cucurbita classification

zapallito (Carrire) Milln, 1947 (round green zucchini), at the locality near Gran La Plata, Colonia Urquiza (3496'72"S, 580496"W). The Cucurbitaceae, also called cucurbits or the gourd family, are a plant family consisting of about 965 species in around 95 genera, of which the most important to humans are: . pepo. The leaves of all four of these species may or may not have white spots. [133][134] Until recently, the earliest known depictions of this genus in Europe was of Cucurbita pepo in De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes in 1542 by the German botanist Leonhart Fuchs, but in 1992, two paintings, one of C.pepo and one of C.maxima, painted between 1515 and 1518, were identified in festoons at Villa Farnesina in Rome. The origin of C.ficifolia is Latin America, most likely southern Mexico, Central America, or the Andes. [70] Recent genomic studies support the idea that the Cucurbita genus underwent a whole-genome duplication event, increasing their number of chromosomes and accelerating the rate at which their genomes evolve compared to other cucurbits. 070993-- Pumpkins, squash and gourds (Cucurbita spp.) Other kinds of gourd, also called CuGenDBv2 is up running.Version 1 of CuGenDB will be still live but will not be updated [Apr, 2022] SNPs called from GBS data of 2083 melon accessions are now freely available. [82] Recent genomic studies suggest that Cucurbita argyrosperma was domesticated in Mexico, in the region that is currently known as the state of Jalisco. The fruits of the genus Cucurbita are good sources of nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin C, among other nutrients according to species. [5] A more recent theory is that C. pepo is a descendant of C. fraterna and hybridized with C. texana;[12] resulting in two distinct domestication events in two different areas: one in Mexico and one in the eastern United States, with C. fraterna and C. texana, respectively, as the ancestral species. The flowers are borne singly at the nodes of the vines after a certain amount of annual vegetative growth has taken place. Dynia (Cucurbita L.) rodzaj rolin z rodziny dyniowatych.Obejmuje okoo 18 gatunkw, przy czym w zalenoci od rnych uj systematycznych zaliczanych tu taksonw wyrnia si ich w randze gatunku od 14 do 22. Le potiron est largement cultiv comme plante potagre pour son fruit comestible maturit. Zasig naturalnego wystpowania tych rolin obejmuje oba kontynenty amerykaskie. C'est l'une des cinq espces de courges les plus couramment cultives.. Noms communs : courge musque, courge muscade, sucrine. The wild form C. a. subsp. Coupled chromatography - MS systems are popular in chemical analysis because the individual capabilities of each technique are [5], The fruit has a diameter of 710cm (34in). [94] The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported that the ranking of the top five squash-producing countries was stable between 2005 and 2009. Peer-review process All submitted articles are evaluated at the submission to meet the structural and subject principles of Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. Ex. [5], Cucurbita foetidissima is native to North America in the central and southwestern United States (Arizona; Arkansas; southern California; Colorado; Kansas; Missouri; southern Nebraska; southern Nevada, New Mexico; Oklahoma; Texas; and southern Utah) and Mexico (Aguascalientes; Chihuahua; Coahuila; Guanajuato; Guerrero; Hidalgo; northern Jalisco; Mexico; Nuevo Len; Quertaro; San Luis Potos; Sonora; Tamaulipas; and Zacatecas). Le terme courge dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm [5], C.foetidissima contains a saponin that can be obtained from the fruit and root. dplacer vers la barre latrale Comme avec la citre qui lui ressemble, on peut utiliser cette courge pour faire de la confiture, connue sous le nom de confiture de cheveux d'ange souvent aromatise au citron, l'orange et la cannelle. argyrosperma (v2) and a new genome assembly [12] Asexual propagation is possible from nodal roots. All the subspecies, varieties, and cultivars are conspecific and interfertile. Dynia (Cucurbita L.) rodzaj rolin z rodziny dyniowatych.Obejmuje okoo 18 gatunkw, przy czym w zalenoci od rnych uj systematycznych zaliczanych tu taksonw wyrnia si ich w randze gatunku od 14 do 22. It yields varieties of winter squash and pumpkin, but the most widespread varieties belong to the subspecies Cucurbita pepo subsp. statement on adulterated gin (city 5) and death of consumers in arua city and neighbouring districts Various insects may penetrate the hard skin of the gourd. ", "Phylogenetic Relationships among