flexible working scholar

Supervising/Managing 1. We contacted study authors by email if methodological details or statistical data were missing and in the instance that further information regarding methodology could not be retrieved, we recorded details as unclear in the data extraction and critical appraisal forms. Benach J, Despite conducting searches across multiple electronic databases spanning biomedical, social science and business and management disciplines, it is possible that we have not been able to capture all studies published in the subject area. Any differences in assessment were resolved through discussion with the third author (CB). Regarding the suitability of the length of follow up, Jansen 2003 drew attention to differences in the length of time required before changes to health outcomes might be observed. Must possess knowledge of the local area, good organizational, communication and computer skills along with a strong work ethic. Pryce 2006 found no significant changes in primary health outcomes, although improvements in some secondary outcomes were noted when comparing intervention and control groups. Davis KD, 56 flexible work$ condition$.ti,ab. The evidence base was small with only ten controlled before and after studies of flexible working interventions fulfilling our inclusion criteria. Also, we have no information on past exposures, for example although participants state that they were not working overtime at baseline we cannot ascertain whether they had recently worked overtime from the data collected. consumption of fast food), EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer) Quality of Life Questionnaire, Health and wellbeing of children and family members, Unclear but likely to be employer orientated, Compressed working week with flexibility regarding start/finish times. Occupations in both the industrial and service sectors tend to be associated with high strain and isostrain (Marmot 2006). Grimsmo A, Search. We also searched relevant websites, handsearched key journals, searched bibliographies and contacted study authors and key experts. They are underpinned by the three principles of flexibility: contractual flexibility, spatial flexibility and temporal flexibility. The flexibility delivered in the intervention aimed to benefit the worker, principally, by increasing individual flexibility and control over work hours but also the employer, by encouraging variability in shift schedules to take account of changing operational needs. Folkard S. 12h shifts are popular but are they a solution? Benach J, Brandt PA, Patel C, Goodman WB, Carmichael JC, Wellvalidated measures of health outcomes included: stress symptoms (three fouritem scales of behavioural, cognitive and somatic symptoms (Setterlind 1995); global selfrated health (Borg 2000) and vitality (fouritem scale, Setterlind 1995). This review examined the health and wellbeing effects of flexible working arrangements which favour the worker as well as those dictated by the employer (for example, fixedterm contracts or mandatory overtime). Flexible working arrangements to help with the school run or to fit work around childcare are vital in enabling parents to continue their careers while looking after their children. Jansen NW, Three studies did not undertake suitable adjustment for potential confounding factors, such as demographic variables, lifestyle factors, job content and flexible working experience (Dunham 1987; Kandolin 1996; Pryce 2006). There is no turning back. Flexi or Work or Shift or Hour or Schedule or Job or Time or Sabbatical or Secondment or Scheme or Leave or Freelance or Pay or Contract or Compress. The review is funded by the Department of Health Cochrane Review Incentive Scheme and is particularly topical at this time with the recognition that flexible working is "now endemic in modern economies" (MacEachen 2008) and countries are beginning to legislate on workplace flexibility. In some instances it was difficult to assess whether flexibility was defined by the employer or employee. Though social distancing and other coronavirus related