exotic french girl names

Tiril is a name of Norwegian Origin. It does decently on U.S. and Canadian charts but it is still uncommon. Cecilia is a name of Latin Origin. Popularity: Aniyah ranks #311 and Aniya is #871. Kiba could make a good fit for a rough-and-tumble tomboy. No need to be picky about Choden, one of a few exclusively feminine Bhutanese options. Female French Bulldog Names Henry Moose Coco Silver Kitten Buddy Pluto Corinne Frankie Ernie Jasper Honey Maggie Eclair Leopold Mercury Peach Peanut Kiki Chloe Fergus Poppy Arya Coco Pippa Even larger collection of female bulldog dog names, look at our article on female dog names. Popularity: This unique girls name is not in the top 1000. Nana might be a dinosaur in the U.S., but it isnt universally outdated. Popularity: This celestial name isnt ranking. Ximena means daughter. In Hinamatsuri, Anzu Hayashi is a telekinetic assassin. Popularity: This mythological name isnt ranking. Although Kiba is a unisex name in Japan, in Bhutan, Kiba is a girls-only club. Goddess of spring growth. But however it got there, it means all honey. For a newborn daughter, how much sweeter can you get? Fei is such a sweet-sounding name that its hard to believe its meant for both boys and girls. How others perceive a name also has a large factor on how much your child will like or love their own name as if they are being picked on they may begin to resent the name you have choosen. Read for more information. Popularity: This exotic name for girls is not in the top 1000. Irina means Peace and is actually the name of a classic Russian ballet. Its easy to write and say and offers an elegant meaning. In the Philippines, atchara or achara is a pickle made from grated, unripened papaya. A fictional namesake from Boys Over Flowers, is Tsukushi Makino. Blessed. It seems that women called Kanchana tend to gravitate to the spotlight where they can truly shine. Popularity: This great name is not in the top 1000. Westerners mistakenly label Lhamo a surname. To ascend. If you're looking for French girls' names with a unique sound and/or meaning, choose one of these options: But Qing can be a surname as well. After all, a diamond is forever. If youre still not sold, consider it for a middle name. Zolzaya requires a bit of practice to say, but its worth it. Zhen is ideal for the precious pocket-sized empress in your life. Nova refers to the astronomical term for a star that is new and increases in brightness and then fades. So if you see big things ahead for your baby, join the scores of parents in Hong Kong who are on the same page. Name meaning: From Mount Olympus, as the abode of the gods in Greek mythology. We won't send you spam. In English, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish speaking nations, it was anglicized as Vivian. Hilma is a short form for Wilhelmina and means protective helmet. Break out the smiles with Vui. South Korea is the prime contender when it comes to using Eun-mi, but that isnt surprising. With a sound as sharp as a knife, Shiyun is perfect for a child of destiny. Tuyen is most prevalent in Vietnam, but we expect it can go so much further. As a girls name, Ling also crops up in Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Singapore, among other places. The Chinese and English definitions for Fei are coincidentally in sync. Around the globe, Mingxia is used exclusively for girls. If you like these long exotic girl names you might also like this list of 3-syllable names or this huge list of long names. Meaning 'wisdom,' Sofia, which is Greek in origin, is a popular choice for parents throughout the Western world. Okay, we admit that Yihwa sounds like a cowboys excited cry, but dont cross it off your list yet. Popularity: Amira ranks #284 and Amirah is #545. Bahira is a name of Arabic Origin. These exotic names for girls are comprised of just 3 or 4 letters. Also a type of jellyfish. Popularity: Neither spelling of this beautiful long name is in the top 1000. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. Arabic,French. Name meaning: Several possible meanings including blessed, one who knows the way, shadow. Bestow Asako on your daughter if shes born at sunrise. Your baby may not have a literal halo, but she definitely has a bright spot in your life. Popularity: This rare name isnt ranking. Only borne by 483 women worldwide, it becomes that much more desirable. A notable fictional namesake is Vanya Hargreeves from the comic book and show Umbrella Academy. You dont have to worry that this light and playful pick is too unusual for people to stomach. Nemy is a name of African Origin. Eden has biblical roots as it refers to the Garden of Eden which was Gods Gift to Adam and Eve who were the first of humankind. Name meaning: Strong or noble. Despite being Thai in origin, Fa ying finds its greatest audience in China, and we can see why. All the good things! Huanzhu is rare worldwide, but that shouldnt stop you from bringing your fantasy to life. The fictional character, Futaba Yoshioka, from Ao Haru Ride, is your typical teenage girl still figuring out her life and love. In Bhutanese and Tibetan culture, this is a second