Domesticated and Wild Species of, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, "Flowering and Fruit Set of Pumpkin Cultivars under Field Conditions", "Involvement of Ethylene Biosynthesis and Signalling in Fruit Set and Early Fruit Development in Zucchini Squash (, "Stamen-derived Bioactive Gibberellin is Essential for Male Flower Development of, "A Proposed Subspecific Classification for, "Eastern North America as an Independent Center of Plant Domestication", "De novo assembly of the zucchini genome reveals a whole-genome duplication associated with the origin of the Cucurbita genus", "Archaeobiology: Squash Seeds Yield New View of Early American Farming", "Archaeological Evidence of Teosinte Domestication From Guil Naquitz, Oaxaca", "Origins of Agriculture in Eastern North America", "The domestication of Cucurbita argyrosperma as revealed by the genome of its wild relative", "The "How" of the Three Sisters: The Origins of Agriculture in Mesoamerica and the Human Niche", "The Beginning and Growth of Agriculture in Mexico", "Can You Freeze Butternut Squash? Plant Soil 2001, 235, 95-103. The likely center of origin is southern Mexico, spreading south through what is now known as Mesoamerica, on into South America, and north to what is now the southwestern United States. [41] Ethephon, a plant growth regulator product that is converted to ethylene after metabolism by the plant, can be used to increase fruit and seed production. Le potiron (Cucurbita maxima) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces originaire des rgions tropicales d'Amrique du Sud. Obejmuje okoo 18 gatunkw[5], przy czym w zalenoci od rnych uj systematycznych zaliczanych tu taksonw wyrnia si ich w randze gatunku od 14 do 22[6]. La courge de Siam, courge feuilles de figuier, courge graines noires ou melon de Malabar (Cucurbita ficifolia Bouch, 1837) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces de la tribu des Cucurbites de la sous-famille des Cucurbitodes. Pathway enrichment analysis (i.e., the over-presentation) of DEGs was also included in this study, however the metabolic pathway of microalgae for the comparison between CK vs mPE and mPE+WAF vs WAF were not analyzed owing to their few DEGs. Die Krbisse (Cucurbita) bilden eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Krbisgewchse (Cucurbitaceae). Il s'coule six mois entre le semis et la rcolte. Las cucurbitceas (Cucurbitaceae) son una familia de plantas tpicamente trepadoras por zarcillos, en general herbceas y gefitas o anuales, con el ovario nfero y el fruto inmaduro de un pepnide, que al madurar se diversific adaptndose a diferentes sndromes de dispersin.Producen cucurbitacinas que hacen que partes vegetativas y frutos inmaduros, y a A stem is one of two main structural axes of a vascular plant, the other being the root.It supports leaves, flowers and fruits, transports water and dissolved substances between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and phloem, stores nutrients, and produces new living tissue. [30] The gourds are also worn[by whom?] Water is an oxygen hydride consisting of an oxygen atom that is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms It has a role as an amphiprotic solvent, a member of greenhouse gas, a human metabolite, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite, an Escherichia coli metabolite and a mouse metabolite. Les potimarrons sont l'origine une catgorie de Kuri kabocha ( potiron marron en japonais) cre au Japon partir des Seiyo kabocha (courge buttercup).Au Japon, on trouve des Kuri kabocha de nombreuses couleurs (bleu, noir, gris, blanc, rouge et orange). Four of them, C.argyrosperma, C.ficifolia, C.moschata, and C.pepo, originated and were domesticated in Mesoamerica; for the fifth, C.maxima, these events occurred in South America. Les potimarrons sont l'origine une catgorie de Kuri kabocha ( potiron marron en japonais) cre au Japon partir des Seiyo kabocha (courge buttercup).Au Japon, on trouve des Kuri kabocha de nombreuses couleurs (bleu, noir, gris, blanc, rouge et orange). [6], Wild C. pepo is still found in the same areas as C. fraterna in Mexico. [76], The earliest known evidence of the domestication of Cucurbita dates back at least 8,000 years ago, predating the domestication of other crops such as maize and beans in the region by about 4,000 years. andreana from Argentina[16]. [8] In a 1989 study on the origins and development of C. pepo, Paris suggested that the original wild specimen was a small round fruit and that the modern pumpkin is its direct descendant. Dans le langage courant, le terme de citrouille (courge de l'espce Cucurbita pepo et de la sous-espce