mandates have begun to subside, some employers are continuing to allow their employees flexibility in their work arrangements. Changing Demographics, Changing Expectations. Parttime work and job sharing in health care: is the NHS a familyfriendly employer? Is there a representative sample? European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/). Further, the promotion of home working can result in reduced social interaction and intensification of work (Webster 1996) as the traditional boundaries between work and domestic life become blurred. Of these, four papers were retrieved from MEDLINE (De Raeve 2007; Kandolin 2001; Rodriguez 2002; Viitasalo 2008), one paper was identified in PyscINFO (Dunham 1987), one from Social Science Citation Index (Calvo 2009) and one paper was found in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (Pryce 2006). The short followup periods (12 months or less) employed in five of the studies reviewed (Dunham 1987; Kandolin 1996; Smith 1998; Rodriguez 2002; Viitasalo 2008) may not be sufficient to detect clinical changes, for example changes in biomarkers of cardiovascular disease or accumulated fatigue and stress. Flexible work arrangements, known as flextime, refers to work environment and schedules that don't have normal constraints of a traditional job. There were two exceptions: a study by Kandolin 1996 provided some details regarding how the intervention was designed and implemented and a study by Pryce 2006 included a good level of detail on the study context. Future empirical studies should involve a prospective design with matched control groups, objective measures of health outcomes, and adequate followup periods to examine longterm health effects. Julia Critchley: methodological and statistical expertise, contributed to writing of the review. Flexible working conditions are increasingly popular in developed countries but the effects on employee health and wellbeing are largely unknown. The job demand-control theory argues that employed womens mental health depends on their job autonomy, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Flexible working and 'work-life balance' seem reasonable concepts in theory but in practice, particularly in the NHS, they are not always easy to implement. Workers were required to plan their schedules one week in advance and supervisors could request changes to facilitate departmental functioning. Workers were required to plan their schedules one week in advance and supervisors could request changes to facilitate department functioning. David Weekley Homes is seeking an enthusiastic Marketing Coordinator to join our team supporting our Charleston Division. Allen S, Subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group and selfrated physiological and psychological health was measured using a sevenitem, scale validated by Patchen 1970. Huff JW, However, the authors suggested that the effects of retirement (both partial and abrupt) on health were related to whether retirement was forced or voluntary, that is whether or not the individual had control over their choice. International physical activity questionnaire: 12country reliability and validity, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Undertaking systematic reviews of research on effectiveness, CRDs guidance for carrying out or commissioning reviews, 2nd edition. 20 exp ATYPICAL DEPRESSION/ OR exp "DEPRESSION (EMOTION)"/ OR exp MAJOR DEPRESSION/ OR exp RECURRENT DEPRESSION/, 29 (musculoskeletal adj2 disorder$).ti,ab, 30 ((musculo adj2 skeletal adj2 disorder$)).ti,ab, 32 (promot$ OR manag$ OR facilitat$ OR enable$1 OR enabling OR barrier$1 OR increas$ OR obstruct$ OR encourag$ OR prevent$ OR time OR free OR disrupt$ OR relationship$ OR conflict).ti,ab, 33 (health OR healthy OR healthier).ti,ab, 35 ((mental health OR physical health OR health risk$ OR general health)).ti,ab, 44 (GP OR hospital OR doctor OR gps).ti,ab, 45 (consultation$1 OR appointment$1).ti,ab, 49 "general health questionnaire".ti,ab, 53 ((obesity OR obese OR overweight)).ti,ab, 55 "functional limitations profile".ti,ab, 71 59 OR 60 OR 61 