why does hunter zolomon hate the flash

Hunter explained that after the singularity on Earth-2 and the opening of the breaches, he traveled around where he encountered the Flash of Earth-3 who he was easily able to subdue. One case resulted in Ashley's father being killed, as Hunter had believed the criminal they were after would not use a gun. However, Jesse didn't believe him and declared Harry would return and kill him. RELATED: 10 Batman Villains That Could Beat Flash. [16] Additionally, now being closed off from Earth-1, Zoom imprisoned Killer Frost rather than kill Killer Frost due to looking exactly like Caitlin who Hunter had genuinely fallen in love with during his Jay masquerade on Earth-1. [1], Created by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins, Hunter Zolomon made his debut in The Flash: Secret Files & Origins #3 in November 2001. However, Barry told Hunter of a previous mentor, a man Barry idolized, who taught Barry how to get faster and stronger but was also the man who murdered Barry's mother. When Caitlin asked why his doppelgnger couldn't help out, Hunter said that his DNA had been mutated when he obtained his powers, and that the final conclusion was that the only thing that could reverse his sickness was defeating Zoom and having his speed restored. The Lazarus Pits Have Been Changed - So What Happens Next? He has a terminal obsession with the Thunderbolts, the Winter Soldier, Luke Cage, and Hawkman. Shortly after, Zoom returned to Earth-1 and crashed the West household where he kidnapped Henry, prompting Barry to pursue him across Central City before he took Henry to Barry's childhood home. While this wasn't a crime against the Flash directly, Zoom's participation in Lex Luthor's Secret Society of Supervillains was an offense to all life on Earth. Through vibing, Cisco was able to determine that Zoom had taken Caitlin back to his mountain-top lair and tried to sway Caitlin into siding with him to no avail. He was a police officer and one day when he was paralyzed by gorilla grodd, he asked Wally if he could go back in time to fix what happened to him. When asked if Hunter had his suit, he confirmed, except his helmet, and Barry confirmed it was the same one that came through the portal 6 months before. Simply find Jay Garrick's Earth-1 doppelgnger, and replace the dying cells with the genetically identical, thriving ones. Hunter zolomon works for the police department and is unable to stop his wife and kids from getting murdered. Are There Seriously No Missing Issues of DC's Infamous Sonic Disruptors Miniseries? He casually references the amount of people he's killed to Caitlin Snow. Serial killings and obtaining super speed, Saint Perez Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane, Post 31 "Cisco's Central City Sightseeing Tour". As part of his plan for invasion, Zoom brought Rupture over. Hunter Zolomon, better known as Zoom, really hates The Flash, as proven by the 10 worst things he's ever done to the Scarlet Speedster. Years after witnessing his father murder his mother when he was a child, Hunter became a serial killer. History. Some question if he was still human, and Harry says he might be. [4] He begged Wally to use the time-travelling cosmic treadmill in the Flash Museum to prevent the series of tragedies in his life from ever occurring. Labs but was unable to successfully pass anything into it, instead anything that touched it bounced back off, even Barry at high speed wasn't able to breach the portal. Understanding, Flash severed the tether to the real world by removing the chest emblem and slamming it onto Black Flash's chest, banishing him temporarily in a blast of white light. Hunter Zolomon, also known as Zoom, is a major antagonist in The Flash season 2 and Arrowverse. Still, that doesn't explain what plans for Hunter Zolomon the writersdo have, so what would you like to see from the character? Hunter became the supervillain "Zoom" (aka the second "Reverse-Flash") to bring tragedy to Wally's life, believing that this was the only way to make the Flash a better hero. Hunter Zolomon had a troubled relationship with his parents, who rarely spoke to each other or to him. As claimed by Hunter, on May 19, 2015 while Flash and Zoom "fought", a singularity opened above them which Flash was pulled into and ended up on Earth-1. Damage, seeking revenge on Zoom, takes the villain hostage during a scuffle until being talked down by Liberty Belle. Harry denied this, asking why kill a man potentially capable to stop Zoom, and Hunter retorted he could never figure out Harry's motives; Barry stopped the argument, although to Caitlin, Hunter commented that every time he thought Harry was on their side, something happened to make him doubt that. After Thawne's 'death', Zolomon finally concedes to Thawne's ideas, returning to his appearance as Zoom and proclaiming that he will provoke the Flashes to war if they will not cooperate with his vision themselves. We speak with the actor behind the Iron Mask about how the reveal sets up Season 3. In the wake of Flash's victory over Weather Wizard and Trickster, Zoom met by Harry who demanded to see Jesse alive and well before anything else. To maintain control over the city, Zoom sought out almost every metahuman in Central City and forced to serve him, and killed the ones who refused. Wally refused to mess with time in such a manner, and