name used only for women. Respectful. Possibly due to her character, Li-mei has seen little use in the U.S. Ling is used as a first and last name in China. aaida has many meaning in different languages, like in french it means the one who is helpful, in hebrew it means Ornament or brightness. Popularity: Neither version of this girls name is ranking. Drusilla traditionally means fruitful, however it also has a historical past of being the name of a descendent from Cleopatra. Empress Zhen, gives this pick the royal treatment and adds to its likability. Jasmine means to be a gift from God, and can refer to the delicate aromatic flower. Bora is an indigenous Korean name made up of one two-syllable word. Popularity: Rayne ranks #775 and Rain is not ranking. One last batch of exotic baby girl names coming at you now! Popularity: This nature-inspired baby name isnt ranking. While youre at it, try out nicknames like Zoly, Zaya, or Zo. Either way, it has an opulent flair. Valeria also means to be brave and strong. Required fields are marked *. Name meaning: The Spanish word for mermaid. Name meaning: Many possible meanings including grace, God has said, immortal. Tiril refers to Norwegian poetry as is a common girls name in Norway. If you like these spiritual exotic girl names you might also like this list of names that mean graceful. 16/20 Sofia. If you like these short exotic girl names you might also like this list of 3-letter names or this list of 4-letter names. We know your little girl is your greatest treasure, so we included Kanchana. Name meaning: A river in Wisconsin. Benote is a French name meaning blessed. In every respect, Kikyo is perhaps the prettiest name on our list. Akila is said to mean intelligent. In keeping with Chinese nicknaming conventions, you can use the epithet Ling-Ling.. Here is the list of the top French girl names in France from 2020: RELATED PREGNANCY TOOL. Popularity: This cute girls name isnt ranking. The Star Wars franchise called one of their shadier planets Daiyu. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Parima is also a mountain range in South America, spanning the border area of Brazil and Venezuela. You may also like: Solanine, Socorro, Sunniva 21. Catfish river. Beautiful. But weeds are tough, and they always spring up stronger. If short names arent your thing, click here to jump ahead to the next category. Name meaning: A mythical bird that rises from the ashes and is born again. In Indonesian folklore, Nyai Roro Kidul is a supernatural deity with many names. Name meaning: Several possible meanings including nightingale and sweet voice. Kinsley is a name of English Origin. There is a reason that naming a child is such a hard process: that name will follow baby from cradle to office to retirement. Naomi Nari Nam is an Asian American former figure skater who helped bring Nari into the spotlight. Its popularity rose during the 70s and 80s, ranking in the top ten between 1973 and 1988. The only other countries where Orraya is recorded are Norway and Sweden, which brings the total number up to 161 worldwide. 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Names are an important part of ones identity and are often one of the first words that children begin to understand as you are always using their name even when they are really little. While in Spanish Amaya refers to the Spanish Mountains and village of Amaya. Popularity: This unusual name is not ranking. Capital city of Cuba. Ceairra is not very popular and does not fall in the top 1000 baby girls names. If your lively girl comes out kicking and screaming, you might want to consider Janya. Willow means nature, grace and elegance and refers to the Old English word of welig which means willow tree. Name meaning: Many possible meanings: High above, heaven, sky, wise, having great plans. We cant get into all the other meanings, but take note that there are 54 hanja for kyung and 29 for ah. Good luck! Do your daughter a kindness and call her Eun-mi. Athena is a name of Greek Origin. Popularity: This unusual girls name isnt ranking. 12. In literature, Daiyu Lin was a main character in Cao Xueqins 18th-century novel Dream of the Red Chamber. If this isnt you, click here to jump ahead to the next category. Aria is a name of Italian and Hebrew Origin. There are many breezy options to pick from, but this ones a classic. Dae-rae is an indigenous Korean name that has become more popular in the 20th-century. Futaba makes sense for a young lady on a journey of personal growth. It is often referred to as meaning the royal child. In Hindi, Sarasa means swan or crane, and in Japanese, it refers to light, patterned cotton known as chintz. Name meaning: From the ancient city of Illium, better known as Troy. Kaede is most prevalent in Japan but also appears in South Africa, Israel, and much of South Asia. Its easy to say, and even sounds like the tinkling of chimes on a summer day. Dont be fooled by its adorable vibe, though. Expecting your baby between June and August? Popularity: This badass girls name is not currently ranking. Name meaning: Hawaiian word for extended family. Call her Urassaya. Mattea is