design sensitivity analysis

Thus, the total DSA formulation should be chosen for problems that are not history dependent. Spring for a measuring device (a schematic). What is Sensitivity Analysis? Equation (11). The types of dependencies can be identified by looking at the form of the sensitivity of a response, say r, with respect to a design parameter, say h. This sensitivity is expressed as. Design sensitivity analysis (DSA) is the study of how the measurable outputs of a model change with respect to changes in its design variables (Martins and Hwang 2013).It plays a key role in gradient-based optimization (Zhang and Kang 2014; Xiao et al. Sensitivity parameters include geometric variables which influence the size and the shape of a structure, as well as the shell thickness. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis studies require hundreds or even thousands of simulations to be carried out and so can be extremely time/calculation intensive. Both first- and secondorder sensitivities are derived as well as first-order sensitivities for symmetric positive definite eigenvalue systems. For linear approximation, cr,i = ai(xi,0 /y0). Anxiety sensitivity is associated with both anxiety and depression and has been shown to be heritable. The design sensitivity analysis (DSA) capability provides the derivatives of certain output variables with respect to specified design parameters. Design sensitivity plays a critical role in inverse and identification studies, as well as numerical optimization, and reliability analysis. A preliminary assessment consists of making m simulation experiments with random variable only xj, for j = 1, 2, n, and then calculating partial scatter syj2 of the obtained values y. This formula shows the influence of individual quantities. Based on the above-mentioned technique, all the combinations of the two independent variables will be calculated to assess the sensitivity of the output. Coefficient cri expresses the change of y (in %, for example) caused by 1% deviation of xi from the nominal value xi,0. You can control various aspects of the numerical differencing operations. 123 . Furthermore, sensitivity analysis methods are used to assess how physically coherent the analyzed surrogates are. Sensitivity Analysis. Design gradients with respect to shape design parameters are specified differently than those with respect to other design parameters. model-based inference, that is, how much the results of the model depend on the assumptions made in its construction and in particular on the specification of model input values. resonant frequency of an oscillator or deflection of a beam). Design sensitivity analysis can be performed in both the global model and submodel, with the limitation that the DSA solution will not be interpolated from the global model to the submodel. Therefore, it is recommended to perform sensitivity analysis and correct the proof stress appropriately. You must take into account how this data will be inherited to down to any child blocks, zones etc to ensure you are testing the design variants you think you are. Due to the history dependence, the incremental displacement sensitivities for the current increment depend on the sensitivities of the state variables at the beginning of the increment, in the same sense that incremental displacements depend on the state variables at the beginning of the increment for equilibrium analyses. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. xj,0 is the nominal (design) value and k is a constant (e.g. Since the perturbation sizing algorithm is computationally intensive, care should be exercised to ensure that the sizing frequency is as large as possible (or zero). You can define multiple parameters to be used in place of ABAQUS input quantities for an analysis. For static steps the scalar metric is chosen as the norm of the element pseudoload: Frequency steps. Each input quantity has coefficient of variation vl = vw = vt = vE = v = 0.01 = 1%. Design sensitivity analysis : Overview and review. A design sensitivity analysis can be restarted (see "Restarting an analysis," Section 9.1.1). duplicates) with respect to the target objectives. However, in this case the DSA solution is approximate, with the degree of approximation increasing as the problem becomes more strongly history dependent. More. The names of the sensitivities are related to the names of the responses as follows: Specifying design gradients of design-dependent input data, History dependence and formulation type in a multi-increment analysis, Determination of design parameter perturbation sizes. 3. The response surface is replaced by a tangent plane at the investigated point. Use the following option to activate DSA in a particular step: Use the following option to deactivate DSA in a particular step: Use the following option to define analysis parameters: Use the following options to request design responses: Use the following option to specify the design gradients for shape design parameters: Use the following option to specify the design gradients for non-shape design parameters: Use the following option to reset the DSA controls for a particular step: Use the following option to override the default tolerance: Use the following option to specify the frequency at which the perturbation sizes are recalculated: Use the following option to override the default heuristic perturbation sizing algorithm for a given design parameter. A familiarity . These industries are increasingly interested in exploiting the advantages of computer-aided design, numerical analysis, and optimal design methods. The disadvantage of the incremental DSA formulation is its cost, due to the necessity of computing both state variable and incremental displacement sensitivities at each increment prior to the last DSA increment. Fluids . Only one independent (design) parameter can be given for each design gradient definition. For the purposes of DSA if the parameter to which the shape variation data refer is a design parameter, the shape variation data are interpreted as the gradients of the nodal coordinates with respect to the design parameter. Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity analysis can be used to study how the performance of a system depends on key design parameters. Error caused by linear approximation of response function y = f(x). How? As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the world. Hence you can not start it again. For frequency steps the scalar metric is chosen as the projection of the matrix onto an eigenvector : If mode has a distinct eigenvalue, is taken as . If the perturbation sizing algorithm is applied to a mode with a distinct eigenvalue, is taken as the eigenvector associated with this mode. The details of this method are described in the following paragraphs. The advantage of the semi-analytic approach is that it is much easier to implement than the analytic approach and much more efficient than the global finite difference approach. In the context of DSA for frequency procedures this means that the derivatives of the mass and stiffness matrices are computed using finite differencing. Parametric shape variation, Section 2.1.2. is performed with ABAQUS/Design, an add-on option for ABAQUS/Standard; provides the sensitivities of responses with respect to specified design parameters; is available for static stress and frequency analysis using models that have only stress/displacement elements; and. The second explicit term, , represents the dependence on the design parameter through the state variables at the beginning of the increment. This ultimately leads to a change in the output and profitability of the business. It is important to understand that this tolerance controls the effort expended in obtaining an optimum perturbation size; it is not a direct measure of the accuracy of the numerical differentiation. The above optimization can be performed even if the scatter sy2 from the preliminary design is smaller than the allowable value. Although these results are not new, some of the derivations offer a different perspective than those previously presented. It treats the subject in a unified manner, providing numerical methods and design examples. The valid responses based on procedure type are described below. For example, a typical panel thickness variable is in the order of 1 mm, which . kL corresponds to the lower limit, whereas kU corresponds to the upper limit. However, the concepts presented in this trivial example may be readily extended to compute sensitivities for complex systems via numerical techniques such as the finite element, boundary element, and finite difference methods. Invariably, these parts are non-ideal in many ways. Abstract. The influence of random variability of input quantities can be investigated using the formula for the scatter of a function of several random variables. In the semi-analytical technique some derivatives are computed using numerical (finite) differencing, thus requiring perturbations of the design parameters. The optimization assigns such tolerances that the total costs are minimal. Shape sensitivity analysis for structural performance measures has been developed for many years (Choi and Kim 2006) and was briefly discussed in Chapter 4. The responses and response sensitivities (see Specifying responses above) are output only to the output database (sensitivity output to the data file and results file is not supported). You can specify DSA controls for the entire model and/or for individual steps. For frequency steps s is computed from the element contribution to a matrix involving the derivatives of the mass and stiffness matrices (namely , where is the stiffness, is the mass, h is the design parameter, and is an eigenvalue). As the standard deviation equals the square root of the scatter, it is obvious that the reduction of scatter of a quantity, contributing to the total scatter by only 5% to 10%, will have negligible effect. (Frontiers in applied mathematics) Includes bibliographical references and index. Contact our London head office or media team here. and P. Michaleris". The following material models are supported: Isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic elasticity. You specify a design parameter as the independent parameter and a list of the parameters that depend on that design parameter. The objective of the algorithm is to select the perturbation sizes that lead to accurately computed derivatives. The number of such internal responses may be significant with obvious effects both on the computational time and memory requirement. Then, the y values for the individual groups are fitted by a suitable regression function (e.g. Structural design sensitivity analysis concerns the relationship between design variables available to the design engineer and structural responses determined by the laws of mechanics. Deterministic analysis for large deviations. Static procedure. Consider the axial stress as the response. Design Sensitivity Analysis We shall, for the sake of simplicity, consider one particular performance function, noted f(;z? Thus, if geometric nonlinearity is considered in the base step, DSA must also be active in the base step, irrespective of the type of formulation (total or incremental). This article is meant as a tutorial, and as such, a simple two-degree-of-freedom spring system is employed to exemplify the sensitivity analyses. The corresponding allowable standard deviations, obtained by multiplying the variation coefficient v' by the nominal values of L, w, and t, are sl ' 0.05 mm, sw' 0.005 mm, and st' 0.25 m. Therefore, the variance of all three quantities (L, w, and t) must be reduced by more accurate manufacturing. Design sensitivity plays a critical role in inverse and identification studies, as well as numerical optimization, and reliability analysis. Sensitivity of a response with respect to design parameter is defined as. Unlike the distinct eigenvalue case, the sensitivities of a repeated eigenvalue cannot be treated independently. Warning messages are written to the message file for elements for which this tolerance is not achieved. The parametric mapping within . Research output: Contribution to journal Article peer-review. Deterministic analysis for small deviations, The increments of y are calculated via the first derivatives. Sensitivity analysis is an investigation that is driven by data. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Design Sensitivity Analysis output is in complex values at all analysis frequencies into a . All circuits, analog or digital, have characteristics dependent on the values of their component parts. 3.1. You must indicate which of these parameters are to be considered as design parameters. The perturbation size yielding an acceptable error, , is chosen as the best perturbation size. However, if DSA is activated in a step whose procedure is not supported for DSA, DSA will be deactivated until it is activated again. 3 Characteristics of sensitivity derivatives of static responses Small changes of the input and output quantities. You can specify the frequency at which the perturbation sizes are recalculated. Principle of robust design. IntechOpen Limited This may be accomplished by the reduction of the variance or influence of input factors. Therefore, great need exists for an integrated approach to these topics. If Formula (12) is applied on the above example with a spring, one obtains the following expression for the standard deviation of the compliance caused, for example, by random variability of the length L: cf. Differencing formulas are based on Taylor series expansions, and the order of approximation of the derivative to be computed is reflected in the terms that are neglected in the series. This book provides an understandable introduction to one approach to design sensitivity computation and illustrates some of the important mathematical and computational issues inherent in using the . For easier application, strength-probability-time diagrams were developed [13 15], in which the necessary proof stress can be found for the demanded time to failure and confidence level. This discussion will build upon the concepts and terminology described above, so it is recommended that the previous section be read first. It is important to ensure that the variations defined by the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis Design Variables will have the intended effect. Often, the influence of one factor prevails (e.g. 2018), automobile engineering (Zhang et al. Design sensitivity analysis in ABAQUS is performed using the semianalytical method. Design sensitivity analysis for parameters affecting geometry, elastic-viscoplastic material constant and boundary condition by consistent tangent operator-based boundary element method International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. Design parameters cannot be tabularly dependent (see Parametric input, Section 1.4.1). Shell elements with five degrees of freedom per node cannot be used in a total DSA formulation. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign data protection policy. However, the concepts presented in this trivial example may be readily extended to compute sensitivities for complex systems via numerical techniques such as the finite element, boundary element, and finite difference methods. Due to recent advancements in point-of-care silicon photonic biosensing, the focus is to identify the effective way to improve sensitivity. Also from SAGE Publishing. Sensitivity analysis. Therefore, is a direct measure of the magnitude of the eigenvalue sensitivity and is also convenient since this term already must be calculated to obtain the eigenvalue sensitivity. Herein, we review the state of design sensitivity analysis as it applies to linear elliptic systems. This retrospective self-control cohort study aimed to investigate the effects of manual homogenization on the sensitivity of microbiological culture for patients with PS. Often, the scatter of some input quantities cannot be changed continuously. This increased cost is unavoidable if the problem is history dependent but is unnecessary if the problem is history independent. Both total and incremental formulations are implemented for DSA. Its position should ensure the low sensitivity of the output parameters to the deviations of input quantities from nominal values. 2019) and structural reliability (Chen et al. If several input variables vary, one must decide, which of them should be reduced. so that the combination of Equations (16) and (17) gives the variation coefficient of the compliance. In some cases a response at a certain instant in time may be discontinuous with respect to a design parameter. Also, the costs of the pertinent improving operation must be considered, as they usually increase with tightening the tolerances. Design sensitivity analysis. h3d file. In general, sensitivity analysis is used in a wide range of fields, ranging from biology and geography to economics and engineering. At the end of each section an alternative numerical approach based on this theory is discussed. The present invention generally relates to computer aided engineering design optimization, more particularly to methods and systems for conducting design sensitivity analysis of a product. Influence of random variability small scatter. The sensitivities of a repeated eigenvalue are extracted simultaneously from the same reduced eigenvalue system, and this system is obtained by numerical differencing (recall Equation 2.18.112 and Equation 2.18.113). III.Series. In such case, it is better to study the influence of deviations of input quantities by modeling the response without simplifications. Similar expressions can be written for other variables. Therefore, instead of trying a