Hunter attempted to use the Flash's Cosmic Treadmill himself. But the Team is not alone. Super-Speed Toggle Super-Speed (Suit Ability 1) Accelerate (Suit Ability 4) Decelerate (Suit Ability 3) Enhanced Reflexes Stare at an incoming arrow to catch it Accelerated Perception Toggle Slow Motion Vision (Suit Ability . The Flash's rogue's gallery is full of some heavy-hitters, but Hunter Zolomon can be seen as being on a tier of his own. The Flash (Hunter Zolomon) is a Tier 3 character. Earth-Prime Derisively mocking Harry for believing Barry stood a chance of defeating him, Zoom stabbed Barry with one of his claws before bidding farewell. Following the S.T.A.R. Resulting in a sonic boom that forced Wally West to hate Zoom. The first meta-human candidate was Al Rothstein/Atom-Smasher, who Zoom dragged to Earth-1 via one of the 52 breaches across Central City on Earth-1, and promised safe passage home in exchange for killing Flash, to which he agreed. Once gaining enough speed, he adopted a villainous identity as "Zoom". Zoom Later, Harry met secretly with Zoom and handed over the stolen Speed-Force, which Zoom then injected into himself. Zolomon has tormented the Flash constantly since then, alternatively wanting to torment the Flash and wanting to replace and do better than the Flash. Comixolgy's The Crimson Cage Combines Horror, Wrestling - And Shakespere?! Hunter agreed to this, but tried to convince Barry that if Zoom had already sent Atom-Smasher, he would send others. Hunter Zolomon Flash and Zoom quickly fought but Zoom hesitated as Flash set up cutouts of his parents. Aquaman Vs. Namor: Who is Really the Best Underwater Superhero? Still, it was a good plan, and one that Jay had already thought of beforehand. Preparing to invade Earth-1, Hunter sadistically laughed and took his horrified captive to Earth-1, fulfilling Caitlin's wish albeit in a very twisted manner.[17]. At the station, Flash asked Hunter for advice but he was unsure of how to beat Light until Harry told Flash how to create speed mirages, but Flash initially was unsuccessful. In fact, the only reason why Hunter Zolomon does what he does is that he hopes that by giving Wally West tragedy, he will become a stronger person. Zoom is asked by Bart's grandmother to help protect Bart from a tragedy plotted by the villain Inertia. Hunter introducing himself to Team Flash. Once Barry caught up to him, Hunter challenged Barry to a do-or-die final race between the two speedsters to ostensibly establish who truly was the fastest man alive, although in reality Hunter intended to siphon his and Barry's speed in order to power Mercury Labs' Magnetar, a device capable of destroying all other universes in the multiverse while leaving Earth-1 as the last one standing. He is the only main antagonist to have interacted with both the Reverse-Flash and, He is the second speedster who appeared in an episode of, Though it was never mentioned, Hunter is indirectly responsible for the events of. Since some viewers may have missed the meaning, or are simply confused by the countless headlines and theories claiming that the episode revealed well, anything, let alone the identity of Zoom, we're here to help. How Did a Broken Promise Over an Inker Lead to Jim Starlin's Iconic Warlock Run? Labs breach, therefore limiting the number of meta-humans he could bring through. When he returned, Iris told him Iris had everything needed for her article. When Barry finally regained consciousness, Zoom returned to his lair just as Barry promised Jesse that the former would get the latter out. Flash (Barry) sped Flash (Hunter) into the greenhouse where Sand Demon was surprised to see Flash (Hunter) alive and engaged him, despite lacking his speed, and Flash (Hunter) distracted Sand Demon in order for Flash (Barry) to rescue Patty. When Vibe opened a breach once again, Zoom made his way over. However, this might no longer be true in the new multiverse, where his home universe seems to be. Outside of work, Richie actively plays video games, spends time with his family and friends, and of course drawing to one day achieve his dream. We look forward to hearing your own theories on the comments, and watching as the real mystery of Zoom unravels Lead Comics Editor for Screen Rant, Andrew Dyce has traveled from the distant wilds of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada to the forefront of the entertainment industry. Hunter was also horribly sadistic, enjoying the fear and terror in his helpless prey with obvious and somewhat animalistic satisfaction. He has a strong dislike for Harry Wells, viewing Wells as a shady man who keeps too many secrets, and who focuses on creating and selling meta-human technology rather than owning up to the particle accelerator explosion, however, he still proved willing to go at lengths to save Harry's life. However, Zolomon took the young rogue under his wing and taught him what he believed to be the constructive power of tragedy. Acting pretty much as the Eobard Thawne of season 2, the show accurately depicted the terrifying nature of the character. Labs, bypassed their newly installed security, introduced himself, and claimed that their world was in danger. #Zoom #DC #TheRustyLionHere is my Hunter Zolomon - Zoom video.I hope you enjoy the videoThanks for all the support lately.You can support the channel here : . As a result; Hunter became unstable, unhinged, twisted, demented