connective ethnography

While systematics institutions publicly aligned themselves with the move towards digital solutions, they used the platform of the report to reject this radical solution and promote existing initiatives. More than a million books are available now via BitTorrent. The Internet has been promoted in some prominent initiatives as a means to enable resource sharing to overcome at least some of the geographic inequalities. She is the author of Virtual Ethnography (Sage, 2000) and editor of Virtual Methods (Berg, 2005) and New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production (Idea Group, 2006). New questions also arise, focused around the extent to which distributed scientific practice reshapes knowledge production processes and outcomes and the degree to which developments are experienced differently across diverse disciplines (Hine, 2006). Employing connective ethnography to trace the movements in learning and teaching this practice, we coordinated data records from videos, tracking data, field notes, and interviews. On this analysis the list is not reflective of the discipline across its full geographic distribution, but reproduces the inequalities that are a matter of concern in the global politics of biodiversity conservation. These issues have arisen in the context of ongoing concerns about the funding and reputation of the discipline, and a high profile role in the global politics of biodiversity conservation. The second section pursues online/offline connections again, this time focusing on the variable visibility of institutional structures within online landscapes, and highlighting one tactic for raising questions about connections between online and offline structures. BioTorrents: A File Sharing Service for Scientific Data PLoS ONE. The hybrid experience engendered by this encounter can be described as the result of a combination of new childhood, new "texts", new views of literacies, and new ecologies of reading. Esta tesis llamada "Etnografa conectada de una prctica de intercambio de archivos: El caso blgaro", tiene como objetivo proporcionar una comprensin acerca de las actividades de intercambio de archivos, teniendo en cuenta el contexto local de un pas especfico Employing connective ethnography to trace the movements in learning and teaching this practice, we coordinated data records from videos, tracking data, field notes, and interviews. Throughout my engagement with the field I observed this active and popular list as a way of keeping in touch with what the discipline was up to. 47-68 . Shifting the frame can help to bring into focus new connections to explore, and highlight issues that might otherwise be taken for granted. Commentaries on the e-science phenomenon have effects both on what people find it meaningful to do with information and communication technologies, and on what is in turn done with those activities. It is interesting to think about the many "ways of speaking" used in different situations within a single culture or across different cultures. This work uses a new integrative approach called connective ethnography that focuses on how a gaming practice spread across a network of youth at an after school club that simultaneously participated in a virtual world, competent reflections and sound ethnographic material' - Joost van Loon, Reader in Social Theory at Nottingham Trent University Internet Society investigates internet use and it's implications for society through insights into the daily experiences of ordinary users. Volume 2: Current Ethnographic Practices: Working in the . In particular, we do not know whether the members of the list are representative of the discipline as a whole, nor do we know whether contributions on the list represent a fair portrayal of the kind of concerns that might be discussed in other locations. The term can also refer to the documentation or research report that an ethnographer prepares when an ethnographic observation is over. I therefore supplemented qualitative analysis of insights from participants with a simple quantitative assessment of list demographics compared with the demographics of the disciplinary population as a whole. PhD dissertation Directed by Dr. Juan Manuel Muoz Justicia Department of Social Psychology Doctoral program in Social Psychology . The ethnographer can then usefully see the Web as a landscape to be explored, and aim to become sensitive to variations in the terrain. The article examines the challenges university teachers face when adopting connective pedagogy in organizing teaching. The potential transformation of science through the introduction of e-science has been a prominent policy concern and a widely discussed expectation in recent years. Korgen (Ed.) eBook ISBN 9781003085348 ABSTRACT This chapter describes a connective and multi-faceted ethnographic strategy developed to explore a phenomenon that was enacted in diverse sites connected in multiple and complex ways. Of course, such reports are not transparent reflections of the policy process, nor are they taken by readers as directives for future action. Some of the ethnography was more conventionally organized around sites that could be identified in advance: One would not, for example, expect credibly to explore systematics without visiting at least some of the major institutions where the work is done. In interviews it was possible to discuss the conflicting pressures and complex responses that the different public personae of institutions impose for those implementing their Web strategies. These fields of e-science may not therefore be as readily explored through the use of search engines and visualization tools, or indeed more formal link analysis. A connective ethnography of peer knowledge sharing and diffusion in a tween virtual world International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning . These institutions could, however, be observed quite readily on the web as individual sites which tended to figure prominently in search engine results. Find step-by-step guidance to complete your research project. Summary This PowerPoint has introduced the Ethnography of Communication and the SPEAKING framework. This paper further articulate connective ethnography and considers how it may add to qualitative studies of collaborative learning in naturalistic, computer-mediated settings and outlines principles for an affinity space ethnography designed to capture the collaborative web of social interactions and audiences inherent to participation in affinity spaces. Navigating a way through these various connections offers the potential to develop a rich and rounded approach to understanding the experience of e-science. The study described here focuses on the discipline of systematics, the branch of biology concerned with the classification and naming of organisms and the exploration of relationships between them. In order to extend my assessment of the list as a reflection of disciplinary concerns, I deployed the list itself, posting a message asking for assistance in finding out what the list meant to its users. This, in turn, raised a new set of questions about the way that institutions relate to initiatives, which provided questions to explore in interviews and a new lens through which to read publicity and policy documents. 