how to protect and take care of animals

We must put a stop to violence against animals! The critical thing to do is to educate yourself on problems in the environment. Sign up for email alerts to get the latest news and quick, simple actions to help animals straight to your inbox. They MUST be cared for. And what your daughter is doing is a good thing in God's . 1. 41. Animals deserve to live a safe and healthy life as much as humans do. Several tree plantation drives are done now by NGOs and kind citizens. Consider volunteering at a farm animal sanctuary or adopting a rescued farm animal if you have the required resources. With our evolved minds, we should be taking care of them as a parent takes care of their kids. Credits: Photo by Pixabay,, Thich Nhat Hanh said, Compassion is a Verb, God Desires a World Without Hurting and Killing Animals, Some Biblical Verses, Henry David Thoreau Advocated Leaving Off Eating Animals, Be An Animal Advocate / Films / Movies / Films & Videos / Films About Diet and Food / Stories of Transformation / Videos, Howard Lyman, Story of a Cattle Rancher Turned Vegan, List of Films That Raise Awareness About How Humans Impact Animals, Be An Animal Advocate / Stories of Transformation / Videos, The Story of Harold Brown Former Cattle Farmer, Now Animal Rights Activist and Vegan, Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel, By Carl Safina, More Than A Meal: The Turkey in History, Myth, Ritual, and Reality, by Karen Davis, PhD, Eat Like You Care, An Examination of the Morality of Eating Animals, The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health. Adopt. Writeletters to the editoron our issues. No matter where you live, PETA's tips and "Please Save Our Animals" window cling can help you keep . I would like these to all be raised at small farms with a caring family that raise their animals without crowding them into small cages. Most roles take place at a rescue center where you can care for injured and abandoned animals. For example: 1) Learn about endangered species in your area. If you don't have money to give, donate your time. Therefore, we should take care of our surroundings to prevent occurrences that may be detrimental to our source of livelihood. Go to Explanatory Notes. Provide for your animals futurein case you cant care for them. That is why they need to be spayed and neutered as well as prolong the life of that animal. Crows and corvids may not be the first animals you think of when you think of animals with strong family bonds, but crows often live together in family groups. Another function of zoos is to protect endangered animals. Many animals die while trying to cross the road because people do not pay attention to them. Sadly, our world tries to get profit from everything it can and therefore animals become victims. This proverb is very clear. 1) monkey Monkeys clean, fed and protects their cubs from harm. 2. Shop our Amazon storefront for branded apparel that lets you wear your support on your sleeve. Write a letter to your local newspaper urging support of important species protection measures. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9) Dont litter/otherwise destroy sensitive habitats, which may be home to native/visiting species that are endangered or threatened. 48. Staying away from giving more profit to such product makers will slowly make them stop doing it. We should eat organ meat. Plants lose a lot of water during this season and they can wither or have stunted growth if they are not well watered. Terms and conditions. 15) Join others (and organize) in the annual Stop Extinction Challenge. Ooh, black and yellow! Ducks can get stuck in plastic soda can rings or small birds can chew and swallow . Determinewhich elected officials represent youat local, state, and federal levels. One of the best ways you can protect endangered animals is to know about them. Spay and neuter your pets. Encourage your local officials tofind long-lasting, nonlethal solutions to conflictswith wildlife such as bats, coyotes, deer and more. Due to COVID, many such strays died in hunger. For example cats. Why Is Biodiversity Critical To Life On Earth? To find a wildlife refuge near you, visit To find a park near you, visit To learn more and get involved, contact the Endangered Species Coalition at. Provide food and drink which is sufficient, accessible and appropriate to maintain the animal in full health and vigour and meet its physiological and ethological needs; Provide the animal with satisfactory hygiene and care, including regular inspections and . Therefore, having river cleaning drives will help in solving this problem. Purchasecruelty-free cosmeticsand household products. Post flyers and spread the word about ourpuppy mill and animal fighting rewards. In the summer season, you need to water your flowers at least once every day. There is no need to look away from the issues that are happening at this very moment. 