react native webview disable text selection

IsFromInternet - is the document opened from internet, IsSecureReaderMode - is the document opened in secure reader, OcxTrustCenterSettings - what is the current ActiveX setting. Data_AffectedSessionOSLocale - The Locale of the OS under which the application exit was observed. This information is critical to determine whether an add-in caused an Office application crash. The signal used to record any issues encountered when a user tries to reset the App. The following fields are collected across iOS applications of Outlook Mobile: all_paging_gesture_count - Tracks how many search paging gestures were performed in the All tab within the combined search session. Collected when a user attempts to open an IRM protected doc or apply IRM protections. Name - The name of the event. Fix incorrect ETA numbers in certain timezones. This event is collected for Office applications running under Apple platforms. getMax(), keep in mind that devices running Android 8.0 (API level 26) and IsFlightOn Indicates whether the EDPDecryption Flight is enabled. actions. Helps us understand the reliability of actions performed on shared calendars. Data_AppLaunchDurationMicroSec - The duration of the boot process, Data_AppLaunchFinishSystemTime - A timestamp at a particular boot code marker, Data_AppLaunchStartSystemTime - A timestamp at a particular boot code marker, Data_ResidentMemory - A snapshot of the available resident memory during boot, Data_VirtualMemory - A snapshot of the available virtual memory during boot. Name - The name of the device. This information helps Microsoft determine the time taken in this flow for performance comparison and make performance improvements as required. This event is used for detecting and helping troubleshoot auth token generation failures. This indicates when a user has used high value features within the product. LastError tells why and where the Application of policy in registry failed. Also note that, when pasting, the drag data store mode flag is read-only, hence calling setData() from a paste event handler will not modify the data that is This event is triggered in each session and collects information about the exit reasons of the previous process of the app. Data_LinksOpenRightScenario Enumeration value for the links open right scenario. ), Data_Doc_ResourceIdHash - An anonymized document identifier used to diagnose problems, Data_Doc_ServerDocId - An immutable anonymized document identifier used to diagnose problems, Data_Doc_ServerProtocol - The protocol version used to communicate with the service, Data_Doc_ServerType - The type of the server offering the service (SharePoint, OneDrive, WOPI etc. Data_PrintWithSlideNumbers - Boolean indicating if the user is printing with slide numbers. UserInfo.TimeZone - The user's time zone relative to UTC. The possible values are: Provides tenant information for commercial software SKUs. (, Fix a crash in IE11 when restoring focus to an SVG element. text-based object's hint text: On devices running Android 8.0 (API level 26) and higher, accessibility The event collects durations of different stages of provisioning. Helps us diagnose any issues with multiple reminders on an event. Allow to drag and drop an image to the first step. mail_requests_count - tracks how many mail search requests were sent within the combined search session, people_filter_selected_contacts_count - tracks how many contacts were selected in the people filter, search_session_ended_type - Indicates where a search ended because it was canceled or the updated was the query, see_all_contacts_selected_count - tracks how many times "see all contacts" was selected during the combined search session, subtab_type - tracks where the user has selected the result from which result tab. which is used to infer during pilot if the add-in is "ready to upgrade" in the production ring. This event indicates Office Word prompts the user to save changes when it tries to close the document. The signal will feed feature usage product insights that help make the product better. If at any point a null value is returned while traversing the view action - The type of action taken on the message reminder. Data_Doc_IsOcsSupported - Whether or not a file supports Office Collaboration Service. Used to indicate success or failure of Font Download. ErrorCode1 Type of container setup error code. To build an Android app we need couple files and folders that are organized in a certain format and capitalized accordingly. Critical signal for tracking success or failure of registering users using Office Insider builds who weren't registered as Office Insiders before. SummaryPageLoadStartTime - This is the time taken in milliseconds receive first response from the server. Result of deleting an account in Outlook. This event denotes that an error is thrown by the json parser. Data_FileIOMeasurements A string value logging the time duration spent in some function calls, in a format with function tag and duration which excludes the duration of sub-function calls. This event is used to analyze the seen/tried/kept funnel of the feature. register to receive events from a few or many applications and request In a non-editable context, the clipboardData will Allows us to identify the event that was being sent from the client. Optionally sanitize content. Why so many wires in my old light fixture? An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy. Allows us to group the event into groups. Fix "Use same image" button not preserving the image selection. Allows us to identify which individual flights are running on a session so that we can determine if a flight is the source of an issue impacting users. Used to assess the health of the end-to-end survey experience