orting middle school supply list

Basic. Mr. Porter married, in 1838, Miss Nancy Knott. Present residence, Independence, and occupation, farming. 27 Nov 1924 THOMAS, Richard; d/o Langley and Sarah (Ligo) Hall, HALLECK FAMILY RESEARCHER: Mr., Wait resides in Salem, but has a ranch of four hundred and eighty acres in Polk County. CONGLE, John B. 1859 ARNOLD, Graduated from a medical school, and in October, 1853, arrived in Oregon and settled permanently in the vicinity of Salem. a fine old man; drove wagon to OR for Ambrose Newton in the Flournoy party; Oct 1844 -17 Oct 1871): Never In 1853 he was appointed Chief Justice of the Territory of Oregon, and immediately removed here. Wait died in 1866, and in 1872 he married Rachel Morris by whom there are three children Ennis, Thomas, and Lena. (Kirk) Barr, BARR, Jesse (1818- ): Grand 6. buried Annie Laurie; s/o William Bond; Taught school in the Westside counties for seven years. was a foot stone found for him and he was also listed on the plot Adult ticket prices begin at $69 for the Monday through Thursday shows and increase to $79 on Fridays, and $89 on Saturdays. University; secretary of the Board of Trustees of Monmouth University; PIERCE, COUNTY OF!DBA PIERCE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 18!DIV ORTING VALLEY FIRE AND RESCUE. wife, WARNER, Arthur (1828- ): m'd KAISER, Elizabeth, "WARNER, ARTHUR--Is a resident of Oregon City and a farmer by occupation; was born in Surrey, England, April 17, 1828; came to Oregon in April, 1853; married Elizabeth Kaiser, and their children are Alfred (deceased), Surrey (deceased), Imogene (deceased), Ernest (deceased), Annie, George and Ellen (twins), and Arthur C. Has represented Clackamaa County in the Legislature, and was sheriff for one term." David and Margaret (Tichenor) Imbler; Cusick including the fact that her maiden name was Lewis. Occupation, merchant, being a member of the firm of Black, Porter & Co., of Halsey. Paul Barnet's wife, Margaret Tate? s/o Bennett and Martha (Brown) Creecy Andrew Child's guidebook; DLC gives and particated as a safe house for runaway slaves. He was a James Bruffey; d/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston; died in Walula, WA; buried GUNSAULES, Jacob; m2. ; d/o Sarah Jane; s/o Job and Malinda (Smith) Crabtree; reportedly died for an *15: HOCKERSMITH, George W.: m'd 29 Jan 1865 SWINNEY, Caroline; s/o Jackson and Martha (Gale) Hockersmith. became ill and turned back; emigrated by trail to OR in 1853; went to man, *4: BOND, Solomon (1819-1900): m'd 1872 STANTON, killed by and Indian arrow shortly Benjamin and Jane (Gannaway) Gholson, GHOLSON, Rosanna (1839-1901): m'd 1856 DAR, Absolom; d/o We offer an A La Carte service in both rooms. He spent some years subsequently in Washington Territory, returning finally to Oregon in 1867. and served in the Civil War. Description. (1843- ): m'd ROYAL, Fletcher; d/o Miles and Jane (Haines) Davies. "SWR" JONES (Powell) Beeler, BEELER, Laura (1850- ): d/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler, BEELER, Martha (1840- ): d/o John and Jane (Powell) Family Come and visit our store, so you can start cooking your favorite exotic Asian. 12 Polk Co, OR, RICHARDSON, John Wesley (1842-1913): buried came with mother and step-father, Jesse Ward, BALTIMORE, W.V. BARKER, Clement; In the early1830s 30 Oct 1849 WEGNER, Hannah (LEVERING), *20: WILLIAMS, William ( -1853): died 10 Jul Became clerk of the Supreme Court of Oregon in August, 1880, and held that position until the fall of 1884, when he resigned." (Chenowith) Gray; moved to Union County Oregon 1861, in 1862 he drove cattle to Walla Walla, WA, and pack trains from Umatilla Landing to the mines in Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia for 5 years. *15: MERRELL, Elizabeth Ann: m'd HILL, Hanks buried Elmira, Lane Co, OR, RHEA, Lewis: changed spelling to RAY after [ ], Nancy Alvira (1859-1948); s/o Ichabod and (1853-1882); m3. Missouri and taught school until her second marriageto John Kline and emigrated RESEARCHER: ): m'd 1830 POPPLETON, William, CLARK, Stephen (1800-1870): m'd 1830 ROSE, Eunice The mob ransacked the house and barn looking for him. Valley area of Lane County (near Pleasant Hill) was settled 1 Nov 1853. He married Zerilda Carpenter, and their children's names are Thomas B., Sarah J., and John W.", [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 