Cucurbita pepo subsp. [9] Cucurbita species are some of the most important of those, with the various species being prepared and eaten in many ways. texana in 2006. Lagenaria siceraria est une plante annuelle, rampante ou grimpante, longues tiges ramifies munies de vrilles rameuses opposes aux feuilles. summer squash. Leaves have 35 lobes and are 2035 centimeters (814in) wide. Chemical. Classification of (Original) Samhita: Table of contents, synopsis of the text, skilful and unskilful physicians, Incision studies, for example, are recommended on Pushpaphala (squash, Cucurbita maxima), Alabu (bottle gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris), Trapusha (cucumber, Cucumis pubescens), leather bags filled with fluids and bladders of dead animals. Le ptisson se distingue des autres courges par son fruit de forme aplatie, circulaire, plus ou moins conique et prsentant sa priphrie des bosses plus ou moins marques, formant parfois des sortes de cornes redresses.. Il en existe plusieurs varits. [10] White molds seem to result in smooth surface areas and black molds often form circular patterns. [9] Warm weather is required during the five- to eight-month vegetation period. [9], Within C.pepo, the pumpkins, the scallops, and possibly the crooknecks are ancient and were domesticated at different times and places. [145] In southeastern Europe, seeds of C. pepo were used to treat irritable bladder and benign prostatic hyperplasia. We use cookies on Kaggle to deliver our services, analyze web traffic, and improve your experience on the site. External structures appear to prevent damage by most insects and the plant is highly resistant to cucumber beetle and squash bug. [5][7][8] The oldest known locations are in southern Mexico in Oaxaca 8,00010,000 years ago and Ocampo, Tamaulipas, Mexico about 7,000 years ago. Le potiron (Cucurbita maxima) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces originaire des rgions tropicales d'Amrique du Sud.. The shape of the fruit can be tear-drop or round, and they are colored in a [179], Genus of herbaceous vines in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae, Due to wide variation in how the terms squash, pumpkin, and gourd are used, even among academics, in this article, the term squash can refer to any member of the genus, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes, "Cucurbitaceae--Fruits for Peons, Pilgrims, and Pharaohs", "2014 - Beni Meier and his 2323.7 pound World Record Giant Pumpkin! Competitively grown specimens are therefore often hand-pollinated to maximize the number of seeds in the fruit, which increases the fruit size; this pollination requires skilled technique. [167][168][169] In Portugal the Festival da Abbora de Lourinh e Atalaia ("Squashes and Pumpkins Festival in Lourinh and Atalaia") is held in Lourinh city, called the Capital Nacional da Abbora (the "National Capital of Squashes and Pumpkins"). Many cultivars of Cucurbita maxima have been developed. Coupled chromatography - MS systems are popular in chemical analysis because the individual capabilities of each technique are NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools.Database (Oxford). The plants are sensitive to frost, and they prefer both bright sunlight and soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. [110] The squash bug causes major damage to plants because of its very toxic saliva. Its leaves are 20 to 30 centimeters (8 to 12in) wide. [130][132], Though native to the western hemisphere, Cucurbita began to spread to other parts of the world after Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492. Cucurbita moschata is a species originating in either Central America or northern South America. [17] Cucurbita pepo is the type species of the genus. Die Krbisse (Cucurbita) bilden eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Krbisgewchse (Cucurbitaceae). ), phytophthora blight (Phytophthora spp. It is grown in a wide altitudinal range: from sea level to as high as 1,800 meters (5,900ft) in dry areas, usually with the use of irrigation, or in areas with a defined rainy season, where seeds are sown in May and June. Un caractre spcifique est la section cylindrique du pdoncule, trs gros et spongieux (subreux). [56], C.moschata is native to Latin America, but the precise location of origin is uncertain. Las cucurbitceas (Cucurbitaceae) son una familia de plantas tpicamente trepadoras por zarcillos, en general herbceas y gefitas o anuales, con el ovario nfero y el fruto inmaduro de un pepnide, que al madurar se diversific adaptndose a diferentes sndromes de dispersin.Producen cucurbitacinas que hacen que partes vegetativas