panchen lama controversy

The Panchen Lama made several journeys to Tibet from Beijing, during 1980 and afterwards. However in 1976 the Dalai Lama announced he was advising against the practice because it was promoting sectarianism, which could potentially damage the Tibetan independence movement. [38], Of course we believe that every Nyingmapa and Kagyupa have their complete path. Lama (Tibetan: .mw-parser-output .uchen{font-family:"Jomolhari","Uchen","Noto Serif Tibetan Medium","Noto Serif Tibetan","BabelStone Tibetan Slim","Yagpo Tibetan Uni","Noto Sans Tibetan","Microsoft Himalaya","Kailash","DDC Uchen","TCRC Youtso Unicode","Tibetan Machine Uni","Qomolangma-Uchen Sarchen","Qomolangma-Uchen Sarchung","Qomolangma-Uchen Suring","Qomolangma-Uchen Sutung","Qomolangma-Title","Qomolangma-Subtitle","DDC Rinzin","Qomolangma-Woodblock","Qomolangma-Dunhuang"}.mw-parser-output .ume{font-family:"Qomolangma-Betsu","Qomolangma-Chuyig","Qomolangma-Drutsa","Qomolangma-Edict","Qomolangma-Tsumachu","Qomolangma-Tsuring","Qomolangma-Tsutong","TibetanSambhotaYigchung","TibetanTsugRing","TibetanYigchung"}, Wylie: bla-ma; "chief"[1]) is a title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism. This became known as the 70,000 Character Petition. [30], Georges Dreyfus added, "Despite being hurt by the polemical attack, Tri-jang Rin-po-che made it clear that violence was out of the question. According to Bon religious texts: three Bon scriptures--mdo 'dus, gzer mig, and gzi brjid relate In July 1999, also in Kathmandu, other meetings were held between pro-Shugden activists and Chinese representatives. So in other words, negation of a negation is an affirmation". [citation needed], Judicial mutilation principally the gouging out of eyes, and the cutting off of hands or feet was formalized under the Sakya school as part of the 13th century Tibetan legal code, and was used as a legal punishment until being declared illegal in 1913 by a proclamation of the 13th Dalai Lama. Meanwhile, the western part of Xikang (i.e. [77] In 1993, the Dalai Lama used the same phrase to describe the destruction of Tibetan culture. In January 2000, after the meeting in Kathmandu between representatives of the cult and the Chinese emissaries, the Nepal National Dorje Shugden Society was born, with an office and a full-time staff of three, paidaccording to the Dharamsala Security Serviceswith Communist Party funds funneled through the Chinese embassy. Page 239, Matthews, Carol. Tibetans, on the other hand, write of Chinese genocide in Tibet, comparing the Chinese to the Nazis. Boiling oil was then poured into the sockets to cauterize the wound. However, the Tibetan Government-in-Exile responds: the Chinese justifications make no sense. [4][3][web 2] The conflict resurfaced with the publication of TheYellow Book in 1976, containing stories about Shugdens wrathful acts against Gelugpas who also practiced Nyingma teachings. In the western world, this sutra is known as the Heart Sutra (a translation derived from its most common name in East Asian countries). Gradually, tempers cooled down and the incident was forgottenor so it seemed. [58], Robert W. Ford, one of the few Westerners to have been appointed by the Government of Tibet at the time of de facto independent Tibet, spent five years in Tibet, from 1945 to 1950, before his arrest by the invading Chinese army. Early in 1989, the 10th Panchen Lama returned again to Tibet to rebury recovered bones from the graves of the previous Panchen Lamas, graves that had been destroyed at Tashilhunpo Monastery in 1959[22] by the Red Guards, and consecrated in a chorten built as the receptacle. [web 22] On 11 June 1949, at twelve years of age in the Tibetan counting system, Gonpo Tseten was enthroned at the major Gelugpa monastery in Amdo, Kumbum Jampa Ling monastery as the 10th Panchen Lama and given the name Lobsang Trinley Lhndrub Chkyi Gyaltsen. "[web 39] And, in an on-line article published by the Times of India, a source in the Religion and Culture Department of the Tibetan Government in exile is quoted as saying that Dorje Shugden followers "have their people in all Tibetan settlements. This led to a massive outcry from Shugden supporters, particularly in Britain. "[75], Just as the Chinese and the Tibetan exile community argue over whether common Tibetans suffered or flourished before the Chinese takeover, they take diametrically opposing views on the fate of ordinary Tibetans since 1950. He also provides a couple of examples of the Chinese government's role in Shugden activity: For instance, the construction of Shugden temples and monasteries is being subsidised by the State. Dalai Lama, Freedom in Exile (NY: HarperPerennial edition, 1991). "[46], Tibetologist Thierry Dodin states that it is the New Kadampa Tradition "that since the 1990s has held spectacular demonstrations whenever the Dalai Lama went to the West. We are ashamed and sorry that this causes the reputation of Buddhists in general to be damaged. 