and mentally ill, eventually finding an outlet for his homicidal urges by becoming a serial killer, killing with no real motive outside of sadism, according to the newspaper documenting his arrest. When Zoom finally arrived to enact the ambush, he was enraged to find Reverb and Deathstorm pummeling Flash repeatedly against his direct orders that any speedsters found were not to be harmed. How Marvel Gave the X-Men's Cyclops a Daughter - Without Jean Grey. Reviews; News; Previews; Features. He constantly had flashes to his traumatic experiences, either his father killing his mother, the orphanage he was placed in, or his shock therapy treatments, having lost time and reality of the present, leaving him off guard. His sense of humor is extremely vile. Rather, his powers are the result of an explosion from the cosmic treadmill. While Hunter failed his goal to become the fastest speedster in the Multiverse, his goal of making Barry embrace the darkness was achieved in a possible future in the case of Savitar. With Zoom continuing his plot against Barry Allen, Harrison Wells, and the rest of the S.T.A.R. He is later seen as a ghostly figure apologizing to Ashley. Hunter also subjected himself to a full body scan upon Caitlin's request, and was tested on Barry's treadmill. Hunter Zolomon Hunter became obsessed with understanding the criminal mind, studying psychology and criminology in college. [26][27] Undeterred, Black Flash tracked Eobard, Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer to a bank in Zurich in January 2025. He appeared to suffer from some degree of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, as witnessed during his fight with the Flash who used cardboard cutouts of his parents, which triggered invasive memories of his childhood trauma. He attempts to do this by forcing Barry to confront his inner darkness on multiple occasions, one of the most notable being the battle against Black Siren, the mirror image of Barry's late friend Laurel Lance was one of Hunter's more poetic and disturbing ways of bringing Barry closer to the madness and darkness that had all but consuming. Hunter met with Caitlin who recounted her dad's fight against a terminal sickness to explain this obsession with helping him. THIS BOOK IS IN VF+ TO BETTER SHAPE. Arriving back on Earth-1, Zoom went to the CCPD, mocking Joe by greeting as an "old friend" and declaring this city now under his control. Soon after, Geomancer caused tremors and collapsed a hospital. As Flash, he protected Central City from numerous other metahuman criminals including Atom-Smasher, Sand Demon and Dr. Light. Labs, showcasing him to Team Flash and also mocking Harry for believing that the Flash was going to defeat him. When Barry tries to get back to being a speedster by recreating the particle accelerator explosion, Hunter watched a bolt of lightning strike S.T.A.R. His arrogance and smugness has proven to be his one point of vulnerability when, in, the midst of gloating about his victory to Team Flash, he let his guard down long enough that he was shot by a speed-dampening dart by Cisco Ramon. How Do Elves Age in The Lord of the Rings - and When Do They Stop? [6], Zoom is freed from imprisonment by Cheetah (Dr. Barbara Minerva), seeking to recruit him into the growing Secret Society of Super Villains. It is shown that the eyes of Nora West-Allen the daughter of Barry and Iris in The Flash, Season 5 Episodes 19 & 20, glow red. However, when Caitlin ultimately chose her friends over him, Hunter's good side was completely erased. Wally West never truly recovered from all of this, and it helped lead to the devastating events of Heroes in Crisis. Hunter Zolomon isn't just a character in the pages of DC Comics, but avillain. Zoom gaining 2% of The Flash's Speed Force energy. Harry attempted to swindle Zoom by demanding Jesse's return before giving Zoom the rest of Flash's speed but Zoom was not fooled, rammed a claw into Harry's shoulder and reiterated that Harry wouldn't get Jesse back until Harry had stolen and delivered the rest of Flash's speed to him, threatening to torture Jesse to the brink of death every day that passed instead of killing. The biggest mystery during The Flash Season 2 has been the identity of its main antagonist, Zoom. The mainstream version can be found here: Black Flash. Seeing the parallels between his own history and that of Eobard Thawne - a.k.a. Hunter then took a "nap"; Hunter then secretly created a time remnant and convinced him to be killed as part of his plan to push his nemesis to get faster, presumably realizing that he couldn't maintain his identities on two Earths at the same time. Hunter is also a classic sociopath, as he displayed little to no remorse or regret in his use of other people, meta-humans or otherwise, treating them as disposable pawns to further his goals. During that time, he and Caitlin Snow formed a romantic relationship. Zolomon and Thawne capture Wally and jump onto the treadmill. Zoom gathering his meta-human allies on Earth-1. Kid Zoom, aka Thaddeus Thawne, already had a villainous background as "Inertia." 2) #197 in June 2003.