portrait neural radiance fields from a single image

Instant NeRF, however, cuts rendering time by several orders of magnitude. CVPR. ACM Trans. During the training, we use the vertex correspondences between Fm and F to optimize a rigid transform by the SVD decomposition (details in the supplemental documents). CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python3 train_con.py --curriculum=celeba --output_dir='/PATH_TO_OUTPUT/' --dataset_dir='/PATH_TO/img_align_celeba' --encoder_type='CCS' --recon_lambda=5 --ssim_lambda=1 --vgg_lambda=1 --pos_lambda_gen=15 --lambda_e_latent=1 --lambda_e_pos=1 --cond_lambda=1 --load_encoder=1, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python3 train_con.py --curriculum=carla --output_dir='/PATH_TO_OUTPUT/' --dataset_dir='/PATH_TO/carla/*.png' --encoder_type='CCS' --recon_lambda=5 --ssim_lambda=1 --vgg_lambda=1 --pos_lambda_gen=15 --lambda_e_latent=1 --lambda_e_pos=1 --cond_lambda=1 --load_encoder=1, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python3 train_con.py --curriculum=srnchairs --output_dir='/PATH_TO_OUTPUT/' --dataset_dir='/PATH_TO/srn_chairs' --encoder_type='CCS' --recon_lambda=5 --ssim_lambda=1 --vgg_lambda=1 --pos_lambda_gen=15 --lambda_e_latent=1 --lambda_e_pos=1 --cond_lambda=1 --load_encoder=1. HoloGAN: Unsupervised Learning of 3D Representations From Natural Images. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We first compute the rigid transform described inSection3.3 to map between the world and canonical coordinate. Tero Karras, Samuli Laine, and Timo Aila. CVPR. Reasoning the 3D structure of a non-rigid dynamic scene from a single moving camera is an under-constrained problem. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The disentangled parameters of shape, appearance and expression can be interpolated to achieve a continuous and morphable facial synthesis. Edgar Tretschk, Ayush Tewari, Vladislav Golyanik, Michael Zollhfer, Christoph Lassner, and Christian Theobalt. Showcased in a session at NVIDIA GTC this week, Instant NeRF could be used to create avatars or scenes for virtual worlds, to capture video conference participants and their environments in 3D, or to reconstruct scenes for 3D digital maps. (a) When the background is not removed, our method cannot distinguish the background from the foreground and leads to severe artifacts. PVA: Pixel-aligned Volumetric Avatars. Keunhong Park, Utkarsh Sinha, Peter Hedman, JonathanT. Barron, Sofien Bouaziz, DanB Goldman, Ricardo Martin-Brualla, and StevenM. Seitz. Sign up to our mailing list for occasional updates. 86498658. First, we leverage gradient-based meta-learning techniques[Finn-2017-MAM] to train the MLP in a way so that it can quickly adapt to an unseen subject. http://aaronsplace.co.uk/papers/jackson2017recon. Portrait Neural Radiance Fields from a Single Image Learning a Model of Facial Shape and Expression from 4D Scans. IEEE Trans. Portraits taken by wide-angle cameras exhibit undesired foreshortening distortion due to the perspective projection [Fried-2016-PAM, Zhao-2019-LPU]. Initialization. Input views in test time. While estimating the depth and appearance of an object based on a partial view is a natural skill for humans, its a demanding task for AI. Our method takes a lot more steps in a single meta-training task for better convergence. PAMI 23, 6 (jun 2001), 681685. Google Scholar The warp makes our method robust to the variation in face geometry and pose in the training and testing inputs, as shown inTable3 andFigure10. Despite the rapid development of Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), the necessity of dense covers largely prohibits its wider applications. It is thus impractical for portrait view synthesis because 2019. Our method requires the input subject to be roughly in frontal view and does not work well with the profile view, as shown inFigure12(b). Without any pretrained prior, the random initialization[Mildenhall-2020-NRS] inFigure9(a) fails to learn the geometry from a single image and leads to poor view synthesis quality. While NeRF has demonstrated high-quality view synthesis, it requires multiple images of static scenes and thus impractical for casual captures and moving subjects. In contrast, our method requires only one single image as input. Users can use off-the-shelf subject segmentation[Wadhwa-2018-SDW] to separate the foreground, inpaint the background[Liu-2018-IIF], and composite the synthesized views to address the limitation. Despite the rapid development of Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), the necessity of dense covers largely prohibits its wider applications. Ablation study on different weight initialization. Alex Yu, Ruilong Li, Matthew Tancik, Hao Li, Ren Ng, and Angjoo Kanazawa. While these models can be trained on large collections of unposed images, their lack of explicit 3D knowledge makes it difficult to achieve even basic control over 3D viewpoint without unintentionally altering identity. Comparison to the state-of-the-art portrait view synthesis on the light stage dataset. The videos are accompanied in the supplementary materials. 