8th Dalai Lama (Jamphel Gyatso, 17621804) Regents: the 1st Tsemonling Rinpoche (17771786), Yeshe Lobsang Tenpai Gonpo, the 8th Kundeling Lama (17911811), the 7th Demo Rinpoche (18111818) 9th Dalai Lama (Lungtok Gyatso, 18101815) Regent: the 2nd Tsemonling Lama (18191844) 10th Dalai Lama (Tsultrim Gyatso, 18261837) [50], According to the Tibetologist Thierry Dodin, "China had encouraged division among the Tibetans by promoting followers of the Dorje Shugden sect to key positions of authority. In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.. The Sutra famously states, "Form is emptiness (nyat), emptiness is form." Dorje Shugden was a key tool in Pabongkhapa's persecution of the flourishing Rim movement, an ecumenical movement which fused the teachings of the Sakya, Kagyu and Nyingma,[10] in response to the dominance of the Gelug school. Therefore, it is contradictory to affirm, as you do "from the bottom of your heart", that what happened is only the fruit of your "confusion and ignorance", and that you were not aware of having "followed a wrongful path and led others onto it." [12][13] The Panchen Lama was soon elected a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and in December 1954 he became the deputy chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Thus the bodhisattva, as the archetypal Mahayana Buddhist, relies on the perfection of wisdom, defined in the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra to be the wisdom that perceives reality directly without conceptual attachment thereby achieving nirvana. Evidence of local government favoritism toward the pro-Shugden faction began to emerge at S Monastery in 2003 when monks applied for permission to undertake studies in India. Infobase Publishing. Lama (Tibetan: , Wylie: bla-ma; "chief") is a title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism. Melvyn C. Goldstein, in McKay 2003, p.222. The initial reaction was positive, but in October 1962, the PRC authorities dealing with the population criticized the petition. At the time, the Lama had no money and was still blacklisted by the party, but the wife of Deng Xiaoping and widow of Zhou Enlai saw the symbolic value of a marriage between a Tibetan Lama and a Han woman. Traditionally mantras were not translated. [4]:9 Lines 1213 enumerate the five skandhas. The Tibetan Army was established in 1913 by the 13th Dalai Lama, who had fled Tibet during the 1904 British expedition to Tibet and returned only after the fall of the Qing power in Tibet in 1911. The Tibetan areas in the four provinces ask the central government to benefit them as the Tibet Autonomous Region. [73][74] In 1953, according to the first population census, Lhasa had about 30,000 residents (including 4,000 beggars, but not including 15,000 monks). The Eifuku-ji is the fifty-seventh temple in the eighty-eight temple Shikoku Pilgrimage Circuit. "[web 35], Similarly, Tibet scholar Robert Barnett of Columbia University states that "ID cards are not given out by the Tibetan government in exile, but by the Indian authorities". [30], The Heart Stra mantra in Sanskrit IAST is gate gate pragate prasagate bodhi svh, Devanagari: , IPA: te te pate paste bod saa, meaning "gone, gone, everyone gone to the other shore, awakening, svaha. It printed its own currency and postage, and maintained international relations although it did not exchange ambassadors with other nations. "[21], However, the members of the cult are not content with this situation of having to choose between adopting His Holiness the Dalai Lama as their spiritual mentor or ignoring his judgment and persisting in the Gyalpo Shugden worship. [27], Goldstein distinguished serfdom from feudalism, and applied the term "serfdom" but not "feudalism" to old Tibet. 109. A key element of Phabongkha Rinpoches outlook was the cult of the protective deity Dorje Shugden, which he married to the idea of Gelug exclusivism and employed against other traditions as well as against those within the Gelug who had eclectic tendencies. One was from China which later mainly spread to Korea, Vietnam and Japan. There are many others. "[80] Barnett voiced his doubts in a review in the New York Review of Books: "Why, if Tibetan culture within Tibet is being 'fast erased from existence', [do] so many Tibetans within Tibet still appear to have a more vigorous cultural life, with over a hundred literary magazines in Tibetan, than their exile counterparts?"[81]. [63], The Chinese government launched an initiative that demanded the nomads[64] to relocate to urban housing in newly constructed villages in 2003. [33] According to William Monroe Coleman, China misrepresents Goldstein's usage as support for their version of Tibetan history. The Buddhist traditions present a multitude of Buddhist paths to [7]:216238 It is also viewed as one of the daughter sutras of the Prajnaparamita genre in the Vajrayana tradition as passed down from Tibet. In Tibet, Mongolia and other regions influenced by Vajrayana, it is known as The [Holy] Mother of all Buddhas Heart (Essence) of the Perfection of Wisdom. [65] The Tibetan tibetologist Tashi Tsering records being whipped as a 13-year-old for missing a performance as a dancer in the Dalai Lama's dance troop in 1942, until the skin