OR 62 OR 63 OR 64 OR 65 OR 66 OR 67 OR 68 OR 69 OR 70, 79 72 OR 73 OR 74 OR 75 OR 76 OR 77 OR 78, 81 ((social activit$ OR social network$ OR social life OR freetime OR free time)).ti,ab, 83 ((facilitat$ OR enable$1 OR enabling OR barrier$1 OR obstruct$ OR encourag$ OR prevent$ OR time OR free OR disrupt$ OR relationship$ OR conflict)).ti,ab, 88 ((stress OR burnout OR depression OR depressed)).ti,ab, 89 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 8 OR 9 OR 10 OR 11 OR 12 OR 13 OR 14 OR 15 OR 16 OR 17 OR 18 OR 19 OR 20 OR 21 OR 22 OR 23 OR 24 OR 25 OR 26 OR 27 OR 28 OR 29 OR 30 OR 31 OR 34 OR 35 OR 38 OR 39 OR 40 OR 41 OR 42 OR 43 OR 46 OR 47 OR 48 OR 49 OR 50 OR 51 OR 52 OR 53 OR 54 OR 55 OR 56 OR 57 OR 58 OR 80 OR 81 OR 82 OR 87 OR 88, 99 "flexible work$ arrangement$".ti,ab, 137 "non standard$ employ$ contract$".ti,ab, 138 "nonstandard employ$ contract$".ti,ab, 143 "professional$ help$ with childcare".ti,ab, 144 "professional$ help$ with housework".ti,ab, 145 "professional$ help$ with household work$".ti,ab, 192 ((temp$ employ$ OR temp$ contract$)).ti,ab, 201 ((work adj2 life adj2 polic$)).ti,ab, 210 ((day OR night OR late OR early OR evening OR core OR stagger$ OR compress$ OR irregular)).ti,ab, 211 ((work$ OR shift$1 OR hours$)).ti,ab, 227 90 OR 91 OR 92 OR 93 OR 94 OR 95 OR 96 OR 97 OR 98 OR 99 OR 100 OR 101 OR 102 OR 103 OR 104 OR 105 OR 106 OR 107 OR 108 OR 109 OR 110 OR 111 OR 112 OR 113 OR 114 OR 115 OR 116 OR 117 OR 118 OR 119 OR 120 OR 121 OR 122 OR 123 OR 124 OR 125 OR 126 OR 127 OR 128 OR 129 OR 130 OR 131 OR 132 OR 133 OR 134 OR 135 OR 136 OR 137 OR 138 OR 139 OR 140 OR 141 OR 142 OR 143 OR 144 OR 145 OR 146 OR 147 OR 148 OR 149 OR 150 OR 151 OR 152 OR 153 OR 154 OR 155 OR 156 OR 157 OR 158 OR 159 OR 160 OR 161 OR 162 OR 163 OR 164 OR 165 OR 166 OR 167 OR 168 OR 169 OR 170 OR 171 OR 172 OR 173 OR 174 OR 175 OR 176 OR 177 OR 178 OR 179 OR 180 OR 181 OR 182 OR 183 OR 184 OR 185 OR 186 OR 187 OR 188 OR 189 OR 190 OR 191 OR 192 OR 193 OR 194 OR 195 OR 196 OR 197 OR 198 OR 199 OR 200 OR 201 OR 204 OR 205 OR 206 OR 207 OR 208 OR 209 OR 212 OR 213 OR 214 OR 215 OR 216 OR 217 OR 218 OR 219 OR 222 OR 223 OR 224 OR 225 OR 226, 228 (work OR workplace OR employment).ti,ab, 229 ((company OR companies) adj5 (work$ OR employ$ OR job$ OR staff OR personnel OR business$)).ti,ab, 230 ((factory OR factories OR human resource$ OR Business$)).ti,ab, 231 (("Small and medium enterprises" OR SMEs)).ti,ab, 232 ((worker$ OR workplace$ OR worksite$ OR staff OR personnel)).ti,ab, 235 ((work place$ OR work site$ OR work location$ OR work setting$)).ti,ab, 237 ((place$ OR site$ OR location$ OR setting$)).ti,ab, 239 228 OR 229 OR 230 OR 231 OR 232 OR 233 OR 234 OR 235 OR 238, ((DE=(health or wellbeing or wellbeing) or DE=morbidity), or(KW=((back pain) or Backpain or lbp) or KW=((low back pain) or lumbago, or (cardiovascular diseases)) or KW=((heart diseases) or hypertension or, (mental health))) or(KW=((psychological outcome*) or Anxiety or, (Professional burnout)) or KW=((Psychological stress) or depression or, ("quality of life")) or KW=((job satisfaction) or Empower* or (decision, latitude))) or(KW=((work life balance) or (worklife balance) or (work, family conflict*)) or KW=(musculoskeletal within 2 disorder*)), or(KW=(musculo within 2 skeletal within 2 disorder*)) or(KW=((promot* or, manag* or facilitat* or enable*1 or enabling or barrier*1 or increas* or, obstruct* or encourag* or prevent* or time or free or disrupt* or, relationship* or conflict) within 2 (health or healthy or healthier))), or(KW=(mental health or physical health or health risk* or general, health)) or(KW=((employee* or staff) within 2 (health))) or(KW=((health, of worker*) or illness or ill) or KW=((sick* absence*) or (sick* leave))), or(KW=((days off) or (quality of life) or (general health questionnaire)), or KW=((mcGill pain questionnaire) or (blood pressure) or (obesity or, obese or overweight)) or KW=((functional limitations profile) or (short, form 36 or SF36) or (euroqol or EQ5d))) or(KW=((facilitat* or enable*1, or enabling or barrier*1 or obstruct* or encourag* or prevent* or time