[3]. Joe bitterly asked Hunter about his past, which Hunter revealed before being asked about the man in the iron mask's identity. Do you think he was introduced as an actual hint at stories on the way, or just a throwaway cameo to give a famous comic character a new origin in the TV universe? Species When the cops were about to retaliate, he reminded them that their guns were useless against him. He used his speed to create a sonic boom that caused Linda to miscarry the twins. To be honest, it's almost certainly too obvious to at this point and it's not all that interesting, either. Afterwards, he chained Caitlin to a desk within the police department. But, when he realizes Barry doesn't have enough speed, Hunter . In fact, the only reason why Hunter Zolomon does what he does is that he hopes that by giving Wally West tragedy, he will become a stronger person. Contents 1 Victims 1.1 The Flash 1.1.1 Season 2 The Man Who Saved Central City Flash of Two Worlds When Hunter asked how he knew he was Zoom, Barry revealed that he was aware that Velocity serums turn a speedster's lightning blue if they run fast enough. Eobard, blinded by arrogance, had abandoned the early-warning system in the alternate reality and therefore did not realize Black Flash was close until it was too late. As Caitlin tended to Hunter, he apologized to Barry for underestimating Dr. Light but Harry only further scolded Hunter, claiming that his doubt puts Barry at doubt and that Barry is ready to face Zoom. Hunter Zolomon, otherwise known as Zoom and the Reverse-Flash, is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Biological Information The X-Men's Sins of Sinister Will Bring Back the Best Part of House of X, A Transformers Comic Completely Redefined Optimus Prime and Megatron's Relationship, The Sandman Turned One of the Justice Leagues Goofiest Villains Into a Nightmare, REVIEW: BOOM! His motivations are far crueler and his costume is much darker, being literal black rather than the colors of a Reverse-Flash. Search for: Reading Lists; Queer Voices; Anime & Manga; Video Games; Comics. As noted by Harry Wells, he's set a mission of eradicating anything else with super speed, enthralling or intimidating meta-humans. If you want pain, do what i did while writing it and listen to Say Something at the same time as reading 'that moment' we all know is coming. How you ask? Alter ego The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Left with no other options, Harry reluctantly agreed to help Zoom steal Barry's speed in exchange for Jesse.[12]. Linda Park, Wally West's wife, was to have twins with Wally. Flash Hunter Zolomon Zoom Jacket has appeared to look after this matter everyone needs good clothing or the best clothing. Black Flash confronting the Flash in the Speed Force. Home universe After the Anti-Monitor's Crisis, Zoom is the only main antagonist of the Arrowverse whose fate is unknown. Hunter and Caitlin spending Christmas together. Barry then told him he made a mistake by revealing to Caitlin who his doppelgnger was. Hunter finding happiness in his romance with Caitlin Snow, something he couldn't expect at all. After losing a race to Barry and attempting to destroy the multiverse, Time Wraiths appeared and imprisoned Hunter in the Speed Force, while reducing him to a decayed spectre-like form known as Black Flash, similar to that of the Time Wraiths. He was later sent after Savitar as the time remnant tried to send fragments of himself through time using the Speed Force, only to be frozen and shattered by Killer Frost. [38] Harry would learn from battling Zoom of having a willingness to kill him. After Barry managed to defeat and lock up the Turtle, Caitlin reached Hunter and informed him of knowing - Caitlin had collected his DNA from the champagne and had realized he was sick with a terminal illness; Caitlin asked Hunter how he could let them get close, knowing that soon he would die, and he answered that he didn't expect to fall in love. But Wally refused, not wanting to risk damaging the timestream and thus shattering their friendship. Who is behind Zoom The Flash? Zoom later appears at the sacking of Rome; it is unknown whether he travelled to this time period himself, or if he became stranded there after his last encounter with Wally. As time pasted on and seeing his predecessor's repeated failures and death, he . Hunter's sociopathic mind proved to be so severe that he would do the most insane and drastic measures to prove a point. Returning to his lair on Earth-2, Zoom taunted Jesse of Harry's disappearance, claiming Harry left Jesse behind. When the team figured out that the next target for the Turtle would be an event that night at the Central City Museum, Hunter and Caitlin went, but the Turtle was able to foil Flash yet again. As a result, not only does he have the speed force which allows him to become incredibly powerful but many more. Of course, Barry refused, which left Hunter with no option but to change the past himself. Most terrifying and infamous momentsthat Hunter Zolomon had a troubled relationship with his girlfriend ( Ashley ), he! `` is Hunter Zolomon into Zoom willing to kill let Wally do so and unleashed the Black Flash he! 41 ] [ 51 ], CC Jitters sold a coffee named after showed. Monstrous speedster ( work in progress ) of how many people had to die as a profiler in the ( 'S Christmas party with everyone else where he and Barry Allen, thus being indirectly responsible for Barry speed. Convinced him to create his new motivation for Wally West and all Flash 's emotions, and it him. 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why does hunter zolomon hate the flash