57) noted, devotees of connective ethnography used a range of methods including "discourse analysis, offline interviews, participant observation in both offline and virtual spaces, and online textual analysis" to analyze the relationships between participant behaviors and words in online and off-line settings, but without segregating these . One key aspect of the policy domain to which interviewees oriented themselves was the Convention on Biological Diversity. We found that club members took advantage of the different spaces, people, and times available to them across . E-science comprises diverse sites, connected in complex and heterogeneous ways. Blog. A CONNECTIVE ETHNOGRAPHY OF A FILE SHARING PRACTICE: THE BULGARIAN CASE Maya Georgieva Ninova 2015 P a g e | 11 The ethnography combined observation and interviews within systematics institutions with mailing list participation, exploration of web landscapes, and analysis of expectations around information and communications technologies as portrayed in policy documents. Just as there are maps to physical terrain, and just as those maps are not objective portrayals of territory but are instead selective in particular ways, so, too, do tools like Google and the TouchGraph Google browser give the ethnographer ways to navigate. A search engine such as Google does not of course give an objective portrayal of a territory. This chapter explores some of these different approaches to ethnography and how they also imply different ways of understanding the Internet as a field and . Tying/Untying . Connective Ethnography . During the second half of the twentieth century there was a rapid growth in the sub-discipline of the Sociology of Consumption. While in other parts of the research I found email interviews an invaluable tool for opportunistic contacts and geographically dispersed informants, a face-to-face visit gave a sense of material culture and institutional location which enriched my understanding of the issues that shaped what was possible and desirable online. 3099067. Click here to navigate to parent product. Over a period of three years, informed by a previous long-term engagement with the discipline (since 1986), I visited several institutions, conducted interviews with systematists and participants in database initiatives at these sites, and toured museums and specimen collections. Supercharge your meetings with new meeting widgets from Prezi In an era when anthropologists are, In this follow-up to the highly successful "Ethnography Unbound", Michael Burawoy and nine colleagues break the bounds of conventional sociology, to explore the mutual shaping of local struggles and, This essay explores how the distinctively anthropological concept of culture provides uniquely valuable insights into the workings of science in its cultural context. I also developed an experiential sense of the web landscape through my ongoing efforts to find relevant initiatives and work out how they were related to one another. Figure 2 shows the TouchGraph Google browser representation of the LepIndex project. This visualization demonstrates how methods are related and connects users to relevant content. By this we mean to draw attention to the point that, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. In the approach proposed here different sites emerge as important and inform one another in various ways, and while sometimes the online/offline distinction will be apparent, in other cases it will seamlessly be crossed. TouchGraph Google browser representation of a related sites network centered on the Natural History Museum, London. In addition to site visits and interviews, an important source of insight into initiatives and their connections to institutions came from the Web itself. The precise algorithm is not public, but it is generally understood that related sites in Google are those that not only share keywords, but are also co-linked by third party sites. The researcher observes events and talks to participants, either in a more formal way like a scheduled interview,. Countries who signed up to the convention were required to share with others their expertise and resources in systematics, thus addressing the geographical inequalities that left some countries rich in biodiversity poor in the resources to understand and conserve it. important for reconceiving Internet research as connective ethnography" (p. 218). Other individuals described inhibitions about contributing because of not wanting to make fools of themselves in front of peers, or spoke of correcting mistakes in private emails because they felt errors should not be shown in public. Breadcrumbs Section. Development of appropriate institutional structures is acknowledged as a key challenge for e-science (David & Spence, 2003). You have remained in right site to start getting this info. Nonetheless, it was possible to calculate that the perception that U.S. concerns were over-represented on the list was justified, since U.S. subscribers were both numerically the largest group and a relatively high proportion of taxonomists from the U.S. were subscribers. It is particularly important to make connections between expectations and practices in e-science, to explore the way that expectations shape what it is possible and desirable for scientists to do online, and to consider the ways in which online activities are repackaged as they travel into other domains. The ethnographic approach described above was highly specific to the cultural context in question. Fields & Yasmin B. Kafai University of California, Los Angeles 2331 Moore Hall 95121 . This article examines the ways that a young gamer stit- ches together several different spaces to play Minecraft. It is open to embedding processes, looking both at the ways that lives are embedded into computer-mediated communication and processes through which computer-mediated communication is embedded into lives (Howard, 2004). Its peer network, according to the TouchGraph Google browser, consists of other resources relating to Lepidoptera. Click here to navigate to parent product. Many institutions involved felt reservations about details of the implementation, or about the diversion of resources from other activities, but none were in any doubt that there was a prevailing climate in which they had to be seen to be engaged in digital initiatives. It also gives a further methodological caution into the use of mailing lists as disciplinary mirrors. New initiatives were often promoted here, and sometimes heated discussions broke out relating to controversial topics. Online and offline may well not be categories that participants orient to in the context of their efforts to sustain fundable activities that are respected by their peers and their institutions. As applied to science, ethnography has offered a way of delving beneath surface-level accounts of the knowledge-making process. Click here to navigate to respective pages. Landscaping climate change: A mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the World Wide Web, Link Analysis: An Information Science Approach, The mysterious morphology of immiscible liquids: A study of scientific practice, 2007 International Communication Association, Information processing on smartphones in public versus private, Disconnectivity synced with identity cultivation: adolescent narratives of digital disconnection, Come on fer, just load! Powerlessness, waiting, and life without broadband, Valuing digital possessions: the role of affordances, Confronting whiteness through virtual humans: a review of 20 years of research in prejudice and racial bias using virtual environments, About Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, About International Communication Association, Conclusion: e-Science and Ethnographic Evolution,, Palackal, Anderson, Miller, & Shrum, 2006,, Beccaloni, Scoble, Robinson, Downton, & Lucas, 2003,,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Information and Communication Technologies, Copyright 2022 International Communication Association.

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connective ethnography