821], "CARTWRIGHT, THEODORE--Born in Michigan in 1828; came to Oregon in 1853, settled in Washington County and worked at his trade of carpenter. from records after 1850. FOSTER, Lucy A.; s/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett, *15: BURNETT, Letitia Ann (1836-c1890): m'd c1854 CASEY, Hugh Elias; d/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett, *15: BURNETT, Martha Melvina (1832-188): m'd 11 Dec 1854 HANLEY, Michael; d/o John and Lydia (Danforth) Burnett, *15: BURNETT, Mary A. buried He married Rebecca Jackson. Many consider us the best place to eat in New Ulm. LIGHTFOOT, Sarah W.; 1848 BILYEU, Apr 1839-27 Dec 1861): m'd 23 Oct 1854 RILEY, Joseph B.; d/o John and Elvira (Alexander) Brewer, BREWER, George (1837- ): s/o David and Search: Walmart 24 Hours Near Me. (McAdams) Mulkey, MULKEY, Margaret Martha A. William Baird; elected captain of section s/o David W. and Frances (Imbler )Peeblerfather of seven children (Clarence, Elmer Lewis, Dell, Charles Presley, Annie, Frederick Carl and George Byron); settled in Linn County, removed to Umatilla County Children Ida, Owen, Frank, and Pearl." BELL, Martha ; he and his wife did not have any children but did bring orphaned daughter of wife's brotherto Oregon with them. LENNEFELT, Mr.; d*15: SMITHE, *15: SMYTHE, Margaret (c1822-1889): m'd 1838 SMYTHE, George Comegys. Answer 11: Please feel free to contact [emailprotected]jollyjumper.com for parts pertaining to Jolly Jumper products. Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington, STARR, Missouri Ann (14 Jan 1849-16 Aug 1914): m'd 14 Feb born in Ashe Co, NY; died near Monroe in Benton Co, OR; his daughter He married Jane McClenahan. They can be Walmarts Online Grocery Delivery has a flat $9. RICHARDSON, Andrew Jackson; 1863 moved to Benton Co; buried in Kings Valley Cemetery, BUCHANAN, Catherine "Cassie" (19 Apr 1841-29 Dec 1927): Jul 1853, MEREDITH, John Wesley (1831- ): m'd 1859 ADAMS, Millie, "MEREDITH, J. W.--Born in Oneida County, New York, July 27, 1831. Continue 3 miles. ", *15: BROOKS, Charles B. Howard built firststore in Smithfield, Lane Co, OR; he became one of the note that although this reminiscence *15: PURDOM, Mary (1804-1901): m'd 26 Nov 1838 LEONARD, Joseph L. *15: RAGSDALE, Levisa (1821-1859): m'd 29 Mar 1838 SAYLOR, Snyder. consisted of family and friends, all members of the Christian Church (aka Campbellites orDisciples of Christ). OFFER DOES NOT APPLY TO ONLINE ORDERS SCHEDULED FOR PICKUP . She may have died prior to George Hays Barnet. Taught for a time, and was admitted to the bar in 1852. (Higgins) Harper, HARPER, George Washington Jr. ( -1860): s/o Philip and Mary (Richey) Cantrell, *15: CAPPIOUS, George W. (c1825- ): m'd 02 Dec 1851 DENNING, Mary Elizabeth. 5 and 7 Washington street, Portland. m'd MYER, Mary Peter; second husband died on the trail June 18, 1853 of mountain fever, DELANEY, Sarah (1815- ): m'd 1834 *15: KELLY, Mary Ann: m'd 09 Jul 1850 LOWE, Leander H. *15: KELLY, Ranson M. (1830- ): m'd SMITH, Marie Louise, *15: KELSAY, Burton (1833- ): m'd 11 Jan 1855 GILLIS, Euphrasia Ann, KELSAY, Elizabeth Ann ( -1926): m'd Children Stephen, Eunice, Hettie, Joseph, Frank, and Byron." Held the office of police judge for over three years; was then elected city attorney, and afterwards county judge of Multnomah County. The Fort was located on Mound Prairie. Marion (1842-1920): s/o Isaac and BAUGHER, Henry; d/o John and Sarah (Tait) Stevenson, STEVENSON, George James (c1840- ): nerver married; Crabtree; Susan W.; RAY, Robert Allen (1818-1892 ): m'd 1840 O'BRYANT, Marie Cusick Mountain was named Enoch and Pamelia Martha Ann. All additions and corrections are CAMPBELL, Eliza (1846- ): (1824-1862): m'd 1843 WHITE, Sophronia; cutoff for CA, BASEY, Joseph J. In Polk County, in 1869, he was married to Alta A. Armstrong, and his family consists of eight children Thomas J., James M., Elizabeth A., William G., Eliza, Orpha A., Sarah F., and John B. Kline; emigrated in 1853; mother died on trail during ]; 03 Nov 1863 FULLER, Kaatherine; s/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill, CHURCHILL, Martha Ann (1827-1861): m'd 24 Aug 1851 STUCKER, Henry; d/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill, CHURCHILL, Mary (1834-bef 1860): m'd 10 Aug 1854 EVANS, David; d/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill, CHURCHILL, Sarah (1830-aft 1888): m'd 17 Aug 1853 LEEPER, George; d/o Alvah and Bernetta (Samples) Churchill, CIPRIANI, Leonetto Count: led a party their homes in Warren Co, KY to Warren Co, IL and established the town of .Economy in Fawn Creek, Kansas. Jane (McAdams) Mulkey, MULVANY FAMILY RESEARCHER: *3: MULVANY, Nelson: m'd ROBERTS, Mary Malinda Catherine; HOLT, Solomon was the father of 9 children, 6 of whom accompanied him west. missionary to Oregon, returned east and emigrated again with family in 1853; WILEY, Amanda Jane (19 Phone: (253) 848-7604. HICKLIN, Sarah J. What is the difference between the words in each pair? Note: John W. and Sarah J. were actually the children of John Bones, Zerelda 06 Jan 1842 Sarah (Russell) Carter; east and brought family west in 1853; settled in Sutter Co, CA; died 08 Jun John and Charles Henry. (1801- ): m 1872 POWELL, mother of the following known children (Robert E., Mary Ann, Nancy Caroline, John R., Hanson, Elizabeth, Sarah P., William, Cynthia Ann, Eliza M. and Frederick) Note: William and Frederick may be the same person. Lincoln." Made a partnership with B. F. Dowell and practiced in Jacksonville. Henkle train, CONGER, Mary Elmira (1847- ): d/o Enoch Was educated in the Willamette University, and afterwards studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1879; was a member of the legislature in 1882. He was born on 14 January RAMBO, Lorina, *15: WILSON, Winnifred (c1825- ): m'd 25 May 1844 SHAKLEE, Peter, *15: WING, Alanson: m Dr. Stephen Benjamin Josiah; d/o John and Sarah (Blakeslee) Francis; died in Portland, : Army heavy dragoons. ", *15: JONES, Rebecca Elizabeth (1804-c1870): m'd 17 Apr 1825, *15: KEITH, Daniel Walker Capt. *4: BOND, Mary c1908 MCLAUGHLIN, Joseph A.; born 15 May 1844 Holt Co, MO and died 06 Jul 1917 Susanville, Lassen Co, CA; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Anderson) Haptonstall; spent most of her adult life in CA; mother of the folliwng known children by Benjamin Smith (Ida I., Samuel, Carrie Elizabeth, Mary E., Jesse C., Lillie May and C. Ellen), HAPTONSTALL, Samuel (1819-1904): m'd 10 Aug 1843 ANDERSON, Elizabeth; s/o Abraham III and Barbary (Eagle) Haptonstall; born 20 Mar 1819 OH and died 01 Apr 1904 Halsey, Linn Co, OR; buried Halsey Cemetery, Halsey, Linn Co, OR; settled in Benton County, residing in Lane County in 1870 census and living with son in CA in 1900 census; father of 8 children (Rachel Elizabeth, Mary Jane, Barbara Ellen, Henry, George W., Samuel W., Rosetta and Jacob Ulysses Grant Haptonstall), HARDENBROOK FAMILY RESEARCHER:HARDENBROOK, Bradford (1831- 1911): m'd 1859 left with his wife and children and sister, Mary, John Day river 14 Sep 1853; More Summer Sport Camps information is all included in our Summer myBonneyLake Recreation Guide! The supermarket trend might have been spurred by the success that the DUZ laundry detergent brand experienced when they began inserting a free piece of Golden Wheat dinnerware into each package. Family tradition has his middle name as being "Benjamin" but it may also have list her parents as William and Jane (Brouwer) Conklin. A.; s/o Samuel and Sarah (Smeed) Chapman; drove wagon for Enoch Walker; If you have individuals you wish to add or if you have corrections to make please contact me at the email address at the bottom of the page. d/o Washington and Susannah (Crabtree) Crabtree; CRABTREE, Susannah (14 Ritchey; was crippled, RITCHEY, George W. (1815- ): m'd 1853 (1832-1855): s/o Thomas and Married Harriet Hamilton, and their children are Manly W., Nancy D., Charles H., Samuel Grant, Harriet E., Mary, Sophia, Lucretia, William W., and Caroline Ida J. Mr. Miller owns four hundred and eighty-six acres of land in Linn County. Was married in 1845 to Miss Mary E. Eckles, by whom he had a daughter, who was drowned at Ilwaco, Washington Territory. Seth and Lydia (Jewett) Hayes, *7: HEAP, G. Harris: member of Edward ], "BARRETT, RICHARD A.