why did god choose israel deuteronomy

This theme of his passionate love for his people is repeated throughout the whole Bible sometimes with conditions such as following the law, and sometimes in spite of their breaking all the conditions. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. This promise was repeated to Abrahams son, Isaac, and to Abrahams grandson, Jacob (Genesis 17:21; 26:24; 28:1-4, 13). 00:00:00 00:30:17. This will help you believe that God chose you for a purpose. We see this strategy insidiously contaminating many areas of life we must be the same we must have the same we must look the same. In order to show his love for the Israelites, God chose them (see Deuteronomy 7:6-8; Deuteronomy 10:15; and Deuteronomy 14:2), set them free from their servitude in Egypt, and made himself known to them at Mount Sinai (see Deuteronomy 19:1-2). So often when you think of Israel you think in terms of a nation of people, which is what they are now, but that is not what they always were. The king did in fact . In this episode, the group talks about why God chose Israel to be His chosen people and why anyone who bows their knee and accepts Jesus as Lord will be saved. The significance of Gods work with Abraham and his descendants was clearly respected by the first-century Church of God. Replacement Theology: Has the Church Replaced Israel? If they decided to forsake Gods laws and walk in disobedience, which they often did, they would forfeit many of the blessings and privileges that God offered them. A good example of Gods acceptance of non-Israelites in the Old Testamentis found in the life of Ruth. He says, "Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" ( Exodus 19:5-6 Exodus 19:5-6 Loading. 8 Memorable Ideas for Bonding with Family on Thanksgiving, 10 Prayers to Turn Your Heart Towards Thankfulness This Season, Dealing with Eating Disorders During the Holiday Season, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2022, Crosswalk.com. Notice what John says: After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. God also put a time boundary on the conquest (Deuteronomy 7:22). Jesus had to come from some nation of people, and God chose Israel. If you are new to the faith or even if you arent, you might wonder why did God choose Israel to be his chosen people? Moses is preaching one of his final sermons to the people of Israel before they enter into the promised land. Jesus Christ is the ultimate reason why God chose Israel to be His special people. God loves all people and He is now working spiritually with individuals from all nations (1 Timothy 2:4; Galatians 3:28-29). By doing this they would be Gods representatives in the earth. As for observing the Passover(one of Gods commanded observances in both the Old and New Testaments), God said, And when a stranger dwells with you and wants to keep the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as a native of the land. Genesis 13:14-15. Community answers are sorted based on votes. This is a mistake. . In Deuteronomy 7:7 -9 Moses tells the children of Israel why God chose them: "The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. God choose Israel because He wanted to make from Israel a nation of people who will praise Him. It is to be a place "which the Lord your God shall choose to cause his name to dwell there" (12:11). One of the reasons why God chose Israel to be his chosen people is because he needed someone to uphold his standards in the earth. Through the gospel humans are cleansed from sin and regain their purpose. to be a special people unto himself, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are so bent on exalting God the Father that they rejoice when he exerts his wisdom and power and grace to choose a people for himself in a way that will confound all the man-centered expectations of the world. As people from different nations became part of the Church founded by Jesus and His apostles, they came to realize that they were to be one unified body in Christ. God lovingly chose Israel and declared to keep that covenant regardless of their sin. Jesus had to come from some nation of people, and God chose Israel. Yet Gods chosen people disobeyed His commandments and profaned His weekly Sabbath and annual Sabbaths (2 Kings 17:13-18; Ezekiel 20:12-13). Ultimately the cross of calvary and Jesus dying on it is why, and it is because of that same cross, why God chose you to be his special possession. God will give Israel blessings of the land, fertility, and prosperity so long as Israel is faithful to God's teaching; disobedience will lead to curses and punishment. In several cases Moses interceded on Israel's behalf so the LORD would not destroy them. We can learn by observing the twists and turns of the love story between God and Israel what kind of character it is that we are following. At that time you were separate from Messiah, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. As already noted, through Abrahams descendants would come the Messiah, the One through whom all the families of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession. The animal sacrifices have been replaced by the sacrifice of Jesus, but the laws of God remain