lucius finds harry crying fanfiction

The cold ceramic basin touched the insides of his legs as his piss steamed out. Unfortunately, he quickly finds that there are many elements in this new world that are unwilling to leave the Boy-Who-Lived alone. That wasn't how the game was played. I mean, I had to urinate, I didn't "pee myself." he murmured into the nape of Harry's neck. linkffn(10669760), Acts of Betrayal -- Narcissa. Really? Voyeurism. It's really quite infantile of you, Harry, to lose control like that. No corridor, no classroom not even the Quidditch field was without people. Its probably just because he doesnt want to be an evil git in front of the parents. That meant that he wasn't to make Lucius come, not yet, that was for later, when Harry had pissed himself dry. Site: [][140220079035000:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Words: 9,312 | Reviews: 291 | Favs: 1,666 | Follows: 352 | Published: 9/15/2010 | Status: Complete | id: 6326956 | Language: English | Genre: Friendship/Humor | Download: [EPUB][140220079035000:epub] or [MOBI][140220079035000:mobi] [140220079035000:site]: [140220079035000:epub]: [140220079035000:mobi]: He sobbed as he felt the piss fill his urethra and then gush forth into his trousers. Is it a wizard law or a Muggle law? A warm hand covered his spurting cock and Lucius' voice was surprisingly gentle. For some reason I was reminded of this. "Well, sure, I love wetting myself, but grown adults who put on diapers are just weird.". "That's why you did it like that.". Ron yawned. "But not nearly as badly as you do." Lucius touched Harry's left nipple and then his right. Harry knew that Lucius meant it. He moved around so that he sat behind Harry and he encircled his waist. "I've made it stop. "Shall we discuss something a little more interesting, muggle politics or the weather perhaps? Through this she learns secrets Dumbledore never intended for her to know and she vows to be anything but what they expect of her. The Dark Lord will pay for his crimes, but not without his soul intact. His scowl returned. ", "The forward progress of time is merely an illusion so you goddamn hold it, Potter. But are their people who love peeing their pants that find the ideas of diapers gross and morally reprehensible? Life is good. What's your excuse? It wasn't enough and he arched against him, fighting the spasms in his bladder. darkharry. Harry/Hermione, Site: [][140220078986688:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 14 | Words: 144,392 | Reviews: 1,510 | Favs: 4,316 | Follows: 2,362 | Updated: 7/24/2011 | Published: 2/28/2010 | Status: Complete | id: 5783428 | Language: English | Genre: Romance/Adventure | Characters: Sirius B., Minerva M. | Download: [EPUB][140220078986688:epub] or [MOBI][140220078986688:mobi] [140220078986688:site]: [140220078986688:epub]: [140220078986688:mobi]:, Site: [][140220078818976:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 11 | Words: 143,267 | Reviews: 482 | Favs: 1,449 | Follows: 913 | Updated: 4/12 | Published: 3/24 | Status: Complete | id: 11858167 | Language: English | Characters: Harry P., Ron W., Hermione G., George W. | Download: [EPUB][140220078818976:epub] or [MOBI][140220078818976:mobi] [140220078818976:site]: [140220078818976:epub]: [140220078818976:mobi]:, Backward With Purpose Part I: Always and Always: linkffn(4101650), Harry led a gang of 5 Weasleys and Neville, and they executed 19 Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban. Potterovi byli napadeni, ale vechno bylo jinak ne si lid mysleli. Lucius lay down beside him in the huge bed. Following the death of Lily and James, Sirius takes Harry in with his best friend and long time crush Remus. Any and all remaining mistakes are mine and mine alone. Harry tried not to wince and wiggle too much as he scrambled into them. Lucius lifted his head to look at the digital clock on the bedside table. Once, in the early days of their liaison he had lost control and it had all flooded out of him, soaking sheets and pillows. The Dark Lord Never Died, linkffn(11773877): Lucius was a main antagonist here, and it was Dumbledore and Snape who poisoned him, Harry finds that his "saving people thing" is a power of its own, capable of bonding single witches to him if their life is in mortal danger, with unusual results. Fuck it, Voldemort was right. "Yes, do it some more." About a month ago, I started going through all my old fics, and this one caught my interest. Dumbledore sat in his seat at the front with the teachers on both sides. Harry rocked backwards and forwards against Lucius' side. "Not even if you're desperate.". More than two years had passed since, though it still hurt Harry to think about. Finding the Saviour of the Wizarding World treated like a common house-elf is not at all what he expected. The school filled with people, even more so than usual. Professor Snape looked like he would rather have faced off with Voldemort again than be present in this hellish classroom. For three days you'll be able to show your parents around those of you with Muggle parents, Im sure you have a lot to tell, and they will get to see your everyday lives. Other than Voldemort, Harry could not remember ever meeting a more unpleasant man. Since then, its been sitting on my hard drive, and its been joined by a bunch of other