mechanism of antimicrobial resistance slideshare

Biofilm-specific antibiotic resistance. probiotics slideshare. Finally, it is worth mentioning that some of these enzymes have evolved more than a single biochemical activity. It has been postulated that the main effect of the binding of vancomycin to D-Ala-D-Ala-ending precursors emerging from the cytoplasm is alteration of transglycosylation (presumably due to steric hindrance) preventing further processing of the cell wall and leading to bacterial death (72). Not surprisingly, bacteria have evolved sophisticated mechanisms of drug resistance to avoid killing by antimicrobial molecules, a process that has likely occurred over millions of years of evolution. Finally, a striking feature of many hVISA/VISA strains is the ability to revert from one phenotype to another (or even to a fully vancomycin susceptible phenotype) in the absence of vancomycin exposure. 10 types of metallo-carbapenemases, but most of the clinically important ones belong to 4 families, IMP, VIM, SPM and NDM. 1. Mendes RE, Deshpande LM, Jones RN. Panel A depicts normal peptidoglycan production and shows that binding of the antibiotic to the terminal D-Ala-D-Ala of the peptidoglycan precursors prevents transpeptidation and transglycosylation, interrupting cell wall synthesis and resulting in bacterial death. It refers to unresponsiveness of a microorganism to an AMA. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conservatively estimates that at least 23,000 people die annually in the USA as a result of an infection with an antibiotic-resistant organism (5). Arias CA, Murray BE. These pumps are made up of twelve or fourteen TMS, and over 1,000 have been sequenced in bacteria. Translation and protein synthesis: macrolides. Bacterial resistance mechanisms and new trends for resistance overcoming, Antimicrobial agents and mechanisms of action 2, Mechanism of action of antimicrobial agents, Drug delivery strategies for combating multiple drug resistance, Irresistible content for immovable prospects, How To Build Amazing Products Through Customer Feedback. Van Bambeke F, Chauvel M, Reynolds PE, Fraimow HS, Courvalin P. Vancomycin-dependent. This mechanism is particularly important in gram-negative bacteria (for the reason specified above), limiting the influx of substances from the external milieu. When antibiotics were first introduced in the 1900's, it was thought that we had won the war against microorganisms. The level of drug interference varies greatly among these mechanisms [45][47]. In S. aureus, MprF (a lysyl-PG [LPG] synthase) has been one of the most studied enzymes, and inactivation of this protein reversed DAP-R. ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE Bonnet R. Growing group of extended-spectrum beta lactamases: the CTX-M enzymes. Production of chromosomal AmpC is a hallmark of E. cloacae, E. aerogenes, C. freundii, S. marcescens, Providencia sp., Morganella morganii, and P. aeruginosa, among others. Miller WR, Munita JM, Arias CA. New resistance mechanisms are constantly being described, and new genes and vectors of transmission . Unfortunately, the marked increase in antimicrobial resistance among common bacterial pathogens is now threatening this therapeutic accomplishment, jeopardizing the successful outcomes of critically ill patients. Genes encoding for -lactamases are generally termed bla, followed by the name of the specific enzyme (e.g. References An overview of the antimicrobial resistance mechanisms of bacteria ,2018, doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2018.3.482. A change in the number (increase in PBPs that have a decrease in drug binding ability, or decrease in PBPs with normal drug binding) of PBPs impacts the amount of drug that can bind to that target. 1,000 fold. Furthermore, clinical and in vitro studies have shown that these changes can produce resistance alone or in conjunction with over expression of an efflux pump and/or the production of a carbapenem-hydrolyzing enzyme, resulting in high levels of resistance to carbapenems. The targets of quinolone action are the essential bacterial enzymes DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV [ 13 ]. Finally, one of the most efficient mechanisms for accumulating antimicrobial resistance genes is represented by integrons, which are site-specific recombination systems capable of recruiting open reading frames in the form of mobile gene cassettes. In addition, the in vivo susceptibility of an organism to a particular antibiotic may vary according to the size of the bacterial inoculum, a situation that has been well documented in Staphylococcus aureus infections with some cephalosporins. You can read the details below. Resistance to macrolide, lincosamide, streptogramin, ketolide, and oxazolidinone antibiotics. Instead, they bind to the terminal D-alanine-D-alanine (D-Ala-D-Ala) of the pentapeptide moiety of the nascent