y frutos inmaduros, y a Seeds: Eaten after being prepared by roasting or boiling. Modern Hebrew (Hebrew: , ivrt ada[h], [ivit adaa], lit. [3] Cucurbitacin is also used as a lure in insect traps. [66], The ancestral species of the genus Cucurbita were present in the Americas before the arrival of humans,[68][69] and are native to the Americas. It derives from Medieval Latin vegetabilis "growing, flourishing" (i.e. ", "Smiles, Pumpkins Abound as Keene Breaks Jack-o'-lantern Record", "IncrEdible! [4 Essential Tips]", "Oil and tocopherol content and composition of pumpkin seed oil in 12 cultivars", "Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of carotenoids from pumpkin (Cucurbita spp. The beetles were put in individual plastic containers. Dans le langage courant, ces diffrents termes sont souvent confondus. NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools.Database (Oxford). La plante est monoque et les fleurs unisexues blanches s'ouvrent au crpuscule.. Squashes are primarily grown for the fresh food market. [4][13][14], The buffalo gourd has the potential of being a crop adapted to arid to semiarid lands. Chemical. Le fruit est charnu, de forme variable, sphrique ou allong ; il Trs lgers en calories et concentrs en micronutriments, ils peuvent tre prpars de trs nombreuses manires comme lgume ou comme dessert: en soupe, en pure, en gratin, en tarte, en tourte, en confiture., voire en glace. (g) Bulbils: In some plants vegetative buds or floral buds modify into a swollen structure called bulbil. Zasig naturalnego wystpowania tych rolin obejmuje oba kontynenty amerykaskie. [94], As an example of Cucurbita, raw summer squash is 94% water, 3% carbohydrates, and 1% protein, with negligible fat content (table). Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. [5][10] This perennial is well adapted to marginal agricultural lands such as sandy loam soils which have to be well-drained. When mature, a stage marked by increasing desiccation of vine, leaves, fruit-stem, and fruit, the fruit begins its final gourd stage. All giant pumpkins (over 100 pounds or 45 kilograms) are of this species, including the largest pumpkins ever documented, which have attained a size of 2,624.6 pounds (1,190.5kg) as of 2020[update]. Testing guidelines and classification systems vary. Pour les articles homonymes, voir ric Potiron, Henri Potiron et Potiron (personnage de Oui-Oui). [10], The plant forms a fleshy tap root which is used as a storage and overwintering structure. [12] Fruit size varies considerably: wild fruit specimens can be as small as .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}4 centimeters (1+12in) and some domesticated specimens can weigh well over 300 kilograms (660lb). Las cucurbitceas (Cucurbitaceae) son una familia de plantas tpicamente trepadoras por zarcillos, en general herbceas y gefitas o anuales, con el ovario nfero y el fruto inmaduro de un pepnide, que al madurar se diversific adaptndose a diferentes sndromes de dispersin.Producen cucurbitacinas que hacen que partes vegetativas y frutos inmaduros, y a Plant Soil 2001, 235, 95-103. [5], Different squash types of this species were introduced into North America as early as the 16th century. The Book of Jonah is collected as one of the twelve minor prophets of the Nevi'im ("Prophets") in the Hebrew Bible, and as a book in its own right in the Christian Old Testament.The book tells of a Hebrew prophet named Jonah, son of Amittai, who is sent by God to prophesy the destruction of Nineveh, but tries to escape this divine mission.. All of the above-ground parts may be hairy with various types of trichomes, which are often hardened and sharp. Pathway enrichment analysis (i.e., the over-presentation) of DEGs was also included in this study, however the metabolic pathway of microalgae for the comparison between CK vs mPE and mPE+WAF vs WAF were not analyzed owing to their few DEGs. On peut galement consommer les jeunes fruits verts la manire des courgettes. Zasig naturalnego wystpowania tych rolin obejmuje oba kontynenty amerykaskie. Cucurbita foetidissima is a tuberous xerophytic plant found in the central and southwestern United States and northern Mexico. of a plant), a semantic change from a Late Latin meaning "to be enlivening, quickening". Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume.C'est l'une des cinq espces de courges les plus couramment cultives. Les fruits sont de forme sphrique ovode, assez grands (jusqu' 6 kg). Cucurbita maxima. sororia is found from Mexico to Nicaragua, and cultivated forms are used in a somewhat wider area stretching from Panama to the southeastern United States. The file should be a plain-text FASTA (.fasta, .fna, .fa) file. The starch content in the dried root is between 47.5%. [16], Several taxa have been proposed, but as of 2012 none has been universally accepted. Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. The word vegetable was first recorded in English in the early 15th century. Modern Hebrew (Hebrew: , ivrt ada[h], [ivit adaa], lit. [10][11] Germination temperature range is between 15C and 37C with an optimum at 25C. [148], In China, C. moschata seeds were also used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of the parasitic disease schistosomiasis[149] and for the expulsion of tape worms. Seeds for studying additional species members were not available. It is a host species for the melonworm moth, the squash vine borer, and the pickleworm. The family Cucurbitaceae has many species used as human food. It includes cultivars known as squash or pumpkin. [12][80][81] During the same time frame, average rind thickness increased from 0.841.15 millimeters (132364in). He also suggested that the crookneck, ornamental gourd, and scallop are early variants, and that the acorn is a cross between the scallop and pumpkin. CuGenDBv2 is up running.Version 1 of CuGenDB will be still live but will not be updated [Apr, 2022] SNPs called from GBS data of 2083 melon accessions are now freely available. Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. Na poudniowym wschodzie Polski popularno zdobya nazwa kabaczek. Assorted cultivars, from top-left, clockwise: winter squash, both a shrubby and creeping plant, obovoid or conical shape, pointed at the apex and with longitudinal grooves, thus resembling a spinning top. Elle est annuelle en climat tempr et prenne en climat tropical. Ils sont verts maturit, orns de taches claires formant des taches rticules qui rappellent un peu l'aspect de la pastque. Summer squash, long round slender fruit that is slightly bulbous at the apex. C'est une plante herbace, rampante ou grimpante, longues tiges trs vigoureuses pouvant atteindre 15 m de long, qui s'accrochent par des vrilles tout support. [89] This bitterness is especially prevalent in wild Cucurbita; in parts of Mexico, the flesh of the fruits is rubbed on a woman's breast to wean children. The gourds of the various species may be T stron ostatnio edytowano 22 lip 2022, 14:03. D'origine tropicale, le potiron exige de la chaleur artificielle s'il est sem avant mai. It is known to have appeared in Missouri at least 4,000 years ago. Zasig naturalnego wystpowania tych rolin obejmuje oba kontynenty amerykaskie. [78][79] Solid evidence of domesticated C.pepo was found in the Guil Naquitz cave in the form of increasing rind thickness and larger peduncles in the newer stratification layers of the cave. All the subspecies, varieties, and cultivars are interfertile. Argentina holds an annual nationwide pumpkin festival Fiesta Nacional del Zapallo ("Squashes and Pumpkins National Festival"), in Ceres, Santa Fe,[166] on the last day of which a Reina Nacional del Zapallo ("National Queen of the Pumpkin") is chosen. La leve est complte aprs neuf jours. The story has a long interpretive history and Fresh squash, either whole or in pieces, is roasted in ashes and used for food. pepo. The beetles were put in individual plastic containers. [123] Squash soup is a dish in African cuisine. Cette plante a t introduite en Europe et en Chine par les Portugais au XVIesicle, comme toutes les courges (Cucurbita), d'ailleurs souvent confondues entre elles et mme avec les gourdes ou calebasses (Lagenaria), connues en Europe depuis l'Antiquit[1]. The best-known species, the calabash or bottle gourd, L. siceraria, has been domesticated by humans, and has spread beyond Africa.The other species are not cultivated. [6] Of the 27 species that Nee delineates, five are domesticated. By the American Revolution, the species was in cultivation by Native American tribes throughout the present-day United States. Geographic location and genetics make it highly likely that Cucurbita scabridifolia originated as a naturally occurring hybrid of C. foetidissima and Cucurbita pedatifolia. The file should be a plain-text FASTA (.fasta, .fna, .fa) file. [173][174] The Keene Pumpkin Fest is held annually in New Hampshire; in 2013 it held the world record for the most jack-o-lanterns lit in one place, 30,581 on October 19, 2013. Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume.C'est l'une des cinq espces de courges les plus couramment cultives. pepo, called summer squash. pepo, called summer squash.. La plante est monoque et les fleurs unisexues blanches s'ouvrent au crpuscule.. C'est Charles Naudin que l'on doit la distinction entre les espces et les varits de potirons[2]. Cucurbita pepo is a cultivated plant of the genus Cucurbita.It yields varieties of winter squash and pumpkin, but the most widespread varieties belong to the subspecies Cucurbita pepo subsp. [11] Traditionally, two opposing theories are given about its origin: 1) C. pepo is a direct descendant of C. texana and 2) C. texana is feral C. Liquid chromatographymass spectrometry (LCMS) is an analytical chemistry technique that combines the physical separation capabilities of liquid chromatography (or HPLC) with the mass analysis capabilities of mass spectrometry (MS). Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. zapallito (Carrire) Milln, 1947 (round green zucchini), at the locality near Gran La Plata, Colonia Urquiza (3496'72"S, 580496"W). Although botanical fruits, Cucurbita gourds, such as squash or pumpkin, are typically cooked and eaten as vegetables. On en compte trois dix au gramme. The domesticated species have larger fruits and larger yet fewer seeds. En Europe, c'est partir du mois d'avril que les potirons ou potimarrons se cultivent. Na poudniowym wschodzie Polski popularno zdobya nazwa kabaczek. [1] The type specimen was collected from Mexico by Alexander von Humboldt and Aim Bonpland sometime before 1817. La courge musque (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces, largement cultive comme plante potagre pour son fruit comestible maturit. (g) Bulbils: In some plants vegetative buds or floral buds modify into a swollen structure called bulbil. [6] The morphological variation in the species C.pepo[7] and C.maxima[8] is so vast that its various subspecies and cultivars have been misidentified as totally separate species. To learn more about the meaning of various cancer classification descriptors listed in this fact sheet, please visit the appropriate reference, or call NPIC. Lagenaria is a genus of gourd-bearing vines in the squash family (Cucurbitaceae). As in C. pepo, plants exist with a "bush habit" that is particularly evident in young plants, but older plants grow in the wild-type vining manner.. Arikara squash is an heirloom variety of C. maxima.Fruits weigh from four to eleven pounds. [146] In Germany, pumpkin seed is approved for use by the Commission E, which assesses folk and herbal medicine, for irritated bladder conditions and micturition problems of prostatic hyperplasia stages 1 and 2, although the monograph published in 1985 noted a lack of pharmacological studies that could substantiate empirically found clinical activity. Le potiron peut se conserver sans difficult de six mois un an dans un endroit tempr et sec (intrieur de maison par exemple). Le potiron est plus ou moins aplati, sa couleur va d'un orange rougetre au vert fonc. [6][20] The five domesticated species are mostly isolated from each other by sterility barriers and have different physiological characteristics. Chemical irritant contact dermatitis is either acute or chronic, which is usually associated with strong and weak irritants respectively. Le fruit est charnu, de forme variable, sphrique ou allong ; il Modern Hebrew (Hebrew: , ivrt ada[h], [ivit adaa], lit. Les graines aplaties, sont plus ou moins grandes selon les varits. Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume. Cucurbita pepo es el nombre cientfico de una especie de plantas cucurbitceas originaria de Mesoamrica y sur de Estados Unidos, que junto con otras especies emparentadas (Cucurbita maxima, C. moschata, C. argyrosperma) forman un grupo de especies de calabazas cuyas variedades cultivadas, de las que se cosecha su fruto maduro o inmaduro, poseen usos [5], Many cultivars of Cucurbita maxima have been developed. [3] The two species hybridize quite readily but have noticeably different calcium levels. Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume ou donn aux animaux. of a plant), a semantic change from a Late Latin meaning "to be enlivening, quickening". [7] In 1986 Paris proposed a revised taxonomy of the edible cultivated C.pepo based primarily on the shape of the fruit, with eight groups . Prolonged contact can cause skin irritation.[20][21]. [15], Cucurbita was formally described in a way that meets the requirements of modern botanical nomenclature by Linnaeus in his Genera Plantarum,[16] the fifth edition of 1754 in conjunction with the 1753 first edition of Species Plantarum. Cucurbita squash, pumpkin, zucchini, some gourds; Lagenaria calabash, and others that are inedible; Citrullus watermelon (C. lanatus, C. colocynthis) and others; Cucumis cucumber (C.

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cucurbita classification