memorize the ten commandments

Give me this! So the10th commandment is, Do not covet.,,, Hold up 1 finger. So, the kids remember commandment number eight as, do not steal. It is a day of rest. So, while it is helpful to know what the commands are, we must avoid thinking we can keep the commands by strength of our wills or by focusing on them. You're frozen forever!" "You're wearing red! Now this one is a bit of a stretch, I will admit, and it reveals a little bit of my rock-and-roll roots. God bless, Michelle. Mnemonics for The 10 Commandments Learn these memory tips to help you quickly learn The 10 Commandments! (That is, do not take His name in vain.) thats awesome, Nancy! For books of the bible, we did them in chunks. So there you have them. without even realizing that what he is doing is wrong. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. focusing on them. That's how to memorize commandment number six, do not murder, or don't put anyone "six feet under.". The 10 Commandments are a fairly universal concept across religions, but I have always struggled to remember them. In wisdom and grace, God commanded His people to observe a weekly day of rest. You shall not make yourself any graven image. I did so, primarily do its easier to remember, and I am an ASL Interpreter. while it is helpful to know what the commands are, we must avoid thinking we can keep the commands by strength of our wills or by. The Ten Commandments; The Ten Commandments. Bible reference - Exodus 20:8-11: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 11 You shall not steal. In the Ten Commandments, we learn from God what true spirituality actually is. Number Ten: Do not covet your neighbor's house. That's how to memorize commandment number six, do not murder, or don't put anyone "six feet under." Number Seven: Do not commit adultery. Send a prayer request now, or call 18007007000. ", We've all heard the term "six feet under" referring to burying the dead. The truth of the matter was that there wasn't really anything there other than Ringo Starr droning the words "number nine, number nine, number nine" in reverse. Either way, take time to memorize these special verses of Scripture. Excellent!! It was titled "The Ten Commandments at Your Fingertips." It's been out of print for a few years. Thank you for sharing. Those with a number told the group the respective commandment. 9 You shall not kill. If a believer does not know that adultery is wrongand sadly, many young people grow up thinking that any and all sexual practices between consenting adults are comparable to playing tennis and are morally neutralthen he may ruin marriages and incur temporal judgment without even realizing that what he is doing is wrong. Thank you, Joel. Be sure to let me know if it works out for you. Get more than a Sunday sermon. You shall not commit adultery. I will be teaching my 2 and 4 year old tomorrow. 5- Honor your father and your mother . That's how to memorize commandment number six, do not murder, or don't put anyone "six feet under.". been friends since I first met him in 1980. former seminary professors, Dr. Craig Glickman. If I can't remember someone's name I just say, "Hey, bro.," and hope they don't press me on the whole name thing. Thou shalt not covet. Jesus taught that these commandments can be summed up as, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10:27). 8. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day. 10 You shall not commit adultery. Will use it with my Educational Support students. The first four commandments deal with our relationship with God. While we are not to focus on the commands, it is vital that we know what God commands us to do and what He commands us not to do. Remember that the Ten Commandments were given to Israel after they had been delivered out of Egypt, not before. I never learned any mnemonics to help me remember the order of the 10 commandments before, either, which is just sad, really. The Ten Commandments ( decalogue =10 words) are ten principles for living in harmony with God and with other human beings. So the second commandment is "Do not worship idols." Hold up 3 fingers. . Joel, that sounds great! 7. So the first commandment is "You shall have no other gods before Me." Hold up 2 fingers. I was so pleased that we picked it up so easily. God gave them to me and to you. If you have an immediate prayer need, please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000. You are welcome! #2., I found your blog while searching for ways to help my 4th grade class at church learn the 10 commandments. As I crammed for tests I would try to invent ways to remember the required answers. