dogs. Tony Krier had told Urtha years ago that if he wanted the building to preserve the memory of Nome resident, Leonhard Seppala, that he could have it. Your donation in any amount will help us continue important preservation work. [11], During his first winter in Alaska, Seppala became a dogsled driver for Lindeberg's company. 2004). It was decided that he was the most qualified of the relay mushers to attempt this shortcut. [5][6] He was the eldest child of Isak Isaksen Seppl (born in Sweden of Finnish descent) and Anne Henrikke Henriksdatter. Leonhard Seppala was a Virgo and was born in the G.I. Seppalas greatest test was to come in the winter of 1925 when the advent of the airplane was already putting the final nails in the casket of dog sled transportation in the north. If you see something that doesnt look right, contact us. He made the decision to leave Togo behind in Maine in March 1927, concerned that the journey would be too much for the retired dog. Did Leonhard Seppala and his wife have any children? . Learn more about Leonhard Seppala at the Carrie M. McLain Memorial Museum, take a stroll down Front Street, where he won the All Alaska Sweepstakes three times, or reflect on Seppalas contributions as you head into town from the airport on Seppala Drive. Seppala embarked on a tour of the 'Lower 48' with 44 dogs and an Inuit handler. He was born in Skibotn, Norway, north of the Arctic Circle, in the summer of 1877. It was 50 F in Fairbanks. After a close competition between him and experienced musher Scotty Allan, Seppala defeated him on the fourth day of the race and finished two hours ahead of Allan to win the Sweepstakes. The trail here was exposed and the steep grade grueling for the dogs, who were sleep-deprived and had already raced 260 miles (420km) over the previous 4.5 days. Willem Dafoe plays Togo's trainer, legendary musher Leonhard Seppala, and Juliana Nicholson plays his wife Constance. Focus on Denali & Kenai Fjords. At the age of twenty he went to the city of The famous serum run he took part in is commemorated yearly in Alaska with the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, formerly the Iditarod Trail Seppala Memorial Race. However, almost by fate, Seppala is surprised to see Togo up and running; refusing to give in. One competitor described his communion with dogs as unnatural control or hypnotism.. We all did our best. Once the race was While tending to newborn pups, Constance took pity on one puppy that was noticeably weaker than the others. He had learnt to wrestle as a boy, virtually as a matter Club was challenged by the Ruby Kennel Club. His contribution to Alaska's sled dog racing history, and his pioneering work developing the Siberian Husky bloodline are also well known. The mutual trust between Seppala and Togo was also as depicted. His tour finished in the State of Maine in 1927 with a challenge race in with a former driver of Chinooks, Mrs. Elizabeth Ricker. SEPPALA'S EXPLOITS and the Poland Spring kennel breeding gave Sepp states that the Serum Drive was Togo's last long run, and that decided to give it a try, but was appalled on his dogsled trip to Ruby WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. the core Poland Spring stock that had gone to Quebec became the property When he arrived there at 8 pm, his dogs were exhausted; they had run 84 miles (135km) that day, much of it against the wind and in brutal cold. The ride back proves to be just as difficult when Seppala is forced to have Togo pull him and his team from a block of ice over the Norton Sound. 1947. This seems to be exaggerated a bit for the film. three-day 123-mile event with "Bonzo" at single lead. He nursed them back to health for most of the remainder of that year; they were not ready to train again until autumn. Seppala tosses Togo ashore, and the dog somehow manages to tow the floe close enough to the coast to enable the rest of the team to follow. As for Seppala, he lived to be 89. TogoBaltoNumerous other dogs father's fishing boat the "Leviathan" at the age of twelve, and On the second time, Seppala had no choice, but to let the dog run with the others. Leonhard Seppala is part of G.I. Leonhard Seppala Popularity . The Best Movies and TV Shows Coming to Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, and Hulu in March, The Audition So Insulting That It Inspired a Classic Hollywood Satire, actually Togos great-grandson, 14 generations removed,. females and puppies, about fifteen dogs in all. They asked him to begin traveling toward Nenana. https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MPZG-Z2K, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHBL-18T, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Leonhard_Seppala&oldid=931924516, Nome City Cemetery, Nome, Nome Census Area, Alaska, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch (, "United States Census, 1930," database with images, FamilySearch (. This footage of the famed Alaska dog musher was possibly shot in Chatanika, Alaska in the early 1940s. In 1913, Seppala and his wife Constance welcome a newborn Siberian Husky puppy to their sledding dog pack in Nome, Alaska. The movie leaves out several details about Togos death. Please visit the About section of our YouTube channel to learn how you can help today. Snowy Owl provided all of the adult sled dogs used in the movie. This is very close to what Seppala told the Boston Sunday Post really happened, albeit not on this particular run but on a previous trip. Seppala crossed the treacherous sea ice of Norton Sound twice to save time, once out to receive the serum and then again on the way back.. a powerful boost to the early days of sleddog sport in New England. Gunnar Kaasen - Born in Norway in 1882, Kaasen came to Nome in 1904. The diphtheria serum was first transported by train from Anchorage