10 differences of religion and spirituality

Koenig HG. With the renewed exploration of gender that feminism, the modern transgender movement, and queer theory has fostered, some in the contemporary West have begun to describe themselves as a third sex again. Things that are not in my control I learn to view them with a positive attitude. In fact, we would not expect any direct or immediate effects of R/S on physical health, other than indirectly through intermediary psychosocial and behavioral pathways. Religious content in the DSM-III-R glossary of technical terms. 35, no. Of the 67 studies with quality ratings of seven or higher, 38 (55%) reported inverse relationships [173182] and seven (10%) found positive relationships (greater anxiety among the more R/S) [183189]. Impact of Ramadan on demographics and frequencies of disease-related visits in the emergency department. Of the 37 methodologically most rigorous studies, 21 (57%) reported significant positive relationships between R/S and SRH [503, 508527], whereas three (8%) found the opposite [528530]. Of those, 33 (70%) reported significant associations, whereas five (11%) found less altruism among the more R/S; of the 20 best studies, 15 (75%) reported positive relationships [108113] and two (10%) found negative associations [114, 115] (both concerning organ donations, which some religions prohibit). K. L. Fiori, E. E. Brown, K. S. Cortina, and T. C. Antonucci, Locus of control as a mediator of the relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction: Age, race, and gender differences, Mental Health, Religion and Culture, vol. 411422, 1998. A. L. Ai, C. Peterson, S. F. Bolling, and H. Koenig, Private prayer and optimism in middle-aged and older patients awaiting cardiac surgery, Gerontologist, vol. Effects not explained by better health behaviors could be explained by lower stress levels and higher social support in those who are more R/S. [109], With over 500 surviving Indigenous North American cultures, attitudes about sex and gender are diverse. 1, pp. 19531973, Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London, UK, 1927. The hospital eventually became known as bedlam (from which comes the word used today to indicate a state of confusion and disarray). Care for those with mental health problems in the West also had its roots within monasteries and religious communities [2]. Religious attendance and the health behaviors of Texas adults. In that study, religious attendance was related to significantly poorer cutaneous response to antigens; however, it was also related (at a trend level) to higher total lymphocyte count, total T-cell count, and helper T-cell count. Idler EL. 47, no. [18] For cultures with these spiritual beliefs, it is generally seen as a positive thing, though some third gender people have also been accused of witchcraft and persecuted. There is rapidly growing evidence that stress and negative emotions (depression, anxiety) have (1) adverse effects on physiological systems vital for maintenance of physical health and healing [344346], (2) increase susceptibility to or worse outcomes from a wide range of physical illnesses [347351], and (3) may shorten the lifespan prematurely [352, 353]. 5, pp. B. Shaw, J. Y. Han, E. Kim et al., Effects of prayer and religious expression within computer support groups on women with breast cancer, Psycho-Oncology, vol. Consider that a recent national survey of US psychiatrists found that 56% said they never, rarely, or only sometimes inquire about religious/spiritual issues in patients with depression or anxiety [16]. Third, most health professionals without clinical pastoral education do not have the skills or training to competently address patients spiritual needs or provide advice about spiritual matters. [22] Because of both peer and parental pressure, those growing up with the most ambiguous appearances had the most troubled childhoods and difficulties later in life. Gender may be recognized and organized differently in different cultures. Religious involvement and risk of major depression in a prospective nationwide study of African American adults. 1, pp. I then present a theoretical model explaining how R/S might influence physical health. H. G. Koenig, Spirituality in Patient Care, Templeton Press, Conshohocken, Pa, USA, 3rd edition, 2013. S. Cohen, D. Janicki-Deverts, and G. E. Miller, Psychological stress and disease, Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. First, I provide a brief historical background to set the stage. Agama juga mungkin mengandung mitologi. Al-Kandari YY. 9, pp. S. Schieman, K. Van Gundy, and J. Taylor, The relationship between age and depressive symptoms: a test of competing explanatory and suppression influences, Journal of Aging and Health, vol. In this context, the desire of mainstream feminism to dismantle traditional gender roles becomes inapplicable to the Black experience. 