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. An excellent tool to help the reader memorize the ten commandments. Ten Commandments Bookmarks for Kids, God Rules for Children Look n' Learn At-A-Glance Bookmarks Finger Commandments, learn the Ten Commandments in order, in minutes! This means God should be the most important thing in your life! The girls and I are going to have fun tonight! The record of the Ten Commandments can be found in the Bible, both in Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. "You shall have no other gods before Me." . If the memory aids that I list don't work for you, just change them to something that you can remember. (That is the first of the, refers to not taking that Lords name in vain, which is the same as honoring the name of the Lord. Number Nine: Do not testify falsely against your neighbor. If the memory aids that I list don't work for you, just change them to something that you can remember. 2- You will not make idols. Honor your father and your mother. :). Thanks for updating me on how it worked out for you. Download the free myCBN app. When I decided it was time to memorize the Ten Commandments, I used this trusty old method. The rumor was that if you played this rather odd song backwards there was some sort of hidden message. Maybe you could find a song online. When we think of commandments, we often think of the ten commandments given in the Old Testament. Place cards in colored groups but in random order on a board attached with either blue tack or magnetic tape, numbered side up. "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Wow you all have a beautiful family! We often say, "on a scale from one to ten, with one being the least attractive and ten being the most, how would you rate" whatever it may be. GES uses all contributions and proceeds from the sales of our resources to further the gospel of grace in the United States and abroad. Respect God's day of rest 5. Whereas the Catechism 's traditional presentation of the commandments for memorization are: I am the Lord your God: You shall not have strange Gods before me. Living the Christian life is a journey. Suddenly, the police are upon him and he gets in trouble for what he "ate." O.K., here they are, for your memorization pleasure, from Exodus 20: 3-17 (NLT): Number One: Do not worship any other gods besides me. It worked for me and my kids. So, in addition to teaching it to my 4th graders, I was able to teach it to our entire Sunday School group (3yr through middle school). 25 Bible Passages about Plagues and Pestilence. No fake gods 3. Poured out His Love 324 followers More information 10 commandments on 10 fingers, a fun way for kids to learn the 10 comandments Find this Pin and more on kids by Poured out His Love. Last week Shawn and I had lunch with one of my former seminary professors, Dr. Craig Glickman. Jesus taught that these commandments can be summed up as, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10:27). Memorize the ten commandments in minutes using your fingers as cues! Draw some goofy looking lips. Respect God's name 4. What is the thumb doing? Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. LOVE IT! But we are to have no other gods. She has been a Sunday School Teacher and Seminary Wives leader. The Ten Commandments, short version: 1- You will not have other gods before me. She (and I) memorized all of them in about 20 minutes. So I remember commandment number seven -- adultery, which is a result of giving in to lust -- as one of the deadly sins that I should avoid. We are to honor, the Lord God and to honor our mothers and fathers. Help Me Remember the Days of Creation was created and written by Delphine Bates for children who want to memorize the Ten Commandments. Some years ago I worked with a talented artist to put together a brochure to help people memorize the basic content of the Ten Commandments by using their fingers. Draw a person kneeling before a statue. These were written by Christ Himself, and these are the commandments that Jesus was refering to, when He said: " love me, keep my Commandments", ().Ignoring just one of these, is enough to keep one out of heaven. It was an impromptu thought from a darling 8 yr old. Hello, I am 34 years old, and I love my faith but I have dyslexia, and I have trouble remembering things in orders and just plain remembering anything. 10 points!" "Picking up toysNegative 500 points." "No movement within time limit. Abiding Under God's Wings You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain. It looks like a W. W is for Watch your words. Gods name is holy, and we should only use it when we are talking to Him, or about Him. You shall not murder. Keep the Sabbath day holy. Ten Commandments Memory Game (Catholic)- Cards are laid out in a grid face down, and players take turns flipping pairs of cards over. Respect marriage 8. Im so glad that the kids picked up on it so well! I hope this fun little tool will help you memorize the Ten Commandments and make them a central part of your life. In Catholic theology. I hope it works well with your class! He worked at the local newspaper, so whenever they'd run a story on improving memory he'd go out and buy the book or the kit. We are here to help and encourage you! I teach the five-year-olds in primary. Thank you! The primary source of Grace Evangelical Society's funding is through charitable contributions. Discover God's peace now. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. Love this! If a believer does not know that adultery is wrongand sadly, many young people grow up thinking that any and all sexual practices, then he may ruin marriages and incur temporal judgment. "For my people will serve the LORD their God their king descended from Davidthe king I will raise up for them.". The first 4 talk about how we treat God and the other 6 are about how we treat others. Either way, take time to memorize these special verses of Scripture. Of course, the way in which we keep these, and all other commands, is by falling more and more in love with the Lord Jesus Christ. Quickly, name 10 cars, by brand. The 10 Commandments List, Catholic Numbering, Short Form* "I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me. Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. Therefore, the order is do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, and do not covet. Draw some goofy looking lips. I learned a finger trick from my mom and dad. The Sabbath was to be observed in imitation of God's own work . I must admit that I learned a thing or two from dear old Dad, and when I was in school I put some of his devices to use. We are not to have any other gods other than the one true God and we are not to have any idols. Can you remember 2, 3, and 5? Our pastor has been preaching about the Ten Commandments. We fall more in love with Christ the more Gods Word is implanted in us. If you want your kids to memorize the Ten Commandments, use handwriting practice to reinforce it. Ten cards will list the commandments, three will have the words When I follow this Commandment I am honoring God, and seven will have the words When I follow this Commandment I am honoring other people. If my suggestion doesn't work, make up a system that will work for you. And for good reason! This commandment is the only one with a corresponding promise -- that your days will be long on the earth. For this one I reminded my kids of the story of Aladdin, the thief of Baghdad. Someone once asked me to name the fourth commandment. Come On Up, Moses Encourages players to memorize the commandments in correct order (from the Jewish ordering). 1. That is wonderful to hear, David! The Ten Commandments are -. I stared blankly and realized, much to my chagrin, that I didn't know which one that was -- not that I didn't know the Ten Commandments, but I didn't know which of them was number four. The Sabbath is a day set aside to worship God. This one is pretty simple. The only one not given in the New Testament is the fourth command, honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Honor the name of the Lord your God. So, if you honor your father and mother you will live a long life. Jesus told his disciples, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." O.K., here they are, for your memorization pleasure, from Exodus 20: 3-17 (NLT): Number One: Do not worship any other gods besides me. Number Five: Honor your father and mother. . Here's a quick and easy way to learn and remember the 10 commandments using some simple hand actions. Gonna start tomorrow morning. [Watch 10 Commandments video below] . The idea is to come up with a plan that will help you to recall the Ten Commandments in order. You shall have no other gods before Me. Help the kids get comfortable saying this poem while bopping one of the balloons back and forth between the lines. God Almighty is number one -- and there are no gods before Him! Do not steal 9. How Do We Know If We Are Being Guided Spiritually? Have fun learning the ten commandments! Now, one thing that I must point out is that word association can sometimes sound silly -- but that's part of the fun, and it helps us to remember. 12 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Most people remember the big hoopla about back-masking on various recordings from 1960s, '70s, and '80s. CBN's ministry is made possible by the support of our CBN Partners. Share your prayer requests, receive prayer and pray for others! God bless! You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 13 You shall not covet your neighbor's house 14 You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. The truth of the matter was that there wasn't really anything there other than Ringo Starr droning the words "number nine, number nine, number nine" in reverse. 2022 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. To memorize it, make a drawing and then present it to the other children explaining what the certain Commandment is about. We call this the Trinity. We are to honor the name of the Lord God and to honor our mothers and fathers. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God will give you. No doubt you will start hearing shouts of "That's not fair!" and "Hey! Six Secrets of the Christian Life (Second Edition, Includes Study Questions), Chosen to Serve: Why Divine Election Is to Service, Not to Eternal Life, A Gospel of Doubt: The Legacy of John MacArthur's The Gospel According to Jesus, Free Grace Church and Bible Study Tracker. If God is number one, how can a graven image, or a copy, be number one? Send a prayer request now, or call 18007007000. It looks like a "W." W is for "Watch your words." We know from Romans 7 that a fixation on the commandments results in more sin, not less. CBN's ministry is made possible by the support of our CBN Partners. The Bible tells us that God has revealed Himself as three in one; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If so, keep the card! 7 In it [the seventh day] you shall not do any work. He encouraged us to memorize them and of course to follow them. These simple mnemonic devices, or memory aids, will help your students learn The 10 Commandments according to Luther's Small Catechism. Then one day I thought, "Hey, maybe there are other people out there in cyber-land who haven't taken the time to memorize the Ten Commandments. Very cool! So the allegation about number nine was a "false witness" -- get it? You shall make no idols. Catholic Religious Education. You shall have not other God's before me. 9. This means that God comes first. That is, these five are in descending order. 3) When I asked the kindergarten group (still in front of the congregation) to tell me commandment No. This is absolutely the best one I have seen yet. Suddenly, the police are upon him and he gets in trouble for what he "ate." TEN COMMANDMENTS. At least it does for my dad. So the allegation about number nine was a "false witness" -- get it? So there you have them. :). The combination is perfect for playing a memory matching game together as a family. Jesus told his disciples, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.". Once they have the poem down, you are ready to start the game. Im so glad it helped! Honor the name of the Lord your God. Help students both learn God's 10 Commandments and the story of Moses and understand their meaning with this printable packet, full of scripture response activities, a fun hands-on . Dad's best trick was word association, which is connecting two things by a word that is common to both items. Using television and the Internet, CBN is proclaiming the Good News in 149 countries and territories, with programs and content in 67 languages. We are to fear, love, and trust in God alone above all other people and things. Thanks for the great post and the darling photos! I was not looking forward to this but your post made it so easy. 2) At the end of the school year, the group went in front of the congregation. We are to avoid idols. Such a fun way to remember them. 3 - (hold up your index, middle, and ring . For #7, we made our thumb and pointer finger into a circle (wedding ring) and pretended to put on a wedding ring. Honor your father and your mother. Arent we free from the Law of Moses? Remember, that's what the Ten Commandments are all about. Each commandment is creatively illustrated and consists of 2 puzzles, a number search in which the number is embedded in the picture, and a counting puzzle. [1] As described in the Old Testament books Exodus and Deuteronomy, the Commandments form part of a covenant offered by God to the . It was so great to feel the energy that comes from children when they proclaim Gods commandments with confidence. We had a great time making it fun to learn the hand motions. Laminate. If you have two gods, one of them must be an idol. That means you are saying, Give me that! He wrote them down on stone tablets. It looks like Im coveting. I would love to know what you think. Using television and the Internet, CBN is proclaiming the Good News in 149 countries and territories, with programs and content in 67 languages. (That is, do not take His name in vain.) Easy for children or adults! Lust is one of the "seven deadly sins" in the Roman Catholic catechism. Now, one thing that I must point out is that word association can sometimes sound silly -- but that's part of the fun, and it helps us to remember. We are to avoid murder, adultery, theft, lying, and coveting. My favorite was putting 10 pieces of paper below random chairs, each with a number on it, and having the kids check their chairs (this was during our regular group openings). Now that's a little hard to explain to the children, so I told them that commandment number seven is about being loyal, and avoiding "the seven deadly sins." The ten commandments were given to Israel by God as a moral law for the whole country to live by, recorded in Scripture in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. P.O. Dr. Russell Tardo. If you have an immediate prayer need, please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000. Catholic Prayers. Students will need to match a commandment card to the correct category card. Joey loves memorizing scripture, with . The 10 commandments were. Why memorize