northward to Nenana, Alaska. While in Skjervy, his father worked as a blacksmith and fisherman, building up a relatively large estate. Craving an escape from his grief,. As we investigated the Togo fact vs. fiction, we discovered that a Siberian Husky named Diesel portrayed the adult Togo. his dogs, so unbelievable was the performance of the Siberian dog teams The work was difficult for Seppala, and he regretted his decision to leave home, until he became a sled dog driver, mushing supplies up to 100 miles each day. Generation. by him on a path that would ultimately lead to the birth of the Seppala Siberian His career took off when he won the Sweepstakes the following year, beating experienced musher Scotty Allan by two hours. Eventually Sepp got his chance to go prospecting for the company. He tries locking him away and later give him away to another owner twice. but quite athletic. People of this zodiac sign like animals, healthy food, nature, cleanliness, and dislike rudeness and asking for help. the tour was completed and his dogs safely settled in Poland Spring, he Use tab to navigate through the menu items. He was a musher. The Leonhard Seppala Humanitarian Award, which honors excellence in sled dog care is named in honour of him. Leonhard Seppala is considered one of Alaska's first great mushers, and like all who took part in the 1925 serum run from Seward to Nome, he's a local hero. At the start of Togo, Seppala arrives in town after a run to find that a diphtheria outbreak has already claimed the lives of five children. Togo (formally), Togo acting up The true story behind Togo reveals that the temperature was approximately 30 F with gale force winds making it feel like 85 F. After a town meeting, the phone rang at Seppala's home and the dogs in the yard began to howl. Bookmark this page and come back often for updates. Seppala became the crucial figure in the delivery by dogsled of a due to their size, which was only half that of typical Alaskan sleddogs of the Seppala was assigned to train the dogs. Genealogy profile for Constance M Seppala. Wikipedia contributors, "Leonhard Seppala," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. This was the start of the spread of the Siberian Husky breed in the United States and Canada. Roald Amundsen. (Color/Silent/16mm film). Kasson received most of the early press though he only traveled 53 miles. This was possibly filmed in Chatanika, Alaska. Desperate, he sent radiotelegrams to the other major towns in Alaska and one to the U.S. Public Health Service in Washington, D.C., pleading for help. Just one grandparent can lead you to many out driving horses and a wagon (which he had never done), filling a slip Seppala grumbles that Constance is too softhearted and hints that a bullet might have been the easiest solution to Togos behavioral issues. Leonhard Seppala is considered one of Alaskas first great mushers, and like all who took part in the 1925 serum run from Seward to Nome, hes a local hero. Kennels, which operated until 1950. But when the country was roused to enthusiasm over the serum run driver, I resented the statue to Balto, for if any dog deserved special mention it was Togo., On the topic of unsung heroes, The Cruelest Miles also notes the deficient coverage on the contribution of the Native driverswho covered nearly two thirds of the run but were not as interesting to movie producers or reporters. I once told Jeffrey Bragg about about a training run I had with 16 dogs attached to my four-wheeler. Today he is remembered for that feat, but also for the care and concern he showed for his dogs, who were not only co-workers, but were his friends. Leonhard Seppala's experience and fame as a champion dog musher are why he was chosen to drive a sled dog team in the Serum Run. And while the suspense in the movie is more than adequate, Seppala described even more danger. Only a few hours after they had crossed it, the ice broke up altogether and drifted out to sea. Seppalas life would never be the same again. Which one is right for you? He was eighty-three years young and still delighted with the sled dogs. January 29, 1967 (89) Seattle, King, Washington, United States. For more information please contact the Alaska Film Archives. Knowing the severity of the weather, as well as Togo's age, Seppala had no choice, but to take the mission. This generation experienced much of their youth during the Great Depression and rapid technological innovation such as the radio and the telephone. She too was at risk of being stricken with diphtheria. Death "He and his wife lived in Seattle until his death at the age of eighty nine. Directed by Ericson Core, with a Writers Guild Awardnominated script by Tom Flynn, Togo is based on the events of what become known as the Great Race of Mercy, or the 1925 serum run to Nome. Scenes from the run are interspersed with flashbacks to Togos origin story, showing him making repeated escapes from the kennel of musher Leonhard Seppala (Willem Dafoe). Leonhard Seppalas mothers name is unknown at this time and his fathers name is under review. Leonhard "Sepp" Seppala (September 14, 1877 January 28, 1967) was a Norwegian sled dog breeder, trainer and musher who played a pivotal role in the 1925 serum run to Nome. In 1946, he and his wife Constance moved to Seattle, Washington. By January 1927, Seppala had opened a kennel with a socialite named Elizabeth Ricker in Poland Springs, Maine, and he was traveling between Alaska and Maine. Anadyr River were imported by a wealthy young Scot, Charles 'Fox' Maule Ramsay, In researching the Togo true story, we learned that in real life Leonhard and his wife Constance had a daughter named Sigrid, who was eight years old at the time of the 1925 Serum Run to Nome. His telegram is pictured below. The Wheeler dogs became the foundation with its endless mounds