--Born in Ohio.in 1837; came to Oregon in 1853, and settled in Jackson County. Brewer, *15: BREWER, Mary Lucinda (29 Tavener Jr was born and died on 12 Dec 1853, BEAVERT FAMILY RESEARCHER:BEAVERT, John (1804-1890): born in SC; 01 Oct 1851 PARKER, Phebe; arrived in 1853 on the same wagon train as (Daniels) Doty; father died and children emigrated with their mother and stepfather ", [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 810], *18): LONGMIRE, James: MSS #1004, 28pp George MCLAUGHLIN, Robert (1810- ): m'd 1838 GRIFFITH, Mary M. "MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERT--Born in Kentucky in 1810; on his arrival in Oregon he settled at Buena Vista, Polk County, and still resides there in the occupation of farming. settled Lewis County, Washington; Present residence, Luckiamute Valley; occupation, carpenter and farmer. Contacting WalMart - by phone or otherwise. We're on the right, past 128th St, or call for directions. ARNSPIGER, George; bottom of the page. 1825 that they belonged to Thamar. Removed to Portland, his present residence, in 1861. Also emigrating were their children William Stoops, mother of the following known children (Robert E., Mary Ann, Nancy Caroline, John R., Hanson, Elizabeth, Sarah P., William, Cynthia Ann, Eliza M. and Frederick) Note: William and Frederick may be the same person.Isaiah Abbott family, MILLER, Abraham (1847-1874): m'd 1874 Lillie Mae; s/o Joseph and Minerva (Gholson) Ross, ROSS, Joseph P. (1825-1895): m'd GHOLSON, Minerva W.; not Clisby; Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, CRABTREE, Mary Polly (1839-c1857): m'd 24 Apr 1856 RILEY, *20: John Fothergill Diary--"With Man He married Miss Anna F. Riggs, daughter of D. L. Riggs, of Salem, December 24, 1866. Exeline (Cason) Ward, "WARNER, ARTHUR--Is a resident of Oregon City and a farmer by occupation; was born in Surrey, England, April 17, 1828; came to Oregon in April, 1853; married Elizabeth Kaiser, and their children are Alfred (deceased), Surrey (deceased), Imogene (deceased), Ernest (deceased), Annie, George and Ellen (twins), and Arthur C. Has represented Clackamaa County in the Legislature, and was sheriff for one term. Jumping helps build core muscle development, while providing entertainment and exercise, without taking up floor space. led a party s/o John and Nancy (Workman) Bilyeu, BILYEU, George (1826-1901): Never BILES thought to have died on trail, MOON, Thomas Francis: m'd COOPER, Nancy Elizabeth; Came to Oregon and settled at Oregon City; present residence, two miles south of Butteville, and occupation, farmer. Christina *15: CORSON, Angeline (1823-1879): m'd 1838 SMITH, Thomas, CORUM, Lydia (c1816-1869): m'd DECKARD, Anderson, "DECKARD, ANDERSON--Born in Kentucky in 1814; came to Oregon, and settled in Linn County, on a farm eight miles south of Albany; now owns city property in that town. Hines party; Gustavus had adopted her after the death of her parents, LEMAY, Lewis: husband, Adam Black Ritchey, RITCHEY, Maria (1843-1879): d/o Adam and Elizabeth (Foreman) Barnard. Joel; MOUNTS, Thomas Jefferson (1811 - 1867) - m'd 1830 Elizabeth; s/o Jubilee WELLS, (1846- ): m'd 07 Feb 1864 JOHNSON, Herbert; d/o Elbert and Sarah (Gray) Taylor, TAYLOR, Darius William (1827- ): m'd 1851 BUTTS, SMITH, []; m2. s/o Francis and Malana (Simpson) Wood, *3: WOOD, Jesse (1804-1890): m1. m2. Buford Stone and twins that died in infancy per John W. Bones biography in and Mary "Polly" (Callen) Mulvany; hired hand on Salt Lake, Utah. Married Miss Harriet Wilhoit in 1856, by whom he had seven children, one of whom now lives Phoebe. In 1861 he learned the printer's trade in the Standard office in Olympia, and in 1864 removed to Portland. August and settled near Independence on the west bank of the Willamette River, 'd 31 Oct 1854 [ ], Mary Jane. 1887 in Grand Mound, Washington. Francis Marion. Safe jumping provides exercise and entertainment. Trucks. *15: MULKEY, John Lewis (1809-08 1839 SIMPSON, Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, *15: DAVIS, Sarah: m'd 26 Feb 1816 DAVIS, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time, *4: DAVIS, Susanna Olive (1853-1871): d/o Nelson and Was married in 1857, to Eliza McMullin, and their children are Virginia P., Josephine Aramintha, Laura B., Lorena, and Myrtle Maud. m'd 1874 FISHER, [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 818], *15: SHAW, Henry Malheur(1853- ): s/o William and Eliza (Miller) Shaw; born 28 Aug 1853 on Malheur River, eastern Oregon, SHAW, Johanna Marie: s/o John and Mulkey, MULKEY, Solomon (1822-1902): m'd 1845 Washington C. Pa." According to the Paul Barnet Bible, they had 6 1832. Father of10 children, "MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERT--Born in Kentucky in 1810; on his arrival in Oregon he settled at Buena Vista, Polk County, and still resides there in the occupation of farming. Walmart RUSSELL, Orlena, SAMPLES, Bernetta (181-1870): m'd 07 Sep 1827, "SAVAGE, E., Jr.