68, no. 106115, 1979. Pargament KI, Koenig HG, Perez LM. 32, no. Beeri MS, Davidson M, Silverman JM, et al. Heydecke G, Tedesco LA, Kowalski C, Inglehart MR. Praktik keagamaan, yakni hubungan vertikal antara manusia dan Tuhan-Nya, dan hubungan horizontal atau hubungan antarumat beragama sesuai dengan ajaran agama. S332S347, 2002. Patricia Collins, credits this phenomenon to prevalence of white men determining what should or should not be considered valid discourse and urges for an alternative mode of producing knowledge that includes the core themes of Black female consciousness. 12, pp. The gita in the title of the Bhagavad Gita means "song." Of 30 clinical trials, 19 (63%) found that R/S interventions produced better outcomes than either standard treatment or control groups. will also be available for a limited time. This conflict has manifested in the clinical work of many mental health professionals, who have generally ignored the religious resources of patients or viewed them as pathological. 4, pp. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Fiori KL, Brown EE, Cortina KS, Antonucci TC. Beberapa akademisi mempelajari subjek telah membagi agama menjadi tiga kategori: Karena agama tetap diakui dalam pemikiran Barat sebagai dorongan universal, banyak praktisi agama bertujuan untuk bersatu dalam dialog antaragama, kerja sama, dan perdamaian agama. Now, knowing all this, you would think that having an internal locus of control, as opposed to an external one is a benefit. Most of these are prospective cohort studies, where baseline R/S is assessed as a predictor of mortality during the observation period, controlling for confounders. This generally lasted until puberty, but in some cases continued into adulthood and even after the sipiniq person married a man. In addition, importance of religious or spiritual expression was related to significantly higher white blood cell count, total lymphocyte count, total T cells, and cytotoxic T cell activity. We located 32 studies examining relationships with R/S, and of those, 26 (81%) reported significant positive relationships. [43] For instance, Williams declares, "the use of the term spirituality in this paper speaks of the everyday experiences of life and the way in which we relate to and interpret God at work in those experiences". 213224, 1998. 239263, 2006. This paper provides a concise but comprehensive review of research on religion/spirituality (R/S) and both mental health and physical health. 34, no. Freud S. Future of an Illusion. Namun, beberapa agama melihat pengetahuan seperti terbatas dalam lingkup dan sebatas cocok untuk menjawab pertanyaan, yang lain melihat pengetahuan agama sebagai memainkan peran yang lebih terbatas, sering sebagai pelengkap pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui pengamatan fisik. They want something that they can embrace to the fullest without any hint of regret. Focus on what you can control, and leave what you cant. 415425, 2001. E. L. Idler, Religious involvement and the health of the elderly: some hypotheses and an initial test, Social Forces, vol. 5, pp. Does psychosocial stress cause hypertension? S. E. Morgan, Many facets of reluctance: African Americans and the decision (not) to donate organs, Journal of the National Medical Association, vol. 746756, 1994. In another report, a case of mania precipitated by Eastern meditation was discussed; also included in this article was a review of nine other published cases of psychosis occurring in the setting of meditation [199]. Does religious observance promote health? [121] Shiva's symbol, which is today known as Shivalinga, actually comprises a combination of a 'Yoni' (vagina) and a 'Lingam' (phallus). [40], Western scholars often do not make a distinction between people of the third gender and males; they are often lumped together. R. A. Emmons and T. T. Kneezel, Giving thanks: spiritual and religious correlates of gratitude, Journal of Psychology and Christianity, vol. The field of religion, spirituality, and health is growing rapidly, and I dare to say, is moving from the periphery into the mainstream of healthcare. C. A. Reyes-Ortiz, M. Pelaez, H. G. Koenig, and T. Mulligan, Religiosity and self-rated health among Latin American and Caribbean elders, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, vol. 4, pp. A. Skrabski, M. Kopp, S. Rzsa, J. Rthelyi, and R. H. Rahe, Life meaning: an important correlate of health in the Hungarian population, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. Religious effects on health status and life satisfaction among Black Americans. Bear in mind that many, many more qualitative studies have been published on the topic that were not included in this review. [80], Kritik agama dari Christopher Hitchens dan Richard Dawkins melangkah lebih jauh dan menyatakan bahwa agama luar biasa merugikan kepada masyarakat dengan menggunakan kekerasan untuk mempromosikan tujuan mereka, dengan cara yang didukung dan dimanfaatkan oleh para pemimpin mereka. 3, pp. 104111, 2007. Not long after this, the Quakers brought moral treatment to America, where it became the dominant form of psychiatric care in that country [6]. Religious coping methods as predictors of psychological, physical and spiritual outcomes among medically ill elderly patients: a two-year longitudinal study. 