2021. 24, 3 (2005), 426433. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Jrmy Riviere, Paulo Gotardo, Derek Bradley, Abhijeet Ghosh, and Thabo Beeler. Our experiments show favorable quantitative results against the state-of-the-art 3D face reconstruction and synthesis algorithms on the dataset of controlled captures. This alert has been successfully added and will be sent to: You will be notified whenever a record that you have chosen has been cited. Learn more. 33. In ECCV. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. In Proc. In Proc. We further show that our method performs well for real input images captured in the wild and demonstrate foreshortening distortion correction as an application. dont have to squint at a PDF. We loop through K subjects in the dataset, indexed by m={0,,K1}, and denote the model parameter pretrained on the subject m as p,m. This model need a portrait video and an image with only background as an inputs. Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields: Reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis of a Dynamic Scene From Monocular Video. Ricardo Martin-Brualla, Noha Radwan, Mehdi S.M. Sajjadi, JonathanT. Barron, Alexey Dosovitskiy, and Daniel Duckworth. NeRF or better known as Neural Radiance Fields is a state . In Proc. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. In Proc. Shengqu Cai, Anton Obukhov, Dengxin Dai, Luc Van Gool. Compared to the majority of deep learning face synthesis works, e.g.,[Xu-2020-D3P], which require thousands of individuals as the training data, the capability to generalize portrait view synthesis from a smaller subject pool makes our method more practical to comply with the privacy requirement on personally identifiable information. We leverage gradient-based meta-learning algorithms[Finn-2017-MAM, Sitzmann-2020-MML] to learn the weight initialization for the MLP in NeRF from the meta-training tasks, i.e., learning a single NeRF for different subjects in the light stage dataset. To balance the training size and visual quality, we use 27 subjects for the results shown in this paper. producing reasonable results when given only 1-3 views at inference time. Learning Compositional Radiance Fields of Dynamic Human Heads. To validate the face geometry learned in the finetuned model, we render the (g) disparity map for the front view (a). By virtually moving the camera closer or further from the subject and adjusting the focal length correspondingly to preserve the face area, we demonstrate perspective effect manipulation using portrait NeRF inFigure8 and the supplemental video. We validate the design choices via ablation study and show that our method enables natural portrait view synthesis compared with state of the arts. Copyright 2023 ACM, Inc. SinNeRF: Training Neural Radiance Fields onComplex Scenes fromaSingle Image, Numerical methods for shape-from-shading: a new survey with benchmarks, A geometric approach to shape from defocus, Local light field fusion: practical view synthesis with prescriptive sampling guidelines, NeRF: representing scenes as neural radiance fields for view synthesis, GRAF: generative radiance fields for 3d-aware image synthesis, Photorealistic scene reconstruction by voxel coloring, Implicit neural representations with periodic activation functions, Layer-structured 3D scene inference via view synthesis, NormalGAN: learning detailed 3D human from a single RGB-D image, Pixel2Mesh: generating 3D mesh models from single RGB images, MVSNet: depth inference for unstructured multi-view stereo, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20047-2_42, All Holdings within the ACM Digital Library. When the face pose in the inputs are slightly rotated away from the frontal view, e.g., the bottom three rows ofFigure5, our method still works well. We show that our method can also conduct wide-baseline view synthesis on more complex real scenes from the DTU MVS dataset, Local image features were used in the related regime of implicit surfaces in, Our MLP architecture is NeRFs use neural networks to represent and render realistic 3D scenes based on an input collection of 2D images. We include challenging cases where subjects wear glasses, are partially occluded on faces, and show extreme facial expressions and curly hairstyles. Pretraining with meta-learning framework. In Proc. p,mUpdates by (1)mUpdates by (2)Updates by (3)p,m+1. We thank the authors for releasing the code and providing support throughout the development of this project. Our approach operates in view-spaceas opposed to canonicaland requires no test-time optimization. The NVIDIA Research team has developed an approach that accomplishes this task almost instantly making it one of the first models of its kind to combine ultra-fast neural network training and rapid rendering. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. ICCV. We present a method for learning a generative 3D model based on neural radiance fields, trained solely from data with only single views of each object. Our method using (c) canonical face coordinate shows better quality than using (b) world coordinate on chin and eyes. Figure3 and supplemental materials show examples of 3-by-3 training views. Portrait Neural Radiance Fields from a Single Image. we capture 2-10 different expressions, poses, and accessories on a light stage under fixed lighting conditions. CVPR. Existing single-image view synthesis methods model the scene with point cloud[niklaus20193d, Wiles-2020-SEV], multi-plane image[Tucker-2020-SVV, huang2020semantic], or layered depth image[Shih-CVPR-3Dphoto, Kopf-2020-OS3]. Figure7 compares our method to the state-of-the-art face pose manipulation methods[Xu-2020-D3P, Jackson-2017-LP3] on six testing subjects held out from the training. Pixel Codec Avatars. To improve the generalization to unseen faces, we train the MLP in the canonical coordinate space approximated by 3D face morphable models. If you find a rendering bug, file an issue on GitHub. A style-based generator architecture for generative adversarial networks. CVPR. While reducing the execution and training time by up to 48, the authors also achieve better quality across all scenes (NeRF achieves an average PSNR of 30.04 dB vs their 31.62 dB), and DONeRF requires only 4 samples per pixel thanks to a depth oracle network to guide sample placement, while NeRF uses 192 (64 + 128). Our method preserves temporal coherence in challenging areas like hairs and occlusion, such as the nose and ears. 2022. A parametrization issue involved in applying NeRF to 360 captures of objects within large-scale, unbounded 3D scenes is addressed, and the method improves view synthesis fidelity in this challenging scenario. This note is an annotated bibliography of the relevant papers, and the associated bibtex file on the repository. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.05903(2020). CVPR. [width=1]fig/method/pretrain_v5.pdf Pivotal Tuning for Latent-based Editing of Real Images. We also thank (or is it just me), Smithsonian Privacy CVPR. A Decoupled 3D Facial Shape Model by Adversarial Training. In Proc. We present a method for estimating Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) from a single headshot portrait. Using 3D morphable model, they apply facial expression tracking. Explore our regional blogs and other social networks. PlenOctrees for Real-time Rendering of Neural Radiance Fields. TL;DR: Given only a single reference view as input, our novel semi-supervised framework trains a neural radiance field effectively. NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis. Figure9 compares the results finetuned from different initialization methods. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Feed-forward NeRF from One View. Render videos and create gifs for the three datasets: python render_video_from_dataset.py --path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH --output_dir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --curriculum "celeba" --dataset_path "/PATH/TO/img_align_celeba/" --trajectory "front", python render_video_from_dataset.py --path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH --output_dir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --curriculum "carla" --dataset_path "/PATH/TO/carla/*.png" --trajectory "orbit", python render_video_from_dataset.py --path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH --output_dir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --curriculum "srnchairs" --dataset_path "/PATH/TO/srn_chairs/" --trajectory "orbit". Ablation study on face canonical coordinates. 36, 6 (nov 2017), 17pages. Work fast with our official CLI. SIGGRAPH '22: ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Conference Proceedings. We present a method for estimating Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) from a single headshot portrait. The existing approach for constructing neural radiance fields [Mildenhall et al. In the pretraining stage, we train a coordinate-based MLP (same in NeRF) f on diverse subjects captured from the light stage and obtain the pretrained model parameter optimized for generalization, denoted as p(Section3.2). 2015. Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks. Comparisons. Single-Shot High-Quality Facial Geometry and Skin Appearance Capture. While NeRF has demonstrated high-quality view synthesis, it requires multiple images of static scenes and thus impractical for casual captures and moving subjects. In this work, we propose to pretrain the weights of a multilayer perceptron (MLP), which implicitly models the volumetric density and colors, with a meta-learning framework using a light stage portrait dataset. 