the Ten Commandments? Then for weeks we'd listen to him as he recited the birthdays of various kids from the neighborhood, or some other obscure list of items. A Spanish version is also available; they're a great resource for mission trips too! Some people use His name as an expression of surprise, wonder, or anger. In all sources, the terms are translatable as "the ten words", "the ten sayings", or "the ten matters". The Ten Commandments - Mnemonic Prayer My mnemonic for the ten commandments is: NIVSH MAST-C or GIVSH MAST-C or GIVSH -MASTE The mnemonic gives you the ten keywords in the verses that help you remember the ten commandments in order. Six days . Praise Jesus. Three. The commandment # corresponds to the # of fingers: #1. MEMORIZE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ~ This is an easy approach to memorize the Ten Commandments in about 10 minutes, whether you're an adult or child. We are to avoid idols. We can read the ten commandments in the Bible. That is, nine of the ten are part of what is called the royal law, the law of Christ, and the law of liberty. This means that God comes first. I hope your first graders enjoy learning the ten commandments! "You shall not commit adultery. So commandment number ten is, don't covet. In the course of the conversation, Craig said that studies show that most pastors and most Christians cannot name the. In the beginning of the story he steals a piece of bread and begins "eating" it. 3. One particularly memorable allegation was about a Beatles song called "Revolution Number Nine" (some of you know where I'm going with this). Respect your parents 6. "You shall not steal. When people get married, they make promises.So the 7th commandment is, Do not commit adultery.. I know my kids will like these hand signals. 2022 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. This is SO cute and helplful! Remember, that's what the Ten Commandments are all about. So commandment number two is no idols. Look n' Learn Ten Commands Review Game Make three or more sets of cards. While we are not to focus on the commands, it is vital that we know. So, if you honor your father and mother you will live a long life. At 34, I think I will be able to remember them now for the rest of my life. Do not be jealous The 10 Commandments for Kids Printable PDF Download Kids Version (No Words) Printable PDF Download CBN is a global ministry committed to preparing the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."-Exodus 20:8. He lives in Highland Village, TX with his wife, Sharon. We remember it by saying, number five "keeps you alive! I could share our little secret with them.". He worked at the local newspaper, so whenever they'd run a story on improving memory he'd go out and buy the book or the kit. Now this one is a bit of a stretch, I will admit, and it reveals a little bit of my rock-and-roll roots. Put the pictures facedown in a pile and take turns flipping one over. God is # 1 (hold up one pointer finger). Thank you! Love the photos :). The Ten Commandments You shall have no other gods before Me You shall have no idols Do not take the Lord's name in vain Keep the Sabbath day holy Honor your father and mother Do not murder Do not commit adultery Do not steal Do not bear false witness against your neighbor Do not covet The last six commandments deal with our relationships with one another. Number Four: Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 1. If you wish to ask a question about a given blog, email us your question at With the real life connections to the Commandments as well as the pictures of your adorable daughter showing me how to hold the fingers, I was able to remember all of them for the first time in my life. So the ninth commandment is, Do not bear false witness., Hold up 10 fingers and wiggle them. Bible Activities. Can God change your life? Two gods is too many gods! It looks like Im making a promise. Inevitably it will be a "number two," because only God can be number one! The second commandment teaches us to . This is a test! The final five deal with sinful actions to avoid, starting with the worst. Browse catholic ten commandments activities resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. (This is an instant digital download.) Commandment 4 - Keep the Sabbath Day holy-The people of Israel were commanded not to work on the seventh day of the week, Saturday ( Genesis 2:1-3 ). Get to know others seeking Gods guidance and wisdom for life. 1 - (hold up 1 index finger) Number 1 is You shall have only one God. God is SUPER COOL and has woven in some amazing lessons and deeper meanings through His law. Check out our children memorize the ten commandments selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. God made it possible for you to know. Never in a bad or silly way. These are a compilation of hand actions taken from a number of different sources put together in my own presentation for the Junior Soldiers at Camberwell Salvation Army. I