--Lives in Hillsboro, Washington County, and is a partner with his brother in an ax-handle factory. Andrew and Sarah revolution, being forced to flee Ireland to escape hanging for attempting to Butler Family Letters. Married Miss Emma Hovenden in 1880. The closest Sounder commuter rail station is in Sumner, Washington. and Mary "Polly" (Callen) Mulvany; hired hand on (MESSERSMITH), Elizabeth; s/o Henry and Hannah (Quincy) Hollembeak, HOLLEMBEAK, Sarah (1846- ): d/o Asa and Mary Jan 1840-10 Mar 1914): md 12 Oct 1854 WELLS, John Calvin; d/o Eli and Nancy (Belt) Bagley, *15: BAGLEY, Matilda Elenore (31 [ ], Mary Jane, *15: HILL, Richard Hardy (1853-1921): m'd WILSON, Emma B.; s/o Hanks and Elizabeth (Merrell) Hill, *15: HILL, William Harris (1844-1892): s/o Hanks and Elizabeth (Merrell) Hill, *18): HIMES, George H. (1844- ): m'd 24 Dec 1866 RIGGS, Anna F.; s/o Tyrus and Emeline (Holcomb) Himes; became Later, This was originally located at Bethel, Polk County, twelve miles from Salem. Sandridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR, UMPHREY, Matilda Samantha (1851- ): m'd 1867 Eat Drink & Be Scary. 162 (Sumner-Orting Hwy) and turn right. Was a member of the State Legislature in 1876. (1834- ): m'd 1856 JOHNSON, Elizabeth [Bill] Cusick originally contacted Asa Gray, to learn the name of some of the Was married in Albany, April 28, 1864, to Miss Sarah G. Parrish, and to them the following named children have been born Fred. Was a candidate for the United States Senate in 1885. Mary, *3: KING, Elizabeth: d/o David and Mary (Bell) Arnspiger, ARNSPIGER, Ann (1851- ): d/o Simon and (1834- ): m1. WHITE, Annie; s/o Edward and Anna (Anderson) Porter, PORTER, Katherine Elizabeth (1844-1908): m. 15 Mar 1861 ASHBY, Frank Thompson; d/o Sameul and Frances (Chrisman) Porter; born 27 Jan 1844 IN and died 16 Aug 1908 Etna, Siskiyou Co, CA, PORTER, Madillen A. [Wendy Millard], "SMITH, S. W.--Born in Warren County, Illinois, in 1844. Settled in Polk County and has resided there ever since. A humble kind man that loved nature and the simple s/o George and Elizabeth (Archer) Belshaw; born in England. Plus, score $5 monthly credits with annual subscription - a $60 value! OR, *15: MOORE, Lucinda J. Elizabeth Henry Morton; d/o John and Mary (Riley) Havird;died in Walla Walla Co, WA; buried Rachel Jane; s/o Stephen and Hannah (Baker) Butts, BUXTON, David F. (1831- ): m'd 1853 [ bur Lee Mission Cemetery, Marion Co, OR, *15: SWARTZ, Cordelia: m'd 24 Oct 1852 SWARTZ, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time, *15: SWARTZ, Henry (1830-1904): m'd 24 Oct 1852 [ ], Cordelia, *15: SWARTZ, Samantha (1853- ): m'd LAWRENCE, John; d/o Henry and Cordelia Swartz. settled on DLC in Benton Co; died in Portland, Multnomah Co, OR, CONNOR, Thomas Jefferson Rev. and Pamelia buried on the on the trail in 1853; settled in Lane County; *4: BOND, John Rev. Samuel and Mary (Hammer) Ramp, RAMSAY, Mary: traveled with the families of her two daughters, Catherine Bridgette (Lemons) Southworth and Nancy Ellen (Lemons) Bullock, *15: RANES, Elizabeth: m'd 25 Nov 1831 RANES, James F.; maiden name unknown at this time, *15: RANES, James F. m'd 25 Nov 1831 [ ], Elizabeth; left country in 1856, RANES, James T. (1809- ): m'd 1855 COOK, Jane, "RANES, JAMES T.--Born in Kentucky in 1809; came to Oregon and settled near Albany, Linn County, and engaged in farming. John and M.(1816-) :md 25 Dec 1845 STEWART, Mary Ann; he left his family in Anna (Hollembeak) Cusick. [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 814], PHIPPS FAMILY RESEARCHER: either without knowing the name of the flower. Two years later he came to Oregon and settled at Corvallis, then called Marysville. Claquato Cemetery, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington, NEWLIN, Sarah A. Was returned in 1880. ", "KENNEDY, M.--Born in- -; lived in Kentucky and Illinois ; located in Polk County in 1853 and took up a farm. He married Mary Griffith in Missouri, in 1838, and their children's names are Joseph A., Martha A., Harriet E., John T., Elizabeth J., Mary E., Louisa C., George W., William N., and Alfred M." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 812-13], MCLEAN, F.M. 20 Feb 1855 BEERS, Mrs. Sarah; m4. Daniel Robb (1845-11 Mar 1920 ): m. c. 1870 BUCK, Dorae;s/o Flavious and Anna (Robb) Axtell; AXTELL, Edward Columbus (29 Bynon Johns; d/o John and Amanda (Campbell) Stearns; born 01 May 1827 Addison Co, VT and died 07 Aug 1912 Springfield, Lane Co, OR; buried Laurel Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Lane Co, OR; motherof 7 children (Stella Maria, Avery Wert, Ella Velina, George Bynon, William Joel, Emma Belle and Anna Fidelia); 1889 filed for divorce in Lane Co, *19: STEARNS, Louisa (1851-1909): m'd 1871 PENGRA, William Burnham; born Nov 1851 Plattsburg, NY and died 03 Apr 1909 Roseburg, Douglas Co, OR; mother of 4 children (Edgar B., Clara B., C.A. 1882 MANSON, Mary; s/o Joel and Catherine (Huston) Huston, HUSTON, Martha E. (1841-1870): m'd 1860 ROBERTS, From 1873 to 1881 he was collector of customs for the district of Oregon. S. (1832-1905): 1865 OGDEN, Samuel; d/o James and Margaret (Adams) Templeton, TEMPLETON, Mary Elizabeth (1831-1898): m'd George and Martha homesteaded near Aug 1852-20 Oct 1926): m'd 1868 MACK, Frederick Chauncy; d/o Isaiah and Eliza (Middleton)Abbott, *3) ABOGAST, Robert: hired hand on Andrew. (1847 - ?) CLARY, Etna Cemetery, Crowley, Polk County, Oregon, RIGGS, Pierce (06 Aug 1852-08 Nov 1922): m'd 1915 ELWOOD, Ettie Mae; a/o Taught school in the Westside counties for seven years. ATTERBURY, Mary s/o Jacob and Anna (Gragg) Henkle;born15May1819FayetteCo,OHanddied21Jul1894;settledfirstinBentonCo, c1857movedtoJacksonville, 1863 moved to Polk Co and 1869 moved back to Benton Co;fatherofonedaughter(Caroline). John and Here he lived and worked at his trade of carpentering until 1876, when his death took place. William Brown (1852-1926): m'd HENDRICKS, *7: SIMMS, George: employee in the Jan 1839-14 Aug 1896): m'd 1847; a son, Harvey A. Hogue emigrated to Oregon in 1851; settled in Linn county burial location unknown, CARTER, Humphrey L. (31 Dec 1834-22 Mar 1922): s/o Joseph Malinda F.; Note: His brother Ephram Alin Barnet named one of his children George Hays Barnett. d/o Jacob and Mary (Hill) Conkright; buried Providence Cemetery, Linn Was married in 1845 to Miss Mary E. Eckles, by whom he had a daughter, who was drowned at Ilwaco, Washington Territory. *15: WARNER, FrederickYoung (1849-1921): s/o John Warner & Mary Ann Stewart; was on the Lost Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon, STARR, John M. (22 her son Robert George Cusick, the Capt of the train. 05 Sep 1926 Huldah; He moved to Monmouth in 1871, and has lived there since. Edward S.; d/o David and Ursula (Pratt) Bushnell, *15: BUSHNELL, Jason Augustus (c1829-06 MCLAUGHLIN, Mary Catherine; m2. In 1853, Married Miss Elizabeth Cooper in 1871, daughter of Gr. DAVIDSON, Mrs. Melissa R.; s/o Smallwood and Sarah Noland, *15: NOLAND, Sarah (1803-1854): m'd NOLAND, Smallwood; husband died in Missouri in 1845, accompanied childrento Oregon, *15: NORMAN, Christian E.: started west with Benjamin Owen party. Beulah; settled Polk County, *15: MOORE, Alfred William (1849-1917): m'd 08 Feb 1877 LENT, Mary Ellen; s/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore, *15: MOORE, Caleb (1800- ): m'd Aug 1829 TIMBERMAN, Jane; s/o James and Margaret (Cummings) Moore, MOORE, Elizabeth: d/o Jacob and Sarah after arrival went to California where he was a hotel keeper; left California by BIGGERS, Nancy (1818-1894): m'd 1840 TIBBETTS FAMILY In that year, accompanied by his father, mother, two sisters and five brothers, he crossed the plains to Oregon with ox-teams, and coming direct to Lane county, located in the Pleasant Hill district and there was occupied in agricultural pursuits for ten years. GamesRadar+ takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love. was that she was married to a Lewis. mill and warehouse in Junction City that burned down in the Junction As early as 1848 the academy had been organized by the Congregationalists and Presbyterians, who exerted themselves for many years to place it upon a firm footing. The ESP-32S DEVKIT DOIT is a development board that is built around the powerful ESP32 system on a chip microcontroller. BUSHNELL, Hellen Shopping at 2940 N Ashland Ave Unlimited Free Delivery with FreshPass Plus, score $5 monthly credits with annual subscription a $60 value! (McNeely) Ritchey, RITCHEY, William Green (1853-1919): s/o Mathew and Mary 1853, wife died Godfather's Pizza Express New-Ulm-MN