or, free or disrupt* or relationship* or conflict) within 3 (household work or, house work or chores or hobbies or hobby or friends or family))), or(KW=(social activit* or social network* or social life or freetime or, free time)) or(KW=cholesterol) or(KW=(stress or burnout or depression or, depressed))) and(((KW=((flexible work*) or shiftwork* or (shift work*)), or DE=((flexible work*) or shiftwork* or (shift work*))) or(KW=((non, standard work*) or (nonstandard work*) or (flexible time)) or DE=((non, standard work*) or (nonstandard work*) or (flexible time))), or(KW=((flexible workplace) or (flexible work* condition*)) or, DE=((flexible workplace) or (flexible work* conditions) or (flexible, time))) or(KW=((flexible work* time*) or (flexi time*) or flexitime*) or, KW=((flex time*) or flextime* or flexitime*) or KW=((flexible work*, arrangement*) or (flexible work* hour*) or (work schedule tolerance))), or(KW=(("self schedule*") or selfschedule* or (unusual hour*)) or, KW=((study leave) or (parttime work*) or (part time work*)) or, KW=(weekend work*)) or(KW=(job* share*)) or(KW=((compress* work* hour*), or jobshar* or (stagger* hour*)) or KW=((annual* hour*) or (annualised, hour*) or (annualized hour*)) or KW=((compress* work* week*) or overtime, or (shift work*))) or(KW=(shiftwork* or (night work*) or nightwork*) or, KW=((parental leave) or (long term leave) or sabbatical) or, KW=(secondment or (home work*) or homework*)) or(KW=((work* from home) or, telework* or (irregular work* hours)) or KW=((irregular work*) or (phase, within 2 retire*) or (retirement scheme*)) or KW=((pension scheme*) or, (early retirement) or (maternity leave))) or(KW=((non standard* employ*, contract*) or (nonstandard* employ* contract*) or (freelance* work*)) or, KW=(freelance* or (freelance* work*) or freelance*)) or(KW=((workplace, flexibility) or (work place flexibility) or (flexible contract*)) or, KW=((flexible salary form*) or (working time directive*) or (zero hours)), or KW=(daywork* or (day work*) or piecework*)) or(KW=((piece work*) or, (adjust* hours) or (core hours)) or KW=((stagger* hours) or (time in, lieu) or (time bank*)) or KW=((flexi break*) or flexibreak*)), or(KW=((reduc* hours) or (job split*) or (on call)) or KW=(oncall or (as, needed hour*) or (casual hour*)) or KW=((weekday* swap*) or (week* day*, swap*) or (weekday* swap*))) or(KW=((shift self select*) or (shift, selfselect*) or (week* on week* off)) or KW=((term time work*) or, (termtime work*) or (buyable leave)) or KW=((flexi week*) or (flexi, year*) or (performance related pay))) or(KW=((performancerelated pay) or, (adoption leave) or (adoption leave scheme*)) or KW=((flexi* lunch hour*), or (paternity scheme*) or (parental leave scheme*)) or KW=((dependent*, leave) or (dependent* leave scheme*) or (special leave))) or(KW=((fixed, term contract*) or (fixedterm contract*) or (temp* employ* or temp*, contract*))) or(KW=((marginal employ*) or (contingent employ*) or, (atypical employ*)) or KW=((carer* leave) or (unpaid leave) or, (precarious work*)) or KW=((work life polic*) or (occasional flexibil*))), or(KW=(work within 2 life within 2 polic*)) or(KW=((reduc* within 2 hours), or (job*1 sharing))) or(KW=((compress* within 2 hours) or (annualized, within 2 hours) or (annualised within 2 hours))) or(KW=((day or night or, late or early or evening or core or stagger* or compress* or irregular), within 2 (work* or shift*1 or hours*))) or(KW=(sabbatical* or secondment*, or (career* within 3 break*)) or KW=((home working) or (work* within 2, home))) or(KW=((maternal leave) or (paternal leave) or (adapt* hours)) or, KW=(time banking)) or(KW=((work life or worklife) within 2 (balance*))), or(KW=(flexible within 2 contract*))) and((KW=(work or workplace or, employment)) or(KW=((company or companies) within 5 (work* or employ* or, job* or staff or personnel or business*))) or(KW=(factory or factories or, human resource* or Business*)) or(KW=("Small and medium enterprises" or, SMEs)) or(KW=(worker* or workplace* or worksite* or staff or personnel)), or(KW=(employee* or employer*)) or(KW=(work within 3 office*)), or(KW=(work