custom hook to fetch data react

How To Create a React Native First Application & Explanation of the code step by step. But some linters require all the functions, custom hooks and external data at the dependency array. This is where we pass in the URL to fetch data from. What is simply another line with async/await becomes a new function, another level of nesting, and a new scope. Not to be confused with I'm a learning, man. We will use the JSONPlaceholder service to fetch fake data. 5. Call the API. But is it really reliable? Maybe you need to grab some data from an API to display posts, or get search result data for a search query. Imagine you need to make two API calls in your component. When the API is called, it is set to true so that a loader component can be loaded in the view. We have three state variables (not to be confused with our machine's states) that combined, essentially make up our application state. The name of the hooks starts with use as a part of react hooks convention. Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 1 Hooks are run independently in different components (and in different instances of the same component type). We've created a custom hook, which accepts a function (fetchFn) as a parameter (it also accepts some other useful parameters, but they're not essential). With a commitment to quality content for the design community. Another cool thing with state machines is that we can specify which states the machine can transition to from certain states, and what actions should run in between. Step 1 Let's create a new file: useFetch.js In app.js we are importing our useFetch hook and utilizing it like any other Hook. There is a valid argument for consistency. For simple stuff like fetch, the "new" approach makes it harder to read: We should try to avoid using stuff just because is "new" and being like this And instead use the new features where they are useful. If shaedrizwan is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. When you're building a cool app with React, you will often eventually have the need to fetch remote or asynchronous data. They are functions that let you hook into React state. Lets and more props. Our useEffect has grown into a lot of codes, which could pollute the components environment. Or if you'd like to see it in action, check the codepen here: We've created a custom hook, which accepts a function (fetchFn) as a parameter (it also accepts some other useful parameters, but they're not essential). The components basics will look like this: Were going to save data in state users which is handled by useState Hook. I'm saying because I've been through this. revalidate will be a boolean to check if we want to implement interval revalidation or not, interval will be the time taken between every revalidation (in . If you have any questions, please feel free to drop them in the comments section below! That's where the real magic of Custom Hook is. Finally we need to modify our render to use the machine state and context. In this video we will build a powerful Custom React Hook useFetch () that will help us to fetch the data from server along with that it will provide us different API request states like. While it's perfectly fine to write like this, what if we want to do the same kind of thing in multiple components where we have to fetch another data. For demonstration purposes, Ill use the fake API JSONplaceholder. I'm going to show you how you can use a state machine for async. If you memoize it on your side (inside your hook) with useCallback, then if the consumer of your hook changes the callback, your hook will still be using the old one. That's basically for useEffect. The initial state is an empty list of hits in an object that represents the data. Here, our cache is now in our useFetch hook with an empty object as an initial value. This quirk is called an , In this case, Fetch API is used, but you can use. No data yet. The way to do this with the hooks-based API is to use the built-in useEffect hook. This involves passing in the URL to the useFetch hook when the hook is first instantiated. We've then put all the state variable stuff, pretty much exactly the same as the first example, inside the hook. While this tutorial will cover the Hacker News Search API, well have the hook work in a way that it will return response from any valid API link we pass to it. loadData then does all the state logic we previously had in our component (setIsLoading, setError etc). This service is great for testing applications when there is no existing data. This replaces our previous hook call. React hooks were first introduced in React 16.8. Ademola. When we were learning about using the Effect Hook, we saw this component from a chat application that displays a message indicating whether a friend is . Let's create our file to write our custom fetch hook, to start we need to create our useFetch.ts file and set our custom hook but before let's download the library that we will use to fetch data, the one we will use is Axios library, you can use any library you want and write the same hook and you will get the same results with it. Most web apps use some sort of API for getting data. Reactjs , DevOps passionate with extensive Start-up experience. Data fetching in React. Stop loading. We can write the code in a separate js file and call it with URL from all the components that might need to fetch the data from the server. import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query" import axios from "axios" export const usePostHook = fetch => { return useQuery( ["posts", fetch . The .then syntax is only cleaner where you can constrain the action to lambda expressions and have at least 4 of them. It also makes the code more readable, efficient, and easy to maintain. It accepts parameters URL, reference and initial value for the state. We retrieve the data using the API call and using built-in React hooks like useState, useEffect, and useReducer, the retrieved data is set to the state variable. It is then used in components for showing it in the view. Our application can be idle (nothing has happened yet), loading (we're waiting for the data), success (we got some data), or failure (there was an error getting the data). It's slightly more verbose, and only in a rare set of cases. Lets revamp it to take in a URL instead! So, if we make a request to fetch some existing data, we set the data from our local cache, else, we go ahead to make the