2, pp. "[108] Richard Trexler gives an early Spanish account of religious 'third gender' figures from the Inca empire in his 1995 book "Sex and Conquest": And in each important temple or house of worship, they have a man or two, or more, depending on the idol, who go dressed in women's attire from the time they are children, and speak like them, and in manner, dress, and everything else they imitate women. I took good care of myself, the way he wanted me to. Brief and to the point. A. 28, no. 23, no. 6, pp. Burdette AM, Ellison CG, Hill TD, Glenn ND. 12, p. 78, 2012. 43 (3): 349360. B. M. Jones, Changes in cytokine production in healthy subjects practicing Guolin Qigong: a pilot study, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2, pp. And yes, this can be frustrating, but it doesnt mean you cant change your attitude. Factors associated with rehospitalization among veterans in a substance abuse treatment program. Faith-based weight-reduction programs in religious communities have been shown to be effective [328, 330, 331]. When religion is seen in terms of sacred, divine, intensive valuing, or ultimate concern, then it is possible to understand why scientific findings and philosophical criticisms (e.g., those made by Richard Dawkins) do not necessarily disturb its adherents. L. Gamwell and N. Tomes, Madness in America: Cultural and Medical Perceptions of Mental Illness Before 1914, Cornell University Press, New York, NY, USA, 1995. In: Plane TG, Sherman AC, editors. African-American women's suffrage movement, In Search of our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose, All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us Are Brave, "Struggling to Connect: White and Black Feminism in the Movement Years", But Some of Us Are Brave: A History of Black Feminism In the United States, "Talkin' Bout a Revolution: Afro-Politico Womanism and the Ideological Transformation of the Black Community, 19651980", "#BlackWomenAtWork Shows Why Some Women Identify as Womanists, Not Feminists", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Womanism&oldid=1116896705, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. 5, pp. 1, no. Glucocorticoids and hippocampal atrophy in neuropsychiatric disorders. Religious involvement and cigarette smoking in young adults: the CARDIA study. McCord G, Gilchrist VJ, Grossman SD, et al. D. E. King, A. G. Mainous, and W. S. Pearson, C-reactive protein, diabetes, and attendance at religious services, Diabetes Care, vol. C. L. Holt, D. L. Haire-Joshu, S. N. Lukwago, L. A. Lewellyn, and M. W. Kreuter, The role of religiosity in dietary beliefs and behaviors among urban African American women., Cancer Control, vol. 45, no. 257267, 2009. Effects of Greek orthodox christian church fasting on serum lipids and obesity. Pagano ME, Zemore SE, Onder CC, Stout RL. 3, pp. A. Bauermeister, Religiosity and marital stability among Black American and White American couples, Family Relations, vol. 37, no. [16] The focus of the theology is not on gender inequality, but race- and class-based oppression. W. F. Scholte, M. Olff, P. Ventevogel et al., Mental health symptoms following war and repression in Eastern Afghanistan, Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. The relationship between religion and science involves discussions that interconnect the study of the natural world, history, philosophy, and theology.Even though the ancient and medieval worlds did not have conceptions resembling the modern understandings of "science" or of "religion", certain elements of modern ideas on the subject recur throughout history. 5, pp. P. E. Murphy, J. W. Ciarrocchi, R. L. Piedmont, S. Cheston, M. Peyrot, and G. Fitchett, The relation of religious belief and practices, depression, and hopelessness in persons with clinical depression, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, vol. 163, no. Despite the negative views and opinions held by many mental health professionals, research examining religion, spirituality, and health has been rapidly expandingand most of it is occurring outside the field of psychiatry. Seminars in medicine of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: protective and damaging effects of stress mediators. We identified 95 studies that examined relationships between R/S and risky sexual activity (sex outside of marriage, multiple partners, etc.). Those with a very high internal locus can believe they control everything, from world events to personal matters such as illness. 