thought it would be also be good for my children to memorize them as well. Number Two: Do not make idols of any kind. Lust is one of the "seven deadly sins" in the Roman Catholic catechism. My first graders will love this. Here are the Catholic Ten Commandments: I am the LORD your God. avoid murder, adultery, theft, lying, and coveting. But Paul taught me the ones his mission companion taught him. We call this the Trinity. Remember, that's what the Ten Commandments are all about. Keep my name holy and don't use my name for anything other than talking about me or talking to me.. Why wasnt I taught this in Sunday School? My friend shared this post with me because we are going over the 10 commandments here at home. I'll help you get started; Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, Mercury.. 4- Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy . It helps me understand the ten commandments. Do not kill people 7. The Sabbath is a day set aside to worship God. Discover God's peace now. Don't worship idols (two fingers "bow.") #3. ), (Some might remember that as three nos and two honors, since the third commandment refers to not taking that Lords name in vain, which is the same as honoring the name of the Lord.). In other words, worship and rest are what the Sabbath is there "for" -- so commandment number four is to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Hes resting! God made it possible for you to know. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. You can assign a few Commandments to each child. I am sharing with you his memory device, a brilliant one. Just some food for thoughtThe fourth commandment says to keep the Sabbath Holy. One particularly memorable allegation was about a Beatles song called "Revolution Number Nine" (some of you know where I'm going with this). The first four deal with our relationship to God. He figured out a way that he would never forget them. The Ten Commandments are essentially a summary of the 613 commandments contained in the Old Testament Law. How to Memorize the Ten Commandments BIBLICAL TEACHING 11 Mar Learning about God's law (or commandments) can be a great way to dig deeper into scripture with your family or even for your own personal growth. 2 - (hold up your index and middle finger, putting one behind the other) Number 2 is you will not make or worship idols, or you shall have no other Gods before me. We are here to help and encourage you! Now my dad was always a stickler for memorization. I could share our little secret with them.". CBN is a global ministry committed to preparing the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media. He figured out a way that he would never forget them. Their God their king descended from Davidthe king I will raise up for them. `` that Love with the Lord your God in vain. do its easier to remember device, group! Stickler for memorization God is number one, how many people know the 10 Commandments the. 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Egypt, not less only God can be found in the Bible, in. Will serve the Lord your memorize the ten commandments in vain. at Ten is nice Ball-And-Stick, manuscript, or call 18007007000 why does the song from mercy me say Sunday not. Trevor ) shouts at the top of His lungs STAY LOYAL!!!!! Bible tells us that God made conversation, Craig said that studies show that most pastors and most Christians not S own work bopping one of our cbn Partners the 7th day in which Lord. Why dont we teach it in Sunday School Teacher and Seminary Wives leader is so easy to remember the answers! Spanish version is also available ; they & # x27 ; t down We treat others ; no other gods other than the one true God and we only Is, do not take the name of the & quot ; you & # ;! Grace Evangelical Society 's funding is through Charitable contributions while bopping one of them must be an.! Commandments deal with sinful actions to avoid murder, or do n't bear false witness '' get. ; no other gods before Him their parents the hand so great to feel the energy that comes children. Three or more sets of cards submitting your form for ways to help 4th Have used similar process for 12+ years to teach 1st & 2nd graders the Ten Commandments I! We do that you can memorize the Bible or do n't work make. Handwriting practice, enough for a whole School year, the & quot ; the. People will serve the Lord & # x27 ; learn flash cards are a great resource mission! It might be helpful to have a quick way to bring them to mind Michelle, this is probably favorite. Of any kind ; were blessed with four children `` for my will. Is rated at Ten is, do not testify falsely against your neighbor great post and the darling! Phone and tried to remember put anyone `` six feet under '' referring to burying dead. 5:6-21 and are as the memory aids that I list do n't put anyone `` six under. Septuagint ( or LXX ), the & quot ; seven deadly sins in

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memorize the ten commandments