request and set the result in the cache. Storing the result of expensive fetch calls will save the users some load time, therefore, increasing overall performance. It's not perfect. The only dependency we're going to put in the useEffect dependency array is Url because if the Url changes, we have to request new data. How exactly you'd go about this probably depends on your app, and how you want to use it, but I'm going to show you a fairly generic way that can be used to help simplify your component. See the Pen by sebtoombs (@sebtoombs) on CodePen. Notice, we are passing an empty array as a second argument to useEffect hook. Finally, we need to import the custom hook from @xstate/react in our component. Still, the exhaustive-deps rule is smart enough to know that it doesn't have to re-run with state setters from useState. Polling is one way to do this; hitting an endpoint over and over at some set interval to check for fresh data to display in the UI. . With 100s of real-life examples, design guidelines and UX checklists. I like to use a custom hook I made called useStateAndLocalStorage. data fetching. We're going to look at how custom React hooks can help make life just a little easier when fetching data asynchronously. If we need the hook to rerun based on some prop or state changes, well need to pass them to the dependency array (which is the second argument of the useEffect hook). The load function is our loadData function and should 'send' a command back to the machine. Our unit test could fail as a result of the data array not being empty while were in the fetching state. Contribute to ilyalesik/react-fetch-hook development by creating an account on GitHub. A custom hook that makes our HTTP request allows us to make our components much more concise. With you every step of your journey. For example, we can create a refetch() function inside the hooks that re-fetches the API when called. The difference between React hook and a React component is that hook doesn't return JSX. Default is response => response.json() formatter. Custom formatter. Consider the code example below (or check out the codepen underneath). All we have to do is call our hook at the top of our component. What is React Hooks React hooks were first introduced in React 16.8. If you are a newbie to React Hooks, you can start by checking the official documentation to get a grasp of it. The original hook is mounted only once into a hidden component. 9:55 Custom Hook; 12:26 Suspense; 13:49 Implementing Search; 15:23 Race Condition; 17:05 Abort Controller; 19:22 Posting Form Data; 22:44 Sharing State; Open Source Enthusiast. 3. Continue reading below, Smart Interface Design Patterns Video Course. Now we can reuse this custom Hook in any component to fetch data from any URL. Yup, but ideally that should be in the consumer side of the hook, not in its internals. import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; function . Helping developers and aspiring developers learn to code! In our useReducer, we check what type of action we want to perform, and set the appropriate values to state based on that. If you're still interested in my articles, you can check them on my site: This is a very simple app to demonstrate how to fetch JSON data from an API service like Requirements react-hooks-form react-scripts Clone Repository Custom hooks, its one of the features that react allows us to write and use without any problems, we can think of custom hooks as any hook that React offers, which useEffect, useState, and any other hook but when you write a custom hook, the floor is yours and the limit is your creation and rules that React apply when writing this hooks, Today we will learn how to write a custom hook that you can fetch data with, and you can use that hooks based on your need and wherever you need to fetch data inside your application. This resolves the two problems we discussed earlier, as we now get to set the status and data at the same time in order to help prevent impossible states and unnecessary re-renders. useState: It is used to add the state in functional components. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function. In this tutorial we will walk through how to use the useEffect hook specifically to fetch data from an API, Next.js is a React framework created by Vercel. We first create a new javascript file with the name useFetch.js. We usually need this repetitively at various places on the website. React/Redux lesson learned: Avoid connecting state as much as possible, 15 Best HTML5 and JavaScript Video Players (+5 Best Free Players), Create a Coronavirus (Covid-19) App in React. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. The standard hooks At the end of the day, a custom hook is just a function that calls the standard React hooks inside of it. The first method involves making an API call when the component is first rendered. It provides a great component abstraction for organizing your interfaces into well-functioning code, and theres just about anything you can use it for. So, the only thing we need to do is to extract our Example component logic into a reusable function Finally, we can use this usePosts hook inside our Example component to get the current posts data. It only returns the state variable or function that you want to use in a component. This will resolve the React state update error, and also prevent race conditions in our components. Look how much less code it requires to fetch data with this handy custom hook: import React from "react"; import useFetch from "./useFetch"; export default function HookDemo() { const { data, loading, error } = useFetch("users"); if ( loading) return "Loading."; if ( error) return "Oops!"; return data [0]. code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. With useRef, we can set and retrieve mutable values at ease and its value persists throughout the components lifecycle. API calls are made to fetch data from the servers. 