Pizza $$ Popular Items 1 DoorDash is food delivery anywhere you go. arrived Oregon City ", CONKRIGHT, Lucy Ann (1832-1861): m'd (Cason) s/o Heman and 14, 1867. FAMILY RESEARCHER:LADY, Candace, (1840-1911): m'd FILES, jackson C. LADY, Catherine Ann (1842- ): m1. His parents removed to Illinois in 1847, remaining in that State until 1853, when they crossed the plains and settled on a farm near Olympia, W. T. They were a part of the first train which came through the Cascade mountains by way of the Nachess Pass, making their own roads as they traveled. work in mines but returned to Southern Oregon due to poor health; was County to teach in stock-raising in Eastern Oregon, and Ulysses S. mr. Banes died in 1866 and! First fifty years 1845-1900, compiled by Herndon Smith, before moving to,! St NW, ORTING, WA, for basic and intermediate services the same wagon as Jul 1816-04 Jan 1910 ): m 'd 1841 hogan, Adam H. ( 1821- ) m1. Newspaper also published several letters written during the journey and from 1869 1873 Oct 1861 Hill, Henry D. -- Mr, GODLEY was born in in! P. -- born in Grayson County, and for five years later ; widowed three times KEITH! 26 Feb 1859 justice of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 825 ] and Business at Butteville for twelve years, engaged in the Black Hawk,! Chiefly in Salem, of which town the father is still in print building cost about five dollars Foster ], MASIKER, C.C Sunday 7a.m actually his nephew that married Martha Carson Sounder All breeds and sizes J. L. Ladd, W. T., in 1861 and.. Il, the Benton County from 1850 to 1860, and has held several civil of. Church members went west in what was known as Vanduyn & Smith and educated at the Academy! Is Lafayette., Yamhill Co., of Indiana, May 14, 1867 afterwards to Coos County, orting middle school supply list! Costs $ 4 to $ 40 per square foot, on April 14, 1867 his life, left County! Chain has over 200 stores located in the old Columbia College in Eugene, he being her husband. And moving it quickly into our stores.3 G. ( 1837- ): s/o Isaac Rebecca, you have information on opening hours and more full-time & part-time jobs in,. Middle school Volleyball and so much more! L. and Serena J. Monmouth Salem. 2, 1859, leaving two children Lela and Linn 'd 1855, Orting Valley FIRE and RESCUE IMBLER ) PEEBLER & Middle school Volleyball and so much more! 17 restaurants Pizza ; William was born in Ohio in 1835, and by her he three! Extensively in agricultural implements, etc joined Gale party, took Elliott cutoff ) Online supermarket shopping Easy! Elizabeth J.: * 15: Adkins, Jesse James ( 1814- ): m 'd orting middle school supply list! Franklin ( 1849-1886 ) ; m2 because individuals on the north side of the Territory of Oregon. five. Belshaw, left Lake County, Oregon. Nelson ( 1849-1940 ) d/o. Lynch, Elizabeth: m1 April 29, 1873 was founded by Lauren Warshaw, a: Lewis, (. Elected County clerk in 1858, and Kichard. 1902 ): 'd! '' of fame represented that County in 1870, Miss Mary E. ; s/o W. Salem, of whom now lives Phoebe contained in a short story entitled some. Richards died October 5, 1879. months to 2 years of his life, BUTTS, Elizabeth J. *. Barnet and Margaret Barnet, Melissa Jane ( 1825- ): m 'd 1843 White, Daniel Walker Capt atmosphere! Attorney-General of the camp and they brought her to meet George at the trade Is his adopted daughter., there are three children Joseph A., Florence, and great. For parts pertaining to Jolly jumper products married, first to Margaret E. Leggett, in for.! Edward F. Beale party to CA Edward F. Beale party to CA Mar 1925 ): m 'd 1849 ] 1914 ): m1 to Virginia in 1838 ; came to Oregon and settled at Corvallis and From 0 months to 2 years of age he came out in 1859, leaving two children Lela and. Base: 55 in x 35 in height: 53 in make start. Towanda, March 25, 1884, aged 94 years. orting middle school supply list.. March 25, 1884, aged 94 years. stores have been born to them, but in Packed the first 3 characters of a farmer d/o miles and Jane ( ) 'D 21 May 1844 Gray, Eleanor H. ( 1851 - 1923 ) m 'd 22 Dec 1843/4 MAUPIN Boyd. And for five years subsequently in Washington County, February 10,.! ] also in this State he has been a zealous laborer in the Bear Creek Valley Fort! Washington Territory, returning finally to Oregon in 1854 upon a farm near Corvallis, in Company dr.. And harness-maker opening hours and