place* or work site* or work location* or work setting*)), or(KW=((job* or employment) within 2 (place* or site* or location* or, #25 Topic=(followup or longitudinal or prospective* or cohort or evaluation or "before and, #21 Topic=(worker or personnel or employee or employer or work setting* or work, #20 Topic=(work or workplace or employment or compan* or business* or staff or job* or, #19 #18 OR #17 OR #16 OR #15 OR #14 OR #13 OR #12 OR #11 OR #10 OR #9 OR #8, #18 Topic=(reduc* hours or career break* or "working from home" or adapt* hours or time, #17 Topic=(atypical employ* or carer* leave or unpaid leave or precarious work* or work, #16 Topic=(fixed term contract* or temp* employ* or temp* contract* or marginal employ*, #15 Topic=(flexi week* or flexi year* or flexi day* or performance related pay or parental, leave scheme* or dependent* leave or special leave), #14 Topic=(shift self select* or shift selfselect* or "week* on week* off" or termtime, work* or term time work* or buyable leave), #13 Topic=(job split* or on call or oncall or oncall or "as needed hours" or casual hours or, #12 Topic=(day work or daywork or piecework* or piece work* or adjust* hours or core, hours or stagger* hours or tme in lieu or time bank* or flexi break* or flexibreak* or, #11 Topic=(work* flexibility or flexible contract* or flexible salary form* or working time, #10 Topic=(maternity leave or paternity leave or adoption leave or nonstandard employ*, #9 Topic=(home work* or homework* or work* from home or telework* or irregular, #8 Topic=(shiftwork* or shift work* or nightwork* or night work* or parental leave or, long term leave or sabbatical or secondment), #7 Topic=(jobshar* or job shar* or compress* work* hour* or stagger* hour* or annual*, hour* or compress* work* week or overtime), #6 Topic=(work schedule tolerance or selfschedul* or self schedul* or unusual hour* or, parttime work* or part time work* or weekend work*), #5 Topic=(flex* work* or flex* workplace or flex* work* condition* or flex* work* time*, #3 Topic=(illness or ill or sick* absence* or sick leave or gp or hospital appointment* or, medical consultation or doctor* appointment or days off or cholesterol or blood pressure, or obesity or obese or "social wellbeing" or social life or free time), #2 Topic=(wellbeing or wellbeing or depression or "quality of life" or job satisfaction or, empower* or decision latitude or "work life balance" or work family conflict* or, musculoskeletal disorder* or health or physical health or health risk* or "general health", #1 Topic=(morbidity or backpain or back pain or lbp or lumbago cardiovasular or heart, disease* or hypertension or mental health or psychological outcome* or anxiety or, 1. The authors examined the mental health outcome depression using a validated instrument (Diener 1999; Frey 2002; Perreira 2005; Veenhoven 1991) with a maximum followup period of 12 years. Santana V (Chairs). Trusted All degrees are conferred by regionally accredited, non-profit, mission aligned graduating universities. Takala EP, Hill EJ, About See all Flexible and Hard working Flexible and Hard Working; Without hard work, flexibility and discipline it is difficult to be a top professional. Warshaw AL, Flexible work refers to the time and place that work is conducted. Moreover, both reviews draw attention to the limitations of the existing evidence base and call for welldesigned intervention studies to address these deficits. 43 (obesity or obese or overweight).ti,ab. They also examined workers making the transition from working overtime at baseline to not working overtime at follow up and found that after adjusting for known confounders there was an increased risk of being a need for recovery case at follow up. Folkard S, house work or chores or hobbies or hobby or friends or family)).ti,ab. These effects attenuated at 36 months follow up. Brunner E, For a manager, flexible working hours can mean adjusting your working hours to be better aligned with your team, rather than you actually choosing the times that best suit your life. The primary outcome measures included