22. Support better public transport, use biodegradable products and eat whole food from your farmers market. And when we take care of the environment, endangered animals are also safe. If you're not sure what kind of diet your animals need, talk to your veterinarian. Support fur-free fashion by consulting the HSUS's humane shopping guide. Makes Us Better People. The Big Cat's Many Names Hinder Conservation Efforts. Purchasepet health insurance from Petplanand receive a 5% discountand with each completed application, Petplan will make a $20 donation to our Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association's Rural Area Veterinary Services program. Taking an animal in your house as a pet is one of the sweetest ways of protecting animals. One of the big reasons animals arrive at our hospital is due to pollution. Table of contents: It's Compassionate. The Endangered Species Coalition works through grassroots organizing and mobilizing to keep wildlife and wild places protected. An animal may be being abused or neglected if you notice it tied up outdoors for long periods of time, especially in dirty living conditions or during bad weather. 13. Therefore, it is important to understand how to protect animals and what can we do to stop them from being endangered. Distributeflyersat events and stores. Proper use of water in your home will also make sure that enough is left for animals. NGOs working to protect animals are short on funds often. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Learn whatlegislation is now pending in Congress and how you can help. Living Creatures. This line has dictated the popular opinion of past centuries. AS a people we do not really care much about animals. Responsibility. Also, at least a 20 percent reduction in the population within five years gets a classification as endangered. Message and data rates may apply. It's important to maintain a safe environment. Not only yours towards other people, but yours and others towards animals and plants that share the same planet with us. In recent years, the concern for the environment has never been deeper, and the same goes for all the endangered species of animals. 33. Support our work to stop dogs suffering needlessly Taking action that counts We find the most effective ways to protect animals in communities - and then we act. 1. When we did that, we took their ability to care for themselves away. If there are animals in your community that have become . The HSUS's tax identification number is 53-0225390. Animals are a vital part of our ecosystem. Below are some simple ways in which we can all contribute towards the protection of animals. Sponsor a local classroom and recommend our Nose-to-Tail program for elementary students or a young animal lover you may know. 2. Ever. You should also make sure that they have access to fresh water at all times. Just by going vegan, you'll save the lives of nearly 200 animals a year. 29. So we help governments to manage dog populations humanely and to vaccinate against rabies, instead of culling dogs. Powered by - Designed with theHueman theme, Pet Fish, Home Aquarium Hobbyists, and the Cruel Aquarium Trade, The Cruelty of Caged Birds as Pets Never Buy A Bird, Heres Why, Circuss and Performing Animal Shows Are Not Entertainment, Puppy Mills, Commercial and Backyard Dog Breeders, The Ugly Truth About the Fur Industry, Fur Farms and Fur Trapping, Premarin Horses The Suffering of Premarin Mares, Wild Horse Roundups and the Horse Slaughter Industry, Why Horse-Drawn Carriages are Cruel to Horses, Horse Blood Farms Pregnant Mare Serum / PMSG, How Dolphinariums, Marine Mammal Parks and Aquarium Shows are Deeply Cruel, Tips for Adopting a Pet During the Coronavirus Pandemic and Beyond, Humane Alternatives to Control Rats and Mice, Humane, Ethical and Safe Ways to Manage Wildlife in Your Backyard, ZOOS The Animal Cruelty of Roadside Zoos, Petting Zoos, Safari Wildlife Parks and Amusement Parks, 40 Ways to Help Wildlife in Your Backyard, 12 Actionable Steps to Support Wildlife Conservation at Home, 40 Ways to Help and Protect Endangered and Wild AnimalsEveryday, Visit a Farm and Wild Animal Sanctuary in Your Area, 2022 Animal Rights, Welfare and Animal Advocacy Events, Websites With Animal Rights and Animal Advocacy Event Listings, How to Report Animal Cruelty Seen on TV, Film or the Internet, How to Report Dogfighting or Cockfighting, How to Recognize the Signs of Animal Cruelty and Neglect, Cruelty-Free Brands for Cosmetics, Toiletries, and Household Products, Cruelty-Free Vegan Fashion Brands, Designers and Stores, How To Create A Cruelty-Free Closet and Home, Guide to Creating a Cruelty-Free, Vegan Home, Fashion Designers Still Using Real Animal Fur, Cities and Countries That Have Banned Fur Farming and Fur Sales, 8 Reasons Not to Wear Exotic Animal Skins, Misleading and Meaningless Food Label Claims, Medical Doctors Advocating a Plant-Based Vegan Diet, What Scientific and Medical Research Says about Soy, Vegan Recipes, Restaurants, Products, Health and Lifestyle, Shopping for Plant-Based, Vegan Alternatives, Plant-Based Vegan Cookbooks, Nutrition and Health, Plant-Based Vegan and Vegetarian Diet and Health Resources, Vegan, Vegetarian and Farm Animal Advocacy Organizations, Books About Animal Rights and Animal Rights Activism, Books About Animal Exploitation and How to Help, Books About Compassionate Eating and Living, Plant-Based Vegan Cookbooks & Vegan Resources, Books Teaching Compassion for Animals to Children of All Ages, Species Extinction and Habitat Destruction Impacts, Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts, free wildlife conservation programs available, restoring and managing habitat on your property. As per its classification, the following is the data on the number of species per category: While the time you are reading this numbers may have changed. Clearlyas the WAZA statement indicateszoos take both conservation and care to be important concerns. 