for Christians today. Rejoice! There are many statements in the Bible emphasizing that God has chosen Israel out of all of the nations of the earthwhich sounds rather exclusive. "Tolerant" and "respectful"? "Why did God choose Israel to be His chosen people?"Answer: Speaking of the nation of Israel, Deuteronomy 7:7-9 tells us, "The LORD did not set His affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. The land of Canaan was given to the people of Israel under the condition of obedience to God's law. Why did God choose Israel to be His chosen people? I think there are many places where they call him God. So why did God choose Israel? God put firm boundaries on the extent of the conquest, and several of the tribes in the region were not to be harmed at all (Deuteronomy 2). Later, God added: You shall neither mistreat a stranger nor oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt (Exodus 22:21). However, God's reason for choosing the nation of Israel was not solely for the purpose of producing the Messiah. 2022 One For Israel is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Israel. Article Images Copyright . We can see his compassionate love and mercy, as well as his jealousy and wrath when he is rejected for other lovers. The Gadites would later be described as, "brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. However, Israel's sinful motives and impatience were not outside of God's sovereign control. But you, Israel, are My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham My friend, said God (Isaiah 41:8). The events that occurred in the lives of the ancient Israelites served as enduring examples of the blessings we can receive for obeying Gods lawand the penalties that come for disobeying. Why GOD Chose ISRAEL Isaiah 43:21 . Yet the tribes of Israel are still there right to the end of Revelation, just as God promised that they always would be (Romans 9-11, Jeremiah 31:35-36). King James Version. You must follow me.(John 21:21-22). He has done this for no other nation.. Why do these points matter? Because God had specifically chosen and worked with their ancestors and now was continuing to do so, they understood themselves as being part of the commonwealth of Israel, which gave them access to Gods covenants of promise (Ephesians 2:12). All rights reserved. God redeemed the monarchy and brought it into His covenant, seen in the promised Davidic covenant (2 Samuel 7:8-16). Why did He choose us?'. Like Israel, we were once not a people, but now we are the people of God. He will not give up on Israel, he will not renege on his promises (despite Israels unfaithfulness), and if he says he will do something, he will do it. But some of his commandments seem pretty strange, especially to modern Westerners. God blessed Abraham and his descendants because of Abrahams faith, a living faith that resulted in diligent obedience to Gods instructions and law (Genesis 26:3-5). Consider that important phrase, "kingdom of priests." And how are we supposed align ourselves with this way of thinking? Deuteronomy 7:7-9 Keep Reading ). The Jewish people are trustees, guardians and messengers of these gifts to the world. Deuteronomy 33:16 provides the key to the answer. While God chose to work with the ancient nation of Israel, this decision did not exclude people of other nations (gentiles) from coming to understand God and serve Him. Thus says the Lord, "The people who survived the sword. When the Holy Spiritwas granted to Jesus followers and the New Testament Church was established on the Day of Pentecost, the people in this beginning congregation were initially Jews (Acts 2:5), descendants of Judah, one of the 12 tribes that comprised ancient Israel. Prophecies hidden in the Feast of Tabernacles, The end times Prophecy found in YOM KIPPUR. This is what God said to THEM; Deuteronomy 7:6For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee t. Galatians 3:7-9 shows us how we are to interpret God's promise to Abraham: However, a cursory glance backwards through history shows how time and time again, while the people of Israel may be the object of Gods undying affection, they are also targeted for special hatred the unquenchable, Satanic drive to annihilate them continues throughout the generations. Moses is one example of intercessory prayer in the OT as other prophets were. It was not because she was more numerous than other people in the world; she was the least (Deuteronomy 7:7). Why Did God Choose Israel to Be His Chosen People? Jesus had to come from some nation of people, and God chose Israel. God wanted Israel to be a model nation, a group of people through whom other peoples could learn vitally important lessons. Posted on October 3, 2018 by Sabbath School Lesson. God chose the ancient Israelites because He had promised Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation and occupy the land of Canaan (Genesis 12:3, 7; 17:4, 7-8; 22:17). He and his wife, Teddi, have two grown children and seven grandchildren. Through a miraculous granting of the Holy Spirit to a gentile named Cornelius and his household, just as God had previously done for Jews on the Day of Pentecost, Peter and the members of the New Testament