split and the pain became excruciating. The tradition also speaks of three main protectors adapted to the three scopes of practice described in the Stages of the Path (skyes bu gsum gyi srung ma): Mahakala for the person of great scope, Vaibravala for the person of middling scope, and the Dharma-king for the person of small scope. [42], According to Dreyfus, "The irony is that Shuk-den is presented by his followers as the protector of the Ge-luk (dge lugs) school, of which the Dalai Lama is the (de facto) leader. The Heart Stra in Chinese Yogcra: Some Comparative Comments on the Heart Stra Commentaries of Wnch'k and K'uei-chi. It enumerates a series of stories that Zimey Rinpoche had heard informally from Trijang Rinpoche about the many Ge-luk lamas whose lives are supposed to have been shortened by Shuk-dens displeasure at their practicing Nying-ma teachings. Dorje Shugden does not help only Gelugpas; because he is a Buddha he helps all living beings, including non-Buddhists.[39]. "[web 2]. [web 2][web 3][note 7] Restrictions on the practice of Shugden were implemented by the 13th Dalai Lama. [1][17]:208209, Jan Nattier (1992) argues, based on her cross-philological study of Chinese and Sanskrit texts of the Heart Sutra, that the Heart Sutra was initially composed in China. Its website was closed down leaving only the following message: "A Special Announcement: The Directors of the International Shugden Community previously announced that from 1 Dec 2015 they had decided to completely stop organising demonstrations against the Dalai Lama. Tsepon Lungshar, an official educated in England, introduced reform in the 1920s; after losing a political struggle the reformist was sentenced to be blinded by having his eyeballs pulled out. [36] Although the official cause of death was said to have been from a heart attack, some Tibetans suspect foul play.[33]. The mutilation of top level Tibetan official Lungshar in 1934 gave an example. "[43], When the Dalai Lama confirmed a Tibetan boy in 1995 as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, the second-ranking leader of the Gelugpa sect, the Chinese government took away the boy and his parents and installed its own child lama. He is awaiting trial. [2] Today the title can be used as an honorific title conferred on a monk,[2][5] nun or a lay person (especially in the Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakya schools) advanced tantric practitioner to designate a level of spiritual attainment and authority to teach, or may be part of a title such as Dalai Lama[5] or Panchen Lama[5] applied to a lineage of reincarnate lamas (Tulkus). Tibetan children are removed from their families, and Tibetan religious and cultural influences, and placed in Tibetan only boarding schools across China, well outside the Tibet Autonomous Region. [35]:155,298[note 20], All of the East Asian commentaries are commentaries of Xuanzang's translation of the short version of the Heart Sutra. Even the Dalai Lama appeared to distance himself from Gen-la. [14], The 14th Dalai Lama publicly rejected The Yellow Book, which could only damage the common cause of the Tibetan people because of its sectarian divisiveness. [9] The Tibetan government in Lhasa sent Ngabo (known as Ngabo in English sources) to Chamdo in Kham, a strategic town near the border, with orders to hold his position while reinforcements came from Lhasa to fight the Chinese. [35] Nevertheless, his usage has been misinterpreted as support for the Chinese Marxist viewpoint, in which feudalism and serfdom are inseparable, and old Tibet is consistently described as "feudal serfdom". Goldstein and Miller's exchanges in an academic journal between 1986 and 1989 were a notable part of this debate. and Lim, Benjamin Kang. It might be China or some other anti-Tibetan elements. Ethnic Relations, Coercive Amity, and Subaltern Cosmopolitanism, Urban Planning in Lhasa. [8], It is difficult to find academic consensus on the nature of society in Tibetan history. In the People's Republic of China, the Tibet Autonomous Region is the only provincial level administrative region that enjoys some tax incentives, and after 1988 is the only provincial level administrative region that receives growing substantial quota subsidies from the central government. The argument is that Tibetan culture, government, and society were barbaric prior to the PRC takeover of Tibet and that this only changed due to PRC policy in the region. [7], Title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism, This article is about Tibetan Buddhist teachers. Supporters of the Tibetan Government in Exile argue that the 13th Dalai Lama had already effected reforms which were ahead of the world at the time, and that further reforms were underway, and no outside intervention was justified. Both versions are chanted on a daily basis by adherents of practically all schools of East Asian Buddhism and by some adherents of Tibetan and Newar Buddhism. This is no longer the case, China has been rapidly expanding government assimilation policies in the 2010s. The 10th Panchen Lama was born as Gonpo Tseten on 