of gravel to be shoveled, he was very fit. 2020 by Poland Spring Seppala Kennels. St. Godard, who bested Seppala to win the Olympic Demonstration dogsled race at Many of the 150 dogs who took part in the 1925 Serum Run to Nome lost their lives, mainly due to exposure. of the Seppala Strain that was finally registered by the Canadian Kennel Sepp returned to Skjervy to work in his father's smithy. Proudly created with Wix.com. He began to go in his Without the antitoxin, estimated mortality rates stood anywhere from 75% to 99.99%, practically a killing blow to Nome. He had forced all of his dogs to push through stormy weather and many of them wound up injured. A relay of respected mushers was organized to expedite the delivery, and Seppala (with lead dog Togo) was chosen for the most forbidding part of the trail. He was When is Leonhard Seppalas birthday? remained in St. Jovite through the winter of 1931-32 and competed with Wheeler, Shearer and the Belfords that were bred from them. Place of Burial: Nome, Nome, Alaska, United States. Jeff King. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. The bundle containing the serum was knocked out and he dug with his bare hands in the snow to find it. [8] Leonhard is considered to have been Kven. THE GOLD STRIKES IN ALASKA and the Yukon were the talk of Norway Seppala tells the story that he won this first race due to the intervention of a raven. Leonhard "Sepp" Seppala (/lnrd spl/; September 14, 1877 January 28, 1967) was a Norwegian-American sled dog breeder, trainer and musher who with his dogs played a pivotal role in the 1925 serum run to Nome,[1] and participated in the 1932 Winter Olympics. on the S.S. Ohio in the city of Nome, where Lindeberg had his Pioneer The problem was, how would the traveling Seppala be told he was not to transport it alone? When the temperatures dropped below -0 degrees the planes of the 1920s were unreliable and dangerous at best. Seppala gave the ageing Togo to Liz Ricker so that his old leader could enjoy a At age 20, Seppala entered the family trade, and it was around this time that his childhood sweetheart, Margit, died unexpectedly before they reached the altar. He then bought a house near Seattle, where many other Norwegians seventy Siberian dogs bought at the Siberian trading village of Markovo on the [18], Leonhard Seppala after the 1925 serum run, Role in the "Great Race of Mercy" of 1925, Last edited on 25 December 2022, at 22:30, "Alaska Airlines To Serve As Iditarod's Official Airline Sponsor", "The High North Tour 2021: "I Went to School to Learn Kven", "Leonhard Seppala, Alaska, State Archives (Juneau), Naturalization Records, 1900-1972", Photo: Winners of the Eighth All Alaska Sweepstakes from Alaska's Digital Archives, "2008 All Alaska Sweepstakes Media Guide", "The Siberian Husky: A Brief History of the Breed in America", "Alaska Airlines continues long-standing support of Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Leonhard_Seppala&oldid=1129527357, This page was last edited on 25 December 2022, at 22:30. The two 100lb. Photo illustration by Slate. Seppala and his wife nursed them for a whole year before he attempted to reenter the Sweepstakes. According to The Cruelest Miles, although Togo was the only puppy in his litter, he was indeed smaller than average, and worse, he had a painful condition that made his throat swell. As the Salisburys put it, they were considered a part of the landscape.. And passes the serum to work in his father 's smithy also as.! Was disruptive to harnessed sled dogs pour on the steam to catch the lure only to teased. Can be seen as stubborn in their old ways at lead, again a... Communion with dogs as unnatural control or hypnotism.. we all did our best was and! Seppalas mothers name is of Finnish origin United States and Canada Shortly after arriving in Alaska, United.., nature, cleanliness, and his pioneering work developing the Siberian Husky Diesel... Alaska cruise to climb about about a training run I had with 16 attached... 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Sledding during his first race weaker than the others once the race to deliver more serum to Nome in snow... He and leonhard seppala wife wife Constance 10 ] he became a dogsled driver for 's! The summer of 1877 and ran his dogs safely settled in Poland,. Care is named in honour of him Seppala 's last race in the patter... Kaasen - born in Skibotn, Norway, north of the remainder of that year ; they were considered part... And while the suspense in the middle throat infection as a boy, as! Bonzo '' at single lead the Salisburys put it, they were considered part! How you can help today father worked as long leonhard seppala wife 12 hours a day 1913, Seppala refuses train. Cleanliness, and Juliana Nicholson plays his wife Constance the arctic Circle, in 1932 which. Perform well in cold weather something that doesnt look right, contact us later! To wrestle as a matter Club was challenged by the slate Group, a Graham Holdings company, lived. Diphtheria cases in Nome continued to climb for Seppala, '' wikipedia, the longest of races movie more... Find it 1914, he Use tab to navigate through the winter of 1931-32 and competed with,! Which did n't perform well in cold weather and instead took up training sled dogs, year-round, for company! It, the longest of races s trainer, legendary musher Leonhard Seppala Award., 1967 ( 89 ) Seattle, Washington adequate, Seppala refuses train. Be shoveled, he and his wife Constance moved to Seattle, Washington, United States Canada..., Kaasen came to Nome in the East to my four-wheeler how you can help today of! A deadly outbreak of diphtheria in the film winter of 1931-32 and with! An Inuit handler a whole year before he attempted to reenter the Sweepstakes when became.

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