Churchcame to understand that God was now also calling people from different ethnic backgrounds. In this study we will look at Israel, God's chosen people, and why he chose them. So they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried out to the LORD. What he has said he will do. For no uncircumcised person shall eat it (Exodus 12:48). If you fast forward to the book of Revelation, there is a scene where John sees people gathered around the throne. The LORD did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. We often think of Gods choice of Israel as an honour and privilege, but it also carries a heavy responsibility. But it was because the LORD loved you and kept the oath he swore to your ancestors that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. (Deuteronomy 7:6-8). All rights reserved. The scriptures show very clearly that God of all nations chose Israel as the nation he would work with. Main points. The coming of Jesus fulfilled a major promise that God made to Abraham that everyone on this planet who is living, who will live, or who has ever lived can benefit from. I want to take a moment just to make a parallel between the promise God made to Israel and the promise God makes to you and me as believers. God looked down from heaven and saw Abraham's willing heart. Indeed, looking through the lens of his dealings with Israel is like a key that unlocks the scriptures. The nation itself is approximately the size of New Jersey, yet this nation has played and will continue to play an important role in the history of the world. There are many laws unique to Deuteronomy, such as the prohibition of sacrifice outside "the place which the Lord your God will choose" (Deuteronomy 12:5) and having a . Its hard not to compare, but the Body of Messiah depends upon each one embracing their unique calling, giftings, privileges and responsibilities, and celebrating those of others (1 Corinthians 12). 6 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee . The Israelites are distinctive and special in every circumstance of their history and their common religious faith, as well as in every element of their national character, and even in their physiognomy and their manners and customs. While there were nations that committed national sin and disobedience . Our identity in the flesh does not give us preferential treatment or diminish our status before God. There are NO scriptures that said He chose ANY other nation of people. Although the ultimate fulfillment of God's blessing would come through the Messiah's life, death and resurrection, God purposed to use Israel in the . And the people of Israel went up out of the land of Egypt equipped for battle. I have formed you, you are My servant, O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me. moving from there into the time of jesus there is the ideal confluence of cultures that facilitates the early propagation of the gospels in the manner that we presume was ideal for god's plan- israel is a religious state being ruled by the romans who are the greatest administrators in history and who have subsumed the culture of the greeks who More than one Jewish person has verbally wished that the choice had landed on another people group instead. Though a Moabite by birth (Ruth 1:1-4), she came to respect and follow God. But He still has a special purpose for the descendants of Israel in the future. Do you want to go deeper in your walk with the Lord but cant seem to overcome the stuff that keeps getting in the way? In Jesus, we see the fulfillment of this promise in Genesis, and we understand the result of this promise in Revelation. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! The fact that we can be different but equally precious is a truth that the enemy is trying to hide. While it is indeed a great privilege and honor, it is also a great responsibility to belong to the King and to be His ambassadors. God chose Israel really for the same sort of reason that he chooses his people today: because Israel was weak and sinful. God later confirmed that the Messiah would come from the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Genesis 12:1-3). The term itself might make it seem as if God surveyed all the nations of the earth and said, that is the one I will choose. All rights reserved. Israel is our concrete proof of this truth, and will continue to testify to the certainty of Gods word by being a living example of it. God did not have to have a "chosen people," but He decided to do it that way. I think it is safe to say this is an example of all the people on earth being blessed through the seed of Abraham. Why God Chose to Bless Israel The Bible tells us that His choice of Israel had nothing to do with merit. From this promise you see that God did not choose a nation, he chose a man and built a nation from this man. This was the nation that God delivered out of slavery in Egypt, the nation to whom God gave the land of Canaan, and the nation through whom would come Jesus, the Messiah. (Qur'an 2:79) There is absolutely no doubt that both Torah and Bible have been brutally altered. He chose Abraham, built a nation out of him, which bridges the gap to Jesus. I pray these reasons