and to ensure the signal used to analyze customer issues and health is working properly. exdate - the extended rule date (only applies to appointment recurrence errors) [This field has been removed from current builds of Office, but might still appear in older builds. Big thanks to, Improve the warning about undefined component type. This information is critical to identify the success of print PDF operations for our application. For example, whether the user is creating a focus event. Data.clientScenario - To identify the feature in the app from where the persona card was opened, Data.exportName - Human readable name of the user action event, for example "OpenedPersonaCard", Data.hasPersonaInsightRing - Insights from Office or LinkedIn could be available for the user, Data.hostAppRing - The ring by which the app was distributed, Data.section The active section of the expanded card, DeviceInfo_SDKUid Uniquely identifies the device from the telemetry SDK's perspective, NetworkCost - Indicates network cost/type (metered, metered above cap, etc. Wallpaper Engine - Wallpaper Engine enables you to use live wallpapers on your Windows desktop. Informative notes begin with the word Note Used to check if user is allowing event to be forwarded and determine usage of response options for events. Activity.Group - tag that allows a set of monitoring events to be grouped to manage overall success, Activity.IsHVA - flag to indicate that event is critical to user success, Data.AsyncOpen - flag to indicate the open had content that arrived after the main body was opened, Data.CacheFileId - connects to Office Document Cache telemetry to enable impact analysis of cache issues on the user experience. way. This event lets us track the entity type pills (all, mail, contacts, and calendar) that users are using when they do their searches so we can ensure the search filter mechanisms are working properly. Data.CFRFailure - Indicated that CacheFileRuntime ran into error. modification, see 5.3 Integration with other scripts and events for details. For details on constructing a context For example: "Success" or "Fail_AllowLessSecureAppsDisabled". clipboard implementations that support multiple parts with internal Grant access to local files. WarmBoot - Identifies whether the container was already created or not. Data_nickName - Name of the library that couldn't be loaded. Data_Doc_WopiServiceId A string indicating which service a WOPI (Web Application Open Platform Interface Protocol) file is from. Data_SaveOperationType - A numerical value defined by Apple's NSSaveOperationType group of values. user. TextInput has by default a border at the bottom of its view. is_registered_for_remote_notifications - Tell us if the app has been registered for remote notifications. AppDocsFileOpenErrorCode - AppDocs error code for file open failure, ContentUriAuthority - authority of the content URL from SAF, DownloadCsiError - download error message from CSI, FileOpenEndErrorCode - Error code for file open failure, FileOpenStatus - File open status enumeration, FileSourceLocation - File Location enumeration, FirstBCSClientError_Info - last error of BCS (binary conversion service) client, IfWordFileOpencanceled - if file open was canceled by user in Word, InitializationReason - enumeration for the entry point for file open, IsAutoSaveDisabled - Is auto save disabled during file open, IsFileEmpty - Boolean to indicate if file is empty, K2FileIOHresult - Hresult for File operation end, OpenCsiError - file open error message in the CSI layer, OpEndEventId - tag where the operation actually ended, PPTIsExpectedError - PPT Error classification for file open expected/unexpected failure, ProviderFileSize - file size captured while opening file via file activation, WordFileCorruptionReason - Reason for corruption due to which word file can fail in opening. TenantGroup - The type of the tenant that the subscription belongs to. did not intend to expose. (, Fix iframe warnings in Safari DevTools. crashTime - Date and time the crash occurred to help with investigation, crash_time_from_start The elapsed time from app start to the crash occurred, to help with investigation, exceptionName - The name of the exception that triggered the crash to help with investigation, exception_reason The reason of the exception that triggered the crash to help with investigation, hasHx - Tells us the account is using our new sync service to help us detect issues caused by our sync service, incidentIdentifier - A unique ID for the crash report so we can find the corresponding issue, isAppKill - Helps us understand if that app was killed or close on the device. ProcessorCount - The number of processors on the machine. Java. If datas size is greater than 1, and the current operating system does not support multiple native clipboard items on the system clipboard, then add data[0] to dataList, else, set dataList to data. wide on mobile with animations (causes scroll at bottom) 0. overflow-x not working on mobile phones 2021. Allows us to identify which operating system an issue happening on so we can prioritize issues. Improved environment detection so it can be run in a non-browser environment. attachment_content_type - the content type of the downloaded attachment, attachment_content_type_with_count - tracks the number of attachments in email, attachment_download_result - the result (that is, success/failure) for an attachment download action, attachment_download_time - the time for an attachment download action, attachment_extn - the file extension of the downloaded attachment [This field has been removed from current builds of Office, but might still appear in older builds.

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react native webview disable text selection