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). SpiralNet++: A Fast and Highly Efficient Mesh Convolution Operator. D-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes. InterFaceGAN: Interpreting the Disentangled Face Representation Learned by GANs. Amit Raj, Michael Zollhoefer, Tomas Simon, Jason Saragih, Shunsuke Saito, James Hays, and Stephen Lombardi. For example, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) demonstrates high-quality view synthesis by implicitly modeling the volumetric density and color using the weights of a multilayer perceptron (MLP). Reconstructing face geometry and texture enables view synthesis using graphics rendering pipelines. In Proc. Albert Pumarola, Enric Corona, Gerard Pons-Moll, and Francesc Moreno-Noguer. In Siggraph, Vol. 2021. ICCV. Experimental results demonstrate that the novel framework can produce high-fidelity and natural results, and support free adjustment of audio signals, viewing directions, and background images. The process, however, requires an expensive hardware setup and is unsuitable for casual users. selfie perspective distortion (foreshortening) correction[Zhao-2019-LPU, Fried-2016-PAM, Nagano-2019-DFN], improving face recognition accuracy by view normalization[Zhu-2015-HFP], and greatly enhancing the 3D viewing experiences. 1999. While NeRF has demonstrated high-quality view synthesis, it requires multiple images of static scenes and thus impractical for casual captures and moving subjects. Neural Scene Flow Fields for Space-Time View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes. We jointly optimize (1) the -GAN objective to utilize its high-fidelity 3D-aware generation and (2) a carefully designed reconstruction objective. In this paper, we propose to train an MLP for modeling the radiance field using a single headshot portrait illustrated in Figure1. 8649-8658. The pseudo code of the algorithm is described in the supplemental material. 2020. As illustrated in Figure12(a), our method cannot handle the subject background, which is diverse and difficult to collect on the light stage. Erik Hrknen, Aaron Hertzmann, Jaakko Lehtinen, and Sylvain Paris. to use Codespaces. 40, 6 (dec 2021). Figure6 compares our results to the ground truth using the subject in the test hold-out set. We show that, unlike existing methods, one does not need multi-view . SinNeRF: Training Neural Radiance Fields on Complex Scenes from a Single Image . Perspective manipulation. Therefore, we provide a script performing hybrid optimization: predict a latent code using our model, then perform latent optimization as introduced in pi-GAN. In Proc. We take a step towards resolving these shortcomings by . However, using a nave pretraining process that optimizes the reconstruction error between the synthesized views (using the MLP) and the rendering (using the light stage data) over the subjects in the dataset performs poorly for unseen subjects due to the diverse appearance and shape variations among humans. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. IEEE Trans. arxiv:2110.09788[cs, eess], All Holdings within the ACM Digital Library. NeurIPS. Neural volume renderingrefers to methods that generate images or video by tracing a ray into the scene and taking an integral of some sort over the length of the ray. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.05903(2020). ACM Trans. To manage your alert preferences, click on the button below. Are you sure you want to create this branch? We present a method for estimating Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) from a single headshot portrait. Creating a 3D scene with traditional methods takes hours or longer, depending on the complexity and resolution of the visualization. Addressing the finetuning speed and leveraging the stereo cues in dual camera popular on modern phones can be beneficial to this goal. This is because each update in view synthesis requires gradients gathered from millions of samples across the scene coordinates and viewing directions, which do not fit into a single batch in modern GPU. 2020. Our method outputs a more natural look on face inFigure10(c), and performs better on quality metrics against ground truth across the testing subjects, as shown inTable3. C. Liang, and J. Huang (2020) Portrait neural radiance fields from a single image. 2021. Graphics (Proc. (b) When the input is not a frontal view, the result shows artifacts on the hairs. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.09788(2021). In Proc. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.05903. Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution to get full access on this article. Specifically, SinNeRF constructs a semi-supervised learning process, where we introduce and propagate geometry pseudo labels and semantic pseudo labels to guide the progressive training process. We quantitatively evaluate the method using controlled captures and demonstrate the generalization to real portrait images, showing favorable results against state-of-the-arts. Our method takes the benefits from both face-specific modeling and view synthesis on generic scenes. Coordinate space approximated by 3D face morphable models method takes the benefits both. Our mailing list for occasional updates and branch names, so creating this branch projection Fried-2016-PAM! Nov 2017 ), the necessity of dense covers largely prohibits its wider applications Lehtinen, and Stephen Lombardi a., and Sylvain Paris the light stage under fixed lighting conditions Radiance Field NeRF! 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portrait neural radiance fields from a single image