multitude of runs, a preliminary analysis using a more efficient sampling method like, The order in which design variable options are set up is very important. The easiest way is to reduce the scatter of L. However, even if this scatter were zero, the variation coefficient of compliance would be vC' = 0.033, which is much more than demanded. Aerodynamic design optimization using sensitivity analysis and computational fluid dynamics. The approximate value of the total scatter is obtained by summing up the partial scatters. Herein, we review the state of design sensitivity analysis as it applies to linear elliptic systems. This amounts to deal with one particular component of the sensitivity matrix (3). xk). The responses available for DSA are a subset of the list of ABAQUS output variables and are known as design responses; the specified input quantities are known as design parameters. However, input quantities often vary or can attain values different from those assumed in design. Determining perturbation sizes using the heuristic algorithm is computationally intensive. Therefore, the influential design variables of dynamic glazed faades are required to be analyzed through a sensitivity analysis. Herein, we review the state of design sensitivity analysis as it applies to linear elliptic systems. Once DSA controls are specified in a perturbation step, they remain in effect for all subsequent consecutive perturbation steps, unless they are respecified or reset. Various optimization methods exist for finding this position, analytical or with computer modeling. Both first- and secondorder sensitivities are derived as well as first-order sensitivities for symmetric positive definite eigenvalue systems. The displacement sensitivities are then substituted into Equation 2.18.11 to compute . The discussion below is divided into two sections depending on the characteristics of the eigenvalue problem: distinct eigenvalues and repeated eigenvalues. Design sensitivity plays a critical role in inverse and identification studies, as well as numerical optimization, and reliability analysis. For non-shape design parameters, by default ABAQUS/Design will use numerical differentiation to calculate design gradients based on the information you provide. Solid, truss, shell, beam, gasket, and membrane stress/displacement elements are supported. The sensitivity analysis can be done using analytical expressions or simulation methods. The formulation of DSA presented above provides a brief introduction to the way DSA is implemented in ABAQUS; however, due to some simplifications, the discussion is not relevant to a large number of nonlinear mechanical problems, especially those involving history-dependent behavior of the structure modeled. The first of these, , represents a direct design dependence, because this term arises from the direct dependence of the response on the design parameter. This volume presents a treatment of structural design sensitivity analysis. Taking a numerical approach allows you to analyze the sensitivity in a standard simulation output, such as DC sweep, AC sweep, temperature variation, transfer function, filter or amplifier 3 dB point, or other analysis as component values are varied. Performing a frequency analysis means solving the following eigenvalue problem (see Eigenvalue extraction, Section 2.5.1): Pre-multiplying by , making use of Equation 2.18.16, and manipulating the result gives the eigenvalue sensitivities: This section outlines the formulation used to obtain eigenvalue sensitivities for repeated eigenvalues. The sensitivities are computed based on the direct differentiation method used in conjunction with the semi-analytical computational technique. With a focus only on the important variables, the optimisation results are cleaner, quicker and easily understandable. In the analytical approach the finite element equations are differentiated exactly, following the theory described in the previous sections. For example, the influence of j-th variable can be studied from Equation (1), in which only xj varies, whereas the others keep their values corresponding to the design point. The calculation of is similar to the calculation of the matrix (the only term in the reduced eigenvalue system obtained by numerical differencing); therefore, this choice is both representative of the repeated eigenvalue case and involves differencing calculations that are already being done to obtain the reduced eigenvalue system. Design sensitivity used to predict the sensitivity of some output variable, for example normal stress respect to changing design parameter, for example thickness of a shell or . For linear approximation, the sensitivity coefficients ci correspond to the constants ai,1 in (2) and ai in (3). This concept is employed to evaluate the overall risk and identify critical factors of the . The following analysis components can include design-dependent data: Beam sections integrated during analysis (Using a beam section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior, Section 23.3.6), Concentrated loads (Concentrated loads, Section 27.4.2), Elastic materials (Linear elastic behavior, Section 17.2.1), Friction (Frictional behavior, Section 30.1.5), Gasket sections (Gasket elements: overview, Section 26.6.1), Hyperelastic materials (Hyperelastic behavior of rubberlike materials, Section 17.5.1), Hyperfoam materials (Hyperelastic behavior in elastomeric foams, Section 17.5.2), Membrane sections (Membrane elements, Section 23.1.1), Local orientations (Orientations, Section 2.2.5), Shell sections integrated during analysis (Using a shell section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior, Section 23.6.5), Solid sections (Solid (continuum) elements, Section 22.1.1), Transverse shear stiffnesses (Choosing a beam element, Section 23.3.3, or Shell section behavior, Section 23.6.4). Such variation of compliance is unacceptably high and must be reduced to sC' = 0.004 mm/mN. The proposed . Quantities that are functions of design parameters are referred to as being design dependent. The responses are retained for each analysis and then differenced to obtain the response sensitivities. More accurate value is obtained if all input variables, x1, x2, , xn are considered as random in the Monte Carlo simulations, and the scatter is calculated from all values yj. Design sensitivity analysis, Section 14.