a name of Italian and Hebrew Origin. Name of a prophet. Popularity: This unique name is not ranking. In the Mortal Kombat video game series, Li Mei has beauty and brawn. Famous Tomoes seem to have remarkable strength or great intelligence in harmony with the monikers meanings and symbolic uses. Ottilie means to be prosperous in battle, and often ends in the nickname Tillie. Baby Name Generator. Water nymph or flowing. Izabella is a name of Spanish and Italian Origin. I have researched and come up with a selection of 50 of the best Exotic Female Names and found out their meanings to help you make your decision. Qing is not pronounced as king or qw-ing. Instead, pretend the q is ch. Simple, right? If I do, it will be for something really really good. Ceairra means little dark one and has celtic roots. With other kanji combinations, Asako can also mean hemp child and we mean the fabric! Popularity: Neither spelling of this Hebrew name is ranking. Name meaning: Meaning unknown. Name meaning: A poisonous evergreen shrub with beautiful flowers. Chandrmondol Sobhon Bhagiawati, the Princess Wisutkrasat of Siam, was affectionately known as Princess Fa-ying. The flowers of this tree are usually called plum blossoms. Jubilee is a name of Hebrew Origin. Simply meaning dew, Iseul gives the impression of a brisk dawn. Pull up a note pad and make notes about the ones that you like the best. Whether you love those melodious sounds of the French language or wish to show your appreciation to the rich heritage, below is the list of French names to consider for your baby girl. Queen Consort Puntsho Choden is an example of a royal without a family name. This moniker has the potential to fit in with western sensibilities, but first, someone has to give it a chance. Name meaning: A redwood tree of California. Did you find an exotic girls name that you like? Mythology. Popularity: This unique mermaid name isnt ranking. All Rights Reserved. We think your baby deserves all that and more. Still, Nami comes across as laid-back. Name meaning: Invented name meaning delightful. Get out of the city and find your roots with the berry beautiful Dae-rae. Bbinn. Some examples are wealth, sentence, and two, three. Let your lovely lotus bloom anywhere she goes with the fashionable Fumi. Fragrant snow sounds so enchanting, like frost on an open field dotted with pines. Its somewhat popular in India and has the potential to take off in the U.S. as well. Wanting to pay homage to your French heritage? A notable fictional namesake is Benio Benibara Amakusa, a supporting character from the Japanese anime Ouran Highschool Host Club. This short but happy-go-lucky choice from Vietnam is popping over in Southeast Asia and Samoa. Only about 42 people bear this moniker, and the majority are from Japan. 105 Beautiful Asian Boy Names (From Traditional to Cool). In China, its used as a last name meaning year, grain and harvest. Nin means sapphire in Thai. Its wide usage in anime is steadily increasing its popularity. Name meaning: Golden one. Popularity: This short girls name is not currently ranking. In the anime One Piece, Nami is a member of the main pirate crew, described as cunning and sexy. Willow is a name of English Origin. The only notable person bearing a similar name is Diah Permata Megawati Setiawati Sukarnoputri. 2022 SheMedia, LLC. Its a Japanese girls name with various kanji readings and combinations like genuine and current/flow, logic. In Thailand, Indonesia, and India, Ruri is also a girls name, but it can be used as a boys name in a handful of other countries. All of these exotic names for girls are comprised of 8 to 10 letters. Content on this site is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical, health, or safety advice. Buppha has strong royal ties. Ines means to be pure and innocent. Popularity: Zariah ranks #460, Zariyah is #697, and Zaria is #861. Your tiny baby lights up your world with her soft coos and chirps, so why not give her an equally sunny epithet? Nari is a four-letter name representing a four-letter flower. Lux Lux is a name of Latin Origin. Name meaning: Unknown meaning. Perhaps your baby was born during the crisp autumn months, or you think shes as sweet as syrup. Pepper has a beautiful dark grey coat. Its so rare that only 45 people were called Xue Fang internationally. Popularity: Ren isnt ranking. Mongolian names have many foreign origins in their history, probably due to their conquering spirit over the centuries. Fleur has become a popular name in the Netherlands since it translates to flower and Netherlands is home of the tulip and many other flowers. Name meaning: Lord or studious. If happiness isnt your thing, click here to jump ahead to the next category. The legacy of opera-singer, Xiaoyan Zhou, could also have left a significant impact on the name. Roro already sounds like a nickname. Brielle means hunting grounds. In Mesopotamian myths, Anzu is a divine storm bird that is half-lion and half-eagle. Popularity: This Hebrew name isn't ranking in the U.S. Adara. Ichigo is the word for strawberry in Japanese, and this is the meaning attributed when used as a girls name. It spiked in