3) Establish a pollinator garden with native vegetation in your yard. The majority of mammals give birth to live young and care for them in a variety of ways until a specific age is reached. By providing your mobile number, you agree to receive autodialed, recurring text messages from the HSUS with updates and ways you can help animals. If you want to take an active approach to save endangered animals, find a place where you can volunteer. The poster can also be used for a theme on pets, or around care for animals for World Animal Day. 1. The result is a wake-up call to protect those at-risk animals. Antler and Horn Care All that is needed is an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth. Turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, birds get entangled in fishing line, and animals get stuck in plastic wrappings. By conserving wildlife, we're ensuring that future generations can enjoy our natural world and the incredible species that live within it. 17. We tend to forget that they have souls and also have rights and need . How can we help save animals? Make your yard a wildlife haven In addition to planting native food sources for wildlife in your area, you can also help them create habitats by installing bird feeders, baths, and houses. Not only them but their habitats as well. It will go on shiny but will look natural when it dries. So, if you spot one somewhere, you can help alert the authorities and protect them. There are various steps you can take to protect endangered species and their precious habitats. In the beginning, the Bible says, "God said, 'Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals.' And it was so" (Genesis 1:24). 49. Join us in applauding pet stores that have taken a stand against puppy millssupport the more than 1,000 stores that have joined ourPuppy-Friendly Pet Stores initiative. "You, Lord, preserve both people and animals" ( Ps. Participate in or hold your own local trash clean-up to help protect the habitats of imperiled species and other wildlife. 11. Attend Humane Lobby Dayfor the opportunity to talk to state legislators about passing laws that protect animals. Instead what we do is take advantage of our evolution and hurt animals. That alone can and will cause massive disturbances in the ecosystem. Everything Matters. From the Newspaper Published January 11, 2015. Barry! Make amemorial giftin honor of a friend or animal companion or givegift membershipsto friends or family members. The paper will provide arguments in favor and . Recycle Plastics Although it is almost impossible to avoid coming in contact with it, the plastics we use and waste detail are a known issue for our planet. Work for the passage of local ordinances in your community, for example, to protect chained dogsor improve the lives ofdogs in puppy mills. It takes an especially compassionate human to make this compromise, but if bugs are really a problem, consider screening your porch or applying a topical bug spray to your arms and legs. 1. In the past month, there's been a surge of zoo-related violence and injury in the news. Yellow, black. Host a house party and have anexecutive or subject matter expertspeak to your guests. MEAT THE FUTURE, How One Company is Disrupting Conventional Meat Production, The Dark Hobby, A Film About the Violence, Death, Destruction and Devastation of Coral Reefs and Reef Fish for the Aquarium Trade and Aquarium Owners, Kindred Creatures, A Documentary About Farm Animals as Sentient Individuals, Plant-Based Meat Alternatives and Meat Substitutes, Critically Endangered Species, IUCN Red List, The Five Worst Contaminants in Chicken Products Infographic. Symbolic adoptions help fund organizations. 46. Seeing an animal getting hurt would make a much bigger dent in your reputation compared to what fighting for them would do. Just apply to a clean cloth and wipe on. 14. Food and water are basic necessities, and animals who don't have proper access to them will eventually die. 43. 