19 February the Tibetan areas in Sichuan Province, Gansu Province, Yunnan Province and Qinghai Province) were not included in political Tibet, so they were not involved in the Serfs' Emancipation, which was in the Tibet Autonomous Region. In 1980, in order to help Tibet out of poverty, the 1st Tibet Work Forum (moderated by Hu Yaobang, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party), decided to give the Tibet Autonomous Region financial support, in order to build a "united, prosperous, civilized new Tibet". Chairman Mao called the petition " a poisoned arrow shot at the Party by reactionary feudal overlords. The Great Paramita Heart Sutra. He regarded the practice of non-Gelug teachings by Gelug monks as a threat to the Gelug tradition, and opposed the influence of the other schools, especially the Nyingma. [5], When Lhasa denied Choekyi Gyaltsen the territory the Panchen Lama traditionally controlled, he asked Ma Bufang to help him lead an army against Tibet in September 1949. [10] On 16 October 1950, news arrived that the People's Liberation Army was advancing towards Chamdo and had taken the town of Riwoche (which could block the route to Lhasa). [19] On the other hand, the Tibetan Phuntsok Wangyal, who founded the Tibetan Communist Party in the 1940s, describes the old system as unequal and exploitative. The Tibetan word "lama" means "highest principle", and less literally "highest mother" or "highest parent" to show close relationship between teacher and student.[2][3]. [citation needed], This article is about a political debate. In the centuries following the historical Xuanzang, an extended tradition of literature fictionalizing the life of Xuanzang and glorifying his special relationship with the Heart Stra arose, of particular note being the Journey to the West[60] (16th century/Ming dynasty). Retrieved 2017-02-26. In 1962, China and India fought a brief war over the disputed Aksai Chin region. [53] This is no longer the case, China has been rapidly expanding government assimilation policies in the 2010s. August 1971, Seite 5-9. "[web 3] Dreyfus also notes, [T]he propitiation of Shukden as a Geluk protector is not an ancestral tradition, but a relatively recent invention of tradition associated with the revival movement within the Geluk spearheaded by Pabongkha. That a lord also had obligations to the central government, so the specific obligations of a peasant (Tibetan: "mi ser") to a lord were only examples of societal obligations which everyone had. "[21] Some scholars reject NKT/WSS claims that the 14th Dalai Lama has suppressed religious freedom, indicating that the situation is actually the opposite. It was strenuously denied by the accused. According to the government, Tibet's economy has expanded; improved services and infrastructure have improved the quality of life of Tibetans, and the Tibetan language and culture have been protected. In the sutra, Avalokitevara addresses ariputra, explaining the fundamental emptiness (nyat) of all phenomena, known through and as the five aggregates of human existence (skandhas): form (rpa), feeling (vedan), volitions (sakhra), perceptions (saj), and consciousness (vijna). The Buddhist path combines both philosophical reasoning and meditation. [citation needed]. "The method involved the placement of a smooth, round yak's knucklebone on each of the temples of the prisoner. From that day the practice of the gyalpo spread like oil on water among the young students in the colleges. Their position is that Tibet truly and historically belongs to China, that affairs of Tibet are internal matters, and Tibetans seek to internationalize their cause, in part by convincing readers that Tibet was independent. The Sino-Tibetan War [citation needed] (Chinese: ; pinyin: Kngcng binji jifn, lit.KhamTibet border dispute) was a war that began in 1930 when the Tibetan Army under the 13th Dalai Lama responded to the attempted seizure of a monastery. The definition of Tibet has been contested with a map of competing claims identifying six distinct types of Tibetan regions claimed by various entities. [71] On the other hand, Laird asserted that in the 1940s Tibetan peasants were well off and immune to famine, whereas starvation was common in China. These people may not be very popular in other parts of the Gelug sect, but their human rights have not been violated nor their freedoms suppressed; even if some people did want to suppress or silence the pro-Shugen side, they simply have no means of doing so. It was a military campaign by the People's Republic of China (PRC) to take the Chamdo Region from a de facto independent Tibetan state. 