fics that I started on but never finished. He sat up abruptly, trapping Lucius' hand between his tightly clenched thighs. Exhausted, she laid down the book and emptied her glass. They're both Slytherins, but haven't really talked until she saves him from James Potter. Draco had inherited her pointed chin, but not the soft curve of her lips. "Fuck me after," he said, "fuck me hard, but I've got to do a wee first. "Yes," Harry nodded, although they both knew that Lucius was asking the impossible. He could see the faint yellow glow of a street light through the velvet. The bulge extended across his lower abdomen, rock hard and solid. "Oh, Lucius, I'm doing a wee.". The soft, thick towels belonged to the hotel though, but the bundle of deep purple silk Lucius dropped onto his pillow had been transfigured from some more mundane cloth. "Nice to meet you Lucius." After a few minutes his cries stopped and Harry realized he was tired. When the elves moved away for a moment, it took the opportunity and quickly emptied the vial's contents into the goblet. Draco, who had watched the disgusting ritual for six years, took a piece of toast with some butter on it, barely managing to get it down at all. OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE. ", NO ONE WILL FAIL TO BE AROUSED DURING THE EROTIC "MILD BITCHING ABOUT BEING ON TIME" DISCUSSION, "It was muggle traffic," Harry said impatiently, "and I wanted to go when I met you. I'm getting paid to do this. Harry's third year is going to be a bumpy ride. But did you see the look he gave Mrs. Malfoy? Ron asked. They were not words he would agree with. She's gone through more than most ever will and is only known (at first) due to her younger brother, Harry Potter, being the Boy-Who-Lived. Lucius asked. Although he sat perfectly upright, he kept his eyes cast downwards, and Harry thought he looked almost sad. We may earn a commission from links on this page. 120K 3.9K 32. Harry felt his own frantic-to-piss cock harden against Lucius' leg. I love my mum, but I dont want her in school., Im sure my parents will be thrilled, Rons girlfriend and Harrys best friend, Hermione Granger, had answered. Harry Potter | Fantasy. ", Lucius smiled. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the chosen one, goes through so much pain, both emotional and physical. Site: [][140220079359312:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 25 | Words: 324,505 | Reviews: 4,388 | Favs: 4,833 | Follows: 5,518 | Updated: 9/7 | Published: 12/15/2015 | id: 11669575 | Language: English | Characters: Harry P. | Download: [EPUB][140220079359312:epub] or [MOBI][140220079359312:mobi] [140220079359312:site]: [140220079359312:epub]: [140220079359312:mobi]:, Chapter 46 of linkffn(Harry Potter and the Riders of the Apocalypse by HunterBerserkerWolf), Harry Potter and the Riders of the Apocalypse by HunterBerserkerWolf. Cookie Notice He squeezed his cock through the thin fabric of his trousers. Harry Potter and the Girl Who Walked on Water, linkffn(12076771): the Trio butchered a huge number of Death Eaters in their guerilla war, beginning with Lucius. Or are there people out there who enjoying the pissing, but think wet pants/bed thing is gross? ", "JESUS CHRIST WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT THIS CHALLENGE. A truly helpful therapist. He didn't love Lucius, what they shared was deeper, darker and far more primitive than love. "It's not a sport I like; Harry's been injured way too many times. Isn't there a spell that can take care of this? I can't state this enough: THIS IS THE SORT OF SHIT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MARRY SOMEONE YOU MEET IN YOUR FRESHMAN YEAR OF SCHOOL. "You really are a disgrace," Lucius said. All right? Harry glared back, but Hermione had always been more stubborn than him and he decided to leave the rather sore subject alone. In his hand, he held an invitation. Harry looked at Snape, who seemed completely lost as he stared at Mrs. Malfoy. Goyle, of course, failed to notice the look. [4]: "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: "The maintainer". Isn't that what they want to do? Doubt it. Anti lots of people, Grey Harry. WE KNOW. "What a coincidence, I also have a wife, who has no idea where I am tonight or what I'm doing or with whom." She'd probably admit she'd been having an affair with Cho Chang for the last six years. Stay tuned for the sequel! . Please consider turning it on! Harry has had such terrible luck in dating that he suspects he has a curse on him. The pressure helped just a little, but he was so full, so very full. This story is now complete! He felt the hot piss burst from his cock, only a spurt, only a single spurt, but the beginning of the end.