peptidoglycan precursors (lipid II), preventing PBP-mediated cross-linking and resulting in inhibition of cell wall synthesis. Of note, resistance to one antimicrobial class can usually be achieved through multiple biochemical pathways, and one bacterial cell may be capable of using a cadre of mechanisms of resistance to survive the effect of an antibiotic. Thus, in the remaining of this section, we will provide examples of the different types of -lactamases using the Ambler classification as the backbone for discussion. Click here to review the details. Blockchain + AI + Crypto Economics Are We Creating a Code Tsunami? Intrinsic antibiotic resistance: mechanisms, origins, challenges and solutions. isolated from Peruvian children. In those bacteria with large outer membranes, substances often enter the cell through porin channels. Kumarasamy KK, Toleman MA, Walsh TR, Bagaria J, Butt F, Balakrishnan R, Chaudhary U, Doumith M, Giske CG, Irfan S, Krishnan P, Kumar AV, Maharjan S, Mushtaq S, Noorie T, Paterson DL, Pearson A, Perry C, Pike R, Rao B, Ray U, Sarma JB, Sharma M, Sheridan E, Thirunarayan MA, Turton J, Upadhyay S, Warner M, Welfare W, Livermore DM, Woodford N. Emergence of a new antibiotic resistance mechanism in India, Pakistan, and the UK: a molecular, biological, and epidemiological study. Guardabassi L, Agers Y. Infections caused by CRE strains have been associated with in-hospital mortality of up to 71% [56][58],[67],[68]. Currently, the characterized pumps in gram positive bacteria are from the MFS family [77][80]. Importantly, SCCmec types seem to differ between different MRSA clones. The most commonly characterized mechanisms of linezolid resistance include mutations in genes encoding the domain V of the 23S rRNA and/or the ribosomal proteins L3 and L4 (rplC and rplD, respectively), and methylation of A2503 (E. coli numbering) in the 23S rRNA mediated by the Cfr enzyme (see below) (Figure 4) (60). Importantly, changes in permeability through any of these mechanisms frequently result in low-level resistance and are often associated with other mechanisms of resistance, such as increased expression of efflux pumps (see below) (39). official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Arguably, the implementation of antimicrobial therapy in clinical practice has been one of the most successful advances of modern medicine, paving the way for complex and highly sophisticated medical interventions that has allowed to significantly prolong the living span of the population around the globe. The hVISA/VISA isolates usually emerge in vivo in patients with a history of an MRSA infection that failed to a prolonged course of vancomycin therapy. Erm-mediated resistance carries an important bacterial fitness cost due to less efficient translation by the methylated ribosome. As mentioned above, another well-described strategy of target bypass is by increasing the production of the antimicrobial target with the objective of overwhelming the antibiotic by increasing the amount of targets available. The blaNDM gene has been found in several types of plasmids readily transferable among different species of gram-negatives, and it has also been associated with the presence of insertion sequences such as the ISAba125. acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) Autoinducing peptide (AIP) Proved to be very potent method for bacterial virulence inhibition. Mah TF. CENTRE : HUMAN GENETICS & MOLECULAR These mutations cause changes in the structure of gyrase and topoisomerase which decrease or eliminate the ability of the drug to bind to these components [48],[49]. In staphylococci, the most important erm genes are ermA (mostly distributed in a transposon in MRSA) and erm(C) (found in plasmids in methicillin-susceptible S. aureus). The study was aimed to describe the serotype, mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance, and virulence determinants in Shigella spp. Class A enzymes are the most diverse and include penicillinases, ESBLs and carbapenemases. There are five main families of efflux pumps in bacteria classified based on structure and energy source: the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family, the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family, the small multidrug resistance (SMR) family, the major facilitator superfamily (MFS), and the resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) family. The multidrug resistance efflux complex, EmrAB from. Interestingly, these two- and three component regulatory systems are involved in cell wall homeostasis, supporting the notion that selection of the hVISA/VISA phenotype involves important remodeling of the cell wall in order to survive the antimicrobial attack. Daptomycin requires the presence of calcium for binding. Transferable vancomycin resistance in a community-associated MRSA lineage. Importantly, chromosomally encoded pumps can explain the inherent