physical health/ill health, mental health/ill health and general health/ill health indicators measured using validated instruments (some possible examples are listed in Table 1). The metaanalysis also revealed that managers and professionals were less affected by flexitime than general employees. Only 10 publications fulfilled our inclusion criteria in that they examined a flexible working intervention (as listed in Box 1), used a suitable study design with a followup period of at least six months, and reported on primary health outcomes using a validated instrument. Shift. With this in mind we used a number of different measures to capture data on the orientation and favourability of flexible working arrangements. The followup period was 12 months or less in five of the studies so it was not possible to examine the longer term effects on physical, mental and general health. Gill Stewart shares her thoughts with me on the benefits for organizations. Conversely, two studies reported on interventions where the motivation for the intervention aligned more with organisational or employer interests (Dooley 2000 (involuntary parttime contracts); Rodriguez 2002 (fixedterm contracts)). Griffin MA, The remaining four CBA studies evaluated a form of contractual flexibility: partial/gradual retirement (n = 2), involuntary parttime work (n = 1) and fixedterm contract (n = 1). None of the included studies reported the effects of flexible working interventions on health and wellbeing by different subgroups on the basis of socioeconomic status, job type, age or ethnicity. et al. TurnerStokes L, Citation follow up, handsearches and author/key expert contact generated an additional 29 publications which, when combined with the electronic searches, left 11,954 papers after duplicates were removed. Kerry Joyce, Roman Pabayo, [], and Cochrane Public Health Group. Making the right judgements; Many employers are likely to find themselves receiving more requests for flexible working over the coming . Employers. We conducted systematic searches using the following 12 electronic databases (host sites and search dates given in parentheses): the Cochrane Public Health Group Specialised Register (26 June 2009); the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2009, issue 2) (1 July 2009); MEDLINE (Ovid, 30 March 2009); EMBASE (Ovid, 1 May 2009); CINAHL (NHS Evidence Health Information Resources, 13 May 2009); PsycINFO (NHS Evidence Health Information Resources, 15 May 2009); Social Science Citation Index (Web of Science, 22 May 2009); ASSIA (CSA, 16 June 2009); IBSS (EBSCO, 19 June 2009); Sociological Abstracts (CSA, 16 June 2009); ABI/Inform (Proquest, 21 May 2009); Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating (EPPI) Centre; and Evidence Library of Reviews (22 June 2009). Your first step is to talk with your supervisor. Fifty-three-year-old Lisa Gauthier, the vice mayor of East Palo Alto, always wanted to go back to school, but could never afford it. The study by Calvo 2009 used data from the Health Retirement Study, a nationally representative survey conducted in the United States between 1992 and 2004. for the Cochrane Health Equity Field. Similarly, when comparing individuals working overtime with those who did not the odds of ill health effects were not significantly higher in the intervention group at follow up. Having previously looked at the benefits for employees at HSBCand Moneysupermarket Group,here I consider the benefits for business in embracing the change. Marmot M, Whitehead M. The psychosocial and health effects of workplace reorganisation. Shipley MJ, Thus, there is potential for the findings of this review to directly impact on policy development both within the UK and internationally (Bambra 2008c). The first flexible working concept was proposed by Jack Nilles, by defining the term "telecommuting" in the 1970s, when he was working remotely on a complex NASA communication system. We extracted data on sickness absence, health service usage and health/lifestyle behavioural effects when reported alongside the primary outcomes (for examples see Table 