4, pp. Warburton J, Stirling C. Factors affecting volunteering among older Rural and city dwelling adults in Australia. In order to assess the methodological quality of the studies, quality ratings were assigned as follows. V. Saroglou, I. Pichon, L. Trompette, M. Verschueren, and R. Dernelle, Prosocial behavior and religion: new evidence based on projective measures and peer ratings, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. Freeman RB. [27] The report comments on the recognition of third classifications, stating: From a rights-based perspective, third sex/gender options should be voluntary, providing trans people with a third choice about how to define their gender identity. [6] Womanism supports the idea that the culture of the woman, which in this case is the focal point of intersection as opposed to class or some other characteristic, is not an element of her identity but rather is the lens through which her identity exists. M. T. Hyypp and J. Mki, Individual-level relationships between social capital and self-rated health in a bilingual community, Preventive Medicine, vol. 1, pp. 11, pp. Of those, 106 (75%) reported inverse relationships and four (3%) found positive relationships. B. Torgler, The importance of faith: tax morale and religiosity, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 4, pp. Religion is the substance, the ground, and the depth of man's spiritual life." Fourth, physicians' own R/S beliefs often influence medical decisions they make and affect the type of care they offer to patients,including decisions about use of pain medications [588], abortion [589], vaccinations [590], and contraception [591]. S160S170, 2003. J. Neeleman, Regional suicide rates in the Netherlands: does religion still play a role? International Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 6, pp. E. Martz, Death anxiety as a predictor of posttraumatic stress levels among individuals with spinal cord injuries, Death Studies, vol. 49, no. When something goes wrong in your life, do you tend to blame yourself or someone else? R. M. Park, P. A. Schulte, J. D. Bowman et al., Potential occupational risks for neurodegenerative diseases, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 3, no. K. L. Lapane, T. M. Lasater, C. Allan, and R. A. Carleton, Religion and cardiovascular disease risk, Journal of Religion and Health, vol. A case control study. https://www.ahrq.gov/health-literacy/improve/precautions/tool10.html. Survival and health care utilization in elderly medical inpatients with major depression. Murray-Swank A, Goldberg R, Dickerson F, Medoff D, Wohlheiter K, Dixon L. Correlates of religious service attendance and contact with religious leaders among persons with co-occurring serious mental illness and type 2 diabetes. r/gaming: A subreddit for (almost) anything related to games - video games, board games, card games, etc. Murphy SA, Johnson LC, Lohan J. Stack S, Kposowa A. Branco KJ. Scores were determined according to the following eight criteria: study design (clinical trial, prospective cohort, cross-sectional, etc. E. L. Idler and S. V. Kasl, Religion among disabled and nondisabled persons II: attendance at religious services as a predictor of the course of disability, Journals of Gerontology, vol. 34, no. Although R/S people tend to eat a healthier diet, they also eat more of it. K. I. Pargament, H. G. Koenig, and L. M. Perez, A comprehensive measure of religious coping: development and initial validation of the RCOPE, Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 54, no. Religion and subjective health among black and white elders. 1, pp. M. D. Regnerus, Moral communities and adolescent delinquency: religious contexts and community social control, Sociological Quarterly, vol. Karena itu pula agama dapat menjadi bagian dan inti dari sistem-sistem nilai yang ada dalam kebudayaan dari masyarakat yang bersangkutan, dan menjadi pendorong serta pengontrol bagi tindakan-tindakan para anggota masyarakat tersebut untuk tetap berjalan sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kebudayaan dan ajaran-ajaran agamanya. 38, no. At least 137 studies have examined relationship between R/S and smoking, and of those, 123 (90%) reported statistically significant inverse relationships (including three at a trend level) and no studies found either a significant or even a trend association in the other direction. However, those reasons may not be evident to the general public because of the connotation that the word feminism brings with it in terms of social movements, ideas, and groups of people. G. Lucchetti, D. C. M. Espinha, L. R. de Oliveira, J. R. Leite, A. L. G. Lucchetti, and H. G. Koenig, Spirituality and health in the curricula of medical schools in Brazil, BMC Medical Education, vol. Most cultures use a gender binary, having two genders (boys/men and girls/women). 64, no. Wilso, Body, perspectives on the: an entry from macmillan reference USA's encyclopedia of Buddhism, in Macmillan Encyclopedia of Buddhism, USA, R. E. Buswell, Ed., pp. 4, pp. 135147, 1980. S. K. Lutgendorf, P. Ullrich, R. Wallace, D. Russell, and T. B. Harris, Religious participation, interleukin-6, and mortality in older adults, Health Psychology, vol. Sapolsky RM. Gillum RF, King DE, Obisesan TO, Koenig HG. Unmet spiritual needs, especially if they involve R/S struggles, can adversely affect health and may increase mortality independent of mental, physical, or social health [581]. A. Davis, Religious struggle: prevalence, correlates and mental health risks in diabetic, congestive heart failure, and oncology patients, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, vol. At least 29 studies have examined relationships between R/S and either the onset or the outcome of cancer (including cancer mortality).

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10 differences of religion and spirituality