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and they executed 19 Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shall I say poor, poor Harry, look how full his bladder is, it must be hurting him dreadfully, perhaps I really ought to let him wet the bed." Harry had stayed silent, trying to make himself as small as possible. While changing into her pajamas, she reminded herself to break her bad habit of leaving kitchenware all over her flat; this included her wine glass. He did not want her pity. Sucks to be Ron Ginny, Site: [][140220078988088:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 20 | Words: 77,977 | Reviews: 1,784 | Favs: 4,122 | Follows: 1,606 | Updated: 5/7/2008 | Published: 9/28/2007 | Status: Complete | id: 3807777 | Language: English | Genre: Angst/Romance | Characters: Harry P., Hermione G. | Download: [EPUB][140220078988088:epub] or [MOBI][140220078988088:mobi] [140220078988088:site]: [140220078988088:epub]: [140220078988088:mobi]: You coming, Harry? He was almost drooling. His face was, as always, set in a scowl. Lucius takes Harry back to the Manor. But then Draco Malfoys father shows up of all people and offers him a place at Malfoy Manor.Highly suspicious at first, he finds that the Malfoys are kinder than he expected and Harry slowly starts to let himself believe that things might be looking up for him at once. "Oh, damn, I wish I could hold on until the morning, but I'll never last that long." For years he had guarded his secret alone and he still felt ashamed to admit what Lucius already knew. Lucius reached over and picked up the soft bundle from the pillow. They've raised Harry together, with Sirius being quite protective of his little boy and managing to keep the secrets of Remus' condition, and what exactly happened to young Harry's parents away from the boy for his protection. He rubs it in my face too often to know. And I flushed. "Getting you out of these disgustingly wet trousers." Is that why the simplest of conversations take him 10 fucking minutes to parse? He was exhausted and there was a dull, residual ache in his bladder, but he was also sated and utterly content. Oh, and I'd seriously consider going to the bathroom before reading this. **. Richard Granger." . Ron and Harry nodded in agreement, and Hermione walked off after telling her parents. This contains adult subject matter including but not limited to abuse, violence and dark themes. Love, betrayal and vows. "I'm going to have to go before morning." A dark Severus has to navigate being a spy, a toy, a weapon, anything and everything his masters could require. "Calm down and the urgency will pass. Ron ever the hothead would always defend Harry when Malfoy started, though Harry tried to hold him back these days. Locked into his room by the Dursleys and half starved to death, Harry hasnt much hope that anything will change until he goes back to Hogwarts. The Dursleys would never even dream of coming to Hogwarts and Harry felt quite certain that he did not want his wizard-hating Muggle relatives running around Hogwarts unattended. These were pyjamas, fine purple silk pyjamas. She would see, and she would be shocked and horrified by them. "I like to watch you, Harry. Two amazing adoptive parents, and the two sisters that came from it. A gust of wind swept into the kitchens, where house elves scurried back and forth, back and forth, trying to get everything ready for the big feast. They walked away, and Harry could hear Arthur Weasley going off asking Hermiones parents how cameras worked the photos produced did not move and that was obviously terribly strange. Draco is killed by his father only to return seven years later. With the humming slowly came the rocking, Harry felt so comforted. He made one last desperate effort and finally managed to stem the flow. I'm betting Dumbledore has made the house elves outdo themselves again! ", "You also said that you weren't desperate, that you could quite easily control yourself while we dinned." Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, People these days don't know what actually bad movies are like. Unconventional tactics. While Harry Potter has inspired scads of fan fic, good and bad, all-ages-appropriate and quite naughty, I have noticed that a great many Harry Potter fans are also fans of the human execratory system. he asked, sitting down on Hermione's other side. COMPLETE. Harry shivered. Something watched them, though they did not notice. ", Hermione nodded. Luckily, a Malfoy always gets what he wants. Ways I know FFF has ruined me #496: Rather than be glad Lucius isn't using Harry as an in-room water fountain, I'm actually annoyed I've read 4000 words of this nonsense and Harry's just going to piss in a bucket. "Names Richard. Harry rolled away from Lucius and up onto his knees. "Good." The knots in his stomach did not allow food. He comes up with an idea to break it: date someone so terrible for him that the curse will give up. She wanted a quiet life in the small village she settled in. His cock poked out of his open fly, rigid and red, twice as hard now as when Harry had caressed it. Shes heartless, easily irritated and very trigger-happy with hexes. Against Lucius ' hand between his tightly clenched thighs affair with Cho for. We may earn a commission from links on this page Wizarding world treated like a common house-elf not. Luck in dating that he suspects he has a curse on him dating that he sat up abruptly trapping! Harry and he arched against him, fighting the spasms in his bladder, think! Not limited to abuse, violence and dark themes ), Acts of Betrayal --.... Love wetting myself, but I 've got to do a wee. `` when the moved. The rocking, Harry, to lose control like that. `` faint yellow glow of a light... Emptied the vial 's contents into the goblet adults who put on diapers just! 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lucius finds harry crying fanfiction