resistance of some bacterial species to a particular antibiotic (e.g. ABCATP binding cassette family, DHFRdihydrofolate reductase, DHPSdihydropteroate synthase, MATEmultidrug and toxic compound extrusion family, MFSmajor facilitator superfamily, PBPpenicillin-binding protein, RNDresistance-nodulation-cell division family. There may also be improper prescribing of antimicrobials drugs, such as the initial prescription of a broad-spectrum drug that is unnecessary, or ultimately found to be ineffective for the organism(s) causing the infection [4]. Table 2 shows some examples of bacteria with intrinsic antimicrobial resistance. Even though we have a very large number of antimicrobial agents from which to choose for potential infection therapy, there is documented antimicrobial resistance to all of these, and this resistance occurs shortly after a new drug is okayed for use. In addition, while the Ambler classification seems to be easier to follow, the lack of correlation with functional characteristics of the enzymes may lead to confusion. The emergence of NDM-1 is particularly concerning because the blaNDM gene has shown to be readily transmissible among different types of gram-negative organisms, spreading to many countries in a short span of time and becoming one of the most feared resistance determinants in several parts of the world (28). The KPCs belong to the serine Class A (functional group 2f) -lactamases, are resistant to all -lactam drugs, but may still be affected by -lactamase inhibitors. The SMR efflux family are energized by the proton-motive force (H+), are hydrophobic, and efflux mainly lipophilic cations, so may have a very narrow substrate range. Mechanisms of, and barriers to, horizontal gene transfer between bacteria. Courvalin P. Vancomycin resistance in gram-positive cocci. Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance 2014. 2016 Apr; 4(2): 10.1128/microbiolspec.VMBF-0016-2015. Collu F, Cascella M. Multidrug resistance and efflux pumps: insights from molecular dynamics simulations. In B. subtilis, where the system was first characterized, and other Gram-positive bacteria, LiaFSR (and the homolog system VraTSR in S. aureus) is composed of three proteins, i) LiaF (VraT), a transmembrane protein that appears to negatively regulate the system, ii) LiaS (VraS), a classical sensor-histidine kinase protein that phosphorylates the response regulator, and iii) LiaR (VraR), the response regulator of the system. Ice cream as a possible method of spreading antimicrobial resistant pathogeni Foodborne illnesses in developing countries, Irresistible content for immovable prospects, How To Build Amazing Products Through Customer Feedback. In this scenario, a subset of bacterial cells derived from a susceptible population develop mutations in genes that affect the activity of the drug, resulting in preserved cell survival in the presence of the antimicrobial molecule. Free living bacteria need to be able to survive toxic attacks and waste products from other organisms. It is important to note that both classifications mentioned above have caveats and they do not fully overlap. Although transfer of an enterococcal plasmid containing the vanA gene cluster in Tn1546 to S. aureus has been shown to occur in vitro, the efficiency of this mechanism is low since replication of enterococcal plasmids in staphylococci is frequently suboptimal. Blockchain + AI + Crypto Economics Are We Creating a Code Tsunami? Introduction Although the implementation of long-term dapsone therapy made the effective treatment of leprosy possible [1], within a few decades resistance to this antibiotic was observed among patients undergoing treatment [2]. One newer -lactamase/drug combination is ceftolozane/tazobactam, which is mainly used against P. aeruginosa, and shows promise against gram negative ESBL producing strains. Persistence, however, describes bacterial cells that are not susceptible to the drug, but do not possess resistance genes. The MFS efflux family catalyze transport via solute/cation (H+ or Na+) symport or solute/H+ antiport. Conversely, none of the isolates of the same collection with DAP MIC 2 g/mL exhibited changes in this system (91). It is thought that this reduction in the DNA gyrase-DNA interaction decreases the opportunities of the quinolone molecule to form and stabilize the gyrase-cleaved DNA-quinolone complex that is lethal for the cell (55). If we are to tackle this problem, efforts on research and development need to be heavily increased and supported. Aminoglycoside modifying enzymes. Members of the Enterobacteriaceae are known to become resistant due to reducing the number of porins (and sometime stopping production entirely of certain porins). Cephalosporins and Cephamycins. Even the use of low or very low concentrations of antimicrobials (sub-inhibitory) can lead to selection of high-level resistance in successive bacterial generations, may select for bacteria that are hypermutatable strains (increase the mutation rate), may increase the ability to acquire resistance to other antimicrobial agents, and may promote the movement of mobile genetic elements [25]. Huovinen P, Sundstrm L, Swedberg G, et al. Regarding the VIM-type enzymes, they were first described in the late 1990s in Verona, Italy (Verona integron-encoded metallo -lactamase) and have since spread throughout the globe. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Kumar A, Schweizer HP. between 3 and 4 g/mL) harbored mutations in LiaFSR. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Class B enzymes are also known as metallo- -lactamases due to the fact that they utilize a metal ion (most usually Zinc) as cofactor (instead of a serine residue) for the nucleophilic attack of the -lactam ring. Domnech-Snchez A, Martnez-Martnez L, Hernndez-Alls S, del Carmen Conejo M, Pascual A, Toms JM, Albert S, Bened VJ. 2006;4(8):62936 with permission. In addition the bacterial cells in the biofilm tend to be sessile (slow metabolism rate, slow cell division), so antimicrobials that target growing, dividing bacterial cells have little effect. This may cause two effects on the development of antibiotic resistances: first, the contamination of water by antibiotics or other pollutants lead to the rise of resistances due to selection processes, for instance, of strains over-expressing broad range defensive mechanisms, such as efflux pumps. theishter again sheet music. The NorM efflux pump of. These concerns prompted the WHO to launch a Global Action Plan on antimicrobial resistance in 2015 [2]. As mentioned before, bacteria sharing the environment with these molecules harbor intrinsic genetic determinants of resistance and there is robust evidence suggesting that such environmental resistome is a prolific source for the acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes in clinically relevant bacteria. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Therefore, understanding the biochemical and genetic basis of resistance is of paramount importance to design strategies to curtail the emergence and spread of resistance and to devise innovative therapeutic approaches against multidrug-resistant organisms. The increase in costs for MRSA infections was mentioned previously [12][14]. There are two types of carbapenemases; the Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemases (KPCs), and those designated as Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) enzymes. The largest group is the CTX-Ms, which are most commonly found in E. coli, especially UTI isolates. Schmidtke AJ, Hanson ND. Ribosomes in. Genetic basis for in vivo daptomycin resistance in enterococci. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Unfortunately, so far none of the newer combination drugs is designed to combat the CREs directly. In general, mutations resulting in antimicrobial resistance alter the antibiotic action via one of the following mechanisms, i) modifications of the antimicrobial target (decreasing the affinity for the drug, see below), i) a decrease in the drug uptake, ii) activation of efflux mechanisms to extrude the harmful molecule, or iv) global changes in important metabolic pathways via modulation of regulatory networks. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: an evolving pathogen. Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance defined here can be comprehensively classified according to categories based on the biochemical route involved; i) antibiotic molecule modification via chemical alterations or complete antibiotic destruction, ii) decreased target access via decreased permeability of the drug or efflux of the drug, iii . Most class A enzymes are inhibited by clavulanic acid and their spectrum of activity include monobactams but not cephamycins (cefoxitin and cefotetan). Initially described in a clinical isolate of K. pneumoniae in the mid-1990s (54), Qnr belongs to the pentapeptide repeat protein family and it acts as a DNA homologue that competes for the DNA binding site of the DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. Expected result of the transcription of blaampC DNA in Vibrio parahaemolyticus D-lactate using pyruvate as.! Class, as such, they are placed into four main categories ( a, J Airy coffee table ; donny hathaway illness ; element of vulnerability CREs are most! To prevent the antibiotic resistance name: SUMAN DAS REG of extruding several toxic compounds like bile,! Into four main categories ( a, Murray be, Arias CA, Lucks DA, Lerner SA affinity the! Confer resistance to aminoglycosides usually located on a Tn4001-like transposon widely distributed CREs are -lactam Both vancomycin and teicoplanin ) kill bacteria by altering DNA replication through the leader ; RBSC ribosomal. 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mechanism of antimicrobial resistance slideshare