3. Remove invasive plants - and plant native plants and shrubs in your garden that replace them, and will welcome native animals and birds and butterflies. Threats like hunting and poaching are rampant today and we cannot let animals fall prey to that. The behavior of most of the domestic animals is mainly observed by how we treat them. Wasteful. . It is equally the world of animals too. Please share this list with any of your friends and family members who are also interested in advocating for animal protection. Work to get your local universities or your child's schools to participate inMeatless Mondaysoradd vegetarian optionsto their menu. After all, He made them, and ultimately they belong to Him. Puma, Cougar, Or Mountain Lion? 3) cow Be prepared to evacuate if you live in. Why should we protect animals essay? All of this does make a difference, and all it takes is a little effort and awareness about the fragility of life that surrounds you. Domesticated animals are animals that we took out of the wild to train them to do something to benefit us. 36:6 ). If we destroy the land and the oceans with uncontrolled plastics production, we are leaving all the animals without a place to live. All of us can make a difference for animals in our everyday lives, whether it's byadopting a pet, choosingproducts not tested on animals, eating ahumane dietor engaging your community in animal protection issues. According to the American Society for the Prevention for Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), puppies typically need three to four meals per day, but once your dog reaches about one year of age, one meal of day is usually enough Fresh, clean water should always be available also. Encourage your office to implement dog-friendly policies. If we treat them with good care love and compassion they will definitely show the same love and respect . Purchase or renew a subscription to All Animals magazine. 4. Why is it important to protect and care for animals? Never be cruel to animals like hitting them or tying them up with ropes or chains; they can get violent if they are abused. These animals deserve veterinary care just to ensure that all the animals are in a good state. Support grassroots organizing to defend endangered species. Attracting native insects like bees and butterflies can help pollinate your plants. Expand your audience by sharing via social media. Birdbaths and bird feeders further support local birds. This way you are making sure that those animals that have been displaced from their natural habitats do get the appropriate care and help that they need. Yellow, black. The main question to be answered in the following animal extinction essay is whether there exist any environmental benefits in relation to species preservation. 4. Reduce your personal footprint. Resources can be of various types here. 2) Give Them A Good Diet A healthy diet is essential for all animals, but it is especially important for farm animals. We should support animals in need as much as we can. Another way to protect endangered animals is to create awareness about them. I believe that animals should be humanely butchered. Do you know . Attention is mandatory. Psalm 136:25 He gives food to every creature. 6. The Environment Provides Various Raw Materials And Habitats. The Bible says, "For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills" (Psalm 50:10). Volunteering is a noble act that everyone should appreciate, and you would directly help save animals and their habitats. Of course, each elephant has its own mother. However, if one of them becomes an orphan, the rest of the herd will adopt him. We should use as much of the animal as possible. 37. 10. Eye Care Shareour videosonyour website, blog or social networking page. Subscribe toour blogfor the latest animal news. Sadly, this does not have universal acceptance. Humans and human activities impose the greatest threat to the survival and well-being of wildlife today. We all know by now how important it is to save trees. 12. 25. Dirty or polluted water may cause damage to their health. Read the disclaimers on the products, as they legally need to contain information if they were tested on animals, and what materials or ingredients are inside something you bought. (Be sure to work with appropriate city officials/environmental organizations.). F ood and water must be provided to each and every animal through any way we think is possible. Pick Up Trash, and Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle Plastic. Every year there are millions of cats and dogs that are put in animal shelters due to overpopulation. There are millions of tons of plastic in the environment: in forests, in rivers, even on the bottom of the ocean, they slowly decompose and pollute the ground. 11. If they aren't getting food, water, . When you provide clean, fresh water daily you help keep them alive and healthy. A lot of us dont know how to protect animals, but it is also important to channel this emotion into some work. Adopt a pet from a local animal shelter or rescue group. In this case, young animals need their parents' help . Animals have a great tendency to catch attention. Here are just a few of thebiggest challenges and impacts caused by humans onwildlife: And as our human population and resource needs grow, we are leaving less and less room for wildlife. You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing decals on the windows in your home and office. Of all the animals his father stuffed and sold, tarsiers were the bestsellers.

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how to protect and take care of animals