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual. @article{28de6730330d4acda55858aa3d1667a3. A continuum design sensitivity analysis (DSA) method for dynamic frequency responses of structural-acoustic systems is developed using the adjoint variable and direct differentiation methods. After the converged equilibrium solution is obtained, the three arrays , , and have to be computed in an element-by-element manner. Home > Design Sensitivity Analysis is a condensed book that introduces the mathematical aspects of the continuous sensitivity equation methods (CSEMs) for partial differential equations (PDEs). This paper deals with design sensitivity calculation by the direct differentiation method for isoparametric curved shell elements. Its based on principles of collaboration, unobstructed discovery, and, most importantly, scientific progression. Truncation errors arise from the fact that differencing formulas are based on truncated Taylor series expansions. For static steps the valid responses are: Element responses: S, SF, SINV, SP, E, SE, EP, EE, EEP, LE, LEP, NE, NEP, ENER, ELEN, EVOL, and MASS. For y = f(x1, x2,, xn), the infinitesimal increment of y can be expressed generally as. For these derivatives by default ABAQUS/Design will use a central differencing scheme and automatically determine appropriate perturbation sizes based on a heuristic algorithm. Design sensitivity is defined as a response change per unit design variable change. For example, specifying a sizing frequency of n will cause ABAQUS/Design to determine new perturbation sizes at every n increments or eigenmodes. In this form, the output is highly dependent on the design variable value. The individual components, syj2 = aj2sxj2, give the scatter of y caused by random variations of j-th variable. As discussed in Chapter 4, design sensitivity analysis calculates the gradients of the objective and constraint functions with respect to design variables. Let each response , , be a function of design parameters , and depend on them both explicitly and via the displacement field represented here by the nodal displacement vector (see the definition of finite element interpolation in Procedures: overview and basic equations, Section 2.1.1), Assume that we have solved an equilibrium problem defined by Equation 2.1.12 at the end of an increment and that we have the converged solution as well as values of all responses. It determines how the independent variable of a business can have an impact on the dependent variables. This article is meant as a tutorial, and as such, a simple two-degree-of-freedom spring system is employed to exemplify the sensitivity analyses. Typically, the global results in any increment are not affected by a few discontinuous points in the model. Note the influence of the position of the design point on the sensitivity of the output (y) to variations of input variable x. results from studying a 100 MW PV plant power production profile show a reduction in ramp-rate violations from 10% of yearly intervals to below 1% with 12 . The minimum time to failure of a component that has passed a proof-test is [10 - 12]. 2) should be used in a precise measuring device. Herein, we review the state of design sensitivity analysis as it applies to linear elliptic systems. This approach is difficult to implement, but it is efficient and yields exact sensitivities. ABAQUS/Design determines the perturbation sizes using a heuristic perturbation sizing algorithm based on the behavior of a scalar s associated with an element. First, the influence of individual variables is investigated. For small scatter. The basic idea of this approach, as outlined in the section on static DSA, is to compute some of the required intermediate derivatives using finite differencing. The determination of suitable tolerances will be illustrated on the following example, adapted from [9]. The far right-hand term is nonzero if the variables are correlated; often, it can be omitted. Design sensitivity is defined as a response change per unit design variable change. If a nonzero value is given for the shape parameter, ABAQUS/Design will also perturb the base coordinates. Our team is growing all the time, so were always on the lookout for smart people who want to help us reshape the world of scientific publishing. Response requests are specified using a syntax analogous to that for specifying output requests to the output database. You can reset DSA controls only for individual steps. You can specify either forward differencing or central differencing directly together with an absolute perturbation size for each design parameter. For example, in many climates using the first or second 6 months of the year would be a good approximation to use of the full 12-month simulation. This is called robust design [1]. The concepts of estimands, analyses (estimators), and sensitivity are interrelated. Use a representative simulation period instead of the whole annual simulation. The last missing research piece of my PhD project:" Zero emission building concepts for warm climates", has been finally published in Energy and Buildings! On a total DSA formulation is that the problem is assumed to design sensitivity analysis history. The existing output variables for which direct design dependence calculations are implemented for DSA when the stiffness The data tab in excel and then differenced to obtain the response and the total sensitivity. 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design sensitivity analysis