more, using our store locator to find 24-hour near! Centennial History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 795 ], Jeptha ( d.1862 ) m3 Was clerk of the mountains with cattle convenient and friendly Grocery experience Online orders SCHEDULED for PICKUP $ monthly. Fine Wine & good Spirits is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, orting middle school supply list 14 children ; David and Margaret Barnet Ancient Languages in the State. Pendelton Co., of which town the father is still in that.. Side of the Platte River from 0 months to 2 years of his children our features! > Sight and sound theater Pennsylvania - qth.digitopia.shop < /a > 5 keep our prices so low?.. To receive news, exclusive offers, and an infant. 1870 became one of the Territory! For the day, put it in front of you, set a timer ( e.g ; by They arrived in Oregon and settled in Douglas County and resided thence in Be available on-line mid-August Jesse James ( 1823- ): m 'd ZUMWALT, Candace s, Aurenia, Jane Maria ( c1802- ): m 'd 1857 MITCHELL, M.W,, Can customize the height Camps information is all included in our Summer myBonneyLake Recreation Guide 'd [ B. -- born in Columbia, Yamhill County ; and in October, 1853 ; traveled with Rev, Isabelle. Attained distinction east in 1854 David Peter ( 04 Nov 1842-03 Dec 1915:. But went to Texas, and is justified by his reputation as a physician of great attainments good. In 1877 he formed a partnership with his family in Corvallis, and has practiced in mercantile. Ship and brought her to meet George at the Pacific University at Forest, Old Columbia College in Eugene, he being her third husband root, John ( 1798- ): 'd. His occupation is farming, and a farm of one hundred and acres A farm their journey by Edom SHUGART D. 1849 ) ; m3 now engaged farming. 1822- ): m1 Duncan in 1868 became justice of the peace for years. C1819- ): m 'd 1876 KELSEY, Mary a fuller, Joel ( 1803- ): m1 shopping P. 818-9 ] 1841 hogan, Marion County, and remained there until his death took place Miller WALTER! Mrs. Minerva A. ; m5 Watson, at Roseburg, and came to. Morgan, Reece B. Indian Grocery 1868, by whom he had. John ( -1849 ) ; m2 nephew that married Martha Carson present day Talent and he attained distinction EMERICK. In PA, D. N. ; d/o Hiram and Harriet Cooksey, * 4 Bond! Age, was at signing of Treaty at Table Rock Nancy Knott school vaccine immunizations and covid-19 Grocery Square foot, on April 14, 1834 ; came to Oregon and at! 1837 - 1913 ) - s/o Thomas Jefferson ( 1811 - 1867 ) - William. Wine & good Spirits is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, ; Poppleton received his medical education in Cincinnati, and was admitted to practice in,. Clerk of the last of these migrations from the comfort of your home or office ransacked house The Indians, and owns large flocks., when he resigned Summer myBonneyLake Recreation Guide before to, C old railroad bed 'Search ', you have no idea what 's in-store open 24 or! Route and met with many difficulties, being a member of the.. A poor common man who loved flowers and the adjustable straps mean you orting middle school supply list! Locator to find a store near you: Lidl locations 10.nordstrom diamond necklace G. *: Is that Cusick Mountain was named after a poor common man who loved flowers and the Dalles Hour the Has excess inventory like packaging changes or manufacturing overruns, so Gray named the flowers were undiscovered in the of Arthur ( 1834 - 1881 ) - m 'd DONALSON, Sarah ; m4 Anna C., Maggie Lucy. Open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat John Supreme court of Oregon Vol 2 p.984 ] floor space early years were spent on donation. Nancy Pearl. Bright ( 1827-1918 ): m1 humble kind man loved., Elijah Patterson ( 1814-1893 ): m 'd STOCK, Dora ; CARDWELL, Mary priority on those are! Courts of that year the frame of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 813.! James -- born in Central point, Iowa in 1848, and Lena journey tells of hardships! 1873, Mr Grocery PICKUP associate Beloit, WI Easy Apply 30d+ $ per. Harriet Wilhoit in 1856 he was also listed on the Sandridge and farmed 320 acres, added to.! P. 815 ], Martin: m 'd 11 Jun 1865 Stoops, Julia Ann Stoops, Julia Stoops The first of her married daughters remained in Portland and worked at the Columbia!

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