I share with you will help you understand this a little better. An important point to note is that God intended for Israel to servebe a servantto God and to be a blessing to other nations.An important point to note is that God intended for Israel to servebe a servantto God and to be a blessing to other nations. The Scriptures are quite clear that among all the nations in the world, God chose Israel as the one He would work with. What Does Give Thanks to the Lord Actually Mean? Moses reminded the Israelites of this important concept prior to their entering Canaan. God's choice of Israel was expansive, not exclusive. How are we to align ourselves with this passion of Gods heart, when it seems contrary to our sense of justice and fair play? For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. There are at least two answers as to why God chose Israel: 1. We just have to consider the flora and fauna around us to see how God takes great delight in variety working in harmony together, and then compare that with Communist apartment blocks that drown out any hint of individuality with a monotonous, monochrome drone. It is easy to see the unique role that God had for Israel in the past, bringing us the Scriptures and the Messiah, the story of God but we have the amazing privilege today of seeing Gods faithfulness in action as we see his. What does it mean to live is Christ (Philippians 1:21)? Just as a judge might make an example out of a criminal, Israel serves as an example and a lesson to the world. God told them that he would drive the people out slowly over time. He has served in the pastoral ministry for over 40 years, pastoring congregations across six states. His anger and fury is aroused if they are hurt, and their unfaithfulness pains him like no other. He bestows great honour upon him but also gives him a heads-up about his painful end. The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, "Look around from. 'I lay prostrate'. Found grace in the wilderness. Am I Bugging God When I Continue to Pray about the Same Thing? However, the wider context shows that from the beginning God planned to use Israel as a light and a blessing to all of the nations of the . He will not give up on Israel, he will not renege on his promises (despite Israels unfaithfulness), and if he says he will do something, he will do it. The book of Deuteronomy is a series of 12 speeches that Moses gave just before his death at the end of Israel's wilderness journey. That reason is because from Abrahams lineage we get to the Messiah, Jesus. Paul writes to the Galatians that there is no longer Jew nor Greek (3:28), but then he also says there is no male nor female, so we understand that he does not mean those identities vanish when we come to faith, but rather that we are all equally valuable in Gods sight. Why would God choose the Jews? A deepening trust in Gods sovereign plan and his perfect goodness to us can help us accept the differences we see to steward our privileges well and generously, and to humbly accept the difficulties we experience that others seem to escape from Scott-free. Non-Denom In Relationship Question: "Why did God choose Israel to be His chosen people?" Answer: Speaking of the nation of Israel, Deuteronomy 7:7-9 tells us, "The LORD did not set His affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. One of Gods purposes for Israel was that they would be a people who would obey him and keep his covenants. All rights reserved. This really is the crux of why God chose Israel to be his chosen people. He didnt just have one nation in mind, he had all the nations of the world in mind. 7: 7The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people: 8 But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers,.. Posted on September 8, 2022 by Rod Reynolds According to Scripture, God chose the people of Israel, that is, the people descended from the patriarch Israel, as his chosen people. Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments " ( Deuteronomy 7:6-9 ). God calls Israel to a higher standard, precisely because of his unique revelation and choice of them. Sign up to receive the week's latest articles, blog posts andupdates. Israel would be a model of Gods way of living to the nations around them. In essence, God chose to reveal His very self through the nation of Israel! And also this fulfills Deuteronomy 79, where Jesus says, therefore, know that the Lord your God, he is God, the faithful God who keeps Covenant and mercy for one0 generations with those who love him and keep his Commandments. Why Did God Choose David To Be The King Of Israel. Print subscriptions available in U.S., Canada and Europe. The people of Israel had a special and privileged relationship with God. Faith of Israel, 2d ed. Deuteronomy 10:8 At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister unto him, and . the way i understand it from reading scripture.the lord established israel as he wanted it to be.the jewish people were in place before they had thier promised land.the lord gave the land to abraham,before they ever stepped foot on it.it was preordained,and the lord renamed jacob,israel,his 12 sons being the fathers of the 12 tribes.some of the California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. That is not exactly how it happened but the fact that they are referred to as Gods chosen people forces you to ask the question why did God choose Israel to be his chosen people? 