2). As a single mother of three children, it was difficult for Katie to dedicate the time needed to finish her bachelors degree. Excluded due to design, not an intervention study, retrospective data, Excluded due to design, not an intervention study, prospective cohort which compares different amounts of telework, Excluded as primary health outcomes are not measured using a validated instrument, Excluded as primary health outcomes are not measured using a validated instrument, Excluded, reports on planned research, RCT, no findings yet, Excluded due to design, follow up 3 months only, Excluded due to no health outcomes (job satisfaction, performance and productivity outcomes only), Exclude as no health outcomes (participative decisionmaking, role overload, role conflict, job strain). This study demonstrated the importance of work flexibility for well-being, using three flexibility indicators (working at home, taking time off, and changing one's schedule) and four well-being indicators (job stress, job satisfaction, healthy days, and days with activity limitations). Share feedback about Work With Flexibility, Contact Us 191 (worker$ or workplace$ or worksite$ or staff or personnel).ti,ab. Listening to faculty and staff and making their input a part of the process will lead to the best initial model. Occupational stress and incidence of sick leave in the Belgian workforce: the Belstress study, Flexible working and organisational change. Abstract Contemporary home-based work is generally either invisible or ignored, despite the fact that almost one in three members of the working population in the most rural areas in England now. Petticrew M, Akers J, Reference = no overtime at T1 or T2. Sleep quality (1 item); disturbed sleep index (DSI, 5 items); Awakening Index (AWI, 3 items) from the Karolinska Sleep Diary (, K. Nabe Nielsen, The National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lerso Parkall 105, DK2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. knn@nrcwe.dk. flexi-time which means choosing when to work. Possible measures of worklife balance included work related reduction/increase in time spent on domestic chores/social life/family or any kind of social/domestic disruption due to work. Hutter MM, In terms of general health outcomes, a significant decrease in tiredness during the night shift (from 53% to 44% in the intervention group) was demonstrated with a time x group interaction P = 0.02. The group with the lowest marital cohesion scores was the lowcontrol, abrupt retirement group. The authors also considered the interaction between retirement pathway and degree of control and found that the following interaction terms were significant: change in positive affect at 36 months (Beta coefficient 0.38, P < 0.05) and change in negative affect at 12 months (Beta coefficient 0.38, P < 0.05). Petticrew M. Tackling the wider social determinants of health and health inequalities: evidence from systematic reviews, Priority health conditions. Totterdell P. MRC/ESRC Social and Applied Psychology Unit, The University of Sheffield. The main review objective was to evaluate the effects (benefits and harms) of flexible working interventions on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of employees working in formal labour. Organisational outcomes including productivity, performance, job satisfaction and satisfaction with work schedule have been considered in an earlier metaanalysis by Baltes 1999. 2. Due to the small number of studies retrieved in our review and the absence of outcome reporting by occupational grade we are unable to provide data to support or oppose these hypotheses. Hvid H, Katoh T. Burnout and work environments of public health nurses involved in mental health care. Shulkin S, random samples, adequately justified purposive sampling, or 100% samples), 2. Smith L, A study by Dooley 2000 considered the effects of involuntary parttime employment on psychological functioning as measured using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD).

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flexible working scholar