15, Letter to WTN by Goldstein July 2008, quoted on, Goldstein, "Reexamining Choice" (1986), pg. Avalokitevara addresses ariputra, who was the promulgator of abhidharma according to the scriptures and texts of the Sarvastivada and other early Buddhist schools, having been singled out by the Buddha to receive those teachings. [10] That year, the Panchen Lama was invited to Beijing as the Tibetan delegation was signing the 17-Point Agreement and telegramming the Dalai Lama to implement the Agreement. Egaku, the protagonist of the film, also chants the Heart Sutra in Japanese. As the only provincial level "poverty-stricken areas which lie in vast, contiguous stretches" in the People's Republic of China, the Tibet Autonomous Region developed a lot of anti-poverty programs, and the impoverished population has been shrinking substantially. The religious hostility has been fed by considerable propaganda and counterpropaganda efforts during the last two decades Significantly sensitive are the methodical efforts of the exiled government and its supporting NGOs to silence opposing voices in the controversy, using systematic defamation and coercive methods, including the use of modern disinformation means like coordinated troll campaigns on social media.[web 42], In 2015, Reuters printed allegations that the anti-Dalai Lama Shugden protest campaigns were funded and manipulated by the Chinese Communist Party in order to discredit the Dalai Lama and the so-called "Dalai clique". [36], According to Kapstein, the 14th Dalai Lama is "focused upon the role of Shugden as a militantly sectarian protector of the Gelukpa order, and the harm that has been done to Tibetan sectarian relations by the cult's more vociferous proponents."[37]. The Dalai Lama responded to Phabongkas apology with a second letter, which did not entirely mask his displeasure: Lines 1415 list the twelve ayatanas or abodes. The 10th Panchen Lama was born as Gonpo Tseten on 19 February 1938, in Bido, today's Xunhua Salar Autonomous County of Qinghai, known as Amdo. [33], Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche's declaration disturbed the image of a peaceful community, and the polemics against the Dalai Lama diminished for a long while.[33]. Religious artefacts associated with Padmasambhava who is revered as a "second Buddha" by Nyingma practitioners were destroyed, and non-Gelug, and particularly Nyingma, monasteries were forcibly converted to the Gelug position. The sutra concludes with the mantra gate gate pragate prasagate bodhi svh, meaning "gone, gone, everyone gone to the other shore, awakening, svaha. This is interpreted according to the two truths doctrine as saying that teachings, while accurate descriptions of conventional truth, are mere statements about realitythey are not reality itselfand that they are therefore not applicable to the ultimate truth that is by definition beyond mental understanding. But now I want to say that I have repented and I have understood my mistake. There were several types of serf sub-status, of which one of the most important was the "human lease", which enabled a serf to acquire a degree of personal freedom. "[web 2] Instead, he traces back the conflict more on the exclusive/inclusive approach and maintain that to understand the Dalai Lama's point of view one has to consider the complex ritual basis for the institution of the Dalai Lamas, which was developed by the Great Fifth and rests upon "an eclectic religious basis in which elements associated with the Nyingma tradition combine with an overall Gelug orientation. "Translation amended 2014". For this reason, nowadays we [Tibetan Buddhists] are showing many problems to the world. Then he wrote to him personally, revealing how disconcerted he was by his behavior. [65], Schopenhauer, in the final words of his main work, compared his doctrine to the nyat of the Heart Stra. From arrest to execution of the sentence was only ten days, limiting the possibilities of appeal.[69]. Pomra Khangtsen, one of the sixteen sections of Sera monastery, legally separated itself in India from the rest of Sera, continuing as "Serpom Monastic University" at Bylakuppe. Both before and after the Communist takeover of 1950 there have been examples of human rights abuses, both state-sanctioned and otherwise. [38][39][40], 10th Panchen Lama of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism (19381989), , Blo-bzang Phrin-las Lhun-grub Chos-kyi Rgyal-mtshan. "There is much to be said about your words and deeds, in both in logistical and doctrinal terms, but I do not want to continue on this subject. In other languages, the commonly used title is an abbreviation of Prajpramithdayastra: i.e. r Mahjana's commentary has a definite "Yogachara bent". The Tibetan Government-in-Exile says about conditions in Tibet pre-Communism: Traditional Tibetan society was, by no means, perfect and was in need of changes. This page was last edited on 7 October 2022, at 18:52. [12] In a series of talks, he sought to undermine the status elevation of Dorje Shugden by reaffirming the centrality of traditional supramundane protectors of the Gelug tradition. However no local regions are in Tier 3. According to the PRC: there was a historically imperative need for the progress of Tibetan society and the welfare of the Tibetan people to expel the imperialists and shake off the yoke of feudal serfdom. Chryssides goes on to explain the claims specifically: The dispute between Kelsang Gyatso and the Dalai Lama admits of no obvious resolution.

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panchen lama controversy