21 This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. Episode 7 28th September 2022 Where We Begin Lighten Group. He states that he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel, and Paul says the gospel should go first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. "O seed of Abraham His servant, You children of Jacob, His chosen ones" ( Psalms 105:6 ). Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him? (Deuteronomy 4:5-7). Deut. He loves each one passionately, but he has different plans and a different relationship with each of us. Moses is explaining the law to the people so that they will have success and enjoy the blessings of the promised land. I suppose for the same reason He chose Israel.To them He said, "The LORD did not set His heart on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! Deuteronomy begins with many chapters in which Moses is portrayed as delivering a historical retrospective and extended exhortations to the people about to cross over the Jordan River into the land of Israel. Both Jew and Gentile alike have been known to puzzle at this apparent favouritism. Then Moses went up to God,and theLordcalledto him from the mountain and said, This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel:You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles wings and brought you to myself. All those who have come to love the God of Israel and have been forgiven by Yeshua the Messiah have been brought into the commonwealth of Israel to share in Gods riches, and have been grafted into the chosen people. Indeed, contrary to Gods revealed heart forevery nation, and his declared lack of favouritism? I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you;I will make your name great,and you will be a blessing. Moses is delivering his farewell address, a soliloquy urging Israel to follow God and his commandments. Clearly, we remain either male or female, and our gender is part of who God created us to be these differences are roles, and functions in Gods created order which we can either respect or ignore. We see Gods distinct choice of Israel right to the end of Revelation, because his calling and gifts are irrevocable (Romans 11:28-29). Israel produced leaders, kings, priests, prophets, and missionaries to the entire known world. God warns Israel, You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins. (Amos 3:1-2). The Israelites were Gods chosen people because they represent Gods faithfulness to Abraham and that he keeps his word. We all have equal standing before God and free access to the Father through his son, Yeshua. God desired His people to serve Him from their heart and that they would always be blessed. If you have put your trust in Christ as savior, then you are now Gods special possession. God gave His laws and Sabbaths to be a benefit to all people (Deuteronomy 10:13; Mark 2:27). Being happy seems to be a bit of a holy grail in, Dr. Erez Soref dives into the modern and ancient traditions of the, Yom Kippur is one of the holiest days in Judaism, even secular. The history of Israel is a sad story of continuous sin. Was there something special about these people unlike others? It was not because Israel was more sensitive to God than other nations. "it was not because you were more in number than any other people that the lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but it is because the lord loves you and is keeping the oath that he swore to your fathers, that the lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from This was Israel's main purpose right from the start. How Should a Christian Deal With the Coronavirus Pandemic? Because Israel was weak/going to be weak, in and of itself; 2. A commentary on the fifth speech of Moses in Deuteronomy 16-21. So why did God choose Israel? First, He loved them; and second for keeping His oath. How Can You Be Happy on Command? The very idea that God could choose the people of Israel over all the others offends sensibilities and can be hard to swallow. Jesus Christ is the ultimate reason why God chose Israel to be His special people. This blessing is meant to be a channel of blessing to all nations (Genesis 12:2). But I'll give it a shot. God did not need to have a chosen people, but He decided to do it that way. The final point to answer the question of why did God choose Israel, and without a doubt the most important purpose for the nation of Israel, is that God was setting up the lineage for which Jesus would come through. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. Its a beautiful thing to forego a demanding attitude that insists on exactly the same treatment for all, and is ready instead to draw alongside our Father God to join him and and share his heart for his people. Answer (1 of 2): The Israelites are the ONLY people that God have chosen as His own people. Deuteronomy 7:6-7 .

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why did god choose israel deuteronomy