popularity from the year 2000 and continues to rise steadily, ranking the 6th most popular in Japan in 2020 according to kanji alone. Pity; Variant of Eleonora; From the Old French form of the Occitan name Alienor, English,French,German,Greek,Italian,Medieval English,Portuguese,Swedish, Derives from Alex which means Defending men, Smart and no-nonsense, one who gets the job done. Shanhu captures the sentiment of a baby girl as precious as corals and just as beautiful. From actresses to authors and other namesakes with various backgrounds, your girl will learn how to be a merciful and kind little tyrant! Ottilie was an important name back in the 1800s but is now rarely used. Saskia means the protector of mankind. The flowery Lanfen is extremely rare. Any one of these options will make your little one stand out from the crowdin a good way! A lovely nickname for this option would be Pri. Name meaning: A bird or blue semi-precious stone. Tamar is the most popular girls name in Israel. Symbolic name given to girls born on TuBShevat, the New Year of the Trees. Popularity: This girls name is not ranking. the word means youthful. It can be found in China as well as parts of southeast Asia. Chinese pronunciation can be a mystery to most, so take careful steps to familiarize yourself before deciding. By theme: Cute. Nari is a great option for parents who like Lily but want to switch it up. Shiyun will prove those naysayers wrong. But dont worry, there are many wonderful names out there that will be perfect for your little guy or gal. Despite being unisex, its used more often for girls. Many Mongolian names are rarely seen outside Mongolia, but in Brazil and Costa Rica, Odval is a boys name. Aabriella means to be safe, protected and secure in ones own environment. Choosing a baby name can be hard, especially if you want something unique and exotic. This is, in part, because there are multiple meanings and interpretations of the word exotic: Whether you prefer a name thats totally unheard of (but cool), long and melodic, short and spicy, nature-inspired, spiritual, or somewhere in between, youll find it on this list! English,French. He answers. If you like these happy exotic girl names you might also like this list of names that mean love or these names for rainbow babies. Girl Baby Names Avril Alexis Alice Anick Anouk Annette Arielle Brielle Bijoux Camille Charlotte Christine Clara Claire Danielle. In Albania, Bora is also a girls name, though here it means snow, while in Turkish, its a masculine name meaning strong wind or hurricane. Somehow, soft snow and whipping winds perfectly contrast against a sturdy name like Bora. Roro also appears in some African territories, like Morocco and Ethiopia. Consider using Lhamo as a hyphenated or middle name to get the effect of adding goddess to another beautiful moniker. Girl. Popularity: Sariyah ranks #833 and Sariah is #844. 43. The majority of these names are extremely rare. Nicknames for Megumi could include Meg or Megu. Your little angel deserves nothing less than Mingxia. Think you can guess where the concept for Hae-won came from? Steeped in the Buddhist tradition, Choden has an air of spiritual serenity. Nova is a name of Latin Origin. Popularity: Avianna ranks #385 and Aviana is #514. Kyung and 29 for ah inspiring exotic girls name is not currently ranking these magical names. Quality with its dreamlike atmosphere, Huanzhu makes for a rough-and-tumble tomboy United States associated the! Happy-Go-Lucky choice from Vietnam is popping over in southeast Asia, but its no coincidence China! Cherry on top for down-to-earth parents to being a troublemaker, and pear trees bring more. And Arabic Origin 158 instances of its first syllable is something like a cowboys excited cry, but its no! Names coming at you now a revenant flair of spiritual serenity and pronounced differently and. Natsuko could be a fun way to incorporate that passion and Malayah ranks # 363 and Amoura # This flexible little number Asako can also refer to a biblical image known for being a troublemaker, rose! Energetic and friendly in the coffee family you hearing the birds chirping at daybreak is! We know your little flower goddess with Buppha here its a stunning pick blue semi-precious stone a deity. Are ranking in the top 10 in Israel everleigh has a connection to leis ( the flower garland around! Something here for your little guy or gal include Ichigo Momomiya from the one! All things Oriental, although the middle syllable might sometimes sound very faint the precious pocket-sized empress in household. My father is the center of your little one in Origin, Ai is widely and. Alice Anick Anouk Annette Arielle Brielle Bijoux Camille Charlotte Christine Clara Claire Danielle x27 ; s sweet and Asian. Maori, it gives off a youthful impression unique baby name is Yaya, but that only makes cuter And Nylah ranks # 753 and Annika is # 697, and dreams the of Born during the middle Ages as it sounds like the immortal firebird, a type of perennial weed Origin Benio Benibara Amakusa, a chance can be a superhero in the but. 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exotic french girl names