3. The received data is saved (cached) in the application via useRef, but you can use LocalStorage (see useLocalStorage ()) or a caching solution to persist the data. Call the API. The useEffect hook gets invoked as soon as the component is mounted. Theres just one more thing left: cleaning up our side effect. This app also contains a button to fetch the data and refresh the content with a new joke. Remove unnecessary code and store results of the Hook in variables: In useFetch(), were passing URL for fetching users, isComponentMounted as a reference, and empty array as the initial value for data. . This hook will store data, error, and loading in states accordingly (lines 46). We can abstract the logic required to make this work into a custom hook. As both components and hooks are functions, this concept is nothing new and works fine." In simple terms, hooks are just like components- javascript functions that are made to make our React App more readable and editable. And other printed books. React could actually batch state changes but it cant do that if its triggered asynchronously. We write the logic inside the useEffect hook to update the state properties like data, loading, and error. The hooks can be used in multiple components where we have to use a specific function. To make an API call, use a useEffect hook because it will trigger the API call function inside it when rendered. Software Engineer, Anime, Rockstar, Fitness and Game Enthusiast. We never keep the data fetching logic and the UI logic in the same component. To find it out, you should write some unit tests. Next, we will implement our logic inside the useFetch hook. So you just created a reusable custom Hook, which you can use across all React projects. Note that it's not possible to get all the objects in a single query so first fetching all and filtering an array with the id is not an option It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. Let's quickly recap a method of fetching data in a React component that you've probably seen or used before. Why React Hooks are used One of the main advantages of using React hooks is the re-usability . This ensures we do not make an API call when we have the data available to us locally. Fetching data We are using axios http client library to make the http requests. More after jump! This function should actually do the data fetching and return a promise which resolves with the data, or rejects with an error on failure. The issues with this method become clear pretty quickly. It's important to set the data before you attempt to set status to fetched so that you can prevent a flicker which occurs as a result of the data being empty while you're setting the fetched status. Here, we added an initial state which is the initial value we passed to each of our individual useStates. Check the free preview (free video, 15 mins). The purpose is that it should run code within useEffect only if the component is mounted to the view. When we dont have an initial state, we default to 0. We need to add some modifications to our useFetch hook. We have to rewrite all of these codes multiple times in all of those components which is not very efficient and hard to manage. We'll take a look at three ways you might fetch data in your React component. It accepts parameters URL, reference and initial value for the state. If our hook tries to make an update while the component has unmounted because of some Promise just got resolved, React would return Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. The hook allows you to fetch. Inside the file, create a new function with the name of the hook. Ideally, you shouldnt memoize a callback set by the consumer of your hook. We compared the previous query in the state with the current query to prevent the method from getting invoked every time we set data in state. With that said, were also setting several status on the component as needed, as this will better convey some message to the screen based on some finite states status. Tips on front-end & UX, delivered weekly in your inbox. After that, Id recommend reading Shedrack Akintayos Getting Started With React Hooks API. Feel free to continue reading my next article about this topic: A self-studied web developer with a passion for writing about Frontend, Javascript and its related content. The useEffect hook is what we used to fetch data from the server ('cos it is a side-effect) and also gives us lifecycle hooks only . Loader is initialized as false. Here you have 1 hook using only get(). I love the self documenting nature of custom hooks. Suddenly you've got at least 6 state variables (unless you can find a way to reuse them?). The difference between React hook and a React component is that hook doesn't return JSX. But: when you think about it, any component which needs to fetch data from an REST API will need to have some parameters, an . We will leverage both useState and useEffect hooks for our custom fetch hook. We still have to call the hook for every API call, but it's better. Unlike normal functions, custom hooks can use other hooks such as useState, useRef and other custom hooks. You can use this library to convert any custom hook into singleton . Made with love and Ruby on Rails. Lets use the component UserList.js, where we want to fetch users after the page is mounted to the view. Pretty much the same API, but closer to fetch and maintained by the same folks behind preact. In a typical data-driven client-based React application, all external data is fetched after the component mounts. Some of the built-in hooks provided by React are useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer, useRef, useCallback, and useMemo. If we used a state machine instead, we'd have one thing to check: the state (e.g. For this example we're using xstate and @xstate/react so you'll need to install those as dependencies. It's just using the old Promise api Do you objectively believe that? Show loading screen. Creating A Custom Hook "A custom hook is a JavaScript function whose name starts with 'use' and that may call other Hooks." React Docs That's really what it is, and along with a JavaScript function, it allows you to reuse some piece of code in several parts of your app. More about Here, we set cancelRequest to true after having defined it inside the effect. First we're going to create a custom hook, then we're going to modify the component to use it. It takes a hit for readability when shorter than 4 as well, since formatters like prettier will inline: So yes, in the cases where you have the catch in the same place as the call, can chain 4 or more operations that are all one liners, and never need to refer to something in a prior step of the chain, it's slightly cleaner, but it's rare enough that I wouldn't fault anyone for just forgetting about the syntax altogether. The xstate library provides the state machine implementation, and @xstate/react provides the custom react hook to bind it to react. I'm a learning man. Forever in perfect sychronicity with cosmic intelligence , B.Sc Computer Science at Crawford University, Software Engineer. Well also notice that were killing off the effect if the URL is falsy, so it makes sure we dont proceed to fetch data that doesnt exist. . The componentDidMount lifecycle method gets invoked as soon as the component gets mounted, and when that is done, what we did was to make a request to search for JavaScript via the Hacker News API and update the state based on the response. The App component shows a list of items (hits = Hacker News articles). Similarly, caching is used to memoize the value so that we can prevent re-renders in React. Creating a Custom React Hook Begin by creating a new file called useFetch.js. In the fetching state, we could show a spinner. If the previous query value isnt the same as the current value, the useEffect get invoked again. Create a new useInfinite.js file in your src directory and let's add a custom React Hook function like below: const useInfiniteScroll = callback => { const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useState (false); useEffect ( () => { if (!isFetching) return; callback (); }, [isFetching]); One of the most basic thing we need is a way to call get data from server and while it being fetched from server , we show loading screen. The whole code block for getting the data is called as soon as its defined (lines 6 and 18). They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended. Founded by Vitaly Friedman and Sven Lennartz. And if you assembled it right (ish) it should look something like this (mileage may vary): Self-taught developer. Once suspended, shaedrizwan will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. Ideally useCallback should be used by the consumer itself, so: Thanks for the article. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. If it has been unmounted, we skip updating the state and if it hasnt been unmounted, we update the state. For example, useFetch. Read a related article on React. The effect will attempt to run once, regardless. Also, if youre interested in building custom Hooks, you probably already know a bit about them. As soon as you need a block for any of them, IMO it's rather messy. To each their own, but the allure of async/await is that the code reads exactly the same as it would if it were synchronous. This hook will store data, error, and loading in states accordingly (lines 4-6). Method #1 - Fetch on Component Render There are two separate ways that we can leverage our custom useFetch hook. 2. So each time you call useContent in a new component, the effect (fetching data) is run once. A Custom Hook has following features: As a function, it takes input and returns output. Just the things you can actually use. Its pretty much the same thing we did above with the exception of it being a function that takes in query and returns status and data. Once we get data from server. Using three separate variables, we have to do a bit of if-checking every time we need to know the state of the application (as you can see in the render method with all the ternary operators). Take our example above. Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first, I moved away from DEV for blogging, so now I'm barely active here. React Hooks Tutorial on Developing a Custom Hook for Data Fetching Hooks are coming in React 16.7. Since then, the support for AbortController is added, which is incredible if you are fetching one-time-only data like typeahead suggest. Basic - Just fetch data with useFetch. Now we return the states that are created inside the hook as an object. At the end of the API call, this loader is set back to false by using the finally block. For example, our initial state is idle. Fetching data from the backend is one of the crucial parts of the web application. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. They let you use state and other React features without writing a class. Not quite. In this case, if the value of query is truthy, we go ahead to set the URL and if its not, were fine with passing undefined as itd get handled in our hook. Bare minimum we'd like; To manage this, we need 3 different state variables (yes I know you could put them all in one state object): the data, the loading state, and the error, plus the logic to set them all correctly based on particular actions. According to the documentation, " A custom Hook is a JavaScript function whose name starts with "use" and may call other Hooks. 'idle', 'loading', 'success', 'error'). This function can be returned from the hook and can be called from the component. The state and state update function come from the state hook called useState that is responsible to manage the local state for the data that we are going to fetch for the App component. Using async/await instead of Promises is not the same as using class instead of prototype. React custom hook fetch and cache api data example; Custom hooks are created and used in React to accomplish some programming tasks. During fetching, well show a loading message to give a better user experience. Our Last step is to use this custom hook in our app, to do that we just call this hook wherever we use this hook and pass the URL and we are good to go. Inside the component, import the useFetch hook from its javascript file. Learn how to make network requests in a react app to fetch data on load, and post data when users submit a form. I think it would be better to set the error to null before fetching so that one error in fetching won't stay for all future fetch calls. Lets create a new file useFetch.js with the following code: Now the only thing were still missing is data fetching itself. The componentDidUpdate lifecycle method, on the other hand, gets invoked when theres a change in the component. See that if it hasnt been unmounted, we 'd have one to! And Language type under src/types/Language.ts is received, we can use of nesting, and xstate/react. Your own state machine instead, we added an initial value for the state variable function Hook must return states we defined and easy to maintain drop them in the fetching state well! Abstract the logic for those three state variables ( unless you can see, isLoading and serverError can be from. Some load time, therefore, increasing overall performance or function that contains hooks provided by.. 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custom hook to fetch data react